Hush Money Trial

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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
There are a lot of trump's associates who are testifying against him who are not democrats. Must be something else.
It is something else . its called the dog and pony show . This is done even within the liberal realm .
as it is among the conservative realm . Always a little controversy from within the same group
to add fire to the flames . ALL of this is but a dog and pony show .
The reason both sides do as they do is to wear out the peoples
and get all to surrender to the utopian hope they bring . BOTH SIDES are very heavily under its influence now .
the peoples are wearing out fast in all realms now and just want some kind of unity and getting along .
AND BOY will they offer up this false solution and BOTH SIDES with tongues wagging are gonna embrace it .
Sorry , wish i had better news for you all . But as i keep saying , ABANDON any and all hope in govts of either side
and be fast to pick a bible back up again for some real good refreshing and reminders .
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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
Heaven bound
United Kingdom
There is only ONE INTERCESSOR too . HIS name be JESUS THE CHRIST of GOD .
On the day of the LORD when all stand before him , as either a sheep or a goat
they the goats , will wish they had not denied that INTERCESSOR between man and GOD . ONLY on that day , ITS TOO LATE .
a goat in this life will be a goat on the day of judgment
he who cometh to CHRIST is a sheep . The LORD GOD all mighty
does not see in gray and on the day of the LORD there will be no gray .
Gray was the invention of the lukewarm . there is no such thing as hybrid shoats or geep . EITHER one was HIS
or they were not . The gray is the lukewarm who will honor sins and lip His name
and all the while they walk the middle fence , and have convincened themselves of a lie .
Better it be to repent asap than to await the day of judgment is all i can say to this lukewarm generation .
THE ONLY VERDICT that DO MATTER IS THE LORDS indeed dear sister .
The only TRUTH that is , IS HIS WORDS , IT BE HE .
And who determines truth , IS not man and changing times and societies , IT BE GOD and HE ALONE .
Let GOD be true but every man a liar . Now hit the trenches dear sister .


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
There are a lot of trump's associates who are testifying against him who are not democrats. Must be something else.
Yes.Collusion and threats in an illegal proceeding.

When the trial is unlawful,all alleged evidence is incredible.

Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
There are a lot of trump's associates who are testifying against him who are not democrats. Must be something else.



All anti-Trumpers have these 2 elements.

It is not his language when the vice president dropped and f bomb a couple days ago in a speech.

It is not his roughness because we never had the Afghan embarrassment, Iran A-- kissing, the terrorists being invited to live in this country. We did not have Ukraine or Israel wars to manage.

It is not .. well I could go on but will simply say...They do not want their swamp existences altered in any way.

And they do not want the public at a whole to see how dumb they are.... example....

Marjorie Taylor Green. and her trying to oust the new speaker who.. whether you approve or not... will woke with the dems.

What ever you do Margie... dont wait until after the election... Do it now and chase a lot of people away from voting their reps back into office.. for I am thinking myself on that. dont try to build the GOP in the House....

Ask youself why she is like this. I could offer an answer but not on here

If she hurries up she can get Hakeem Jeffries to be the speaker... and that will doom any possibility of any good
Trump could do and if Joe is reelected we are basically dead as a country.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
What should bother even the most offensive anti-Trumpeter is how openly public and without shame this witch hunt against Trump is. As well as the very obvious impossible to miss timing of it all.

That and the fact when "they" can or hesitate this evil against their own in power using the justice system,what do we the people think the justice system means for us? When justice is so openly corruptible through their will and monies.

The evil pulling the strings don't bother to hide their agenda in the shadows as was the case in times of old. No,after the blatant theft of our Democratic Election process in 2020, and the circus they produced to invade a peaceful lawful protest January 6th, they took the temperature of the American public by how we later responded. And realized,they can do anything they want out in the open now.

Because those aligned with the Left shall stay faithful no matter what.

No matter that there is irrefutable evidence Joe Biden illegally retained confidential records even when he left the office of VP. And beyond.
Something he admitted on tape to his ghost writer when planning to write a book after.

He got away with it.

While Trump is excoriated in the press under the same claim regarding retaining classified documents after he left the White House. And he's still facing that hurdle.

And the dedicated Left wingers condemn Trump and adore Biden and ignore his evils.

I do truly feel that if Jesus second coming occurred this weekend and over Jerusalem, a Leftist in media would claim it was a hologram produced by one of Trumps companies. All so to take the focus off his trials and prove Trump and God stand with Israel when Biden wants them to offer their throats to Hamas.

Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
What should bother even the most offensive anti-Trumpeter is how openly public and without shame this witch hunt against Trump is. As well as the very obvious impossible to miss timing of it all.

That and the fact when "they" can or hesitate this evil against their own in power using the justice system,what do we the people think the justice system means for us? When justice is so openly corruptible through their will and monies.

The evil pulling the strings don't bother to hide their agenda in the shadows as was the case in times of old. No,after the blatant theft of our Democratic Election process in 2020, and the circus they produced to invade a peaceful lawful protest January 6th, they took the temperature of the American public by how we later responded. And realized,they can do anything they want out in the open now.

Because those aligned with the Left shall stay faithful no matter what.

No matter that there is irrefutable evidence Joe Biden illegally retained confidential records even when he left the office of VP. And beyond.
Something he admitted on tape to his ghost writer when planning to write a book after.

He got away with it.

While Trump is excoriated in the press under the same claim regarding retaining classified documents after he left the White House. And he's still facing that hurdle.

And the dedicated Left wingers condemn Trump and adore Biden and ignore his evils.

I do truly feel that if Jesus second coming occurred this weekend and over Jerusalem, a Leftist in media would claim it was a hologram produced by one of Trumps companies. All so to take the focus off his trials and prove Trump and God stand with Israel when Biden wants them to offer their throats to Hamas.
1000% correct.

So scary too because the left cannot and will not be stopped.

I happened to turn on CNN briefly Thur to see how they were showing the trial differently from Fox.

The commentaries on what had happened you would think proved Trump should be sentenced to life in prison.


I just wish he had a different main attorney because I think the one questioning Cohen is weak at best.

We shall see.

rebuilder 454

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2023
United States
We are witnessing the last day's great deception talked about in the Bible. I believe it started possibly with George Bush Senior, and it really became magnified in Clinton and then when they got a hold of Bush Junior and turned him into a liberal, it brought on Obama ,at which time the thing really accelerated, to where we are today.

So we saw with Obama the loss of IQ by around half of America.
They voted for a man that went to a church that hated white people, and was a black separatist Nation of Islam religion. He told us, that is Obama told us ,what he was going to do to this country while he was on the campaign Trail.
He hated whites and he hated America. And people scrambled to go vote for him. Now this same deception has increased greatly through the media propaganda. They have installed liberal judges and Da's and prosecutors, to get their job done.
The massive flood and invasion of illegal aliens, is for one reason, ensure Biden wins, or whatever other mindless Democrat they run for election.

We probably have not fixed the voting machines, or the mail-in ballots, or the drop boxes for early voters, or the dead people voting.

I still have hope because I remember 2016 .
Trump won but only by a miracle.
They had set the algorithm on the machines I think at 10% ,or something like that, which was slanted toward Hillary taking 10% of Trump's vote, and moving it over to her side.
In my brain that's a 20% margin.
And it wasn't enough. I also remember her screaming that she did not accept that election that the whole thing was a fraud and he was an illegally installed president. Oh the irony of the ridiculous demonic Democratic Party. And there's one other thing Bernie Sanders who is an open communist, was actually the Democratic nominee for president in both 2016 and 2020. They took it from him in 2016 and gave it to Hillary in just a regular display of thuggery. In 2020 it was headed that way again, to steal the nomination from Biden. They met with Bernie and told him he needed to get out of the way and he said I'll get out of the way on one condition, that Biden take up my communist cause and Implement my policies. Do you people begin to see what the heck's going on here?

Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
We are witnessing the last day's great deception talked about in the Bible. I believe it started possibly with George Bush Senior, and it really became magnified in Clinton and then when they got a hold of Bush Junior and turned him into a liberal, it brought on Obama ,at which time the thing really accelerated, to where we are today.

So we saw with Obama the loss of IQ by around half of America.
They voted for a man that went to a church that hated white people, and was a black separatist Nation of Islam religion. He told us, that is Obama told us ,what he was going to do to this country while he was on the campaign Trail.
He hated whites and he hated America. And people scrambled to go vote for him. Now this same deception has increased greatly through the media propaganda. They have installed liberal judges and Da's and prosecutors, to get their job done.
The massive flood and invasion of illegal aliens, is for one reason, ensure Biden wins, or whatever other mindless Democrat they run for election.

We probably have not fixed the voting machines, or the mail-in ballots, or the drop boxes for early voters, or the dead people voting.

I still have hope because I remember 2016 .
Trump won but only by a miracle.
They had set the algorithm on the machines I think at 10% ,or something like that, which was slanted toward Hillary taking 10% of Trump's vote, and moving it over to her side.
In my brain that's a 20% margin.
And it wasn't enough. I also remember her screaming that she did not accept that election that the whole thing was a fraud and he was an illegally installed president. Oh the irony of the ridiculous demonic Democratic Party. And there's one other thing Bernie Sanders who is an open communist, was actually the Democratic nominee for president in both 2016 and 2020. They took it from him in 2016 and gave it to Hillary in just a regular display of thuggery. In 2020 it was headed that way again, to steal the nomination from Biden. They met with Bernie and told him he needed to get out of the way and he said I'll get out of the way on one condition, that Biden take up my communist cause and Implement my policies. Do you people begin to see what the heck's going on here?
I do, but most do not.

And there is something so horribly skewed about those polls today.

Way more people from all walks say Trump is better with things like the border, economy, and such... like 60 to 75% for Trump yet the actual polls on voting only have Trump up by 1 to 3 points.

Do so many people agree he is better but will vote against him out of hatred?

They tapped the worst Anti-Trump to do the CNN pole..... in June. Jake Tapper too
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
The only verdict that matters is God's. He will perform His will and it will test US.....we are all on trial.
And with tears in my eyes i say that many are not gonna like the verdict OF GOD that they hear on THE DAY OF JUDGMENT .
Sister that is a fact . Though very sad my heart is for them , and though i desired not their death
but only LIFE for them , MANY GONNA WAIL hard core on the DAY of the LORD .
How simple the walk truly was , but how many loved to heed men who twisted doctrine unto their own destruction
and served NOT THE GOD but the god they saw in the mirror . IT FED THEIR FLESH and they loved it .
and man i ought too know all to well . FOR I once loved that god too and served it as well .
PRAISE GOD FOR HIS LIFE SAVING and LIFE CHANGING GRACE . i sure wish folks would return to the bible and fast too .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
We are witnessing the last day's great deception talked about in the Bible. I believe it started possibly with George Bush Senior, and it really became magnified in Clinton and then when they got a hold of Bush Junior and turned him into a liberal, it brought on Obama ,at which time the thing really accelerated, to where we are today.

So we saw with Obama the loss of IQ by around half of America.
They voted for a man that went to a church that hated white people, and was a black separatist Nation of Islam religion. He told us, that is Obama told us ,what he was going to do to this country while he was on the campaign Trail.
He hated whites and he hated America. And people scrambled to go vote for him. Now this same deception has increased greatly through the media propaganda. They have installed liberal judges and Da's and prosecutors, to get their job done.
The massive flood and invasion of illegal aliens, is for one reason, ensure Biden wins, or whatever other mindless Democrat they run for election.

We probably have not fixed the voting machines, or the mail-in ballots, or the drop boxes for early voters, or the dead people voting.

I still have hope because I remember 2016 .
Trump won but only by a miracle.
They had set the algorithm on the machines I think at 10% ,or something like that, which was slanted toward Hillary taking 10% of Trump's vote, and moving it over to her side.
In my brain that's a 20% margin.
And it wasn't enough. I also remember her screaming that she did not accept that election that the whole thing was a fraud and he was an illegally installed president. Oh the irony of the ridiculous demonic Democratic Party. And there's one other thing Bernie Sanders who is an open communist, was actually the Democratic nominee for president in both 2016 and 2020. They took it from him in 2016 and gave it to Hillary in just a regular display of thuggery. In 2020 it was headed that way again, to steal the nomination from Biden. They met with Bernie and told him he needed to get out of the way and he said I'll get out of the way on one condition, that Biden take up my communist cause and Implement my policies. Do you people begin to see what the heck's going on here?
ITS EVERYWHERE NOW rebuilder . It has consumed the peoples of the land and of even many churches within christendom itself .
WHAT DID george senior , george jr , obama , even trump , hillery and scores of others have in common .
THE ROAD TO SHAMBALLA , the idea that all religoins do serve the same GOD . THAT IS A FACT BRO
and its coming fast into what even remains of the so called conservative camp .
THE LIE that calleth itself love has decieved very many now . AND WORSE it will get till the day the LORD COMETH
to RAIN DOWN THE WRATH OF GOD upon them all . ALL who united under the abraham peace accords
all who united under a love they THOUGHT was of GOD .
All who united under the common ground lie , the bridge building lie , the seeker friendly spun death trap .
The judge not , correct not sin lie . THEY are supping and a sipping from THE CUP OF THE WELL FAVORED HARLOT .
Candance owens and her BIG SUPRISE that she too is coming home to ROME , DID NOT TAKE ME BY SUPRISE .
I ONLY wondered WHEN she was finally gonna say it . TRUMP IS INFECTED WITH IT TOO .
THEY ALL ARE . And through the religious tolerance act , IT WILL FINISH OFF the last men in that camp to beleive THE LIE .
The delusion is RUNNING ITS COURSE and filling the land and the peoples , the denominations and all religoins
to merge them now under what they THINK IS GOD and IS LOVE . Damned will all be who partook of that cup
and repented not . Damned will all be who used JESUS NAME , as well , to help promote the lie that calleth itself love .


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
1000% correct.

So scary too because the left cannot and will not be stopped.

I happened to turn on CNN briefly Thur to see how they were showing the trial differently from Fox.

The commentaries on what had happened you would think proved Trump should be sentenced to life in prison.


I just wish he had a different main attorney because I think the one questioning Cohen is weak at best.

We shall see.
Yes,I worry if his attorneys are truly on his side. Or,if as with his cabinet when in the White House, they're being paid to tank his cases.

As to CNN , there was a video that featured clips from the MSM broadcast news that showed how every network used the same key phrases in reporting the same stories.

Gone are the days of independent fair and impartial reporting. Now,it's a matter of programming the minds of the partisan viewers.

Who imagined years ago there would be left wing news bias and right wing news bias.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Yes,I worry if his attorneys are truly on his side. Or,if as with his cabinet when in the White House, they're being paid to tank his cases.

As to CNN , there was a video that featured clips from the MSM broadcast news that showed how every network used the same key phrases in reporting the same stories.

Gone are the days of independent fair and impartial reporting. Now,it's a matter of programming the minds of the partisan viewers.

Who imagined years ago there would be left wing news bias and right wing news bias.
picked up on that my friend . i see you noticed they use the same langauge the same particular wording .
NOW HEED THIS word my dear sister .
HOW COME I SEE the same agenda , same love , same force , same word play at work
cause it sure seems so many AINT PICKING UP on that FACT . we better WATCH OUT . BOTH CAMPS
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
the problem is folks are picking either the side of the liberal or the consevative .
coming in BIG TIME UPON BOTH CAMPS . my hope aint in this world or its politicains OF EITHER SIDE
ITS IN GOD ALONE in CHRIST ALONE . and it cannot be IN BOTH . that is how BOTH camps GOT SO DECIEVED in the first place .
Trying to hope in MEN under the guise somehow they HOPING IN GOD . that lie aint worked out too well for them either .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Yes,I worry if his attorneys are truly on his side. Or,if as with his cabinet when in the White House, they're being paid to tank his cases.

As to CNN , there was a video that featured clips from the MSM broadcast news that showed how every network used the same key phrases in reporting the same stories.

Gone are the days of independent fair and impartial reporting. Now,it's a matter of programming the minds of the partisan viewers.

Who imagined years ago there would be left wing news bias and right wing news bias.
I have but this one warning for us all . Trust not , hope not in men , SOMETHING WICKED IS FAST RISING UP
and its all over the men of this earth . IT WILL MERGE THEM ALL right under A LIE .
It has come to merge all who are not in the lambs book of life , all who rejected the love of the truth
TO BELEIVE A LIE that it now calls love and does all to have them co exist , to find common ground
to be unqually yoked . Man we better watch out is all i can say . ITS Everywhere and soon
the peoples of the land will as one heed its call and its solution .
AND what will be its solution . RID THE EARTH OF ALL HATERS , of all who conformed not to its image of god
and of love . Sure men like me will be persecuted and many of us killed , BUT THE END IS ONLY HOME WITH JESUS for us .
CANT SAY THE SAME FOR THEM . they wont like their end that cometh on the DAY OF THE LORD .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I do, but most do not.

And there is something so horribly skewed about those polls today.

Way more people from all walks say Trump is better with things like the border, economy, and such... like 60 to 75% for Trump yet the actual polls on voting only have Trump up by 1 to 3 points.

Do so many people agree he is better but will vote against him out of hatred?

They tapped the worst Anti-Trump to do the CNN pole..... in June. Jake Tapper too
as with candance owens so too with the realm of evangelical christians . ALL will be going HOME to the harlot .
WELL , all who didnt truly love CHRIST . it cannot be stopped . BRIDGE BUILDERS common ground
healing the wound will run its course till ALL RELIGOINS and mankind be united as one under
what they believe to be GOD and LOVE or LOVE . only IT BE SATAN not GOD , NOT HIS LOVE .
we better watch out . ITS real sneaky , that is one sneaky harlot , as is her father the devil . HE knows how to twist scrips .
YES the DEVIL KNOWS HOW TO EVEN SAY GOD IS LOVE but he gonna use that love to omit CERTAIN TRUTH
to honor certain sins , to rejoice in a lie . THE LOVE THAT COMETH OF GOD DONT REJOICE IN INQUITY , IN LIES
BUT ONLY IN TRUTH . REPEAT , ONLY IN TRUTH . and the last time i checked
the BIBLE CONTAINS TRUTH . NOW DONT IT . exactly . the devil can wear more than prada
HECK HE and his co workers can wear WOOL TOO . folks better watch out . and watch out they better .