China and N. Korea

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New Member
Jan 26, 2009
We should all be in prayer about this

China has placed military forces on heightened alert in the northeastern part of the country as tensions mount on the Korean peninsula following recent threats by Pyongyang to attack, U.S. officials said.
Reports from the region reveal the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) recently increased its military posture in response to the heightened tensions, specifically North Korea's declaration of a "state of war" and threats to conduct missile attacks against the United States and South Korea.

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New Member
Jul 30, 2012
We have become a nation that specializes in killing innocent women and children,we murder babies with abortion,and we allow the abomination gays to marry.How much longer do you think God will allow this to go on?The parties coming to an end,Build your bombshelters and stash away as much canned food and water as possible.


New Member
Apr 17, 2010
Well, the latest news is that North Korea has closed it's boarder with China. I've long thought that N Korea is just blowing smoke...growling and beating it's chest for political gain. But now that it's closed it's boarder to it's one ally.....a new question springs to mind... we really believe that the impossible could happen....nuclear war? Surely N Korea has to know that starting a war will be suicide for them. Is their leader so insane that he might do it regardless?

What does everyone else we think that this tension could actually lead to war?

JB_Reformed Baptist

Many are called but few are chosen.
Feb 23, 2013
Rach said:
Well, the latest news is that North Korea has closed it's boarder with China. I've long thought that N Korea is just blowing smoke...growling and beating it's chest for political gain. But now that it's closed it's boarder to it's one ally.....a new question springs to mind... we really believe that the impossible could happen....nuclear war? Surely N Korea has to know that starting a war will be suicide for them. Is their leader so insane that he might do it regardless?

What does everyone else we think that this tension could actually lead to war?
Rach said:
Well, the latest news is that North Korea has closed it's boarder with China. I've long thought that N Korea is just blowing smoke...growling and beating it's chest for political gain. But now that it's closed it's boarder to it's one ally.....a new question springs to mind... we really believe that the impossible could happen....nuclear war? Surely N Korea has to know that starting a war will be suicide for them. Is their leader so insane that he might do it regardless?

What does everyone else we think that this tension could actually lead to war?
They could be as mad as all that. But I wonder whether they are having a huffy. Self love and preservation may win the day yet. :)


New Member
Apr 17, 2010
My husband is predicting that if China even thinks for a minute that N Korea may actually do something stupid, that they will be the first ones across the boarder. China is getting too rich off the 'evil' countries like America to want N Korea doing something disastrous.
I suppose we'll just have to wait and see and pray for all the innocents who could potentially get caught in the cross fire.

JB_Reformed Baptist

Many are called but few are chosen.
Feb 23, 2013
Rach said:
My husband is predicting that if China even thinks for a minute that N Korea may actually do something stupid, that they will be the first ones across the boarder. China is getting too rich off the 'evil' countries like America to want N Korea doing something disastrous.
I suppose we'll just have to wait and see and pray for all the innocents who could potentially get caught in the cross fire.
Your hubby has a valid point. I would imagine that such a move though risky would be an appropriate one. It appears to me at this stage like a backyard fight. A lot of hot wind etc at the moment, but as you say we will see. :)


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
North Korea is a real threat. The reason is because of how deceived into worship of their leader the North Korean people have slumped into. We know Communist Socialism doesn't work economically; North Korea is in bad shape. Its Communist leadership has to be looking to the north at Red China's prosperity from a new democratic western-style economy and wonder if the Chinese Communists haven't betrayed them. If it weren't for North Korean's worshp of their supreme leader like a god, the people might have already done a coup d'etat there by now.

Apparently that's why Kim-Jong-Un has sealed off North Korea's borders even more, since he's got the people in his hand where he wants them. No doubt he's afraid news of Red China's new prosperity might bleed over into North Korea and cause his overthrow. The U.N. sanctions against him must be working. Around 74% of North Korea's trade is with Red China, so he might be sealing his own death warrant by further isolation from Red China. So one has to consider whether Red China going on alert is really that serious. Could be an opportunity for Red China to blackmail the West into easing up the U.N. sanctions against North Korea. That way economic aid wouldn't be coming out of Red China's own pocket. I say, let them both sweat, decrease trade with Red China also if that's the play they make.

[email protected]

Choir Loft
Apr 2, 2009
West Central Florida
Other Faith
United States
Pelaides said:
We have become a nation that specializes in killing innocent women and children,we murder babies with abortion,and we allow the abomination gays to marry.How much longer do you think God will allow this to go on?The parties coming to an end,Build your bombshelters and stash away as much canned food and water as possible.

While hiding may be right to some, as Christians we are called to hide in Christ, not to hide our light under bushels.

Please do not assume that by these words I deny the efficacy of preparing for hard times. I myself have paid off my debts, invested in precious metals and emergency food stocks as well as arms and ammunition. But I am also reminded that all the preparations in the world did not save Egypt from the wrath of the Hebrew God. Only in Jesus will we find our ultimate salvation. He alone is the rock of our salvation.

"The US government is the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today."
- Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. 1966

and that's just me, hollering from the choir loft...


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Oct 5, 2011
minnesota USA
United States
China created N Korea. treated them like a pampered child. they have turned into a spoiled brat. They are capable of just about any thing when they have there next temper tantrum. Including, biting the hand that feeds them.

rjp: Been a prepper for some time, started adding things that don't cost a lot, to be able to help other people and be that light on a lamp post..... Items: Bar soap, cig lighters, matches, salt, candles, hundreds of them. I'm sure others could think of other things and ways to help others.



Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
Under the FEMA act, the government is prepared to rebuild a government infra structure with all the attendant beauracracy, even in the absence of any of the current political leaders. The biggest problem with FEMA's plans is that their emergency government doesn't require elected officials and we all have to trust that such a government would abdicate their power back into the hands of the population once order is re-established. How would an agency that couldn't mobilize properly for a hurricane in Mississippi be trusted to rebuild a power grid and re-establish safe transportation of materials for interstate commerce? Even forgetting about the possibility of a military attack upon the US, Astrophysicists warn that we could potentially suffer a particle storm from a super solar flare that could totally knock out our communications, electrical grid, and most non-hardened electronics and effectively put us back into the stone age over night. We all assume that either someone else is preparing for such events or that they will never happen in our lifetime. Shouldn't a community that holds stewardship of the earth's resources as a divine command take some steps to prepare for the worst of circumstances? I would like to think that churches would step up to the occassion and some congregations always do make their presence felt after a disaster, but an effective response to emergency is always aided by advance preparation. Does your church have a plan for emergency response? I don't believe that I've ever been part of a congregation that's even considered such a possibility (it's not a spiritual matter.)
I pray for sanity among our national leaders and those of our enemies and for the Lord's intervention in acts of terrorism and out right warfare, but if the Lord has determined to tear down the nation for all the institutionalized evil being permitted and even lauded in our midst, such prayer would prove pointless.


Well-Known Member
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Oct 5, 2011
minnesota USA
United States
Michael V; I remember years ago reading the Bible and came across a verse ( I don't remember what book or ch or verse ) but it said that in the last days Israel will have no one to help them and they will have to depend on God for help.

I knew right then that the U.S.A. will not be a player in the last days, because the USA has been the only nation that has stood by Israel since 1948. so something bad will happen to the USA. so Israel will have to turn to God for help.

So yes. " such prayer would prove pointless. "



Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
Rach said:
My husband is predicting that if China even thinks for a minute that N Korea may actually do something stupid, that they will be the first ones across the boarder. China is getting too rich off the 'evil' countries like America to want N Korea doing something disastrous.
I suppose we'll just have to wait and see and pray for all the innocents who could potentially get caught in the cross fire.
I believe that the Chinese people are receiving some benefit from the growth of their economy, but a friend of mine from the Chinese mainland claimed that all (or most of) the revenue that the Chinese government is "raking in" is going directly into the single largest military build up in the history of that ancient nation. I think that the Chinese are more likely to invade the U.S. to protect their heavy investments and property holdings than they are to invade N.Korea; It was predominantly Chinese military forces that our troops engaged during the Korean war and I doubt that the leadership in the Chinese military would be anxious to attack the country for which they've shed so much blood.

laid renard

New Member
Apr 2, 2013
Las Vegas, Nevada
pompadour said:
Michael V; I remember years ago reading the Bible and came across a verse ( I don't remember what book or ch or verse ) but it said that in the last days Israel will have no one to help them and they will have to depend on God for help.

I knew right then that the U.S.A. will not be a player in the last days, because the USA has been the only nation that has stood by Israel since 1948. so something bad will happen to the USA. so Israel will have to turn to God for help.

So yes. " such prayer would prove pointless. "

I don't think America won't be able to help, but they will not 'want' to help. Atheism proliferation may be our downfall in many matters. But as in Genesis 18, I know God will spare us, for there are way more than 50 righteous in the U.S. ! Hallelujah !!! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Oct 5, 2011
minnesota USA
United States
Laid renard: Abraham believed God, and God counted it as righteous. I think your right, there are more then 50 people in the U,S. that believe God.

Michael: The Chinese have a great love of money, Money will make their decisions. you are mostly right.


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
pompadour said:
Michael V; I remember years ago reading the Bible and came across a verse ( I don't remember what book or ch or verse ) but it said that in the last days Israel will have no one to help them and they will have to depend on God for help.

I knew right then that the U.S.A. will not be a player in the last days, because the USA has been the only nation that has stood by Israel since 1948. so something bad will happen to the USA. so Israel will have to turn to God for help.

So yes. " such prayer would prove pointless. "

The U.S. will be a major player in the last days. There's actually TWO Israels per God's Word. The one everyone thinks is Israel only, in the middleast, and then God's Israel under Christ's Jesus in the Christian west. Or haven't you seen how the Christian west has been under attack by Christ's enemies?

Not only that, but if you counted the number of Jewish folks living in the Christian west, regardless of their belief, you'd find many more populating the West than in the small state of Israel in the middleast. That alone is enough to show we cannot rule out the western nations in God's Plan for the end of this world.

Then there's the matter of the lost ten tribes, where's there is archaeological proof existing to show the majority of them migrated into Asia Minor and Europe to form the western nations of history. Those lost their heritage as the larger part of Israelites. They took the name Gentile in the new lands God scattered them to. And God's Promises He originally gave through Abraham down to Ephraim is shown to be manifested only with the western Christian nations. Do you know what those promises are, and what God's Birthright is?


Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2011
East Stroudsburg, PA
United States
Some interesting facts about China. During the times of the Imperial dynasties of China, the dragon was the symbol of imperial authority. The Chinese held to the notion that the dragon is the most powerful and wisest of creatures. It was unlawful in dynastic China to display an image of a dragon without the express permission of the emperor and to do so carried the penalty of death. Do any of these things sound the least bit familiar? The cultural revolution in China attempted to eradicate much of their tradition, but tradition dies hard and the Chinese government now promotes tourism and encourages their peoples to embrace traditional culture as a national heritage.
Coincident with the apostasy of the church in the western world we also see a resurgence of interest in "oriental" dragons along with the notion that the dragon is wise, powerful, and of a benevolent nature. Some of the most popular films of the last decade featured such creatures or something similar and in such a light. I realize that some people posting on these boards believe that Islam is the religion of the final anti-christ and for good reason, but Islam expressly prohibits images and especially the worship of them, so that wouldn't seem to fit such a hypothesis. I'd be more concerned about a nation that can easily support a one hundred million man army that would not be the least bit uncomfortable in marching under the banner of a dragon.