(4) Now That I Believe - Why should I serve...

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GRACE ambassador

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2021
United States
continued from (3) Now That I Believe...
Why should I serve The LORD now that I believe?

1. If I am Saved And Eternally Secure, can’t I live as I please?

Yes, but as you grow in an understanding of All That God Has Done For you
In Christ, the way you want to live will change. When The Lord Jesus Healed
a blind man, He Told the man: “go thy way,” but instead we read that he
“followed Jesus In The Way” (Mark_10:52).

This is because once he realized What The Lord Had Done For him, The Lord’s
Way became his way. The same is true of us. Of course, the realization of All
That The Lord Has Done For us Is Revealed To us gradually as we study The
Scriptures. But The More we learn of it, the more we will want to forsake our
old ways and follow His Ways.

2. I don’t want to presume on The GRACE Of God.

Speaking of the sins of the flesh (Ephesians_5:1-5), Paul says: “because of
these things cometh The Wrath Of God Upon the children of disobedience. Be
not ye therefore partakers with them” (v. 6,7). Someday The Wrath Of God is
going to come on unbelievers because of their sin. Just because you are Safe
from the wrath of hell as a Saved And Secure child of God, don’t presume on
God’s GRACE and continue to partake of sin with unbelievers.

Washington D.C. is full of foreign ambassadors who enjoy “diplomatic immunity”
to our laws; they cannot be prosecuted by our courts for violating them. Yet
when a speeding diplomat caused the death of a little girl some years ago,
our citizenry was rightly outraged. How could he flagrantly violate our
laws just because he was immune to the prosecution of our courts?

As Christians, we should feel the same outrage at the thought of sinning against
The God Who Saved us just because we can no longer Be Prosecuted By God’s
Justice. We should rather refuse to callously indulge in the very sins for which
Christ Died, and think long and hard about our answer to God’s question:

“Will ye steal, murder, and commit adultery, and swear falsely...
and come and stand before Me...and say, We are delivered to do
all these abominations?” (Jeremiah_7:9,10).​

3. I want to serve The Lord out of gratitude for Saving me.

We don’t serve The Lord to try to convince Him to Save us from our sins, we serve
The Lord because He Has Already Saved us from our sins. Paul says that “The Love
Of Christ Constrains us” to serve Him, out of gratitude for Saving us By GRACE
Through faith (II Corinthians 5:14).

He adds that since “He Died for all...they which live should not henceforth live unto
themselves, but unto Him Which Died For them, and Rose again” (v. 15). It is only
“reasonable” that we live for The One Who Died For us, and present our bodies a
“living sacrifice” in the service of the One who Presented His Body A Dying Sacrifice
For us on Calvary (Romans_12:1,2).
(R Kurth)

Berean Searchlight FULL Article:
Now That I Believe (Part 1)
Now That I Believe (Part 2)
Now That I Believe (Part 3)

Now That I Believe.png

GRACE And Peace
Index "Now That I Believe":

(1) Introduction

(2) What Did I Believe
(3) What Happened When I Believed
(4) Why Should I Serve The LORD
(5a) How Should I Serve The LORD (5b)
(6a) How Should I Deal With sin (6b)
(7) How Should I Deal With Adversity
(8) What Is my Future / Conclusion
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