Animal Rights Activist Says It’s Inhumane to Own Pets, But Abortion Through All 9 Months is OK

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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Animal Rights Activist Says It’s Inhumane to Own Pets, But Abortion Through All 9 Months is OK

An animal activist- ProAbortion activist are in regards to two completely different topics.

"Owning" - not "owning" anything, is A Communist vision, regarding the Public at Large, and the "behind the scenes" (government & mega wealthy) be the owners and controllers of all assets and commodities).
The "activists", are simply "useful" peons to push any "agenda", swaying the People at Large, to jump on board to the "idea", of ownership is a "bad thing" for the people.

Downsizing the population, at Large, is another Communist vision.
Those who advocate For Abortions, (at any stage), are also "useful" peons, aiding the Communist vision, of downsizing the population.

The only "connection", those two "advocacy" groups have in common...
Is they "both"... aid a Communist vision for the entire globe....Fewer People and the People Own Nothing....
It's a Communist plot they call:
"the great re-set".

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
They are clearly Satanist.

I remember having a Cat my mum bought him for 50c and well he hung around feely and they moved and lived at 6 houses with that cat and he never ran away.
Non of the dogs ran away they could walk off freely, not to mention they would follow me on my bike for 20 miles in a day at times easy and they loved it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
United States
That's like saying that it's not alright to push somebody over but it's perfectly alright to shoot somebody. :/
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
That's like saying that it's not alright to push somebody over but it's perfectly alright to shoot somebody. :/
Well I have come across religious nuts that make such claims as you are saying. say a cop grabs them for being a idiot and oh NO! my rights have been violated but on the other hand they the idiot claim that they could shoot and kill anyone that they want. reality is not logical to them as it's all about themselves and what they want and I think it because they have never had to deal with reality of life much at all, or can not see past their own delusions.
Like a mate down the road, a cop came for him for a traffic offence and this idiot mate said that the cop turned his back to him ? claiming that he could of jumped the cop, boasting to me this crap ! I said think about it ! what would you achieve in doing such, Nothing good at all ! but may of been shot dead in front of your kid and wife. or you would have to cops make it there business to hound you 24/7 for years to come. I pointed this out to another dude up the road 60yo and he claimed he would sort the cops out and has done so in the past, I said you are lucky you live in the big city bro as people here get away with a lot but out in the small towns such people are exposed much more easily and the cop can just give out a ticket you have a tail light out and old mate claimed he would take it to court and win his case, I said the cop could not care less about winning, it's that he has made you dance that's the point. old mate said no it's not ! I said yes it is fool because you are too worked up to understand the fact. old mate claimed the cop would be in a huff and pride hurting, I said not at all, old mate claimed that cop would of had to do paper work, I said he is getting payed to do such, that's part of the job and he will only be to happy to do so, he would be smiling all the way typing it all up.

Such went on and on to do with cops, he was off with the pixies wrong on every point he made and only TV media educated on dribble. Oh the cops sorted out the bikies he claimed, ya dreaming I said full of media educated dribble. I get informed by the cops themselves on the real subject going on and the government playing stupid games trying to undermine the cops in there duty to deal with and convict morons. but the State government has caused all the troubles adding the morons. old mate claims a brat joy riding thing has just popped up out of the blue, I said it's been full on for some years, only the media have been touting such of late clown. if it's not in the media it does not exist with the majority over all.

The governments have been empowering idiots for years, it's all been planed to cause chaos, so they can bring in more stupid dictating laws over all and people swallow it all. but it you challenge such a system then you are dealing with a Nazi type of reaction from the top cop of the State who is just a BS artist spinning a line and no one is their to call him out on such a line, the Media and Government make sure of that. We are going to double speeding fines, every KM/H over is a killer ! one KM/H over zero Tolerance, now that's justice :rolleyes:.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
United States
Well I have come across religious nuts that make such claims as you are saying. say a cop grabs them for being a idiot and oh NO! my rights have been violated but on the other hand they the idiot claim that they could shoot and kill anyone that they want. reality is not logical to them as it's all about themselves and what they want and I think it because they have never had to deal with reality of life much at all, or can not see past their own delusions.

I stopped reading right there because that was very rude!! I ought to report you for that because I find that to be a HUGE insult!! :mad:

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I stopped reading right there because that was very rude!! I ought to report you for that because I find that to be a HUGE insult!! :mad:
It was not in regards to you at all. but one that I do know up the road especially fit the bill exactly, that's how he is, oh me oh my, we do not want police at all and then the next thing is that is talking about wanting to killing someone, not to mention that he claims that he can regardless, be it right or wrong because he claims to be saved, so he is going to heaven regardless of what he does ? he wants to kill everyone who does not fit into his religious dribble.

It's about delusions. he is the biggest sook, yet he is claiming a right to kill people on the other hand because he feels offended. the poor bastard no wonder he has never worked at all his life but sponges off the tax paying people who do work and get insulted everyday or worse shafted and live off less money than he gets in reality. he claims Sin is Sin, one Sin is equal to any Sin he claims, so murder is not above anything else he claims.

Under Political Correctness nowadays the biggest insult is that one may be offended, regardless ?

Thou must not be offended, must be the first commandment of God ? Thou must not offend ?

Jesus Christ offended the people who killed him, that's why they killed him in fact, he was offending them and Satanist do not take kindly to being offended, but what of Jesus he was offended abused and killed by them in fact.
I pointed out to old mate that the Cross must have Jesus on it to represent the fact that we preach a crucified Christ on a Cross, the Cross it's self is a worthless token with no value at all in it's self. what was it before Christ ?

Remember Jesus was talking to the Devil and the Devil offered him everything in this world if Jesus only bowed down to him, Jesus offended the Devil in fact. Think about What if you were to offer up millions of dollars to one to do your bidding and they refused. would you be offended ?