Breeding Children For The State

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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
We received the following series of dreams a week or so ago, and they suggest we are headed in a very bad direction where the future of our children is concerned, and what American education is going to become. Children will increasingly be removed from the authority of parents and given over to the State. Even the morality of Christian youth will be so compromised as to excuse premarital sex and out-of-wedlock pregnancy, with High Schools incorporating daycare facilities so that unmarried teen girls can hand their children over to State-run education and indoctrination at the earliest ages possible. Through regular use of lockdowns, metal detectors, body scanners, and heightened security at public schools, even the children themselves will eventually come to realize they are far more the property of the State than of their parents.

Before presenting what we received, I am reminded of something I read in a vision years ago, and I believe it represents the ultimate direction things are going:

The American flag, tattered and torn, lay forlornly on the ground. There was no joy, no laughter, no happiness. I saw death and evil everywhere... I heard a loud voice fill the night air. I saw a huge Beast, and he sat on a large throne. All the people obeyed the beast...

A large machine was brought into an office. The Beast put his mark on it, and his voice came out of it... In my vision I saw the man leave the office of the Beast, get in a car and drive home. When he approached his wife, she tried to kiss him, but he made no attempt to respond. He had no feeling for his wife or anyone else. The beast had made him incapable of feeling any emotion.

The wife became very angry and screamed at her husband, but to no avail. At last she said, "OK, I'll call the Beast. He will know what to do." After a quick phone call, she left the house and drove to the same building her husband had just left. The Beast welcomed her in and said, "Tell me all your troubles. I am sure I can help you." A very handsome man took her by the arm and led her to the same table her husband had been on earlier. After the same operation, she also became a depersonalized slave of the Beast. I heard the Beast ask her, "How do you feel?" She did not answer until after he had attached a small object to her blouse. Then she acknowledged that he was master and lord and began to worship him.

"You will be a breeder," he said. "You will have perfect babies, and they will worship and serve me." The woman replied in a robotic voice, "Yes, master, I will obey." I saw the woman again. This time she was in another building. There were many pregnant women there. The women lay lifelessly on their beds and in chanted monotones praised the beast. All had 666 on their foreheads. When their babies were born, they were taken to another building where mind-altered nurses had the task of raising them. The nurses also had 666 on their foreheads.

Note: In this first dream, both child daycare and security checkpoints appear to feature prominently. They will apparently exist even for kids to enter from one classroom into another, as referenced in a dream I posted a month or so ago in a related thread:
The Psychological Dangers Of Rewriting History

1st Dream:
I was in the Preschool and started off in a classroom with the four year olds. There were two other teachers in there. One who does the fours, and another who usually does the toddlers. The teachers were telling me that there was going to be a lockdown drill this day. That they would all be locked in the classroom until the parents came later on in the day... One teacher told me that during lockdown, classes joined together... I went next door and it was empty too...

I saw a security checkpoint near the entrance that people walk through to check for metal and things. One teacher was there with a body scanner to check for more things. We went into the office a second, and she was explaining the lockdown drill, then I guess she sent me up to where the kids were, because that is where I was next. It looked like the cafeteria area in the gym, only it wasn't in the gym. It was in the hallway, and all the kids and teachers were gathered together to wait for parents to pick them up. I got one girl to sit back down, then saw two girls get up at the very end table and start to leave. They were teenagers. I went over and had them sit back down. I saw their mom at the checkpoint, and she was angry I stopped them from getting up to go to her. But in a lockdown, at least in the dream, they were supposed to wait at the table until the parents came inside the checkpoint to get them. One teacher said, "good job catching that."

Then the mom came inside and was getting them, and she was telling the other teacher she was just frustrated, because she was having a hard day and then had to go through a security checkpoint to get them when she could see them right there at the table. And I woke up.

2nd Dream:
The next dream depicts a High School as a "building with many doors," again representing the fact that the government will move towards providing multiple services under one roof, so that everything becomes increasingly centralized, including food distribution (i.e. lunches) and even the distribution of clothing to the underprivileged so that they are properly dressed by the government if and when necessary. Daycares are represented as "Huge" at this point. The corruption of the voting system is also insinuated here, as a means to perpetuate the system so that children continue to become the property of the State without interference. Voting machines will be rigged so that Christian votes are discarded in the system, making it possible for local/State elections to be manipulated so that non-conservative, non-Christian leaders continue to assume office. Note, references to Romney and Trump are merely symbolic of conservative leaders in the future.

I dreamed I was walking in a building with many doors. I'd say it looked like a High School, only it was covered in forest and vines. The first room I went in was a huge Daycare, with a couple adults and a lot of children running around. I was dropping my daughter off there for awhile, but first I was trying on a couple pairs of different shoes they gave me on her. The ones she ended up with were pink, with a white swirl on it.

Then I was walking through the hallway and it turned into a normal building. Election booths were in the outside hallway, and inside a room. When it was my turn, they put me on the outside booth. I ended up nor knowing anyone in the districts. I looked up district 18, and it showed Mitt Romney, and Donald Trump across from him on the same line. So I was going to vote him. But I was thinking, "Why is there no straight ticket voting?" There were a lot of districts and I just cared about voting the presidency. So then I was scrolling down, and was suddenly in the room voting booth. There were questions with three circles. The biggest one on the outside, a middle ring, and smallest ring on the inside. There were questions about church, like a survey on how well you liked it. I am unsure if the outer ring or the inner ring was "like very well" or "like the least." Then I woke up.

Regarding daycare facilities at High Schools, I was not aware of it but this trend has been underway for more than a decade now, and is apparently the wave of the future:
Should Public Schools Provide Teenage Parents with Daycare? |

Continued next post...
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
In this last dream, even Christian teenagers are presented as bearing children out of wedlock, and viewing it as an acceptable and standard practice. Culture will increasingly promote teenage promiscuity, even through once conservative elements of society like country music. Such celebrities will promote morally corrupt themes for the sake of fame and success. There are hints also that children will be increasingly dumbed down and allowed to become increasingly unruly, which are both symptoms of teenage pregnancy and parenting. Most teenage girls are themselves children, making them ill-equipped to teach and/or discipline their children, and this too will play into the hands of the State.

3rd Dream, taking it in sections:
First I was a teacher in a Daycare/ Preschool room. I drew 2 lines to make 4 boxes on a piece of copy paper. The children were going to draw pictures on them, like a book. Another teacher said, "one box is easier"... So then I sat on the floor with the four boxed paper, and a child sat in my lap. I was going to read to them the Blank 4 Square book, but the children started sitting on my arms and legs and everything, then started to pull my limbs. I told them to stop but they didn't listen... Then I was staring out the blinds of the Preschool room window, and there was a long black train.

"Long Black Train" is a song written by country singer Josh Turner back in 2003. The theme was about avoiding temptation, as described in an interview, were he discussed a vision God gave him that led to the writing of the song:

In May of 2003, Josh Turner released "Long Black Train" as the second single from his debut album of the same name. Written by Turner, the song spent more than 30 weeks on the Billboard charts, peaking just outside the Top 10 in early 2004; in June of 2006, the tune was certified gold. Below, Turner recalls why he was inspired to write "Long Black Train," and why the song is special to him. "Long Black Train" was inspired by a vision that I had of a long, black train running down this track way out in the middle of nowhere. I could see people standing out to the sides of this track watching this train go by. As I was walking, experiencing this vision, I kept asking myself, "What does this vision mean, and what is this train?" It dawned on me that this train was a physical metaphor for temptation: These people are caught up in the decision of whether or not to go on this train. And this came about in a time of my life where I was trying to figure out who I was as an artist and as a person ... I was trying to learn how to deal with the freedom that I had away from home for the first time. "Long Black Train," the song and the album, are very special to me. It was just one of those things that I felt like God gave to me for a purpose, and I've been out here promoting that purpose.
Story Behind the Song: Josh Turner, 'Long Black Train'

In the video Josh Turner created for it, teenage pregnancy figures prominently in the early scenes. I will provide a link in Post #3.

Dream continued:
Then it switched to where I was in a car and it was driving slowly by this court house. There were golden pillars around it and an emblem that sort of looked like a coat of arms with the top being an eagle, and the bottom being a coin measure with one side up, and one side down. The streets were all rich and golden, and I heard a radio voice saying that Garth Brook's new CD was out to buy. The car pulled into an empty parking lot, and I got out of the back seat with a woman named who had been a staff member from Teen Challenge that was a very faithful Christian. She had a skimpy shirt and short shorts on that were falling off of her, but she didn't care at all until I said something. Even then, she said she wouldn't have cared if I wasn't watching her. She had two kids. She was black, but her kids were a small white infant, and a girl pulling her arm and not listening at all to her. I had a brown purse with a long strap, and when I was in the car, I had some cash inside, but when I got out, it was deflated almost like a plastic bag with no air in it. I was disappointed, because I wanted the new Garth Brooks CD.

Garth Brooks is merely symbolic of popular country singers who will become corrupt in the future, but the court house symbolizes the moral law in society, and the moral law will be changing drastically for the worse, including among Christians. That the two girls are in a car represents ministry, yet the girl who is a staff member of Teen Challenge, and a once faithful Christian, is seen wearing a skimpy shirt and shorts falling off of her, yet her conscience doesn't bother her about it. This suggests she is engaging in sin without conviction. She is black yet has a white infant, which suggests not only bearing children out of wedlock but interracial relationships. She also appears to have no conscience about stealing, which is why the other girl had money in the car yet no longer has it when she gets out and wants to buy the Garth Brooks CD.

About interracial relationships/marriages, I have no problems with it if it is called of God. After all I am white yet married to a Hispanic woman. But the interracial element being present here suggests another thing the globalists may be promoting for malevolent purposes. Research has shown that interracial couples face a tougher battle than same race couples because of cultural barriers that the two must cross to fully relate to one another. With teenagers not even knowing who they are yet and few prepared to start a family, this only adds to the difficulties they face, and to the likelihood that they will let the State raise their children instead of raising them themselves.
Why Interracial Marriages Are The Best

Last section:
Then I was walking by the courthouse, and I saw Garth Brooks coming out in an all black. Garth Brooks in his black western suit and black cowboy hat, fell down holding his chest dying as he walked down the steps of the courthouse. I heard "Long Black Train." A scene played where a band was playing, then a girl with short blonde hair was laying in a car just smiling and singing "I'm sorry for this, and I'm sorry for that." With flowers all around. Just "playful like." I think she was singing to God, but wasn't meaning it. It was being sung like as part of a music video, and she was singing specific sins, "I'm sorry for adultery, and I'm sorry for lies. Sorry for idolatry, sorry for pride." I don't quite remember the specifics, but it was definitely playful/not meaning it.

Then I was on a highway and a former pastor was driving. I was in the passenger seat and he was pointing out the front window. He said, "See that little cloud in the distance, He is coming." I felt safe in the car with him. But I could see only see his finger, and the rear view mirror, so I looked out his side window, and there was a HUGE black tornado devouring everything in sight. Then I heard a voice that said, "ARE YOU WATCHING?" And I woke up.

This last section contains the admonition. Garth Brooks dying as he walks down the steps of the court house represents country singers, who were once moral men, becoming immoral in their lyrics for the sake of popularity, but dying spiritually as a result. Hence he is dressed in his all black, with Long Black Train playing in the background. The girl has likewise boarded this "train" as a result of the songs she is singing from such singers. She is seen singing the song, presumably by hearing it on the radio. But in keeping with the lyrics, she is not truly repentant about committing the sins. The song makes then seem almost acceptable and therefore easy to dismiss, like everyone commits them, so saying "sorry" is only a facade. She is "singing them to God," but not really meaning it.

The church is implicated in this moral decline as well. The pastor is seen pointing to a future return of Christ (the little cloud in the distance), but oblivious to the danger of sin and immorality that is devouring everything in sight around him, as represented by the Huge black tornado. This tornado corresponds to the Long Black Train. The last line is God asking her, "Are You Watching?" It means that while many in church leadership will not be watching, will the truly devout Christians be? This is the only thing that gives the teen mother pause when she says to the other girl, "I wouldn't have cared (about my clothing, and by extension my sins) if you weren't watching me."

In conclusion, the dreams suggest that the one thing that will hold back these trends in society among the youth is for truly devout Christians to be watching, and draw attention to sin and moral decline to expose it. And this can only be done when we are living truly moral lives ourselves.

Thanks for reading, and may the Lord bless all who read this message.
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
Long Black Train

There's a long black train
Coming down the line
Feeding off the souls that are lost and crying
Tales of sin only evil remains
Watch out brother for that long Black Train

Look to the heavens
You can look to the skies
You can find redemption
Staring back into your eyes
There is protection and there is peace the same
Burn in your ticket for that long black train

'Cause there's victory in the lord I say
Victory in the lord
Cling to the Father and His Holy Name
And don't go riding on that long black train

There's an engineer on that long black train
Making you wonder if your ride is worth the pain
He's just a waitin on your heart to say
Let me ride on that long black train

But you know there's victory in The Lord I say
Victory in The Lord
Cling to the Father and His Holy Name
And don't go riding on that long black train

Well I can hear the whistle from a mile away
It sounds so good
But I must stay away
That train is a beauty making everybody stare
But its only destination is the middle of nowhere

But you know there's victory in The Lord I say
Victory in The Lord
Cling to the Father and His Holy Name
And don't go riding on that long black train

I said cling to the Father and His Holy Name
and don't go ridin on that black train
Yeah watch out brother for that long black train
The devil's a drivin' that long black train

Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Josh Turner