Dear mr. Holy spirit

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Active Member
Apr 29, 2022
United States
I write to you dear friend for i know not the words to speak with my lips so i write to you lest i be short for words.
What a mystery you are to me, how hidden and secret your heart is to me, should you allow it i would prod it and search it's waters to know you to bond with you to dvie deep with you. But i find you aloft and away from me i cannot search you nor can i seek the hidden secrets of your heart for something keeps you at bay, you never fail to speak to me when you so desire but you still do not make yourself known to me.

I see you as a fire or like the wind and at times in my quiet times you are a strem of calm waters flowing gently these things i know of you but i could not speak your true name i could not speak of your true personality i could not speak of the hidden things you contain in your heart. For you are different among the God head, you are like the flavor on a steak or the seasoning on a good cheeseburger you add to the flavor you are God but seem to increase everything that makes you you.

There are many things about you that mystify me you are like an old song i use to know that i hear but cannot understand the words only the tune the lyrics escape me, you are my best friend yet i know very little of you you are my treasure yet you are not mine to hold and know for you go about your ways by your own will.

How you fascinate me though, how you intrigue me and baffle me. The way you move the way you interact with your children the way you speak and work through others how you can do amazing things with something so simple as faith. Yet you are a stranger to me and i am only allowed a little insight into you, i desire to know you but have little to go on. so mr. holy spirit reveal yourself and speak forth hide your secrets no longer and burst the doors to your heart wide open for i am eager to know you


Active Member
Apr 29, 2022
West Virginia
United States
The spirit is a wonderful companion! When everybody else leaves, or when nobody understands you, the spirit is there for you! When life brings you down, I find myself always being grateful for it. I've been helpless in my life, and I have had to surrender to God. Being on the brink of homelessness and actually going homeless for a couple months, but the spirit has always provided me with a saving opportunity to keep having hope. Its so intimate with me. I was cursed with Loneliness, but the older I get. That curse is turning into a blessing, because of the relationship I have with the Spirit. The father has spoken me to once, but the spirit......there are no words for how i feel about a companion. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.
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Active Member
Apr 29, 2022
United States
The spirit is a wonderful companion! When everybody else leaves, or when nobody understands you, the spirit is there for you! When life brings you down, I find myself always being grateful for it. I've been helpless in my life, and I have had to surrender to God. Being on the brink of homelessness and actually going homeless for a couple months, but the spirit has always provided me with a saving opportunity to keep having hope. Its so intimate with me. I was cursed with Loneliness, but the older I get. That curse is turning into a blessing, because of the relationship I have with the Spirit. The father has spoken me to once, but the spirit......there are no words for how i feel about a companion. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.
My friend this post was so filled with such spirit that i only saw the words in big captial letters I AM only after seeing these words was i able to really grasp your post. My deaar friend you are one of the lucky few to have a rare kind of relationship with God that we can only dream of the intimacy you share with him is on a whole other level and with the spirit of God himself no less.

Tou share the bond i am wanting with him to know him to have him to treasure him you shine a radiant bond with him that few others can boast of that is a rare and honorable gift


Active Member
Apr 29, 2022
West Virginia
United States
This bond came with a price. My mother is schizophrenic, like her mother. As a result, she attempted to kill me (i was told) and lost her parental rights to me (no jail time). My father is a navy combatant (killed people in combat). As a result, he wasn't very good as a father, but an excellent provider. As a result, i have trouble forming bonds stronger than casual friendships. The world see's me as schizophrenic, and combine that with the fact that I "died to the world" and lost all motivation to better myself and take care of myself took a toll on my relationship with my father. I am better now at taking care of myself, with a detached view of things. My dad has since disowned me, calling me lazy and unambitious. He told his current wife to not even contact me when he dies. Losing him in my life, when he has been the ONLY constant person in my life is something I haven't fully faced yet. Its been about 5 years and we havent saw each other unless you count the 3 months i moved back in with him. My luck with woman as far as relationships is very poor. I've always wanted a wife, but the longest relationship I've been in was when I was in college and it lasted 9 months. Its the only time I've truly been in love. I've not been able to find a woman who appreciates the effort i put into relationships and none have seem to value me. In all my time alone, this relationship developed because I had nothing else or nobody to turn to. Especially when it came to my feelings for my college sweetheart that I deal with to this day. In truth, if the Father hadn't spoken to me, combined with the thoughts and emotions/feelings meditating/praying to the spirit I wouldnt be a believer. I'm still not a 100% sold on Jesus. But the Father and Spirit I am. 2 outta 3 aint bad. I believe Jesus is Possible, but thats as far as my faith goes.

I really did lose everything. All my friends, my family. All my material possessions, my drivers licence (I owe 5k in fines). My tax return (they take it due to studen loans). I have even lost my mental state and my identity thinking I was jesus christ. I thought I was time-traveling, speaking to the dead. Fighting demons, traveling the heavens, even being in multiple places at once. Deju vu expierences. All sorts of things. If it wasn't for the Spirit, I'd probably be dead.

I have this hope in my life that can't be extinguished. My outlook on death is so peaceful and I'm only 32. I see other people being wrapped up in drama that doesnt matter at the end of the day. Struggling with each other for insignificant power or status. Spending their time chasing things that doesnt bring fufillment or entertainment. My loneliness has prevented any baby mama drama, or responsibility to children. I am content for the most part in living a simple life, waiting and longing for the day God calls me to something better than this life. I am grateful for all the small things that I have or happen to me and I don't take things to heart or hold grudges. Most of all it gives me this inner peace.
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Active Member
Apr 29, 2022
West Virginia
United States

Describes how I feel. Just being noticed and chosen and UNDERSTOOD!!!! When nobody else is willing or capable of doing it. Thats my Hallelujah.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
This bond came with a price. My mother is schizophrenic, like her mother. As a result, she attempted to kill me (i was told) and lost her parental rights to me (no jail time). My father is a navy combatant (killed people in combat). As a result, he wasn't very good as a father, but an excellent provider. As a result, i have trouble forming bonds stronger than casual friendships. The world see's me as schizophrenic, and combine that with the fact that I "died to the world" and lost all motivation to better myself and take care of myself took a toll on my relationship with my father. I am better now at taking care of myself, with a detached view of things. My dad has since disowned me, calling me lazy and unambitious. He told his current wife to not even contact me when he dies. Losing him in my life, when he has been the ONLY constant person in my life is something I haven't fully faced yet. Its been about 5 years and we havent saw each other unless you count the 3 months i moved back in with him. My luck with woman as far as relationships is very poor. I've always wanted a wife, but the longest relationship I've been in was when I was in college and it lasted 9 months. Its the only time I've truly been in love. I've not been able to find a woman who appreciates the effort i put into relationships and none have seem to value me. In all my time alone, this relationship developed because I had nothing else or nobody to turn to. Especially when it came to my feelings for my college sweetheart that I deal with to this day. In truth, if the Father hadn't spoken to me, combined with the thoughts and emotions/feelings meditating/praying to the spirit I wouldnt be a believer. I'm still not a 100% sold on Jesus. But the Father and Spirit I am. 2 outta 3 aint bad. I believe Jesus is Possible, but thats as far as my faith goes.

I really did lose everything. All my friends, my family. All my material possessions, my drivers licence (I owe 5k in fines). My tax return (they take it due to studen loans). I have even lost my mental state and my identity thinking I was jesus christ. I thought I was time-traveling, speaking to the dead. Fighting demons, traveling the heavens, even being in multiple places at once. Deju vu expierences. All sorts of things. If it wasn't for the Spirit, I'd probably be dead.

I have this hope in my life that can't be extinguished. My outlook on death is so peaceful and I'm only 32. I see other people being wrapped up in drama that doesnt matter at the end of the day. Struggling with each other for insignificant power or status. Spending their time chasing things that doesnt bring fufillment or entertainment. My loneliness has prevented any baby mama drama, or responsibility to children. I am content for the most part in living a simple life, waiting and longing for the day God calls me to something better than this life. I am grateful for all the small things that I have or happen to me and I don't take things to heart or hold grudges. Most of all it gives me this inner peace.
"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." (John 14.27)
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Active Member
Apr 29, 2022
United States

Describes how I feel. Just being noticed and chosen and UNDERSTOOD!!!! When nobody else is willing or capable of doing it. Thats my Hallelujah.
your struggles have been hard and you have lost much yet you came out with much more than you began with many have gone through worse and still don't have what you have you are very blessed and special my friend how many of us can claim to have such a relationship with him? I am so very happy for you and pray that your bond with him only deepens as time goes on though i wouldn't mind if maybe i could have a little of that bond as well
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Active Member
Apr 29, 2022
United States
you know there isn't a whole lot that describes the holy spirit in scripture but when i think of him i can only imagine a powerful wind and fire and it resonates with me somehow yet other times he appears in my minds eye like a golden liquid driping from my finger tips as i type other times still when i am alone and at peace he is like a calm stream of water soothing and serene i have no scriptures to back any of this up so if i were to try to biblically prove it i don't think i could but he truly is a mystery one that not even the scriptures explain that much
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
you know there isn't a whole lot that describes the holy spirit in scripture but when i think of him i can only imagine a powerful wind and fire and it resonates with me somehow yet other times he appears in my minds eye like a golden liquid driping from my finger tips as i type other times still when i am alone and at peace he is like a calm stream of water soothing and serene i have no scriptures to back any of this up so if i were to try to biblically prove it i don't think i could but he truly is a mystery one that not even the scriptures explain that much
It's in there, friend. :)
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
he is like a calm stream of water soothing and serene
I've definitely had this experience. Don't forget, though, that it's Jesus that the Spirit testifies to. The Spirit's personality is a mystery that cannot be described nor searched out. But the Spirit is, indeed, every bit as real and powerful as the Father and Son. Hope this isn't disagreeable or unwelcome. I aim to edify.

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Active Member
Apr 29, 2022
United States
I've definitely had this experience. Don't forget, though, that it's Jesus that the Spirit testifies to. The Spirit's personality is a mystery that cannot be described nor searched out. But the Spirit is, indeed, every bit as real and powerful as the Father and Son. Hope this isn't disagreeable or unwelcome. I aim to edify.

Yes this is true thank you for your wise input