a different view of the Russia-Ukraine Crisis.

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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
This may be in 2 parts.

While I love political debates and even love lively heated exchanges, I wish to bring this hot topic to a more biblical look.

The. invasion of Ukraine is little more than an east-west proxy war between the Marxist east and the democratic west. It is the latest of several proxy wars since the Iron curtain went up. It is a publicized fact by Putin himself that he believes the greatest shame of Russia was the collapse of the Soviet Union, and he plans to try to reconstitute the old empire. So it is no surprise he invaded the Ukraine after invading Georgia, Chechnya, Crimea and the Donbas region.

Both America and Russia are imperialistic nations. America has been less violent but is guilty of many atrocities in its imperialism. America offers greater freedom than Russia and greater opportunities to expand and live as one wishes, good or bad. That is why last year there were 2 million captures of illegals at our southern border and who knows how many that got in without notice. The same is not true for Russia.

But how is this part of a biblical view? It goes back to Nebuchadnezzars dream in Daniel 2 and Daniels dream in Daniel 7. The vision of the statue and the four bests all culminating with the return of Jesus to earth.

These visions show the continual run of gentiles over Jerusalem from the time of Nebuchadnezzar captured Jerusalem until Jesus returns. Many may disagree it is continuous, and that can be an argument for another thread. But both visions show a non stop ruling of Gentile empires from c. 587 B.C. till Jesus returns. Jesus himself called this the time of the Gentiles!

So what does the US And Russia have to do with this? Very simple.

Most all agree on the first three parts of the statue and the first three beasts, Babylon, Medeo-Persia, and Greece. Nearly all agree Rome is the fourth, but then splinters into many interpretations. I acknowledge many well studied and sincere believers have many ideas here, but I shall focus on what I have been taught. I wish to acknowledge Dr. Arnold Fruchtenbaum and His Eschatological work "Footsteps of the Messiah" for what I will be sharing. Though it is not perfect, after over 35 years of being an ardent student of eschatology and have studied it from many many opinions and interpretations, I have found this to be the best by far.

I agree that the fourth beast starts as Rome! The fourth beast/legs/feet of iron/ironclay is the gentile power that conquered Israel by conquering Greece. But I am convinced that the Roman Empire was the first phase of the fourth gentile empire that sill exists today!

When we see the beast vision of Chptr 7 we see written that the fourth beast was different from all the rest and was not identified as any one beast. We will see why later. But let us focus on the fact that the fourth beast is different from the rest! what one big thing made Rome different from all the rest? Simply it was its form of governing conquered lands. They established a form of government we know as Imperialism and it still lives today.

End Part 1.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Part 2:

So after Rome conquered Greece, it established a form of government known as Imperialism. Rome was just the first phase of the fourth beast kingdom. When we put Daniel 2 and Daniel 7 together we see teh evolution of the fourth beast kingdom develop this way:

1. United Stage -Rome
2. Divided stage -east west- two legs.
3. One world govt. stage- future
4. 10 "king" stage-future
5. Antichrist stage-future.

Let us focus on the two legs of the statue/fourth beast.

Emperor Valentinian split the empire in two in 364 AD and established Constantinople as the eastern capitol. Then in 476 Rome fell

But as for the eastern leg: Teh seat of power stayed in Constantinople until 1453, when teh turks invaded and teh leaders fled to Russia and established government their. It was and is imperialistic and they named their leaders Czars (Russian variant of Cesar) It is still there today.

For the West, After Rome fell, the seat of Power moved to France and reached its Zenith in 800 under Charlemagne who named his empire the Holy Roman Empire of the Frankish Nation.

In 962 OTTO I conquered France and named his German Empire, the Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation. It then moved to France with the holy Roman Empire of the Spanish nation and has since settled in the western democracies of the UK and the USA.

Remember that these are the times of the gentiles and that Jerusalem will be held until the times of the gentiles are fulfilled. Even since 1967, Jerusalem is still trodden down because temple mount is ruled by the Muslims. Both Russia and the US have had powerful influence on Jews and Israel .

Once this east -west balance of power ends we will have a one world govt.

Daniel 7:23-27
King James Version

23 Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.

24 And the ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings that shall arise: and another shall rise after them; and he shall be diverse from the first, and he shall subdue three kings.

25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

26 But the judgment shall sit, and they shall take away his dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto the end.

27 And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.

In verse 23 we see teh fourth beast devour the WHOLE earth. this is the first time conquest is called the WHOLE earth. If it just was "eretz" those who argue for it being just a middle easter prophecy would have strong evidence. But as the first three beasts conquered teh middle east- that makes that argument moot. This is an end times prophecy and th ewhole world is involved!

From there we will de the progression of the fourth beast culminating in the antichrist and teh return of Jesus! Amen!!!!

Many will disagree and that is fine. I cam e to this view only about 20 years ago when Dr. Fruchtenbaum published his book. He is a born again Jew, travels the globe witnessing to Jews and gentiles and also travels teaching in any and every church who would receive him. He has a double doctorate, masters and bachelors in varied biblical studies.

He has a bachelors in Israeli history from Hebrfew University, masters in Koine Greek and double doctor in theology. He was the son of a patriarchal rebbe and is well versed in the Jewsih writings.

Well this is the best explanation I have seen and what is happening in Ukraine is just another power struggle between the two legs of the Daniel statue.

this invasion is filled with many possibilities for seeing biblical prophecy fulfilled. We will just have to watch and see what the results pan out to be.

One final note- China cannot ever be the eastenr leg of Daniel. It is not connected to the other three beasts and is not part of the fourth beast either.

Desire Of All Nations

Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2021
United States
Your view of the Dan. 2 statue is mostly incorrectly, particularly because you assume imperialism started with Rome. It didn't. The previous 3 empires were all imperialistic as well. If you had read Daniel's explanation of what the statue represented, you would know that Daniel said that God gave Nebuchadnezzar the nations that he conquered.

Secondly, there is so much wrong with the history you presented. After Rome fell, the seat of power did not move to the Frankish kingdom as you suppose. The Roman empire made a comeback starting with Justinian's Imperial Restoration in 554 A.D., which was about 2 centuries before Charlemagne's reign.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Your view of the Dan. 2 statue is mostly incorrectly, particularly because you assume imperialism started with Rome. It didn't. The previous 3 empires were all imperialistic as well. If you had read Daniel's explanation of what the statue represented, you would know that Daniel said that God gave Nebuchadnezzar the nations that he conquered.

Secondly, there is so much wrong with the history you presented. After Rome fell, the seat of power did not move to the Frankish kingdom as you suppose. The Roman empire made a comeback starting with Justinian's Imperial Restoration in 554 A.D., which was about 2 centuries before Charlemagne's reign.

Imperialism did start with Rome. While nations conquering nations was not new, it is how Rome governed the nations they conquered that was brand new and continues to this day!

Rome adapted a policy of allowing the people to pretty much self rule (as long as they were not belligerent) With their own leaders, and allowed them to keep their culture and religions. they sent procurators (like Pilate) to formally over see with a fairly hands off approach. Only rome could execute but otherwise civil matters were handled locally by local officials. This was new with Rome. It is more complex than that but that is th ebasic idea that Rome introduced.

As for Justinian- your error is that you forget that at this time th eold Roman empire was no more and divided into its east west division. Justinain ruled from Constantinople in the east. HIe di dnot reunite the old empire. So He could be a Cesara nd the two stage divisionn still holds.

And before the seat of imperialism in the west moved to France it went through Germany. Remember it is not a cesar but the form of government (Imperialsim) that makes the fourth beast diverse from the others.

Some credit ancient Persia as being an Imperialistic form of government but it was not. The Persian Kings appointed satraps and all lands in teh ancient Persian Empire had to conform fully with Persian law. that is not real imperialism.

In the east the seat remained in Constantinople (which included emperor Justinian) until the 1400's as I said, when those leaders fled to Russia and established an imperialistic rule under the Czars.

In the west, the seat of Imperialism had stayed in rome, then moved to Germany, then France, then Spain, and now resides in the democracies of the UK and the US mostly the US