Home Church and Home needed

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New Member
Dec 6, 2006
Hello, I have posted here before, and many helped out much in prayer, but still have no direction yet. I desperately need a church home (pentecostal) and a place nearby it to live. I live in area that is full of darkness and much spiritual evil, no churches I can attend here--the nearest is an hour away and I have no car nor money for a cab that distance. I have tried everything I can think of to find a church nearby without any luck. (Nothing against Catholics and Congregationalist, etc, but I need my own flavour of birds, so to speak) Other, more frightenning things have happenned that I'm too scared to think about right now and not for posting on internet, but I NEED to get out of here ASAP, lest something worse happen to me. God doesn't want me stuck here all alone with no fellowship nor encouragement and no discipleship and teaching, I know this very well. God has told me He has a plan for my life and I only need to find a church with brotherly love in it and who are able to help me--if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. I'm thinking of heading either South or West, and need help getting there. I don't know where to begin to look for a place. Maybe ther is a larger body out there who might be able to help me out? Thank you for your prayers. Hope to hear from you soon--I am on library PC atm so will check back again as soon as I can. God bless. Love in Christ, "Sparrow"


New Member
Jul 17, 2007
Sparrow, Sending you some ((((((()))))) hugs and have said a special prayer for you. I will keep you before God's throne in constant prayer.Heavenly Father, I am lifting up my hands to you, put your tender loving arms around Sparrow, embrace her in your Holy Spirit, keep her safe, lead and direct her path to a church that will enlighten, guide and she will be able to worship in peace, help her to find a home in better environment, in your precious name, Amen.God be with you :pray:


Super Member
Jun 4, 2007
Sparrow. When times are tough. Try recruiting a small group of individuals, and through Bible study, or other methods, inform them of the light and the Truth. Hey, you may even have to start your own church if you recruit members. But ask God for help. And my best advice for you is to follow everything He says. He will take care of you. The gate is small and the path is narrow.I'll pray for you


New Member
Dec 6, 2006
Thanks for the prayers. I need a ton of healing, and need to be in place where there is faith. The only church nearby is an hour drive away and no one from there can get here, I have tried many times to go to that one without any luck. I can't spend another winter here in this dark place without the presence of God in it. I have no strength because I get no fellowship. And thanks for the suggestion, but I am just a sheep, not called to be a pastor, so I can't start my own church, especially in the weakenned state of faith I am in--I need strong christians to spend time with and get much healing, inner and outter first to get up on my feet, and I have only a prayer ministry, and in need of discipleship. I have been praying for 5 years for a home church so I can grow in the knowledge of the Lord and have the support and encouragement I so need. It is just that I am feeling desperate because of no answers yet. I have severe diseases in my spine that needs healing so I can sit and stand. They (doctors and local police)keep putting me on the mental ward and trying to get me permanently placed there without any reason at all. So far, I have found a good physician who can give me medicine for pain, but it is very dangerous for me to stay here under all of this dark clouds and no help. I am getting close to the end of thjose meds too. Very bad things keep happenning and I know it is not the Will of God. There are too many people who live in this town who despise God and His Truth. I am completely out of place. I am still seeking the direction He wants me to go in. I know that somewhere out there, there is a place where I can be properly ministered to,to restore my faith and strength. I am waiting for God to speak to someone and am writing different ministries to see who can help me. I know that not everyone will have the means to do so, and I want mostly to be in the place where God wants me to be. All of my friends here are unsaved and not seeking God, though they have offered help, I need my own kind, so to speak. But thanks for your prayers, they will help me somewhat until I find a home. It is all very serious, but I have to trust that God has a place for me. I don't beleive He will allow me to go through this all over again without anyone to help me. I can't stay out here alone another winter. God Bless and thanks again for your love and prayers. In Christ, "Sparrow"


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
SparrowThe bible decribes church as 2 or more gathered together in the Lord you can be at church praying with a friend on the internet, watching your favorite t.v. miistery. We will be praying for better circumstances for you but in the mean time you can worship with a friend or two or here with us. I dont know but maybe he wants to see how serious you are. I remember you joining some time ago but havent seen you around. Just remember that if you want him to make you a priority you must make him your priority. There is a whole internet full of people and sites like us that here for the asking we will be glad to answer your questions and study with you so take advantage of it till your circumstances improve.God Bless


Active Member
Apr 6, 2007
Sparrow, These days are rough in modern times...It's ok, I really have no Christian fellowshipping in reality either (I'm also in dark clouds)...but even if we have no fellowship with people that wants Him, we shouldn't be afraid to go alone with Him...The Holy Spirit will help you if you rely on Him...We grow in God that way...On the computer, this site is the only place I got fellowship with friends that loves Him. They help brothers and sisters in Christ to grow in knowledge as well...It's wonderful.Lovest thou in Christ Jesus (Yahshua) our Lord and Saviour.


New Member
Dec 6, 2006
I have to go to the PCs at the local library. I have severe diseases in my spine and can't always sit up, which is why I can't type at the PC here all the time. Just so you know. I believe that God wan'ts me in a strong church so He can minister to me, not that He wants me all alone with no one to help me or talk to. I can't heal myself, but need to be in place wher ther is much faith so He can do this. I don't beleive God saves us and then deserts us and just expects us to go it all alone with help from anyone. I just don't beleive that. The devil however, wants me alone so he can attack me all the time and I will never have any refreshment from the presence of God. Which is what has been happenning. also, I won't last all locked up in a mental ward without being able to talk to God, or woprship Him or pray or serve Him. And I beleive He loves me much more than most people do. But thanks for the prayers. If anyone can help me please let me know. I am getting desperate for a home. Love In Christ, "Sparrow"


New Member
Dec 6, 2006
I am still des[perastely seeking help for finding a church. If anyone can help me find one, please post me and I will give my phone number and address. I am looking to move ASAP to N Carolina or S Carolina and need help getting there. Or somewhere else, wherever God leads. I have praying for a home church for over 5 years and can't find one. I have tried every church in my area and they don't understand pentecostals. I need a church that beleives that Jesus heals because I have a disease in my spine and want to get off all the drugs I have to take. I dont type, so please forgive bad english. I will try to get back ASAP to PCs at library are very busy. I can't be alone any more, I desperately need healing and fellowship. There is a Russian church her, but they don't speak English. The others have various reasons they can't come get me, and it takes too long to explain the rest. The main thing is, I need to move away from here ASAP because I am afraid something bad is going to happen to me again because it did before and I feel the Spirit of God desperately wants me out. Sincerely,VSmith"Sparrow"


New Member
Dec 6, 2006
Pleas ask in your church if you are member of Assembly of God or any other Pentecostal church that believes in healing and miracles if anyone can help me or has a burden from God to help me move there. I have been to one Assembly of God but it is 45 minutwes away and so far no one can come get me. I need a home church very badly so I can grow in the Lord and be refreshed by His spirit in worship. I need to be in a body to grow. If you know of any church like this, please ask them, I am still online posting messages and asking also. Thanks for your prayers--I need them very much. It is so very dark here where I live and it is dangerous for me to remain here all alone. In Christ, "Sparrow" I will keep checking back.


New Member
Sep 6, 2007
Sparrow, I really am praying for you! That's all I can do right now. I wish there is more I can do. I can feel the darkness you're experiencing through your words! The only thing that I can suggest is research online churches in the area that you are looking to move and ask for their help in relocating. Explain your situation, etc... most churches are very helpful and their members always go above and beyond, because the lord leads them to do so. I recently have found a local church and have only been going there a short time, but the members are willing to do anything for anyone and made me feel welcomed. Please reach out and ask for help in those churches, you'll be surprised at the responses. Just have faith and keep praying and learning, God has a plan for you, and when the time comes he will take care of you and everything will fall into place. Everything happens for a reason, the diseases and pain you are feeling is their to make you a stronger person. You have to fight for what you want in life... it' makes you appreciate everything you have a little more. Please keep praying, and I will pray for you as well.