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  1. St. SteVen

    The Biblical Truth About Hell - video and transcript

    Here's a video about The Biblical Truth About Hell Transcript below. This comes from the view of Annihilationism, which challenges the forever burning hell doctrine of eternal conscious torment. My personal view is that of Ultimate Redemption of all humankind. But this video makes a lot of...
  2. Behold

    Denying the Cross: How to do it

    - Bible Rejectors, Heretics, and the deceived blaspheme the power of the Cleansing BLOOD of Jesus , by teaching that only past sins are forgiven by the Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross. Paul teaches, that the Cross Of Christ is = "THE "ETERNAL Sacrifice for sin"" that is the finished work...
  3. Patrick1966

    Why was "Gehenna" changed to "Hell"?

    Gehenna is an actual place in or by Jerusalem, right? So why was the proper name abandoned and replaced with "Hell"? Or am I misunderstanding - again?