How does the Holy Spirit speak and teach you?

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David H.

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
Surprisingly, many Christians do not know the answer to this question. That is because there is no formula for this. The Spirit can speak and teach you a number of ways, sometimes just reading the Word of God and putting yourself into the text... that is how I received my calling, That night in 2007 when i cried out to my heavenly Father as the prodigal i had become, we had a discussion through the word, and he showed me my calling and how that would happen, and i even saw God's sense of Humor through it all, and his sternness and Holiness, and his ability to accomplish this.

Sometimes he "speaks" to us when we pray, He will literally put the words in our mouth to answer our prayer, for example i was praying about not having the strength to live the way I am constrained to live now, and He put the words "without God it is impossible, but with God nothing is impossible", and immediately i felt that "peace that passes understanding".

Sometimes he will put on my heart something to write about like this topic, because someone has something to speak to me via the Spirit in them that i need to learn. Or sometimes I write as the Spirit leads me not knowing what I am writing, but know it is for someone who will read it.

Sometimes he will give a dream of future events or warning you of things to come, which allow you to see the schemes of the adversary before they happen... This has happened more than once and I can easily discern a dream from God and a normal dream.

Today, He spoke to me audibly in my mind to calm my anxiety... a little bit of healing of my insecurities about the future. It was as clear as day "I am with you". Never before has this happened save once, before I received a warning dream from Him, and that time he used my mothers voice and native language to speak those words which I knew were from God. This time was different because he used HIS voice.... I am not sure what to think of this, and am looking for some advice from others and confirmations for what was discussed. Let the Spirit Guide you, and let this be a post that is used to guide others on how to hear and be taught by the Holy Spirit.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Surprisingly, many Christians do not know the answer to this question. That is because there is no formula for this. The Spirit can speak and teach you a number of ways, sometimes just reading the Word of God and putting yourself into the text... that is how I received my calling, That night in 2007 when i cried out to my heavenly Father as the prodigal i had become, we had a discussion through the word, and he showed me my calling and how that would happen, and i even saw God's sense of Humor through it all, and his sternness and Holiness, and his ability to accomplish this.

Sometimes he "speaks" to us when we pray, He will literally put the words in our mouth to answer our prayer, for example i was praying about not having the strength to live the way I am constrained to live now, and He put the words "without God it is impossible, but with God nothing is impossible", and immediately i felt that "peace that passes understanding".

Sometimes he will put on my heart something to write about like this topic, because someone has something to speak to me via the Spirit in them that i need to learn. Or sometimes I write as the Spirit leads me not knowing what I am writing, but know it is for someone who will read it.

Sometimes he will give a dream of future events or warning you of things to come, which allow you to see the schemes of the adversary before they happen... This has happened more than once and I can easily discern a dream from God and a normal dream.

Today, He spoke to me audibly in my mind to calm my anxiety... a little bit of healing of my insecurities about the future. It was as clear as day "I am with you". Never before has this happened save once, before I received a warning dream from Him, and that time he used my mothers voice and native language to speak those words which I knew were from God. This time was different because he used HIS voice.... I am not sure what to think of this, and am looking for some advice from others and confirmations for what was discussed. Let the Spirit Guide you, and let this be a post that is used to guide others on how to hear and be taught by the Holy Spirit.
John 16:12-14
12“I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. 13However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. 14He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
The Holy Spirit can communicate with us in a multitude of different ways, from making us see a familiar bible verse in a new and fresh way or speaking directly into our spirits with that still small voice we must be ready to hear. He also teaches me things through dreams and nature, but we can also hear from him via other people. Our God is not in a box, he is not limited in the way he chooses to communicate with us. But we should make every effort to remain close to him through prayer and scripture reading.

For example, as I was praying yesterday morning God spoke these words into my spirit:

"The Trinity is a mystery we should accept by faith.
It is not a puzzle to be solved by logic."

And I hadn't even been thinking about that subject.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
Surprisingly, many Christians do not know the answer to this question. That is because there is no formula for this. The Spirit can speak and teach you a number of ways, sometimes just reading the Word of God and putting yourself into the text... that is how I received my calling, That night in 2007 when i cried out to my heavenly Father as the prodigal i had become, we had a discussion through the word, and he showed me my calling and how that would happen, and i even saw God's sense of Humor through it all, and his sternness and Holiness, and his ability to accomplish this.

Sometimes he "speaks" to us when we pray, He will literally put the words in our mouth to answer our prayer, for example i was praying about not having the strength to live the way I am constrained to live now, and He put the words "without God it is impossible, but with God nothing is impossible", and immediately i felt that "peace that passes understanding".

Sometimes he will put on my heart something to write about like this topic, because someone has something to speak to me via the Spirit in them that i need to learn. Or sometimes I write as the Spirit leads me not knowing what I am writing, but know it is for someone who will read it.

Sometimes he will give a dream of future events or warning you of things to come, which allow you to see the schemes of the adversary before they happen... This has happened more than once and I can easily discern a dream from God and a normal dream.

Today, He spoke to me audibly in my mind to calm my anxiety... a little bit of healing of my insecurities about the future. It was as clear as day "I am with you". Never before has this happened save once, before I received a warning dream from Him, and that time he used my mothers voice and native language to speak those words which I knew were from God. This time was different because he used HIS voice.... I am not sure what to think of this, and am looking for some advice from others and confirmations for what was discussed. Let the Spirit Guide you, and let this be a post that is used to guide others on how to hear and be taught by the Holy Spirit.

James 1:5-6
5 If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.
6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.

If I have a question about a verse, I just ask, and I get the answer immediately. And, no, He's never told me to sin and blow up any buildings. LOL

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
There are lots of ways to communicate with others - HOWEVER SPEAKING IS A VERY SPECIFIC WAY!!

For example, I am writing to other people on this forum, but I am not "Speaking to them"!!!!

So if I write a book for everyone to read, I am not speaking to everyone!!!

So for someone to suggest that reading the Scriptures is hearing from our Lord Jesus Christ is just silly and wrong!! In fact it is the exact mistake that Jesus told the jews they were making!! I guess there is nothing new under the sun. Dispite this being covered in the Scripture some will still make the same mistake to think that reading the Bible is hearing Him "speak" to them. Let me just back that up with a few verese, because the Scriptures are good for study and reproof, right?

Jn 6:63 “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and are life.

The above verse shows us specifically that we have to hear "the words" that are spoken to us by the Spirit which give us life. The Bible is ink on paper and not spirit, so they are not life! Which explain why this next verse it right.

Gal 3:22 But the Scripture has shut up everyone under sin, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.

So we see that not only do the Scriptures not give you life, like the words from His Holy Spirit, they in fact will keep you shut up under sin. The reason is simple. The Scriptures tell you to seek the voice of the Lord, which comes via His Holy Spirit to our spirit, so you are not obligated to seek His voice. You read it, you are responsible for knowing it! So not knowing that He speaks to you via His Holy Spirit is not an excuse. Of course even other telling you this also means you know and that also includes the host of heaven telling you, so there really is no excuse for not seeking the voice of the Lord. That doesn't mean it didn't and doesn't happen, where people start thinking that reading and searching through the Scriptures is the same thing as turning to Jesus Christ and hearing what He says. Which explains this next verse:

Jn 5:39,40 “You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me; and you are unwilling to come to Me so that you may have life.

It was a big issue back then, that people (His people the Jews which Christians are grafted into) were searching the Scriptures thinking that would give them eternal life as opposed to actually turning to Jesus Christ and listening to Him. It happened then and it happens now, and it happens with those called to be His people (Christians, Jews, etc.) Which explain this next couple of verses.

He who said to them, “Here is rest, give rest to the weary,” And, “Here is repose,” but they would not listen.
So the word of the LORD to them will be, “Order on order, order on order, Line on line, line on line, A little here, a little there,”
That they may go and stumble backward, be broken, snared and taken captive.

Now this is just sad. He asked us and confirmed it through Isaiah writing on behalf of Him to us, to listen to Him, even with the promise of rest, but some will not listen!! To those who do not listen to Him the word of the Lord will be "Line on line, line on line" - if you don't understand it means that if you don't listen to the voice of the Lord which comes via the Holy Spirit to your spirit in words, then the only thing left to be the Word of God to you is the line on line of Scriptures given to us in an orderly manner, which we can read a little here and there. That is to say the Bible becomes the word of God to if you don't actually spend time listening to Him! Sadly that results in stumbling backwards, being brokening, and being snared and taken captive, by the dark spiritual forces we all have to battle with!!! I personally do not like religious spirits! They take the things of God, like the Bible, and get us seeking after then instead of actually seeking after our Lord Jesus Christ!!

People start wanting the chief seats, recognition, and other listening to them, instead of wanting people to listen to Him (our Lord Jesus Christ)

I want people listening to Him, and getting to know Him, and hearing what He personally has to say to them. I want that because I know how much He helps me! I wake up in the morning and says something like 'Good morning, or Hello, or you need to get us because we have a lot to do.' He is a person who I hear words from!! He speaks to me!! He helps me know what to work on, how to to it, where to go, etc. We talk during th day, and His is the voice of God!! He guides your steps, like it is written. He teaches you, sometimes with little sayings like, "Karl, they calle me Wonderful Counselor and so I am, but I am not a wonderful counselor to those who don't listen to me." He tells me when to go to the store and helps me with what to buy. The last time I went He told me that I needed more sugar. I didn't think so. I thought I still had a bag. So I called my wife and home and had her check. So, she checked and indeed we had run out of sugar. Ok, I should have just picked it up but I really thought we still had sugar at home. He knew better.

Yesterday He asked me to pick up some money on the way to a game we were going watch. As I got to the bank He told me to go through the dirve up ATM, but there were two cars there but nobody in front of the walk up ATM. So I went to the walk up instead, but it turned out that the bank was working on them, so I had to get back into my car for the drive up and another car had gotten infront of me. As a result of not listening to Him, even though I heard Him, I was still paying for the tickets to the game as the game kicked off. I could have watched the kick off if I had just done what I hear Him telling me via His Holy Spirit speaking in words to my spirit!!

Now I know my Lord Jesus Chrsit is the Word of God, because I listen to Him, but not always as good as is should. And I know He is not the Bible, thought the first words He told me were, "Read Your Bible". He is not the ink on the pages of your Bible! Reading it is not hearing from Him!! He is the One who told those who wrote the Bible to write it. They hear Him speak, but that does not mean you do!!!

Speaking is not writing. It is a personal form a communication, and is of most value when done One on one!!