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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Going to Heaven....


Christianity is spiritual.

"God is A Spirit".

1.) The bible teaches us that the things we can see are going to go away, turn into nothing, and the things we can't see are ETERNAL.

YOU are a spirit being, who is living inside a currently aging toward death, body.
Your body is going to stop living. Your body is going to stop breathing, your heartbeat will stop......, but your spirit, who is the real you, that is living inside your body, will continue.

The question is... where is your spirit going to end up in Eternity.?

There are only 2 destinations available.

One requires your self effort to go there, and that is Hell.
Yes, it takes your Self EFFORT to go to Hell.
You have to work to go there. You have to try to be good, you have to try to keep commandments, you will probably be water baptized, and you'll be found in some type of pretending to be like Jesus, mentality, that you believe that you must ACT out.

See all that? That is YOU trying to go to heaven, and that is exactly how and why you wont go.

Because to Go to heaven, is only based on what Jesus did for you on the Cross.
See that?
THAT is what God will accept on your behalf, to accept you, = The Cross of Christ..... and He will not accept you, based on you trying to be good enough to be accepted.
Not ever.

Here is the issue with trying to be good enough.... which includes water baptism, enduring to the end of the Tribulation, going to church a lot... and trying to keep commandments and law, and do good works..
See all that?
= You are doing it, and God does not accept what you do, to accept you into His spiritual family.
Why not?
Because "all have sinned"........so, this means that all of us at one time are an unforgiven sinner, trying to be accepted by God, based on yourself.
Where will that lead you?
It'll lead you to hell after you die, if that is all you have ever done.

2.) Notice that SIN problem?
"all have SINNED"?
"ALL have sinned"
See that?
There is nothing you can do of yourself to get those sins forgiven, by God., and everyone who spent a lifetime trying then died, is right now in Hell wondering what went wrong. And what went wrong, was that they tried to go to heaven, as an unforgiven sinner, and that is the one situation that will never let you go there.

"but im water baptized"... = meaningless regarding going to heaven.
"but im always trying to keep commandments"... = meaningless regarding going to heaven.
"I take the sacraments and will try to die in a state of grace"... = Nope, wont do it., as that is YOU doing that.
"but, my dad is the Pastor, and my mother is a missionary"... = meaningless regarding going to Heaven. They'll go and you wont, if they are born again.

So, how do you go to heaven, if you can't get there by being good, or by trying to be good, or by being dunked in water and saying some magic words ???

You have to become a part of God's Spirit to become a part of God's eternal life.
Jesus said......"you must be born again".....Spiritually.

See that?
For that to happen, For God to give you THE new birth, He first must deal with all your sin, so that your sin is no longer separating you from Him.

Here is how that is solved.....

"Jesus is the ONE TIME ETERNAL Sacrifice" for sin"... because...."God hath made Jesus to be SIN for us".

= The Cross of Christ

And what does that mean?
It means that when you give God your faith in Christ, God instantly takes the blood and death sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross = and applies it to you, and your sin is resolved, forgiven, and forgotten.
What sin does the blood of Jesus forgive?

A.) ALL of them.
AA.) All of them.

Then, God takes His very own righteousness, and gives it to you, as "the Gift of Righteousness", and you become "made righteous". "in Christ".. "one with God".

See that?
That is what is known as being REDEEMED by the BLOOD of Jesus.

"""""what can wash away my SIN... nothing but the BLOOD of JESUS". "oh Crimson is the flow that makes me white as snow.... no other Fount i know, nothing but the BLOOD OF JESUS""".

Reader, has the Holy Blood of Jesus washed away your sin?.... Water can't but the Blood of Jesus will, and forever.
Result = 2 Corinthians 5:19

That is what is known as God giving you the BLOOD ATONEMENT, and this removes your sin, so that God can then give you His very Righteousness.
This is your SALVATION.
Its a "Gift" from God freely given to all who will come to God trusting in Christ.

And that reader, has to happen to you, or you can't go to heaven and will never.
Has it happened to you?
Can you name the day in your past, when you heard the Gospel of the Grace of God that i just gave you , and you knew you were a sinner needing to be forgiven, and you went to God believing in Jesus ??

You have to have that moment in your life, when you recognized your need of forgiveness and you went to JESUS and He became your Savior and God became your Heavenly Father by giving you a Spiritual BIRTH.
= "born...... AGAIN".. that's #2 birthday........and that one is eternal life.
That is the day you gave your faith in Christ to God.

A.) = You have to have that day in your life, if you want to go to Heaven.
If you dont have that SALVATION day in your past , then today is the day, now is the time., and may God bless you to come to His Son by Faith and be saved.
If you know you have that Eternal Salvation day in your past, then God bless you to grow deeper in His word and deeper in His revelation.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Another way to understand "going to heaven, how to do it", is to look at Religion.

"Religion" is.. trying to become like God or to reach God, based on Self effort.
Paul speaks about "falling from Grace", and that is the same situation, in practice, tho, the believer is already joined to God, spiritually.

Religion is "many paths lead to God" and none of them take you there, in the end.
Religion is.. "well, i may not be a Christian, but im as good as you are, and if God will have you, he'll certainly take me",

Religion, is trying to achieve what can't be achieved, as the participant is flawed to such a degree that success is impossible to achieve.

Christianity is God become one of us to save all of Us.
Christianity is God wrapped in Human flesh as a sin offering.
Christianity is God taking responsibility for our failing to be good (sinless) , by being good for us, and dying so that by this death of Christ which is His Good becomes our inputed eternal Righteousness.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Here is another way to understand "redemption" "salvation".

Its this.

""Jesus came into the world to save Sinners.""
"""While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us""
"To Them who worketh not but believe on God who justifies the ungodly, their faith is counted as righteousness".

that we are brought into eternal fellowship with God while we are "sinner/ungodly".... .not after we are trying to be good.
Why is that?
Because our idea of "good" is not God's idea of "righteous", and so, we can't achieve it, and that is why God has to give it to us as the "gift of Righteousness".

Why does God count our "faith" as "righteousness"?
Its because our deeds are not worthy to be counted.

Let me show you something interesting, if you are one of those who are obsessed with commandments and law and trying to be good, as your idea of how to go to heaven.

Here is a fact.
An unbeliever, a Christ rejector, can try just as hard as you do to keep commandments .
They can try just as hard as you do to be good.
They can be water baptized.

See.....Many Christians have this idea that...>"now that im saved, my works are really something".

No they are not, as an unbeliever can do the very same works, deeds, lifestyle.

So, why do they go to hell trying to be good, and the "sinner" goes to heaven, by not doing that at all?

Its because Heaven is gained by what CHRIST DID ON THE CROSS, and you can't do that one, reader..... and its the only deed, work, or self effort, that God accepts to accept you.

Christ did it for you already.

Welcome To : Salvation

Its a GIFT.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
And here is another way to understand "going to heaven, how to do it".

When Adam "fell"....when he rebelled and did exactly what God told Him to never do.....then Adam's Spirit that was in spiritual union with God's Spirit... ("God is A Spirit")..... was broken.
Adam's sin caused him to lose spiritual union with God.

Here is the Good News.
We can be restored to spiritual union with God, so that we can go to Heaven when we die.
When will you die?

Hebrews 9:27

So, How to do it? How to get back eternal spiritual union with God ?

Reader, this is why the Cross was given to the world., and now that it has been raised with the Savior nailed to it....

A.) Jesus said..."you must be born again".

notice....> "Born.... again."

Not water baptized......but ""BORN......again""..... A 2nd Birthday., and this one, is only SPIRITUAL. and it is eternal life.

See that Birth? See that ""BORN... .again:".... that is caused by the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, birthing your spirit into God who is "A Spirit".

Heaven is guaranteed to you, if you are born again.

Notice these phrases... "in Christ".. ."One with God".

See that? That is the end result of being born again.

Its spiritual union with them...

And where are they ????


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Think of it like this..

Jesus said, "you must be born again"..

What is that?

A.) = What Adam lost, God now restores unto the BELIEVER = based on the Cross of Christ.

1st Adam lost spiritual union with God, and 2nd Adam who is Jesus, came to this earth from a Virgin's womb, to restore us back into "1st Adam" spiritual union with God.

See how simple that is, when you see it?
Can you see it?

Being spiritually restored to God, = Spiritual Union, is to become a CHRISTian, born again.

Adam lost spiritual union with God, and until this is restored for each of us, we can't go to heaven.

God died on the Cross as Christ Jesus the Redeemer, so that we can receive from God, eternal Spiritual restoration back into Himself.

= "BORN ... again"...... Spiritually.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
Why do you post all of this cryptic stuff? You didn't even tell us what it was.
Every time I read one of your posts, my mind gets blown.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Why do you post all of this cryptic stuff? You didn't even tell us what it was.
Every time I read one of your posts, my mind gets blown.

Well, first of all Cassandra,....thank you for reading it.

And the answer is..

Bible revelation is spiritual.
Christianity is spiritual .....its Mystical, its not natural. its not Of this world.
So, when its taught this way, it "sounds unusual", because its spiritual.

This is how the Bible is written. Its spiritual Light, dictated by men who were filled with the Spirit.
The bible is spiritual words, and most of them speak to the spirit, not to the mind, not to the flesh.

Let me show you what i mean.
Look at this verse.

"""""That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,""""

So, who is "he".

What is "it" that is being cleansed, and of what, is IT being cleansed, and How does "word" wash?

See all that?
That is not natural, that is not something the natural mind that watches Netflix, can handle, understand, or comprehend.

That is Spiritual dictation, and it has to be discerned, not read.

Yes, you read it, but you dont get the revelation, by reading.
You get the revelation by God's Spirit revealing it to the born again Spirit.

So, its the Church, its the Bride that is being Cleansed, by Jesus. He is the living Water.

Its the teaching, preaching, and revealing of the revelation of the word of God that is the WATER that washes.

The cleansing is the Bride being always kept PURE and RIGHTEOUS by the righteousness of God, in Christ.

Its all of that.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
. Then trust and obey Jesus Christ and you shall be saved.

If you have to "trust and obey" then that is you doing a work, to try to be saved.

In that case you are not trusting in Christ, you are trusting in.. "as long as i trust and obey".

The Gospel, is not "trust and obey"

The Gospel is "Jesus died on the Cross, and this is the Gift of God, and all who will believe in Jesus, ...will receive this GIFT of Salvation"

"Faith is COUNTED... as Righteousness".

instant, .... You changed the "gift" into "obey" and "trust"., which is you doing it, and that is not Jesus doing it for you.

God does not accept your "obey" or your lifestyle, or your commandment keeping.

He accepts Christ whom He sent to the Cross who is our salvation.

He, Jesus, is the Gift of Salvation.

We dont "obey" a Gift. We RECEIVE IT.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

Let me show you how to see salvation.

Here is how you SEE it..

Look at Jesus on the Cross.
He is nailed. He is bleeding. He is dying. He is SAVING YOU.


Do you SEE it ??

He is your Salvation.
Jesus is Salvation.
Jesus is eternal life.
There is no other.
John 14:6

There is your SALVATION being completed on that Cross, and up from the Grave He rose, proving Its completed.... 200O yrs ago.
Can you do that for yourself?
Then never try to prove that your salvation is based on you and your lifestyle and your deeds or your commandment keeping.

So, when you read or hear someone preaching who is adding commandments and doing works and water baptism to that HOLY Savior on that Cross = then you recognize that they dont SEE IT yet, quite possibly because they dont have it yet.
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Active Member
Sep 17, 2020
North Carolina
United States
If you have to "trust and obey" then that is you doing a work, to try to be saved.
"Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone." James 2:17

"Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only. James 2:24

"Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous." 1 John 3:7


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
"Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone." James 2:17

The only thing you bring to God on the Day He saves you, is your sin,
You HAVE NOT been doing any "works", as you are a hell bound sinner, when God saves you.


You go and live the life of Discipleship,,
NOT to be saved, or to stay saved.... but because God has SAVED you.

He has to Save you first, with the Blood and Death of Christ, before you go and "present your body as a living sacrifice".

See it?

You have to be SAVED before you can go and DO.

The Salvation is JESUS, not your doing anything for Jesus or for God.

Salvation is what we RECEIVE from God, not what we DO for God.

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Active Member
Sep 17, 2020
North Carolina
United States
The only thing you bring to God on the Day He saves you, is your sin,
You HAVE NOT been doing any "works", as you are a hell bound sinner, when God saves you.


You go and live the life of Discipleship,,
NOT to be saved, or to stay saved.... but because God has SAVED you.

He has to Save you first, with the Blood and Death of Christ, before you go and "present your body as a living sacrifice".

See it?

You have to be SAVED before you can go and DO.

The Salvation is JESUS, not your doing anything for Jesus or for God.

Salvation is what we RECEIVE from God, not what we DO for God.

I understand that we are saved by faith in Christ, but I also understand that Jesus expects us to follow him and be his disciples after we get saved. It is possible to be washed clean and become dirty again, and it is possible to be found and then lost. The message of the gospel is simple. We trust Jesus and obey Jesus.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I understand that we are saved by faith in Christ

We are not saved by Faith, at all.

We are saved by GOD, through our faith,.

See that difference, instant?

Faith is not the Savior.
Faith didn't die on the Cross for your sin.

So, what we have to do, is not trust in our FAITH to keep us saved.
As when you do that, you are not trusting in Christ to keep you saved.
That's a fact.

So, Here is the thing..

We came to God as a hell bound sinner (John 3:36)....., NOW trusting in Jesus, and God gives us, Salvation.
This is "eternal life", and "redemption" and "the gift of Righteousness"....
This is not part time, or progressive, or needing us to complete it.

See....What can you possibly do, that can Equal the Cross of Christ, so that God would have you and keep you?


Salvation is JESUS, who has died, shedding His blood, and this is our Eternal REDEMPTION.
He already did it, 2000 Yrs ago.

Salvation is the Cross of Christ that is waiting for everyone to come and have it's BLOOD ATONEMENT.

See, When Christ was on the Cross, He said before He died.....>= "IT..... is finished".

See that 'IT". ????

That is your Salvation. That is Jesus speaking about what He has done for you on that Cross.

So, when you try to then try to put your works and deeds and water baptism and self effort with that, you are denying HIM, as the ONLY Salvation.

Most "believers" spend their life trying to add to that Cross, their silly self effort., and that is Offensive to the Cross of Christ.
Believe it.
Never be that one.
Never preach that "gospel of works" the "gospel of self effort" as that the Devil's gospel.

Its very important that you understand this, or you'll spend your life trying to keep yourself saved, instead of Trusting in the Savior who has already saved you, Himself.,..,. 2000 yrs ago.

Remember this, instant. = Salvation is what God does for you, as Jesus on the Cross.

Discipleship, is what we do for God, because we have RECEIVED eternal salvation already, who is Jesus our Savior.

See those 2?
They are not the same thing.
ONE< is God doing something for you, and after it's done, you then do some discipleship., daily.

However They are not "one" in/and the same.

Salvation is JESUS.

Discipleship is our "doing stuff" after we are BORN AGAIN.

HEAVEN, is gained through Christ on the Cross, John 14:6 and never is it gained by... water baptism, self effort, enduring, commandment keeping, trying to be like Christ, or any other SELF PERFORMANCE, as God does not accept us to save us.
He only Accepts the Holy ONE who by HIS Sacrifice on THE CROSS, makes us worthy for God to accept and Keep.
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Active Member
Sep 17, 2020
North Carolina
United States
We are not saved by Faith, at all.

We are saved by GOD, through our faith,.

See that difference, instant?

Faith is not the Savior.
Faith didn't die on the Cross for your sin.

So, what we have to do, is not trust in our FAITH to keep us saved.
As when you do that, you are not trusting in Christ to keep you saved.
That's a fact.

So, Here is the thing..

We came to God as a hell bound sinner (John 3:36)....., NOW trusting in Jesus, and God gives us, Salvation.
This is "eternal life", and "redemption" and "the gift of Righteousness"....
This is not part time, or progressive, or needing us to complete it.

See....What can you possibly do, that can Equal the Cross of Christ, so that God would have you and keep you?


Salvation is JESUS, who has died, shedding His blood, and this is our Eternal REDEMPTION.
He already did it, 2000 Yrs ago.

Salvation is the Cross of Christ that is waiting for everyone to come and have it's BLOOD ATONEMENT.

See, When Christ was on the Cross, He said before He died.....>= "IT..... is finished".

See that 'IT". ????

That is your Salvation. That is Jesus speaking about what He has done for you on that Cross.

So, when you try to then try to put your works and deeds and water baptism and self effort with that, you are denying HIM, as the ONLY Salvation.

Most "believers" spend their life trying to add to that Cross, their silly self effort., and that is Offensive to the Cross of Christ.
Believe it.
Never be that one.
Never preach that "gospel of works" the "gospel of self effort" as that the Devil's gospel.

Its very important that you understand this, or you'll spend your life trying to keep yourself saved, instead of Trusting in the Savior who has already saved you, Himself.,..,. 2000 yrs ago.

Remember this, instant. = Salvation is what God does for you, as Jesus on the Cross.

Discipleship, is what we do for God, because we have RECEIVED eternal salvation already, who is Jesus our Savior.

See those 2?
They are not the same thing.
ONE< is God doing something for you, and after it's done, you then do some discipleship., daily.

However They are not "one" in/and the same.

Salvation is JESUS.

Discipleship is our "doing stuff" after we are BORN AGAIN.

HEAVEN, is gained through Christ on the Cross, John 14:6 and never is it gained by... water baptism, self effort, enduring, commandment keeping, trying to be like Christ, or any other SELF PERFORMANCE, as God does not accept us to save us.
He only Accepts the Holy ONE who by HIS Sacrifice on THE CROSS, makes us worthy for God to accept and Keep.
Yes, it is God that saves us because of our faith. You are correct about that, but as I pointed out already, faith without works is dead according to James. We are all saved by grace, but we can walk away or go back into sin and lose our salvation. At the same time, there is no reason for anyone to ever lose their salvation.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Yes, it is God that saves us because of our faith. You are correct about that, but as I pointed out already, faith without works is dead according to James. We are all saved by grace, but we can walk away or go back into sin and lose our salvation. At the same time, there is no reason for anyone to ever lose their salvation.
Its like osas has taught a form of buddism to the people . Like somehow telling folks that they must TRUST and OBEY JESUS
is some kind of works legalism stuff . what is next , telling people you haveto BELIEVE IN HIM to be saved .
WHAT they gonna call that legalism to say .
OSAS has destroyed souls . And as far as what james said
lets not forget what paul said . WHO agreed with james .
Paul wrote and said , HE who provides not , aka NOT A DOER , for his own and specially for those of his own household
And is worse than an infidel .
BUT WHO did they hear this from .
Well lets see , where did james get that from , if one is a hearer and not a doer HE has decieved himself .
but sinking sand . OSAS is destroying souls . ITs creating an iamge of GOD , of salvation and of CHRIST
that omits the reminders NECESSARY for the church to BE EDIFIED and built up , TO HEED by the SPIRIT .