Bible Rejectors, Heretics, and the deceived blaspheme the power of the Cleansing BLOOD of Jesus , by teaching that only past sins are forgiven by the Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross.
Paul teaches, that the Cross Of Christ is = "THE "ETERNAL Sacrifice for sin"" that is the finished work of Jesus on The Cross..
How do you know its Eternal ?
How do you know the BLOOD ATONEMENT, the NEW COVENANT, written in the Blood of Jesus is "ETERNAL"?, and not just temporary, or "past only" sins are forgiven?
1.) Well, one of the ways you know is that when The Blood Of Jesus has washed away your sin, you have ETERNAL LIFE< and eternal life is not Temporary.
So, the "Power of the Blood of Jesus"..>Its FRUIT, is "ETERNAL LIFE", that is now the Born again Believer's, spiritual domain.
2.) Because the Cross of Cross is 2000 yrs ago, and its still paying for sin TODAY, for as Long as God lives to keep offering ""the Gift of Salvation""" as "the Gift of RIGHTEOUSNESS".
There is a "damned" Galatians 1:8 cult teaching that says...>>>"only the sins that you committed before you are born again, are forgiven"
And that denies the Lord's "ETERNAL Sacrifice for Sin"""
So, the Self Righteous, play this game......Reader..
= "As long as i remember all my sin to confess, God will keep saving me over and over, and forgive me over and over".
So that is now the person up on the Cross..Confessing to try to stay saved....., and Jesus is ripped off the nails by their Self Righteousness.
A.) (Self Saving). = Christ denying.
The Born Again, who understand the "" ONE TIME...ETERAL Sacrifice of Christ "" as """God hath made Jesus to be SIN for us" ...know that Jesus has their sin, and They have become a "new creation in Christ' ....."Made Righteous." and are "one with God" "In Christ", and there is no sin found there.
AS...."::Being Now = made free from sin"::, is the eternal fruit of Jesus's Sacrifice on the Cross. Paul teaches.
See that 'NOW". ????? "NOW being made free from sin"?
That means = right NOW.... and for always.. "being made free"..."from sin".
That is the Power of the Blood Atonement.
Bible Rejectors, Heretics, and the deceived blaspheme the power of the Cleansing BLOOD of Jesus , by teaching that only past sins are forgiven by the Sacrifice of Christ on the Cross.
Paul teaches, that the Cross Of Christ is = "THE "ETERNAL Sacrifice for sin"" that is the finished work of Jesus on The Cross..
How do you know its Eternal ?
How do you know the BLOOD ATONEMENT, the NEW COVENANT, written in the Blood of Jesus is "ETERNAL"?, and not just temporary, or "past only" sins are forgiven?
1.) Well, one of the ways you know is that when The Blood Of Jesus has washed away your sin, you have ETERNAL LIFE< and eternal life is not Temporary.
So, the "Power of the Blood of Jesus"..>Its FRUIT, is "ETERNAL LIFE", that is now the Born again Believer's, spiritual domain.
2.) Because the Cross of Cross is 2000 yrs ago, and its still paying for sin TODAY, for as Long as God lives to keep offering ""the Gift of Salvation""" as "the Gift of RIGHTEOUSNESS".
There is a "damned" Galatians 1:8 cult teaching that says...>>>"only the sins that you committed before you are born again, are forgiven"
And that denies the Lord's "ETERNAL Sacrifice for Sin"""
So, the Self Righteous, play this game......Reader..
= "As long as i remember all my sin to confess, God will keep saving me over and over, and forgive me over and over".
So that is now the person up on the Cross..Confessing to try to stay saved....., and Jesus is ripped off the nails by their Self Righteousness.
A.) (Self Saving). = Christ denying.
The Born Again, who understand the "" ONE TIME...ETERAL Sacrifice of Christ "" as """God hath made Jesus to be SIN for us" ...know that Jesus has their sin, and They have become a "new creation in Christ' ....."Made Righteous." and are "one with God" "In Christ", and there is no sin found there.
AS...."::Being Now = made free from sin"::, is the eternal fruit of Jesus's Sacrifice on the Cross. Paul teaches.
See that 'NOW". ????? "NOW being made free from sin"?
That means = right NOW.... and for always.. "being made free"..."from sin".
That is the Power of the Blood Atonement.
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