CBDC, central bank digital currency coming soon? As in end of the year

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Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
“Cash Free” Central Bank Digital Currency Roll Out Coming in December? (noqreport.com)

The feds will monitor every purchase, what, when, where you buy or sell stuff.
And also not authorize payments for things you are not authorized to buy. While other people allowed to do so.
Total monetary and economic control over your life, which will be advertised as being good and easy way to buy and sell, but is really insidious control. I could imagine, they not authorizing you to purchase certain foods, but allow you to buy foods with insects in it. Or ration your purchases. Meaning they will control the flow of money towards things they want to occur in the economy.

  1. having a gradual and cumulative effect : subtle
    developing so gradually as to be well established before becoming apparent
  2. awaiting a chance to entrap : treacherous
    harmful but enticing : seductive

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
End of the year...
It's a bold prediction. Possible.
Insidious is one perfect term for it.
Satan is insidious.
Prepare and keep a close eye.
God will guide His children


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2020
The Midwest
United States
I always believed that one day we would see a cashless society. It's all about CONTROL.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
“Cash Free” Central Bank Digital Currency Roll Out Coming in December? (noqreport.com)

The feds will monitor every purchase, what, when, where you buy or sell stuff.
And also not authorize payments for things you are not authorized to buy. While other people allowed to do so.
Total monetary and economic control over your life, which will be advertised as being good and easy way to buy and sell, but is really insidious control. I could imagine, they not authorizing you to purchase certain foods, but allow you to buy foods with insects in it. Or ration your purchases. Meaning they will control the flow of money towards things they want to occur in the economy.

  1. having a gradual and cumulative effect : subtle
    developing so gradually as to be well established before becoming apparent
  2. awaiting a chance to entrap : treacherous
    harmful but enticing : seductive

When? As fast as they can!
Why? Transfer Tangible Wealth to the appearance of Governing (Government) Authorities.
Fact. Wealth then Controlled by the Few Mega Wealthy Puppet Masters of all World Governing Authorities.

Currently people can Work where they choose, earn as much as they are willing to work for, and buy whatever they want.
Without an Exchange of a DOLLAR WORTH that can purchase desires...
Laboring FOR NO DOLLAR WORTH, becomes NIL.

It’s a SCAM, to continue and increase a current little SCAM.
People are living on “Credit”.
People are working and seeing a NUMBER exchange, while never seeing Dollars exchanged for Labor.
The “automatic” “check deposit”, the “banks” handling every purchase, every debt owed...encouraging borrowing more...instead of requesting Dollars.
Jobs of desire, are dwindling or via their “health hoax”, millions were prevented from working the jobs they desired or had. No job, No income. No income, tangibles are lost, confiscated.
Pseudo pacifiers faux money hand-outs.<— that will end.
Govt controlled jobs will be assigned. no option to refuse.
Crap housing will be assigned with the job. No need for vehicle.
Free “healthcare”...lol...more poison wonder drugs...eliminate those whose health is sub-par.
The Housing, food allowance, needs, will be provided AND minimal.
* Not news...abortions have been promoted to downsize population.
* Not news...teens, young adults, have stronger immune systems, less need for health care, dental care, physical ailments, are easily programmable to follow simple directions...Do this job, live here, “free” housing, “free food”, “free clothing”, “free peppy drugs”, “free sleepy drugs”...repeat.
* Health begins failing? “free” elimination drugs. “Free” body pick up.
* Family unit will be destroyed. Drastically Downsize Population, Homosexuality will become rampant, normalized.
* Future years “projections” Now, 10 - 20+ Billions of fat, lazy, crime causing worthless people, eaters, destroyers, of the Uber handful of Puppet Masters beautiful world....
* The FIX? Eliminate the People. Their goal? 1 Billion world wide, to work the needs, to Keep the Puppet Masters luxuriously in comfort...and a majority will be the Puppet Masters personal army protectors.

It’s not a new Concept. World Empire kings have effect the same types of World dominance. They succeeded for awhile then fell.
World puppet controllers, have for centuries instigated...the People Against the People to eliminate each other...
* Instigating...promoting...abortions, race, religion, nations wars, oppressions to instigate crimes, hate, strife, chaos, killing, deaths...
* They feel quite advantaged in THESE DAYS, with advanced Technology, a prime tool to destroy, and the People at Large ADDICTED to Technological Devices. A PERFECT STORM!
* And without reservation they have BOLDLY named revealed their PLAN...Ie....The GREAT RE-SET!
* The PUPPET controlled “Government sitters”, are all back-stabbing each other to Hopefully BE SITTING at the round-table WITH the Puppet masters....LOL...Little do they know, they AS WELL are part of the Elimination Plan.
They currently are being FED “freebies” on a “luxury” scale. Fewer than the Public at Large, but Yet still, “eaters”, and only “useful” UNTIL, ONE controlled world govt “head” is seated, that Yields to the Power Masters, every whim to down size the population.

And little do the “FEW Puppet Masters” KNOW, their “re-set plan” for their own perpetual luxury and comfort, SHALL BE DESTROYED, By Gods PLAN!
THAT “ONE” world governing “head”, the Puppet Masters will put their confidence in....SHALL BE MORTALLY KILLED...and his body rise up to the APPEARANCE of resuming mortal life....but SHALL in FACT, be the spirit of Satan with great power, Controlling the whole world....Including the “Puppet Masters, having been busying themselves, counting their gold, clinking their Champaign glasses, laughing at their success of Duping the World into being their personal slaves.”

World Wide Corruption on a Grand Scale. Yes, it’s coming.
All orchestrated by Uber GREEDY men, who will be stunned and cry when their Tangible Riches and Tangible Estates become Ruble.

To the ALREADY SAVED, sanctified, set apart unto God Forever...
As disturbing, As disgusting, As upsetting, IS what a handful of Uber GREEDY men ARE perpetuating, and World Government PAWNS are corrupting, effecting Tribulations against men, “under color of law”....

Hide yourself IN Christ, and WATCH, the TRIBULATIONS God shall send down from Heaven UPON the “great re-setters and their pawns”!!

Don’t be amiss. Inasmuch as the Corruption angers People IN the World, HA! Gods Anger is waxing, increasing, and when it hits the HOT point...THEN shall His Tribulations AND Wrath come down from Heaven upon the Whole World.

Glory to God,