234) Col 3:17 . .Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the
name of The Lord Jesus.
In other words: Christ's followers should conduct themselves as Christians
as opposed to conducting themselves in any old way they feel like.
A simple way to apply Col 3:17 is just to ask yourself: Can my master put
his signature on this? If you know in your heart he cannot, then you do not
have Christ's authorization to proceed. If you proceed anyway, then you will
be off-reservation-- you'll be in your own little world of anarchy and rebellion
against Christ's sovereign right, as the lord and master of Christianity, to
manage your affairs.
234) Col 3:17 . .Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the
name of The Lord Jesus.
In other words: Christ's followers should conduct themselves as Christians
as opposed to conducting themselves in any old way they feel like.
A simple way to apply Col 3:17 is just to ask yourself: Can my master put
his signature on this? If you know in your heart he cannot, then you do not
have Christ's authorization to proceed. If you proceed anyway, then you will
be off-reservation-- you'll be in your own little world of anarchy and rebellion
against Christ's sovereign right, as the lord and master of Christianity, to
manage your affairs.