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  1. G

    Nothing is so important, as that you learn not to resist God's Will (stiff-necked?)

    Hi there, So I had a personal revelation, that I wanted to share. The idea is simple: God's Will is first. How ever you identify, whatever you think you are, you can remain as you were, if you submit to the Will of God. You were not in times past against God, you did not do evil, in principle...
  2. G

    Please pray for the lovers of God

    Hi there, So I was going to request a different kind of prayer, but the Lord sort of lead me to be a little more selfless. Hence the prayer request for the lovers of God (of which there is at least one). I'm not praying that they all have passion at once, or the strength to hold out for a long...
  3. G

    Nothing proves there is a God, only that certain things that are among things here are *for* God (peace?)

    Hi there, So basically the best you can prove, is that the overwhelming set of things that know God, are for God. God's proof is a converted life. We don't need to do more than that (believe in God). The Devil will object, that we don't know God like we should or that we are not enough "for"...
  4. G

    Please ask for a dream, about someone who I (Gottservant) can share the Gospel with (the Holy Spirit?)

    Hi there, I have asked for this in the past and it wasn't really successful - I think because people didn't really understand how their dreams could help share the Gospel. What I am asking is: "Have a dream, that will be relevant to someone I meet"? I am happy to reciprocate the favor, just let...
  5. G

    God will never complete you, before He converts you (selah?)

    Hi there, So I have this simple thought for your edification In essence, God will always put the will of His Son (Jesus Christ) before the will of the Holy Spirit. This is because to be completed means that you need a foundation, and the only way to develop a foundation, is to be converted by...
  6. G

    What are people at the end of time like? (you?)

    Hi there, So Jesus talks about "men's hearts failing them, for fear of the things to come" (Gospels, from memory). I hazard that this can be interpreted a step further: at the end of time, men will have lots of problems. By problems I mean mental instability, ill health, doubts...
  7. G

    The anti-christ has a name (whose number is 616), but will he answer to it?

    Hi there, So what the anti-christ will do, he will do steadily. This is the approach to the end. The question is, if the anti-christ has a name, will he answer to it? I have stated elsewhere that the anti-christ rejects birth (and so can't be born again), but the Lord promised that He would...
  8. G

    Technique for responding to God's Grace (dealing with madness)

    Hi there, So I just developed a technique, which can put you in touch with God's Grace. For background, I have both ascertained that laughing at your cure can bring you closer to being well and that allowing God to share your struggle - within you - can ease the suffering of dealing with mental...
  9. G

    I'm slowly losing my mind to the medication I am on; no memory of past decades, no real concept of last week - pray?

    Hi there, This will require a concerted effort on the behalf of the faith. I am losing my life to medication. Names of people, orders of memories, place and time of details of memories. All of it crushed. No feeling. No great highs or lows. I don't even know how to answer my psychiatrist, as...
  10. G

    I'm sorry I hated you (Church), the cares of this life choked me (forgiving?)

    Hi there, So I will keep it brief, so as not to weary you: my family went through a very trying time, all sorts of things, financially also and I began to rebel against the faith. I didn't know how to keep myself clean and fed my soul with anti-Christian music. It reached the point where I...
  11. G

    The Devil has many religions, the Lord has a relationship (relating?)

    Hi there, So I just want to call out "false religion". False religion, is a work of the Devil - as such, it is to be resisted. False religion is not something you should entertain by degrees - the Devil will snare you in false religion, whether you are a novice or an expert. As scripture says...
  12. G

    I'm trying to squeeze my brain dry, of schizophrenia - but it doesn't seem to work (wise?)

    Hi there, So it doesn't seem to matter how I settle, how I find rest, I always seem to have schizophrenia. I think part of the problem, is that I am trying to purge myself, when really I should be coming under the Lord's yoke - whether I have a little schizophrenia or a lot. Can you see this? I...
  13. G

    Fallen away from the faith, and miss it? Nothing is stopping you from praising God for the beginning of your faith once again (commitment?)

    Hi there, So you had it, you chose to believe and you threw everything in; it was easy, it was light and you loved it. Then trials and tribulations came along and you started to doubt. Doubt turned to complacency (a lesser evil) and complacency to a deadness in your spirit. Then you quit. It...
  14. G

    If I am "commanded" to love you (brother/sister), what is it you think my love is commanded to be? (dreaming?)

    Hi there, So I guess this falls under the category of "ask and you shall receive", and since I don't know what I am going to receive, it is also a matter of faith. The essential point is that I understand what it means to love someone, but when it comes to loving the brethren I have never asked...
  15. G

    In the beginning, nothing broke the Law, that's the beginning (selah)

    Hi there, So a very simple concept for you to get your head around: in the beginning, nothing broke the Law, that's the beginning (selah). What does this mean? It means that God was determined that nothing break the Law, and nothing broke the Law. If nothing breaks the Law, then it is perfect...
  16. G

    I was faced with returning to the world, or going and serving Jesus and I returned to the world (lost?)

    Hi there, So this is the problem: I was faced with returning to the world, or going and serving Jesus and I returned to the world. Now, I am aware of a couple of scriptures here: one, Jesus said to the man who had legion "go back to your home town and tell them what God has done for you and how...
  17. G

    Now you have two forms of knowledge: that you know and that Christ knows you (torn?)

    Hi there, So there is a dynamic in the life of Earth dwellers that wasn't there before: concerning knowledge. Originally, the knowledge of good and evil, was knowledge of the one - destroyed by sin, but always being knowledge of the one. Then Christ lay His Life down, destroyed by sin, but...
  18. G

    What God says to the world, will be taken up and only heard in Heaven (ready to leave?)

    Hi there, So it is apparent that there is a parallel to the Rapture. The Rapture happens on Earth. The Two Witnesses go to Heaven. So it is with the faith. When we die, what we know about God does not remain on Earth. Rather what we know about God becomes Heavenly and we ourselves go to Heaven...
  19. G

    It's OK to be stupid, as long as being stupid doesn't put you in the way of the Devil (unaided).

    Hi there, So yes, I have come to the conclusion that I have been tempted to be so smart it is "sin". I have approached being smart from all kinds of angles, been too verbose and have complicated what I mean. All this I have done, in order to be assiduous in my own estimation. The problem is I...
  20. G

    The Holy Spirit triumphs over the anti-christ - the secret of Revelation revealed (ready?)

    Hi there, So I have been following the unveiling of events as prophesied in Revelation as close as I have been able (it was the first book I read, once I had confessed my sins to God) and I finally have an interpretation that fits - specifically the world's response to guilt, in fear of the...