Friendly Bible Study

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Carl Emerson

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2022
New Zealand
The word of God, is His Living word, it’s very much Alive and Active, His word is His Living Spirit,..that accomplishes His will.that’s how I knew I was Born His Living Holy Spirit, who is God’s witness.

Gods Living word penetrates our heart, takes up residence in our spirit, “ Spirit gives birth to spirit “.

Hebrews 4:12​

New International Version​

12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Was I meant to question you on it,Carl?

I’ve just voiced my opinion and belief on what God’s word means...hope that’s ok.?

All good, the matter I am addressing is that in my 8 years on forum many folks do not understand the difference between the Word of God and the Scripture and close down those who claim to experience the Word of God outside of Scripture. Yet Scripture makes this distinction quite clearly. In fact the Word of God cannot exist without the involvement of the Person of Jesus.


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All good, the matter I am addressing is that in my 8 years on forum many folks do not understand the difference between the Word of God and the Scripture and close down those who claim to experience the Word of God outside of Scripture. Yet Scripture makes this distinction quite clearly. In fact the Word of God cannot exist without the involvement of the Person of Jesus.

Oh yes, the Living word of God must line up with His written word, plus NO spiritual rebirth without the Name of Jesus.

All Glory goes to Jesus!!....

That has been my experience, I became Born Again having never read a Bible, ..unfortunately some don’t understand that God’s word is His Living word...they believe you must read a Bible to become Born Again, not true, we are Born Again by the Living Spirit Of God...” Spirit gives birth to spirit “..which should then line up with His written word, we are Born Again by the Living Spirit, He births our spirit into His, it’s a supernatural Living act ,all of GOD!..the Bible is Gods written word which lines up with His Living word.

The Spirit testifies/ speaks to our heart/ spirit, that’s how the Holy Spirit teaches me to understand Gods word in the Spirit ....we are His spiritual children, therefore learn to understand the written word, through the Living word , the witness, who is the Holy Spirit who resides in our heart/ spirit....He witnesses Gods truth to our heart/ spirit.

Thank you, Carl.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
Can I just let you all know that I will not be ‘ a moderator ‘ here, I want to just join in the Bible study as myself. It’s pretty difficult to do that elsewhere in the forum Xx


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Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
The word of God, is His Living word, it’s very much Alive and Active, His word is His Living Spirit,..that accomplishes His will.that’s how I knew I was Born His Living Holy Spirit, who is God’s witness.

Gods Living word penetrates our heart, takes up residence in our spirit, “ Spirit gives birth to spirit “.

Hebrews 4:12​

New International Version​

12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.

Was I meant to question you on it,Carl?

I’ve just voiced my opinion and belief on what God’s word means...hope that’s ok.?

Is it too early to comment yet? That's an interesting scripture that you posted. It shows us that we have a battle of the mind. Our soul and spirit are inseperable inside of us and are at war with each other. Who will overcome and control the flesh, our soul or our spirit?

That reminds me of the Chrokee Proverb about the two wolves within us who fight. One is good and one is not good. Which one wins? The one you feed of course!

So if you indulge in worldy pleasures and pursuits, that is feeding the bad wolf. Watching secular movies is feeding the bad wolf. Playing Video Games feeds the bad wolf. ANything of the world.

We feed our spirit one way. With the word of God.

1 Corinthians 2:14
14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.../KJV

But our spirit has spiritual discernment. The Holy Spirit bears witness (means, talks to) our spirit. So our spirit is in direct contact with God.

Why wouldnt we feed the good wolf then? The word of God is spiritual food for our spirit. When you feed him a lot (with the word of God) then he grows strong.

Phillippians 4:7-9
7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

9 Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you.../KJV

So spend less time in worldy things and more time on these things...and something magical happens!

Romans 12:2
2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.../KJV

That is how we cooperate and help ourselves to become more Holy in Christ. Our heart and mind gets transformed by reading the word of God...


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
All good, the matter I am addressing is that in my 8 years on forum many folks do not understand the difference between the Word of God and the Scripture and close down those who claim to experience the Word of God outside of Scripture. Yet Scripture makes this distinction quite clearly. In fact the Word of God cannot exist without the involvement of the Person of Jesus.

You said a mouthful there, Brother! What you say is true. The distinction is made all over scripture, Logos and Rhema's.

The word of the Lord (Jesus) came to me and spoke audibly to me, one time. He didnt manifest to my eyes, only my ears. He spoke the word of God.(He was speaking)..but what He said cant be found in any Bible! So it was a Rhema of the Lord, the spoken word of God.

That's another good long testimony I have about that too, but I wont post it unless requested because I'm'a not trying to take over the thread, lol.
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Aug 13, 2012
United Kingdom
Our soul and spirit are inseperable inside of us and are at war with each other. Who will overcome and control the flesh, our soul or our spirit?
Heb 4:12: For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Can I just let you all know that I will not be ‘ a moderator ‘ here, I want to just join in the Bible study as myself. It’s pretty difficult to do that elsewhere in the forum Xx
Then I must moderate myself if no one is going to be watching or looking after me...I can do both....:Agreed:
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Mar 9, 2023
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United Kingdom
We feed our spirit one way. With the word of God.
Which needs to be understood in our heart/ spirit....we are fed the “ Living “ word of God, our “ spirit “ needs to be fed by the “ Living “ word of God...which then needs to be checked out with His “ Written Word”.....our spirit learns to communicate with the Holy Spirit.....again all in “ Gods” timing, he’s the one who is in control ,via “ His Spirit “ not our spirit......the Spirit is the one who gets our will inline with Gods will......he also gets us to understand God’s word in “ our spirit “....

As we are spiritual children of God...learning to understand in the spirit, takes years and years to understand, ..we were once in the flesh, we are now in the Spirit.....the Holy Spirit is in control , again that is something we learn.....we “ Learn” to “ submit” to the Holy Spirit, as children of God, we are “ Led by the Holy Spirit “....

Sorry @Carl Emerson ...just answered @MA2444 .....

Other than that, back to “ Bible Study” are you leading it Carl?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Which needs to be understood in our heart/ spirit....we are fed the “ Living “ word of God, our “ spirit “ needs to be fed by the “ Living “ word of God...which then needs to be checked out with His “ Written Word”.....our spirit learns to communicate with the Holy Spirit.....again all in “ Gods” timing, he’s the one who is in control ,via “ His Spirit “ not our spirit......the Spirit is the one who gets our will inline with Gods will......he also gets us to understand God’s word in “ our spirit “....

As we are spiritual children of God...learning to understand in the spirit, takes years and years to understand, ..we were once in the flesh, we are now in the Spirit.....the Holy Spirit is in control , again that is something we learn.....we “ Learn” to “ submit” to the Holy Spirit, as children of God, we are “ Led by the Holy Spirit “....

Sorry @Carl Emerson ...just answered @MA2444 .....

Other than that, back to “ Bible Study” are you leading it Carl?

I've noticed that before! Nothing that the Lord ever speaks to me has ever disagreed with any of the written scripture. He talks irl just like He does in scripture!
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Carl Emerson

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2022
New Zealand
Which needs to be understood in our heart/ spirit....we are fed the “ Living “ word of God, our “ spirit “ needs to be fed by the “ Living “ word of God...which then needs to be checked out with His “ Written Word”.....our spirit learns to communicate with the Holy Spirit.....again all in “ Gods” timing, he’s the one who is in control ,via “ His Spirit “ not our spirit......the Spirit is the one who gets our will inline with Gods will......he also gets us to understand God’s word in “ our spirit “....

As we are spiritual children of God...learning to understand in the spirit, takes years and years to understand, ..we were once in the flesh, we are now in the Spirit.....the Holy Spirit is in control , again that is something we learn.....we “ Learn” to “ submit” to the Holy Spirit, as children of God, we are “ Led by the Holy Spirit “....

Sorry @Carl Emerson ...just answered @MA2444 .....

Other than that, back to “ Bible Study” are you leading it Carl?


But my style is to draw out the answers from the group - have you noticed that those enlivened by the Holy Sprit will be in agreement ?

However the test of Scripture doesn't work too well if ones doctrine is man made.

When my life was apprehended by God as a prodigal son, He said two things -

1. These are the rails... stay on them and
2. Study Scripture and Truth will shape your world view.

So after that encounter with His Holy Presence I read nothing but Scripture, devotionally, for over 5 years. This was an encounter with the Fear of God which when understood is a best friend, keeping you from going astray as promised in Jeremiah 32:40.

It is interesting that the move of God in Mexico in the 60's at Jaurez when hundreds were converted in the city rubbish dump, Their lives were reconstructed and healed through reading Scripture together every morning.


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But my style is to draw out the answers from the group - have you noticed that those enlivened by the Holy Sprit will be in agreement ?
Ok and yes.

I believe I am being led to just observe from now on....I can get carried away, I know that.....I will be watching , plus asking questions....thank you Carl.

We are forever learning.

Carl Emerson

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2022
New Zealand
How are we doing???

Do I really need to do a video as well, or are we travelling OK ???

Did you find the Scripture readings were on target ?

Did you notice that when Samuel was called, most of the time God's Word came in visions and dreams?


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Mar 9, 2023
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United Kingdom
How are we doing???

Do I really need to do a video as well, or are we travelling OK ???

Did you find the Scripture readings were on target ?

Did you notice that when Samuel was called, most of the time God's Word came in visions and dreams?
1 Samuel 31 The boy Samuel ministered before the LORD under Eli. In those days the word of the LORD was rare; there were not many visions.2 One night Eli, whose eyes were becoming so weak that he could barely see, was lying down in his usual place.3 The lamp of God had not yet gone out, and Samuel was lying down in the temple [1] of the LORD, where the ark of God was.4 Then the LORD called Samuel. Samuel answered, "Here I am."5 And he ran to Eli and said, "Here I am; you called me." But Eli said, "I did not call; go back and lie down." So he went and lay down.6 Again the LORD called, "Samuel!" And Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, "Here I am; you called me." "My son," Eli said, "I did not call; go back and lie down."7 Now Samuel did not yet know the LORD: The word of the LORD had not yet been revealed to him.8 The LORD called Samuel a third time, and Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, "Here I am; you called me." Then Eli realized that the LORD was calling the boy.9 So Eli told Samuel, "Go and lie down, and if he calls you, say, `Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening.'" So Samuel went and lay down in his place.10 The LORD came and stood there, calling as at the other times, "Samuel! Samuel!" Then Samuel said, "Speak, for your servant is listening."11 And the LORD said to Samuel: "See, I am about to do something in Israel that will make the ears of everyone who hears of it tingle.12 At that time I will carry out against Eli everything I spoke against his family--from beginning to end.13 For I told him that I would judge his family forever because of the sin he knew about; his sons made themselves contemptible, [2] and he failed to restrain them.14 Therefore, I swore to the house of Eli, `The guilt of Eli's house will never be atoned for by sacrifice or offering.'"15 Samuel lay down until morning and then opened the doors of the house of the LORD. He was afraid to tell Eli the vision,16 but Eli called him and said, "Samuel, my son." Samuel answered, "Here I am."17 "What was it he said to you?" Eli asked. "Do not hide it from me. May God deal with you, be it ever so severely, if you hide from me anything he told you."18 So Samuel told him everything, hiding nothing from him. Then Eli said, "He is the LORD; let him do what is good in his eyes."19 The LORD was with Samuel as he grew up, and he let none of his words fall to the ground.20 And all Israel from Dan to Beersheba recognized that Samuel was attested as a prophet of the LORD.21 The LORD continued to appear at Shiloh, and there he revealed himself to Samuel through his word.

Carl Emerson

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2022
New Zealand
Ok and yes.

I believe I am being led to just observe from now on....I can get carried away, I know that.....I will be watching , plus asking questions....thank you Carl.

We are forever learning.

In healthy fellowship everyone contributes as Paul said...

The more voices of response the better.
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Carl Emerson

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2022
New Zealand
1 Samuel 31 The boy Samuel ministered before the LORD under Eli. In those days the word of the LORD was rare; there were not many visions.2 One night Eli, whose eyes were becoming so weak that he could barely see, was lying down in his usual place.3 The lamp of God had not yet gone out, and Samuel was lying down in the temple [1] of the LORD, where the ark of God was.4 Then the LORD called Samuel. Samuel answered, "Here I am."5 And he ran to Eli and said, "Here I am; you called me." But Eli said, "I did not call; go back and lie down." So he went and lay down.6 Again the LORD called, "Samuel!" And Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, "Here I am; you called me." "My son," Eli said, "I did not call; go back and lie down."7 Now Samuel did not yet know the LORD: The word of the LORD had not yet been revealed to him.8 The LORD called Samuel a third time, and Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, "Here I am; you called me." Then Eli realized that the LORD was calling the boy.9 So Eli told Samuel, "Go and lie down, and if he calls you, say, `Speak, LORD, for your servant is listening.'" So Samuel went and lay down in his place.10 The LORD came and stood there, calling as at the other times, "Samuel! Samuel!" Then Samuel said, "Speak, for your servant is listening."11 And the LORD said to Samuel: "See, I am about to do something in Israel that will make the ears of everyone who hears of it tingle.12 At that time I will carry out against Eli everything I spoke against his family--from beginning to end.13 For I told him that I would judge his family forever because of the sin he knew about; his sons made themselves contemptible, [2] and he failed to restrain them.14 Therefore, I swore to the house of Eli, `The guilt of Eli's house will never be atoned for by sacrifice or offering.'"15 Samuel lay down until morning and then opened the doors of the house of the LORD. He was afraid to tell Eli the vision,16 but Eli called him and said, "Samuel, my son." Samuel answered, "Here I am."17 "What was it he said to you?" Eli asked. "Do not hide it from me. May God deal with you, be it ever so severely, if you hide from me anything he told you."18 So Samuel told him everything, hiding nothing from him. Then Eli said, "He is the LORD; let him do what is good in his eyes."19 The LORD was with Samuel as he grew up, and he let none of his words fall to the ground.20 And all Israel from Dan to Beersheba recognized that Samuel was attested as a prophet of the LORD.21 The LORD continued to appear at Shiloh, and there he revealed himself to Samuel through his word.

What main points do you glean from this passage?


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What main points do you glean from this passage?
How God communicates with an audible voice.....Amazing!!!....back in those days.

Short commentary.

1 Samuel 3:9is such a beautiful verse in this chapter where God speaks to Samuel while he is lying down to go to sleep. Samuel keeps thinking Eli is calling him, but it's the audible voice of God that is speaking to him. Eli encourages him to listen.

Carl Emerson

Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2022
New Zealand
How God communicates with Samual.....Amazing!!!....back in those days.

Hey... Is our faith meant to be a museum of what used to happen?

Did you notice Samual was accountable?

Even here, readers will keep this dialogue on track - the driver may be holding the wheel but we all need to be watching out for the Truth.

I notice that his words came during sleeping time.


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
Hi Carl
Will be looking at the scriptures, sorry I have been out most of today. I tend to reflect on scripture and mull over things , but just wanted you to know that I am actively involved, but just not showing it yet. !!
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Mar 9, 2023
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Hey... Is our faith meant to be a museum of what used to happen?
No...our faith grows, from the imperishable seed that we were Born Again of.....planted by the word of God, His Spirit........therefore will grow and flourish.
Did you notice Samual was accountable?
Meaning what?
Even here, readers will keep this dialogue on track - the driver may be holding the wheel but we all need to be watching out for the Truth.
We all need to be watching out for the truth?

I notice that his words came during sleeping time.
Yes, why do you think that was?