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  1. Behold

    "Accepted : in the Beloved"

    Reader, Eph 1:6 says that all the born again are "accepted"........"in"........"the Beloved". Now there are 2 ways to understand this, and one is theological and one is spiritual. Lets start with theological. 1.) What does it mean to be "accepted".............(By God)..... It means this...
  2. Behold

    Taking THE Communion.

    Reader, If you are born again, and you are not Taking The Communion, regularly... (everyday) then its probably because you are afraid of it. Listen, if you have trusted in Christ then God has taken you, forever. Never doubt God's Salvation, that is His "GIFT of Salvation" to you, the instant...
  3. Behold

    How To : Deny The Cross

    Reader, All Cross denying Heresies are a "doctrine of the devil". "doctrines of Devils". (KJV) Hebrews 13:9 So, what is that? How to see it? Its simple.... Its this. The Cross of CHRIST... is in the Devil's way.. ..Its prevent's Him from utterly destroying all of Humanity. SATAN Hates The...
  4. Behold

    How does the Christian exist on earth : = in the KOG?

    Reader.. Let me show you who you are and where you are, as born again., as you literally exist in God's perspective, on this earth. So that...., when you get this same perspective that God has regarding all the Born again, = then you have renewed your mind and your faith is perfect. Paul...
  5. Behold

    The 4 Mindsets.

    There are 4 "mindsets". 1st.) There is the natural mind.. the carnal mind that is in the unbeliever, and this mind is blinded by the devil "lest the light of the glorious Gospel Of Jesus Christ should shine into them".. ="Shine into them" = enlighten them and bring them to the "knowledge of...
  6. Behold

    - "Doctrine of Devils". = Hyper-Calvinism -The "5 points"

    Calvin and the Hyper-Calvinist, teach that Paul is a 5-point Hyper Calvinist, as they teach that a few verses that Paul wrote, that they SEE as meaning what Calvin teaches and others who evolved Calvins theology in Hyper-Calvinism.., proves that Paul is a Calvinist, and a Hyper Calvinist. They...
  7. Behold

    What is : The Hearing of Faith?

    Reader, No unbeliever has """eyes to hear or ears to hear"" until this is changed by the Holy Spirit.. .but all have faith., as "every person is given the measure of faith". This is why 3 Billion believe that Muhammed is their Prophet.. they ALL have placed THEIR FAITH in Him. This is why...
  8. Behold

    How to be : Made Free from Guilt and Condemnation.

    Reader.. Do you have a time, a date, a day, in your past,..... that you can clearly remember that you understood that you needed to be forgiven for all your sin, and you turned to Jesus and received Him as your Savior in your heart? Do you have that MOMENT in your past? So, that has to be...
  9. Behold

    Seeing : Salvation... #5

    Reader, Here is a simple teaching regarding understanding God's Salvation...... 1.) Each of us is this one... "all have sinned, there is none righteous..... no not one".. And this situation, is not something that we can resolve, of ourselves. We are at the mercy of The LAW, that demands...
  10. Behold

    Freed : From Calvinism and HyperCalvinism )Tulip<>5 Pont.

    Reader, Lets look deeper now., into this "Doctrine of Devils" that started with Calvin, and was evolved into Hyper-Calvinism (TULIP) "the 5 points". A "TULIP"> a hyper calvinist, a "5-point">.. is one who believes in Calvinism = extremism . So, both the Calvinist and the Hyper, have been led...
  11. Behold

    1 John 5:18

    Here is how to understand... 1 John 5 18 Reader, When we are "born of God", we are now in = the KOG, for eternity. The born again are In the KOG, "in Christ", "seated in heavenly places",... and there is no Moses's Law, or 10 Commandments found there...., as does God need them? And the born...
  12. Behold

    Find : What's real

    Reader, Not every white building with a Steeple on it, with colored glass windows... is really a "Church". Not every forum, with the word "christian" in the title, is really a "Christian" forum. Not every book that has the title "BIBLE" on the cover, is a Bible. Not everyone who posts on a...
  13. Behold

    How to : Avoid Hell

    Reader, The reason a person can't be saved after they die a Christ rejecting unbeliever, never born again... is because they have died "in their SIN",. Jesus said "if you dont believe im the Messiah (He), then you will die in Your SIN"... So, that is a permanent eternal state of damnation...
  14. Behold

    Getting : Prayers answered.

    Reader... When we come to God, we have to come to God, understanding that its God's own will to help His Born again. God answering prayers is God'w own will, its God's pleasure.. Its God DESIRE... to answer our prayers, regarding all the born again. Getting a prayer answered, is literally our...
  15. Behold

    How To End : The "flesh".

    Reader, Paul teaches us that even tho we are in a human body, we the born again, are able to live apart from carnality, and stay there. This carnality, Paul states in 2 Corin 10, is to be found....: "warring after the flesh". That means you are fighting inside your own mind, in a battle...
  16. Behold

    Heaven Bound : or No ?

    Reader... Try to understand that Heaven and Hell, are : Destinations..........Eternal Destinations. They are Destinations,... ETERNAL. 1,) Originally , Hell was created for the Devil and His Fallen Angels... so, at that time, there was no ADAM. Once Adam "fell".. once He kneeled before the...
  17. Behold

    You can't make PEACE : With Evil

  18. Behold

    Always : Made Free from SIN.

    Reader... All the born again are "made free from sin", as obviously PAUL the Apostle is not talking to the Muslims or the Scientologists or the Gnostics. This one concept... "made free from sin", always gets spun and twisted into a theological misunderstanding... because most believers hear...
  19. Behold

    How to be : Sinless Forever

    Reader, Only the Law, can define your works of the flesh, as a SIN. So, once Jesus has taken the Law off of the born this.... ""Christ has redeemed us from the Curse of the Law""... because ""Jesus is the END OF THE LAW.. . for Righteousness"". Now, all the born again are "IN...
  20. Behold

    Faith : becomes your Righteousness

    Reader... Q.) Why is faith counted as righteousness. ???? Its because a sinner, and "all have sinned, there is none righteous, no not one"........has no righteousness to offer God. So, How does God, who is Righteousness itself, come into UNION, spiritual and eternal union,.... with an...