Friendly Bible Study

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Carl Emerson

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2022
New Zealand
Welcome to the Friendly Bible Study.

Please let's initially chat together - maybe a short introduction from each one.

We have 8 so far - I was unsure about Hepzibah and there might be a couple more.

Just freely share about yourself - we want to build fellowship as a foundation for joining together around the Scripture.

Sandi my wife and I are just North of Auckland New Zealand, We are on a remote farm in beautiful surroundings and amazing bird life. Our 5 children are off our hands and we are looking to move into His purpose for these latter years.

Sandi specialises in Postnatal Care she graduated in her 50's in midwifery.

I have a background in electronics and am launching a new sensor to record wind speed and direction. I entered an innovation competition at the local university and won a place to receive support for a startup company to bring the sensor to market.

This is the same guy that was shipwrecked in life in the 70's (my mind was broken from drugs and such) and by His grace was rebuilt over a 7 year period. I partly joined this forum and CF to share my testimony and give the grand children something to read about my life.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
Hello xx
I am just recently retired, but worked in the care sector as a carer and housekeeper for the latter part of my career. Worked with younger children when my own four children were younger. My youngest ( 30 l) lives with me as he has mental health issues, so we kind of support one another. He came to faith two years ago. We live right next door to my daughter and her family.
My two other sons live within 50miles.
I came to faith when I was 24years old. I was already married, so over the years that followed there were challenging times as my husband never came to faith. Adultery on his part led to the end of our marriage after 27years, we remained friends until his death in 2019.
Another member invited me to the forum many many years ago, I did leave at one stage but came back and a few years ago was asked to be a moderator.
I have been part of a evangelical church , and baptist but I am no longer denominational and prefer to class myself as being part of ‘ church ‘ ( all those in Christ )


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Well hello Carl.

I don't know if I came in through the bathroom window or not as this thread is visible to me as are all others. I thought I would pop in with the aim of contributing a bit. And then I did not prepare you in advance of my arrival.

I can give a long rant of my past, although I prefer a short version here, at this time.

Born in Leicester, England, grew up in New Zealand; lived in Petone, Lower Hutt, Mangaore/ Shannon, Levin, of the North Island.

Moved to the US and found that life was quiet different in many ways: culturally, even the language of many new accents. When the VN War was still active although diminishing in scope and ferocity, I enlisted in the USAF and retired as an officer.

Married for over 50 years, to a lovely woman, of great....great-grandparents of the Mayflower, and of Swedish royalty of some Swiss non-conformists.

I came to Christ, 7 months after my marriage, in 1974. A coworker one evening came over to preach the gospel, and I opened my heart to God. I felt deep regret for my life and my sins. I repented of them all. I suddenly 'lit up' on fire for the word and our savior. It was a real transformation and a new thirst for God in my life, through scripture. I could not get enough if it. It was a very dramatic moment for me to say the least. I felt a new presence overtake me. Never lost this presence eventhough my life has not always been pleasing to God, especially before my mid-40s. Today, I reflect on what God has given me, now in a more peaceful and loving environment, optimistic for my future, and my next life.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Hi everyone, I became Born Again nearly 33 years ago, gave my life to God from that moment on, it’s not been easy, much heartbreak along the way, also great happiness, knowing that the Spirit is in every situation, that he also resides in my heart/ spirit, knew that from day 1, when he testified with my spirit that I was a child of God, much more to it than that, my testimony was very personal, I have shared it in the past, I don’t feel comfortable sharing it again, as I got a lot of negativity from sharing,I was such an insecure person, I now know I am secure in Christ....Praise God.

I have 3 grown up adult 4 grandchildren, like Rita I worked in care, I’ve also been a cleaner, cook in a residential home for many years......great to be here, looking forward to the Bible Study.xx


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Well hello Carl.

I don't know if I came in through the bathroom window or not as this thread is visible to me as are all others. I thought I would pop in with the aim of contributing a bit. And then I did not prepare you in advance of my arrival.

I can give a long rant of my past, although I prefer a short version here, at this time.

Born in Leicester, England, grew up in New Zealand; lived in Petone, Lower Hutt, Mangaore/ Shannon, Levin, of the North Island.

Moved to the US and found that life was quiet different in many ways: culturally, even the language of many new accents. When the VN War was still active although diminishing in scope and ferocity, I enlisted in the USAF and retired as an officer.

Married for over 50 years, to a lovely woman, of great....great-grandparents of the Mayflower, and of Swedish royalty of the and some Swiss non-conformists.

I came to Christ, 7 months after my marriage, in 1974. A coworker one evening came over to preach the gospel, and I opened my heart to God. I felt deep regret for my life and my sins. I repented of them all. I suddenly 'lit up' on fire for the word and our savior. It was a real transformation and a new thirst for God in my life, through scripture. I could not get enough if it. It was a very dramatic moment for me to say the least. I felt a new presence overtake me. Never lost this presence eventhough my life has not always been pleasing to God, especially before my mid-40s. Today, I reflect on what God has given me, now in a more peaceful and loving environment, optimistic for my future, and my next life.
Great to see you here, Brother,xx
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
@APAK, so did you lead your wife to faith ?
Great question Rita. Her faith in God arrived at a much earlier age according to her. She began her first few years at school knowing and walking with God before I first handled my Dad's British .303 Enfield rifle at the age of 10 years in New Zealand.

Not to get too personal however, her faith at the time of my first meeting her was not that visible or spoken of... She is an introvert and kept these matters to herself. Once I became acquainted with Christ that Day, she became amazed at my visible reaction. She spoke of God as something she thought everyone possessed. She was raised in a Methodist environment, going to Bible/Sunday school for many years. Spoke of how she knew God in faith since she was a little girl at about 5 years old. Her parents were a loving couple, she was blessed.

Since our marriage, especially after 10 years or so we studied scripture together, on and off. I'm a lot more into scripture than she...I love to study it.

So to answer your question, I did not need to bring her to God and his Son. She knew both personally, many years before hand.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
Hi all, I've been born again for 47 years, originally Anglican background but for the last 40 years non-denom. I am married to Ray and we are retired. We live in the north of England and have been in our home for 37 years. We loved our gardens and did a lot to them - front and back are both 40feet long. Sadly though there a now a bit neglected but still a nice green place to sit.

I am 82 so probably the oldest here although I don't feel anywhere near that sort of age. I am still strong and active and one of my 'things' is being able to find solutions. I used to work as a customer service advisor for Great Universal, amongst other things. I have three adult children, five adult grandchildren, plus three more younger ones. I am also a great gran to the wonderful little Peter who is 4.

I like to read and switched from paper to e-books during lockdown. I have also like various forms of needlework and am doing crochet at present. And I write poems and have God dreams.

I love talking about Jesus and love finding new things in my bible.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Hi all, I've been born again for 47 years, originally Anglican background but for the last 40 years non-denom. I am married to Ray and we are retired. We live in the north of England and have been in our home for 37 years. We loved our gardens and did a lot to them - front and back are both 40feet long. Sadly though there a now a bit neglected but still a nice green place to sit.

I am 82 so probably the oldest here although I don't feel anywhere near that sort of age. I am still strong and active and one of my 'things' is being able to find solutions. I used to work as a customer service advisor for Great Universal, amongst other things. I have three adult children, five adult grandchildren, plus three more younger ones. I am also a great gran to the wonderful little Peter who is 4.

I like to read and switched from paper to e-books during lockdown. I have also like various forms of needlework and am doing crochet at present. And I write poems and have God dreams.

I love talking about Jesus and love finding new things in my bible.
Thanks for sharing Pearl, and to meet you again


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2012
United Kingdom
Yes you can count me in Carl. I love to study scripture but will try to avoid pointing out where Protestantism differs from the early Christians (a lot).

My journey began at age 23 (74 now) so last year was my jubilee year. I was raised by atheists in a non Christian culture in NE England. I met a 'born again' couple and the rest is history.

However, I had no idea how damaged I was by my childhood (then later my adulthood). It is just this year that it is all coming out. Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, starting when I was dumped in hospital after mercury poisoning from 'teething' meds. A lot of the babies died and a lot emotionally damaged as they were not clear about an infants needs and just left them crying, often barring the parents from visiting. Something happened to me in that hospital and I hope it comes out. A pre-verbal child is more seriously damaged.

My mother had serious personality problems and my childhood was spent without my needs met, plus neglect. I married two abusive men, one at age 19 and that has broken up before I came to Christ, and the other 12 years later.

So I struggled as a believer. I know that if I had received the love that was missing in my life from a church, I may have healed. On two occasions, both at a retreat center, I did receive love. One time it was from 5 visiting American women pastors to hold a weeks led retreat. I met them on the coast and they asked about my obvious ill health.

They brought me a cake later they had looked the recipe up in accordance with my allergies gone to the shop and baked it and left it with a note as I was out. I was so overwhelmed by that. The other was at a communal retreat where they all ate the same as me for the weekend, giving up their desserts. Again I was deeply touched.

These two occasions did a lot of healing. It is so easy really for severely damaged people - just show them sacrificial love. If everything I have been through was to give me this massage for the church then it was worth it.

I now have a therapist and am healing at an exponential rate. My life is really just starting now, and the teaching God gave me 34 years ago on holiness, will at last be able to be delivered to the church. It has got me through all of this, that is, the secret of how to abide.

ps Both parents claimed they had come to Christ before they died.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2020
Thank you for the invite.

I was born again, this month, 5 years ago, at the age of 35. I grew up in a home, with a father of muslim background, but not practicing, and a christian mother. Around the age of 7, my mother asked a family friend, who was a Jehovah's Witness to teach me the bible secretly, so my father wouldn't know. My mother was not aware of the differences of what JWs believe. This friend helped me learned a good amount of the old testament at an early age, however, skewed my understanding of who Jesus was until I was 35 years old.

At the age of 12, my mom's mother, who was a believer in Jesus, was diagnosed with throat cancer. By the time she was, she only had a few months to live. She suffered tremendously. After she passed away, my mom had her funeral held at a nearby Brethren church, where a few years before, one of my father's uncle had his funeral, who was a believer in Christ. Shortly after my grandmother's death, my father allowed my mom to start attending that church. I soon also started going. I grew up in this church, and started serving in my teens, all the way until I left, in 2009. I remember one Friday night, after a youth group event, I came home, and wanted to read the bible. I somehow turned to the gospels, but said to myself "Jesus isn't important", and went to find an OT book to read. This was due to my original teaching from the family friend.

My family started attending a nearby North American Baptist affiliated church. A few months in, I became a member, and started serving as a sound tech, and helping with art related projects for children's ministries. On Wednesday, and Sunday mornings, they would have bible studies. However, I would keep getting roped into helping run sound for the worship team practices, even when it wasn't my turn. It was as if God was preventing me to study his word. Instead, I'd spend time listening to various christian radio programs, listening to various teachers, while working during the day.

Around 2014, our senior pastor left, and we went through almost 4 years with rotating speakers at my church. I felt I was spiritually dead, and not receiving God's word in the way I needed to. I also fell into depression. My family had left this church, to attend a larger Pentecostal church. So I left in 2017, hoping to grow spiritually. In 2019, I took a course at this church called "Skeptic", designed for people who don't know about God or the bible. I was also questioning many things to God. Like suffering people were allowed to endure. The very first thing I heard, that pierced my heart and mind was "God is love". Growing up in church, I'm sure I had heard it, but it went through one ear, and out the other. I was struggling with my faith, as my first church had lead me to believe I had to be perfect, sinless, to know God. I felt I was never part of his people, but an outsider for so many years.

After this course started, God allowed me to go through three trials. Each one, I had to endure alone, where no friend or family helped me. Only turning to God's word, gave me any comfort. On May 8th, 2019, I had my final trial. After returning from church that night, I came to the end of myself. I finally called out to God, from my heart, asking why He created me. He answered back. The next morning, I was a new person. My depression had left. My mom was shocked in the difference of my character from the night before. I spent three weeks, following that event, in a closeness to God, which I had not ever experienced. Since then, God has grown me in His word, revealed His Son to me, and shown me His mighty works through my life, and others. I also finally felt I belong with His people. The most incredible is the supernatural I've experienced from God since then. Currently, God has me transitioning from serving behind the scenes, to some leadership position, after I returned back to my second church to serve again. :)
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Thank you for the invite.

I was born again, this month, 5 years ago, at the age of 35. I grew up in a home, with a father of muslim background, but not practicing, and a christian mother. Around the age of 7, my mother asked a family friend, who was a Jehovah's Witness to teach me the bible secretly, so my father wouldn't know. My mother was not aware of the differences of what JWs believe. This friend helped me learned a good amount of the old testament at an early age, however, skewed my understanding of who Jesus was until I was 35 years old.

At the age of 12, my mom's mother, who was a believer in Jesus, was diagnosed with throat cancer. By the time she was, she only had a few months to lived. She suffered tremendously. After she passed away, my mom had her funeral held at a nearby Brethren church, where a few years before, one of my father's uncle had his funeral, who was a believer in Christ. Shortly after my grandmother's death, my father allowed my mom to start attending that church. I soon also started going. I grew up in this church, and started serving in my teens, all the way until I left, in 2009. I remember one Friday night, after a youth group event, I came home, and wanted to read the bible. I somehow turned to the gospels, but said to myself "Jesus isn't important", and went to find an OT book to read. This was due to my original teaching from the family friend.

My family started attending a nearby North American Baptist affiliated church. A few months in, I became a member, and started serving as a sound tech, and helping with art related projects for children's ministries. On Wednesday, and Sunday mornings, they would have bible studies. However, I would keep getting roped into helping run sound for the worship team practices, even when it wasn't my turn. It was as if God was preventing me to study his word. Instead, I'd spend time listening to various christian radio programs, listening to various teachers, while working during the day.

Around 2014, our senior pastor left, and we went through almost 4 years with rotating speakers at my church. I felt I was spiritually dead, and not receiving God's word in the way I needed to. I also fell into depression. My family had left this church, to attend a larger Pentecostal church. So I left in 2017, hoping to grow spiritually. In 2019, I took a course at this church called "Skeptic", designed for people who don't know about God or the bible. The very first thing I heard, that pierced my heart and mind was "God is love". Growing up in church, I'm sure I had heard it, but it went through one ear, and out the other.

After this course started, God allowed me to go through three trials. Each one, I had to endure alone, where no friend or family helped me. Only turning to God's word, gave me any comfort. On May 8th, 2019, I had my final trial. After returning from church that night, I came to the end of myself. I finally called out to God, from my heart, asking why He created me. He answered back. The next morning, I was a new person. My depression had left. My mom was shocked in the difference of my character from the night before. I spent three weeks, following that event, in a closeness to God, which I had not ever experienced. Since then, God has grown me in His word, revealed His Son to me, and shown me His mighty works through my life, and others. The most incredible is the supernatural I've experienced from God since then. Currently, God has me transitioning from serving behind the scenes, to some leadership position, after I returned back to my second church to serve again. :)
What a powerful testimony, thanks for sharing, plus it makes great sense, it just reinforces what I too believe...needed to hear this ,Azim, Praise God for that.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Thank you for the invite.

I was born again, this month, 5 years ago, at the age of 35. I grew up in a home, with a father of muslim background, but not practicing, and a christian mother. Around the age of 7, my mother asked a family friend, who was a Jehovah's Witness to teach me the bible secretly, so my father wouldn't know. My mother was not aware of the differences of what JWs believe. This friend helped me learned a good amount of the old testament at an early age, however, skewed my understanding of who Jesus was until I was 35 years old.

At the age of 12, my mom's mother, who was a believer in Jesus, was diagnosed with throat cancer. By the time she was, she only had a few months to live. She suffered tremendously. After she passed away, my mom had her funeral held at a nearby Brethren church, where a few years before, one of my father's uncle had his funeral, who was a believer in Christ. Shortly after my grandmother's death, my father allowed my mom to start attending that church. I soon also started going. I grew up in this church, and started serving in my teens, all the way until I left, in 2009. I remember one Friday night, after a youth group event, I came home, and wanted to read the bible. I somehow turned to the gospels, but said to myself "Jesus isn't important", and went to find an OT book to read. This was due to my original teaching from the family friend.

My family started attending a nearby North American Baptist affiliated church. A few months in, I became a member, and started serving as a sound tech, and helping with art related projects for children's ministries. On Wednesday, and Sunday mornings, they would have bible studies. However, I would keep getting roped into helping run sound for the worship team practices, even when it wasn't my turn. It was as if God was preventing me to study his word. Instead, I'd spend time listening to various christian radio programs, listening to various teachers, while working during the day.

Around 2014, our senior pastor left, and we went through almost 4 years with rotating speakers at my church. I felt I was spiritually dead, and not receiving God's word in the way I needed to. I also fell into depression. My family had left this church, to attend a larger Pentecostal church. So I left in 2017, hoping to grow spiritually. In 2019, I took a course at this church called "Skeptic", designed for people who don't know about God or the bible. I was also questioning many things to God. Like suffering people were allowed to endure. The very first thing I heard, that pierced my heart and mind was "God is love". Growing up in church, I'm sure I had heard it, but it went through one ear, and out the other. I was struggling with my faith, as my first church had lead me to believe I had to be perfect, sinless, to know God. I felt I was never part of his people, but an outsider for so many years.

After this course started, God allowed me to go through three trials. Each one, I had to endure alone, where no friend or family helped me. Only turning to God's word, gave me any comfort. On May 8th, 2019, I had my final trial. After returning from church that night, I came to the end of myself. I finally called out to God, from my heart, asking why He created me. He answered back. The next morning, I was a new person. My depression had left. My mom was shocked in the difference of my character from the night before. I spent three weeks, following that event, in a closeness to God, which I had not ever experienced. Since then, God has grown me in His word, revealed His Son to me, and shown me His mighty works through my life, and others. I also finally felt I belong with His people. The most incredible is the supernatural I've experienced from God since then. Currently, God has me transitioning from serving behind the scenes, to some leadership position, after I returned back to my second church to serve again. :)
More power to you brother from on. amen
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
I’ve also been a cleaner

I'm sorry but this one made me laugh. You were a cleaner? Like...Leon? I'm just kidding with you.

My name is Edward and I've been saved sinc 2009 after the Lord saved my life. I had alrready been saved & Baptised when I was about 12 or 13 but backslid when I got old enough to gain a healthy interest in girls, so I didnt really walk with the Lord again until after my marriage was over and the kids grown. In Septmber of 2009 I had an epileptic seizure at the wheel of my work truck on the highway doing 70mph, left the road and hit a downed log which launched the truck into the air and while airborne I hit a tree head on passenger side wich spun the truck sideways and it rolled three times. I broke my back in two places. But somehow I still walk on my own. Just not as fast or as far any more. I've been epilepeic for most of my life and that one seizure was the first time that I ever felt the seizure coming on. First time! I thought uh-oh, and looked into the rearview mirror at myself...and saw myself fading. I knew I would be unconscious in a moment, so I said the words, Lord be with me...

And He was! He saved my life. I had about 4 months in my recovery bed after surgery to consider what happened that day? It was readily apparent to me what happened, God had saved my life. I understood that I owe Him my life now! (And so here I am)!!

I am from Ohio and moved to Colorado Springs Co in 1989 and was trying to move back to Ohio in 2009 to frustrate my wife's intentions to serve me divorce papers (she had no grounds in my mind). That lasted about 6 months in Ohio total and after I recovered from my accident, I moved back to Colorado to help my sons with the business that I left for them when I left. When I left, work was slow and I reasoned, move to Ohio, start there again and get more customers. But work picked up for them after I left and they had told me that they had trouble getting out the door in the morning to go to work because of the office phone. (I had became a Mechanical Contractor in 1994 and started a business which did all sorts of Furnace & Air Conditioning repairs, and plumbing, electrical & gas lines, all that stuff.

So the plan was move back and run the office from my easy chair (!!) While my boys went out and worked. I helped on some big jobs. Installs and so forth to meet deadlines and all that. And if you're used to running an office, it's pretty easy. So I had plent of free time to still draw closer to the Lord in gratitude for His saving me!

And I did, and the Lord drew closer to me also! And...He continued to Bless me and to help me. And the Lord has done very many supernatural things to help me and bless me since then. I have so many testimonies that, I can't possibly share them all. Many of them would not be believed anyway because not everything that God does is on the level of parting the red sea. But I have become sensitive to many things of the Lord so I can easily understand the who what why of something when it happens. If one is not sensitive to the ways of the Spirit then one wont consider God as the source of something, they'll say, oh a minor co-incidence.

But there isnt any such thing as co-incidences on this planet, and that is truth. There is only God-incidences. True story.

Short version! I could talk for hours on the goodness of God!


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
I'm sorry but this one made me laugh. You were a cleaner? Like...Leon? I'm just kidding with you.

My name is Edward and I've been saved sinc 2009 after the Lord saved my life. I had alrready been saved & Baptised when I was about 12 or 13 but backslid when I got old enough to gain a healthy interest in girls, so I didnt really walk with the Lord again until after my marriage was over and the kids grown. In Septmber of 2009 I had an epileptic seizure at the wheel of my work truck on the highway doing 70mph, left the road and hit a downed log which launched the truck into the air and while airborne I hit a tree head on passenger side wich spun the truck sideways and it rolled three times. I broke my back in two places. But somehow I still walk on my own. Just not as fast or as far any more. I've been epilepeic for most of my life and that one seizure was the first time that I ever felt the seizure coming on. First time! I thought uh-oh, and looked into the rearview mirror at myself...and saw myself fading. I knew I would be unconscious in a moment, so I said the words, Lord be with me...

And He was! He saved my life. I had about 4 months in my recovery bed after surgery to consider what happened that day? It was readily apparent to me what happened, God had saved my life. I understood that I owe Him my life now! (And so here I am)!!

I am from Ohio and moved to Colorado Springs Co in 1989 and was trying to move back to Ohio in 2009 to frustrate my wife's intentions to serve me divorce papers (she had no grounds in my mind). That lasted about 6 months in Ohio total and after I recovered from my accident, I moved back to Colorado to help my sons with the business that I left for them when I left. When I left, work was slow and I reasoned, move to Ohio, start there again and get more customers. But work picked up for them after I left and they had told me that they had trouble getting out the door in the morning to go to work because of the office phone. (I had became a Mechanical Contractor in 1994 and started a business which did all sorts of Furnace & Air Conditioning repairs, and plumbing, electrical & gas lines, all that stuff.

So the plan was move back and run the office from my easy chair (!!) While my boys went out and worked. I helped on some big jobs. Installs and so forth to meet deadlines and all that. And if you're used to running an office, it's pretty easy. So I had plent of free time to still draw closer to the Lord in gratitude for His saving me!

And I did, and the Lord drew closer to me also! And...He continued to Bless me and to help me. And the Lord has done very many supernatural things to help me and bless me since then. I have so many testimonies that, I can't possibly share them all. Many of them would not be believed anyway because not everything that God does is on the level of parting the red sea. But I have become sensitive to many things of the Lord so I can easily understand the who what why of something when it happens. If one is not sensitive to the ways of the Spirit then one wont consider God as the source of something, they'll say, oh a minor co-incidence.

But there isnt any such thing as co-incidences on this planet, and that is truth. There is only God-incidences. True story.

Short version! I could talk for hours on the goodness of God!
What a wonderful testimony of the power of God in you life, and you arrived 'unscathed.'

I just had a new Goodman A/C system installed in our home...Not inexpensive anymore...
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Oh and the Lord told me to move back to Ohio again where I'm from and still have family, in 2016. Leave your business to your kids...I didnt want to but He caused me to study Jonah and I was scared not to! So here I am. I'm from Columbus, but settled in a small town Ohio as the Lord directed me.

But I left my thingy to read Columbus because I seem to make a lot of Gay or pro trans people very angry! And so what. But, you know.

Who moves from Colorful Colorado to ohio? That wasnt in the plan again at all. But you know what? I obeyed because I love the Lord and want to please Him. And the Lord has blessed me in so many ways since I have been here that it's twilight zone unreal. He set me up. I would have missed all this if I had said no I wont move.

Oh yeah, thanks for the invite. (I seen the thread under new posts too.)
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Mar 9, 2023
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
I'm sorry but this one made me laugh. You were a cleaner? Like...Leon? I'm just kidding with you.
I’m proud to say,I’ve had my hand down many a toilet...oh to be “ Humble”. xx

Short commentary.

If there is one attribute of Jesus Christ that He epitomized and which we are to aspire to it is humility. There is no way that any person can or will be able to enter the kingdom of God unless they are humble. Not a presence of humility, but humble through and through to the very core of their being.