Is that not what it means…

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Not me

Well-Known Member
May 8, 2019
California, Ca.
United States
Jeremiah 22:15b~16 (NASB20)
“……………………..Did your father not eat and drink And do justice and righteousness? Then it was well for him. “He pled the cause of the afflicted and the poor, Then it was well. Is that not what it means to know Me?” Declares the Lord.


‘Is that not what it means to know Me?’

What is scripture putting forth that it means to know God..?

To eat and drink, but in that eating and drinking, do justice and righteousness…. Or, in other words, live your life, but as one live’s one’s life, do justice and righteousness in that living…. This is what scripture puts forth as what it means to know God..

For God Himself is justice and righteousness, so than for the experiencing of God, one would have to experience what He Himself is, in His very essence, nature and makeup…. That essence, nature and makeup being justice and righteousness, so this therefore would be the truth, to the degree one sees, knows, practices, lives in, and walks in justice and righteousness, to that degree will one have the experience of God…

Knowing that man, being, fallen from his first created state of righteousness, therefore being brought back to this state being what the salvation of Christ is concerned with…. Man must therefore be brought to a place where he would willingly give himself up to justice and righteousness… Not that he, by his own strength can produce justice and righteousness, but the willingness to let God produce these works in him, being that which is necessary… For in the giving of oneself up to justice and righteousness, is the giving oneself up to God, one being what can be seen in this world, the Other, that Being which cannot be seen… For by the words of the tongue of God Himself, by these words, ‘is that not what it means to know Me’ Declares the Lord’, does God Himself bring forth the absolute truth of this, making a direct connection between the doing and the knowing…

This truth seen and believed in the heart as true, being the blesser of life, for it opens the door, it brings God in real time, in a living way, so one can taste and see, then in this tasting and seeing does one experience the truth of this truth…

For one’s relationship to righteousness is that thing that will bring the desire of life to satisfaction and rest… For all life is a desire in motion after something, and this desire of life can only find its rest in finding its lost state of righteousness… For when one has righteousness and walks in that righteousness, all the desires of life become a servant to that righteousness… Then the heart sees the truth that when one has righteousness one has all things… That being, when one has righteousness, one has God, and when one has God, one has all things… For all things were created so righteousness might be showed forth what it is in its very essence, nature and makeup…. That being, that God Himself is righteousness, so that God Himself might show forth what He is in His very essence, nature, and makeup….

So therefore does scripture say that knowing God, is the knowing of justice and righteousness…. For to the degree the new life is formed in one, to that degree will one experience and encounter God in the manifestation of justice and righteousness… That being, the growing of the Divine nature in one, which is the life that sins not… Which is accessed by the faith of the heart turning towards it and then by faith, desiring and grabbing unto it… For all things come through the faith of the heart turned towards God, the desire towards righteousness being the lack, and then God being the filler of that lack…

Be blessed in the seeing, the desiring, the experiencing and then the knowing of the Filler of the lack found in the heart…

In His love, Not me
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Be blessed
This reads like a description on part of how we go about 'redeeming the time'. Bringing all the desires and searching in our lives, no matter how mundane or seemingly trivial, under the umbrella of God's righteousness.

And finding a righteous life there!

Much love! A good word!
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Not me

Well-Known Member
May 8, 2019
California, Ca.
United States
This reads like a description on part of how we go about 'redeeming the time'. Bringing all the desires and searching in our lives, no matter how mundane or seemingly trivial, under the umbrella of God's righteousness.

And finding a righteous life there!

Much love! A good word!

Thanks, and knowing that these truths can always be tasted and experienced in a deeper way…

To the deeper way, Not me

Karl Peters

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
United States
To eat and drink, but in that eating and drinking, do justice and righteousness…. Or, in other words, live your life, but as one live’s one’s life, do justice and righteousness in that living…. This is what scripture puts forth as what it means to know God..

Jesus said that He was the mana (bread) that comes down from heaven. He said we must drink of His blood and eat of His flesh! And we know that He speaks to us in parables and sayings. So what does the eating and drinking to do justice and righteousness actually mean. What does living one's like doing justice and righteousnes actually mean - since it is in sayings and parables?

It is not hard to understand!!

His sheep hear His voice and His words, via the Holy Spirit are life to us. Spiritually speaking, eating of Him just means listening to the words He has for us!!!!

So if you eat of His - which is just listening to His words for you - then He as Lord gives us instructions!! It is written that He guides our steps, so expect to even get instructions down to what steps to take next!! So we need to simply listen to what steps we are to take next and take them. In that way He will guide you here and there and have you do this and that. Because He told you, then what you do is the right thing to do! It is also the just thing to do, because He knows what is right and just when we don't. And we don't. Only God is good. So to do good (what's right and just) we must actually listen to Him and follow Him by hearing His voice. We need to do the each and every day called "Today"!

So, what has He told you "Today"? Are we really living by hearing from Him?

He had me get up early to get some work done. One thing He wanted me to do was to throw out the trash, but He specifically told me to wait till after 6AM because it was early. Then at 6:07 (according to my clock) I then heard Him to tell me now was the time to throw out the trash. I had just finished looking up some things on the internet, that He had me on.

I am testifying to the Great I AM, who guides us step by step if we are willing to seek Him and listen to His voice and the words that come via His Holy Spirit to our spirit!!

That is how you do justice and righteousness. That is how you eat of Him (The Word of God)! It is not all as religious as it sounds! It is simply a personal and on-going relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ!

Not me

Well-Known Member
May 8, 2019
California, Ca.
United States
Jesus said that He was the mana (bread) that comes down from heaven. He said we must drink of His blood and eat of His flesh! And we know that He speaks to us in parables and sayings. So what does the eating and drinking to do justice and righteousness actually mean. What does living one's like doing justice and righteousnes actually mean - since it is in sayings and parables?

It is not hard to understand!!

His sheep hear His voice and His words, via the Holy Spirit are life to us. Spiritually speaking, eating of Him just means listening to the words He has for us!!!!

So if you eat of His - which is just listening to His words for you - then He as Lord gives us instructions!! It is written that He guides our steps, so expect to even get instructions down to what steps to take next!! So we need to simply listen to what steps we are to take next and take them. In that way He will guide you here and there and have you do this and that. Because He told you, then what you do is the right thing to do! It is also the just thing to do, because He knows what is right and just when we don't. And we don't. Only God is good. So to do good (what's right and just) we must actually listen to Him and follow Him by hearing His voice. We need to do the each and every day called "Today"!

So, what has He told you "Today"? Are we really living by hearing from Him?

He had me get up early to get some work done. One thing He wanted me to do was to throw out the trash, but He specifically told me to wait till after 6AM because it was early. Then at 6:07 (according to my clock) I then heard Him to tell me now was the time to throw out the trash. I had just finished looking up some things on the internet, that He had me on.

I am testifying to the Great I AM, who guides us step by step if we are willing to seek Him and listen to His voice and the words that come via His Holy Spirit to our spirit!!

That is how you do justice and righteousness. That is how you eat of Him (The Word of God)! It is not all as religious as it sounds! It is simply a personal and on-going relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ!

Thank you for your thoughts..

Be blessed in walking in the justice and righteousness you see…

In His love, Not me