Danger with buildup of anti-psychotic medications meant to enable patients and help alleviate symptoms

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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
NOAA found chemicals in water systems and also fish meat. The concentrations included Prozac. The class action lawsuits which are grossly under-reported involved brutal, sexual and blasphemy crimes under God.

Puget Sound Wastewater Carries Emerging Contaminants

The problem I found investigating psychiatry was that similar to marijuana problems and other manufactured chemicals and herbs. The body naturally releases those chemicals over time. It is a rate of release. The various medicines, natural remedy or man made store and build up concentrations over time in various parts of the human body, including brain tissue, fat tissue, muscle among others. The dosage and rate of administration and the storage in the body tissues, along with the release rate might form a problem. Prozac and other "anti-psychotic" medicines (hallucinogens included) were reported to have different effects on different person in the populations. Some it helped, others it hurt.

If the release of the body of Prozac (for example) is lower in rate than the administered concentration there builds up a higher concentration in stored areas. I was told that "anti-psychotics" store in the brain tissue as a target area to change the brain activity to some desired effect of the psychiatrist. Were there studies (long term) or reports that indicated a reverse "psychotic" behavior in individuals?

I believe that might be a chart (with time along the horizontal axis and Prozac concentrations in the brain along the vertical axis together with notes of observed behavior (whether anti-psychotic or psychotic): where dosage administration over time builds up concentrations of Prozac in the brain, without blood level or release rate monitoring (urine, feces) then one might not know that a dangerous level is building up in the brain. That chart (the desired "anti-psychotic" behavior) might rise over time to the desired effect and then after high enough concentrations build up over time that desired effect might drop at some rate into an undesirable "psychotic" effect.

Marijuana builds up in the fat cells of the body, which store energy necessary for the body to have energy. When a food supply runs out the body can burn that fat and use it for energy to survive. Does the marijuana then enter the blood system later causing a hallucination problem to occur with a long term duration?

What about other hallucinogenics like mushrooms which are again potentially dangerous and can damage internal organs necessary to support life in the body. That damage may happen with small amounts depending on the toxins and their associated concentrations found in the mushrooms.


I had addressed two important public health articles on this forum in other areas. "Beware of potential predators and dangerous posters. Not everyone is a trusted person on social media. There may be wolf among sheep". Here are the threads:

Stores these days in democrat states or others perhaps, mushrooms and marijuana

MK-Ultra the truth of the Babylon, Egypt and Sodom empires of the earth

I am concerned that that "Project Bluebird" "MK-Ultra" problem has been happening since Christ's time and perhaps all the way back to Egypt in Moses time. Certainly drugs like "mushrooms" and also "marijuana" have been around for a very long time.


I researched about the dangers of shock therapy and questioned their dangers, risks and potential death to the patients. When I researched it the websites indicted that the general statements from doctors was that it would have a short term alleviating effect against undesirable potentially dangerous behavior in patients. I also read that the patients were fitted with tooth protectors similar to grand-mal seizures so that the patient would not bite their tongue or damage their teeth. I wondered if the shock "therapy" was greater in convulsion than grand-mal seizures. Also the body was reported to engage in massive electro-induced muscular convulsions that could damage the patients brain and muscles. I wondered if the electrodes were placed from the open holes in the human skull near the sides of the eyes and forward the ears to allow flow thru the brain tissue as a conductor and capacitor. It was also reported that the flow of amperage was AC or DC? and had a frequency and wave-shape. The report indicated that it had a potential to stop the heart and kill the patient. I'm not sure which countries and states are conducting that type of practice.

I'm also wondering if the "short term" desired effect was followed by worsening symptoms and perhaps from abuse or damage, mentally, emotionally and physically that the patient might or might not be aware of during such procedures. Does repeated administrations of shock therapy increase the risk of damaging the heart or death, also does it create more damage to the patient?

Has anyone followed the shock therapy patients lifetime treatment, damage, degradation of mental, emotional and physical health and also monitored death related to treatment rates and frequencies?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
Here is an article some time ago showing an actual old video. If you have a heart take a look at the patients reaction after the shock is administered as well as the location of the electrodes. Does the look on that man's face look traumatized? Will he remember it and did he live, if not how long before he died, was there further shock sessions? Here is the video content "Warning content may be disturbing to some viewers". Especially at 12:30 in the video time. And is certainly troubling to watch:

Recent Modifications of Convulsive Shock Therapy [Silent] (Univ of Nebraska-Omaha, 1941)​

I know a person that was inducted by force into a local hospital here in Washington State. He denied taking his medicine and was only given two options, either medicine or shock therapy. He was a mellow and happy, generous person, but fell on hard times. When he was living in a comfortable home with family he was calm and loving. However he already had brain damage and would not say from where. He was called "disabled" and therefore lived a rough and painful homeless life and received funding from the government. He expressed how painful that homeless can be in certain times. He would therefore present himself sometimes as calm and loving, generous, and other times aggressive, combative and alarming. He lived a troubling life. He later moved away and shortly died of a brain tumor as reported by his daughter. I had talked to him on a phone I had and indicated that he had suffered a heart attack and later a stroke. He said he had trouble speaking and ended the call. I never heard from him again.

Is a grand mal or other type of seizure the same? Many of us have family members that suffer from that type of illness. Taking some drugs can also lead to seizures which is why they are not advised. If you see a person having a seizure call your local emergency immediately. If you have not received training on how to provide emergency care for someone undergoing a seizure you can call your local health care authority for information on standard first aid. Ask if it includes specific care for seizure victims.

Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
I wonder if the a shock therapy that resulted in cardiac arrest would be handle with the high voltage shock paddles afterwards in hopes to restart the heart rhythm? Anybody have any information about body convulsions and success of not shock therapy cardiac arrest shock paddle success? Perhaps they just supply the breathing pump for oxygen flow to the brain to reduce brain cell damage from low oxygen levels? I have take classes in CPR, standard first aid as well as other types of emergency response.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Shock Therapy and Lobotomy , were cruel and unusual punishment inflicted on people who often were forced to undergo the procedure.

Anyone Familiar with JFK? John F. Kennedy.. .the American President.

Well, he had a sister who was hyper-active and was not always willing to play the role in life that theiot father.. ( a notorious Bootlegger) wanted her to play.
So, he had his Daughter forcibly sent to an asylum where they Lobotomized her, and from then on, she was quiet as a purring little kitten.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2022
I taken medication constantly, but on Sunday I get a slight reduction - the reduction is such a relief!

Interesting OP.