Keep praying
Looks good for Trump but it is very close
Looks like Trump is winning againe !
Lets hope so, or Kamala will lead us into WW3 !
China will walk all over her ! They will just walk into Taiwan for sure !
The People of Ukraine have already Lost their Nation to a very cunning Mob ! Ukraine's Government puppet has sold out their Nations future, too very wealthy grubs !
The People of Ukraine have been played for fools ! Who truly ownes them now ? nothing but grubs, Nazis in fact ! Do not tell the MSM that their are Nazis ! The MSM can not see they are Nazis ? well yest they know ! but you are not worthy, in the MSM eyes to be informed of such ! another Nothing to be seen here !
Who gaines from this idiot War ? Only very wealthy people only, the average Ukraine person will be swamped with trash, from all over the world and become just a dumping ground !
What could the Ukraine People say to all of the Evil demands that will be made on them by a criminal intent Satanic West and Kamala the Vampire ! Ukraine will become the Gay capital of the world !
Kamala will only work in regards so as to sell Isreal down the drain !
Remember that their is more than one way to skin a cat ? cunning evil people are working for their own self intrest and Governments all over the world are not serious in dealing with such that is truly Evil ! seriously such is everywhere you turn ! that good people are being played for fools and idiots !
Criminals intent peddle a full on creap show, They are outright corrupting the youth with depraity and anyone who is stupid enought to swallow it all.