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This is an interesting idea, but the Bible makes it clear what will happen to the devil. He will not repent.Lucifer, God's beloved son, a bible fanfic | FanFiction
What if Lucifer can repent? I entertain this idea in the story above. Hope you enjoy my story.
Why would a Christian start calling the devil "God's beloved son"? Who needs this kind of fiction when the devil is going about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour?Lucifer, God's beloved son, a bible fanfic | FanFiction ...What if Lucifer can repent? I entertain this idea in the story above. Hope you enjoy my story.
I do think it's dangerous to create sympathy for the source of so much evil in the world.Why would a Christian start calling the devil "God's beloved son"? Who needs this kind of fiction when the devil is going about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour?
Correct. Christians are in A FIERCE SPIRITUAL BATTLE where the eternal destiny of human souls is at stake, along with the spiritual conflict which Christians themselves face. The last thing Christians need is spiritual nonsense about the Devil. Satan is definitely not playing games.I do think it's dangerous to create sympathy for the source of so much evil in the world.
Exactly ...and there is only one begotten Son of God.Why would a Christian start calling the devil "God's beloved son"? Who needs this kind of fiction when the devil is going about as a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour?
But, the question no one asked here is, Who is the devil? Remember that Jesus rebuked Peter calling him Satan!This is an interesting idea, but the Bible makes it clear what will happen to the devil. He will not repent.
And what of the source of so much evil which is the human heart? Each of us had to repent. Each of us was deeply immersed in sin. Each of us was evil. Each of us was very selfish.I do think it's dangerous to create sympathy for the source of so much evil in the world.
That made me think of Jesus casting out devils..And what the source of so much evil which is the human heart? Each of us had to repent. Each of us was deeply immersed in sin. Each of us was evil. Each of us was very selfish.
Are we not thankful to God, who provided a better Way for us... and perhaps thankful also to some people who expressed sympathy for us and prayed that we might encounter a way out of our place of misery and evil?
"And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man.
For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders," Mark 7:20-21
Probably all of us knew how to describe a devil before we were old enough to read and certainly before we ever read about devils in the Bible. Don't we all know he's a red fellow with horns and a tail and that he carries a pitchfork? Are there any female devils?That made me think of Jesus casting out devils..
Evil thoughts, hatefulness, spite, wrath.. nasty ugly..
Never does say exactly what one of these devils looks like does it?
Is Jesus talking to the devil, or the heart thats in the man??
Then there is the lunatick son, always casting himself into the water and into the fire,
Even this I don't take literal, this guy is trying to do the right thing but keeps getting himself in trouble, and it's driving him crazy!!
Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying there aren't devils.
I just think we give them too much publicity and give them roles in movies.
Jesus said we would tread on serpents. Cast out devils.
And I say..
That's what friends are for. :)
Lucifer, God's beloved son, a bible fanfic | FanFiction
What if Lucifer can repent? I entertain this idea in the story above. Hope you enjoy my story.