(5b) Now That I Believe - Serving The LORD...

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GRACE ambassador

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2021
United States
continued from (5a) Now That I Believe...
How should I serve The LORD now that I believe?

3. Begin attending church.

“Upon the first day of the week” (I Corinthians 16:2), Christians should be in church,
“not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together” (Hebrews_10:25). While we are
already members of The One True Church, the Body Of Christ, Paul wrote most of his
epistles to local churches (I Corinthians 1:2; II Corinthians 1:1; I Thessalonians 1:1;
II Thessalonians 1:1) and talks about the local church over and over again
(Romans_16:1,23; I Corinthians 11:18; Philippians_4:15).

The local church is where the Scriptures are read (Colossians_4:16) and taught
(I Corinthians 4:17), and spiritual men are ordained (Acts_14:23) to feed God’s
Word to His people (Acts_20:28).

It is where spiritual leaders care for the spiritual needs of God’s people
(I Timothy 3:5), who in turn support God’s work in their area by giving
of their finances (I Corinthians 16:1,2). It is the place where God’s people
“show the Lord’s death till He come” by observing a communion service
(I Corinthians 11:23-26).

When the Apostle Thomas stayed home from church, he missed the Lord’s
First Appearance To His apostles after His Death and Burial (John_20:24),
and so doubted that He Had Risen (v. 25). If at all possible, choose a church
that preaches The Gospel Of Salvation, and teaches God’s Word rightly divided.

4. Begin to pray.

While the Bible forbids the repeating of memorized prayers (Matthew_6:7),
we are often encouraged to simply talk with God in prayer as our Lord did in
John_17:1-26. God encourages us to be “praying always” (Ephesians_6:18)
about “every thing” (Philippians_4:6), to “continue in prayer” (Romans_12:12;
Colossians_4:2), and to “pray without ceasing” (I Thessalonians 5:17), that is,
to never give up praying.

We should pray for unsaved people “that they might be saved” (Romans_10:1),
and for Christians (Ephesians_6:18) that they might not sin (II Corinthians 13:7).
We should also pray for Christians that they might be “filled with the knowledge
of His Will” (Colossians_1:9) and so “stand perfect and complete in all The Will Of
God” (Colossians_4:12).

We should pray for political leaders (I Timothy 2:1) and spiritual leaders
(Romans_15:30,31; II Corinthians 1:1; Philippians_1:19; Philemon_22)
and their ministry (Ephesians_6;18,19; II Thessalonians 3:1).

It is important to “pray with the understanding” (I Corinthians 14:15) that prayer
works differently today than it did for Israel. In the past, Elijah could pray for fire
to come down from heaven (I Kings 18:36-38) and God would grant his request,
but He will not do so today.

Then in the future kingdom of heaven on earth, The Lord Promised Israel
that “all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive”
(Matthew_21:22). This is because in the kingdom, Israel will be filled with
and Controlled By God’s Spirit (Ezekiel_36:27) and can be trusted with
such a wonderful prayer promise.

But today “we know not what to pray for as we ought” (Romans_8:26). Without
The Control of The Spirit, what a disaster it would be if people who didn’t know
what to pray for as they ought received everything they asked for in prayer!

But while we don’t know what to pray for, we do know that “all things work
together for good to them that love God” (Romans_8:28). Knowing this will
give you “the Peace of God, Which Passeth all understanding” (Philippians_4:6,7)
whether or not you receive what you have asked for in prayer.

5. Begin to share The Gospel with others.

The word “gospel” simply means good news, and God wants everyone to know
about “The Gospel Of The GRACE Of God” (Acts_20:24). As Christians, we are
“ambassadors for Christ” (II Corinthians 5:20) and as His representatives here
on earth, it is our privilege to introduce people to Him. It is a natural thing to
want to share good news with others.

During the siege of Samaria, four starving Hebrew lepers thought that perhaps the
besieging Syrian army might pity and feed them, and so ventured out among them
one night (II Kings 7:3-5). They discovered that the Lord had frightened the army
into leaving in such a hurry that they left all of their food behind (v. 5-7).

The lepers ate to their heart’s content (v. 8), then said, “We do not well, this day is
a day of good tidings, and we hold our peace...now therefore come, that we may go
and tell the king’s household” (v. 9). Similarly, now that you have “tasted That The
LORD Is Gracious” (I Peter 2:3), you will want to share “The Gospel of your Salvation” (Ephesians_1:13) with others.

You may fear you will be unable to answer questions that others might ask, but God
understands we can only “speak the things which we have seen and heard” so far
in His Word (Acts_4:20). When the Lord healed a blind man (John_9:1-7), jealous
religious leaders questioned him to try to discredit him (v. 13-24). He replied,

“one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see” (v. 25).​

As a new Christian, you can say the same, spiritually speaking. Then the more you
study God’s Word, the more you will be “ready always to give an answer to every
man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you” (I Peter 3:15).

6. Begin to give of your finances to the Lord’s work.

The work of the ministry is carried on by men who “forbear working” at secular
labor, but who have a right to eat, drink and support a wife and family like any-
one else (I Corinthians 9:4-10). Thus if you benefit from the “spiritual things”
that they teach you, God asks you to minister unto them in material things (v. 11)
so that they can continue to minister God’s Word to you, and reach out to others,
with sufficient funds to carry out the work of the ministry.

Under the Law of Moses, Israel was required to “tithe,” i.e., give one-tenth of
their income to The Lord for the maintenance of their priests (Leviticus_27:30-32;
Numbers_18:24). Tithing was compulsory, and they “robbed” God when they with-
held it (Malachi_3:8,9).

Since under Law God Blessed Israel when they obeyed Him and cursed them when
they did not, God Challenged Israel to “bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse...
...and PROVE [test] ME now herewith, Saith The LORD of hosts, if I Will not Open
you the windows of heaven, and Pour you Out A Blessing” (v. 10).

But under GRACE, God Has Already Opened the windows of heaven and Blessed
us “with ALL Spiritual Blessings in heavenly places In Christ” (Ephesians_1:3).
Thus Paul challenged the Corinthians to “prove the sincerity of your love”
(II Corinthians 8:8) by responding to His GRACE financially.

Do you see the difference? God told Israel to test Him with their obedience to
see if He Wouldn’t Bless them in response. But today, God tests us By Blessing
us Up Front, Then Asking us to be obedient givers to His work.

So unlike Israel, we are not to give “of necessity” (II Corinthians 9:7), we are not
commanded to tithe, but are rather Instructed to give “as God Hath Prospered” us
(I Corinthians 16:2). Some cannot afford to tithe, others can afford to give more
than ten percent, but all must give out of a grateful heart for All That He Has Done
For us In Christ.

While there are many Christian causes worthy of our support, God would
have “all men To Be Saved, and to come unto the knowledge of The Truth”
(I Timothy 2:3,4), and He would have “all men see what is the fellowship
of The Mystery” (Ephesians_3:9).

Thus care should be taken to financially support only churches and
organizations that preach The Gospel and teach God’s Word rightly
divided (II Timothy 2:15).
(R Kurth)

Berean Searchlight FULL Article:
Now That I Believe (Part 1)
Now That I Believe (Part 2)
Now That I Believe (Part 3)

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GRACE And Peace

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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
But make sure its a church you feel comfortable in, because there are some right stinkers out there..:)

Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States
continued from (5a) Now That I Believe...
How should I serve The LORD now that I believe?

3. Begin attending church.

“Upon the first day of the week” (I Corinthians 16:2), Christians should be in church,
“not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together” (Hebrews_10:25). While we are
already members of The One True Church, the Body Of Christ, Paul wrote most of his
epistles to local churches (I Corinthians 1:2; II Corinthians 1:1; I Thessalonians 1:1;
II Thessalonians 1:1) and talks about the local church over and over again
(Romans_16:1,23; I Corinthians 11:18; Philippians_4:15).

The local church is where the Scriptures are read (Colossians_4:16) and taught
(I Corinthians 4:17), and spiritual men are ordained (Acts_14:23) to feed God’s
Word to His people (Acts_20:28).

It is where spiritual leaders care for the spiritual needs of God’s people
(I Timothy 3:5), who in turn support God’s work in their area by giving
of their finances (I Corinthians 16:1,2). It is the place where God’s people
“show the Lord’s death till He come” by observing a communion service
(I Corinthians 11:23-26).

When the Apostle Thomas stayed home from church, he missed the Lord’s
First Appearance To His apostles after His Death and Burial (John_20:24),
and so doubted that He Had Risen (v. 25). If at all possible, choose a church
that preaches The Gospel Of Salvation, and teaches God’s Word rightly divided.

4. Begin to pray.

While the Bible forbids the repeating of memorized prayers (Matthew_6:7),
we are often encouraged to simply talk with God in prayer as our Lord did in
John_17:1-26. God encourages us to be “praying always” (Ephesians_6:18)
about “every thing” (Philippians_4:6), to “continue in prayer” (Romans_12:12;
Colossians_4:2), and to “pray without ceasing” (I Thessalonians 5:17), that is,
to never give up praying.

We should pray for unsaved people “that they might be saved” (Romans_10:1),
and for Christians (Ephesians_6:18) that they might not sin (II Corinthians 13:7).
We should also pray for Christians that they might be “filled with the knowledge
of His Will” (Colossians_1:9) and so “stand perfect and complete in all The Will Of
God” (Colossians_4:12).

We should pray for political leaders (I Timothy 2:1) and spiritual leaders
(Romans_15:30,31; II Corinthians 1:1; Philippians_1:19; Philemon_22)
and their ministry (Ephesians_6;18,19; II Thessalonians 3:1).

It is important to “pray with the understanding” (I Corinthians 14:15) that prayer
works differently today than it did for Israel. In the past, Elijah could pray for fire
to come down from heaven (I Kings 18:36-38) and God would grant his request,
but He will not do so today.

Then in the future kingdom of heaven on earth, The Lord Promised Israel
that “all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive”
(Matthew_21:22). This is because in the kingdom, Israel will be filled with
and Controlled By God’s Spirit (Ezekiel_36:27) and can be trusted with
such a wonderful prayer promise.

But today “we know not what to pray for as we ought” (Romans_8:26). Without
The Control of The Spirit, what a disaster it would be if people who didn’t know
what to pray for as they ought received everything they asked for in prayer!

But while we don’t know what to pray for, we do know that “all things work
together for good to them that love God” (Romans_8:28). Knowing this will
give you “the Peace of God, Which Passeth all understanding” (Philippians_4:6,7)
whether or not you receive what you have asked for in prayer.

5. Begin to share The Gospel with others.

The word “gospel” simply means good news, and God wants everyone to know
about “The Gospel Of The GRACE Of God” (Acts_20:24). As Christians, we are
“ambassadors for Christ” (II Corinthians 5:20) and as His representatives here
on earth, it is our privilege to introduce people to Him. It is a natural thing to
want to share good news with others.

During the siege of Samaria, four starving Hebrew lepers thought that perhaps the
besieging Syrian army might pity and feed them, and so ventured out among them
one night (II Kings 7:3-5). They discovered that the Lord had frightened the army
into leaving in such a hurry that they left all of their food behind (v. 5-7).

The lepers ate to their heart’s content (v. 8), then said, “We do not well, this day is
a day of good tidings, and we hold our peace...now therefore come, that we may go
and tell the king’s household” (v. 9). Similarly, now that you have “tasted That The
LORD Is Gracious” (I Peter 2:3), you will want to share “The Gospel of your Salvation” (Ephesians_1:13) with others.

You may fear you will be unable to answer questions that others might ask, but God
understands we can only “speak the things which we have seen and heard” so far
in His Word (Acts_4:20). When the Lord healed a blind man (John_9:1-7), jealous
religious leaders questioned him to try to discredit him (v. 13-24). He replied,

“one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see” (v. 25).​

As a new Christian, you can say the same, spiritually speaking. Then the more you
study God’s Word, the more you will be “ready always to give an answer to every
man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you” (I Peter 3:15).

6. Begin to give of your finances to the Lord’s work.

The work of the ministry is carried on by men who “forbear working” at secular
labor, but who have a right to eat, drink and support a wife and family like any-
one else (I Corinthians 9:4-10). Thus if you benefit from the “spiritual things”
that they teach you, God asks you to minister unto them in material things (v. 11)
so that they can continue to minister God’s Word to you, and reach out to others,
with sufficient funds to carry out the work of the ministry.

Under the Law of Moses, Israel was required to “tithe,” i.e., give one-tenth of
their income to The Lord for the maintenance of their priests (Leviticus_27:30-32;
Numbers_18:24). Tithing was compulsory, and they “robbed” God when they with-
held it (Malachi_3:8,9).

Since under Law God Blessed Israel when they obeyed Him and cursed them when
they did not, God Challenged Israel to “bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse...
...and PROVE [test] ME now herewith, Saith The LORD of hosts, if I Will not Open
you the windows of heaven, and Pour you Out A Blessing” (v. 10).

But under GRACE, God Has Already Opened the windows of heaven and Blessed
us “with all Spiritual Blessings in heavenly places In Christ” (Ephesians_1:3).
Thus Paul challenged the Corinthians to “prove the sincerity of your love”
(II Corinthians 8:8) by responding to His GRACE financially.

Do you see the difference? God told Israel to test Him with their obedience to
see if He Wouldn’t Bless them in response. But today, God tests us By Blessing
us Up Front, Then Asking us to be obedient givers to His work.

So unlike Israel, we are not to give “of necessity” (II Corinthians 9:7), we are not
commanded to tithe, but are rather Instructed to give “as God Hath Prospered” us
(I Corinthians 16:2). Some cannot afford to tithe, others can afford to give more
than ten percent, but all must give out of a grateful heart for All That He Has Done
For us In Christ.

While there are many Christian causes worthy of our support, God would
have “all men To Be Saved, and to come unto the knowledge of The Truth”
(I Timothy 2:3,4), and He would have “all men see what is the fellowship
of The Mystery” (Ephesians_3:9).

Thus care should be taken to financially support only churches and
organizations that preach The Gospel and teach God’s Word rightly
divided (II Timothy 2:15).
(R Kurth)

FULL Article:
Now That I Believe (Part 1)
Now That I Believe (Part 2)
Now That I Believe (Part 3)

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GRACE And Peace

continued in (6a) Now That I Believe...

Observe His commandments 1 Jn 5:3