ISIS and Bible Prophecy

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New Member
Feb 21, 2014
In light of the ever increasing hype concerning ISIS, I felt it necessary to give my thoughts on the whole situation and why I'm not too concerned about them in relation to end times Prophecy.

ISIS and Bible Prophecy:


Christian Spokesman
Aug 17, 2014
ISIS are a huge threat among civilians anywhere near ISIS, as they preach the hatred of the Quran and of thier so called prophet muhammed who was a peado, rapist, murdering, sinning lustful coward.
Islam continues to wage war against non-muslims in palces of the world, and they have caused the biggest atrocities in the world ever known to man.
Islam is a growing threat to anyone non-muslim. Jesus will return as islam is the doing of satans deceiving.
God bless.


New Member
Feb 21, 2014
Madad21 said:
So whats your thoughts bud?
Basically Isis is merely one example of the four horsemen in action, the white horse in particular who goes forth to conquer, America is another example of the white horse. None of the four horsemen are representative of the Antichrist. The four horsemen is all about what happens before he arrives, that the turmoil we see in the world will get worse. When the world is on its knees begging for a solution, then the Antichrist will arrive posing as the savior. And his arrival will not be a quiet one. There will be a violent global earthquake that will lay to waste the world's infrastructure. There will be a thick cloud of black smoke rising out of the earth. When you this happening, then you will know that the the bottomless pit has opened and the Antichrist and his army of angels has been unleashed.
thomasleonard said:
ISIS are a huge threat among civilians anywhere near ISIS, as they preach the hatred of the Quran and of thier so called prophet muhammed who was a peado, rapist, murdering, sinning lustful coward.
Islam continues to wage war against non-muslims in palces of the world, and they have caused the biggest atrocities in the world ever known to man.
Islam is a growing threat to anyone non-muslim. Jesus will return as islam is the doing of satans deceiving.
God bless.
The reason why these devil infested heathens will claim that Allah is the same as Yahweh is because they want us to believe that they are a religion of peace, tolerance and love. I laugh in the face of any of these clowns making such a claim as I've shown in the video that this is far from the truth. Their "holy" book makes the case for Islamic Jihad, so I'm not at all surprised that ISIS is so easily getting so many converts to their cause when that entire region is Muslim dominant in the first place.


sojourning non-citizen
May 23, 2014
Israeli Secret Intelligence Service ISIS (That makes sense)

Isis is a psy op, run from offices in Washington D.C. and many foreign satellite bases. The fact that ISIS is a psy op staging company is irrefutable, and they do really fake looking beheadings with CIA/Mossad actors, CPR dolls and British rappers. First class outfit, AND IF YOU DO NOT KNOW ABOUT WHAT ISIS REALLY IS- AN ISRAELI OWNED AMERICAN MILITARY COMPANY, CLICK HERE FOR IRREFUTABLE PROOF.


New Member
Feb 21, 2014
sojourner4Christ said:
Israeli Secret Intelligence Service ISIS (That makes sense)

Isis is a psy op, run from offices in Washington D.C. and many foreign satellite bases. The fact that ISIS is a psy op staging company is irrefutable, and they do really fake looking beheadings with CIA/Mossad actors, CPR dolls and British rappers. First class outfit, AND IF YOU DO NOT KNOW ABOUT WHAT ISIS REALLY IS- AN ISRAELI OWNED AMERICAN MILITARY COMPANY, CLICK HERE FOR IRREFUTABLE PROOF.
This is one of the reasons why I'm not at all concerned about this group, its likely every bit a psyop as Al Qaeda.


Active Member
Jan 24, 2014
far side of the moon
United States
Some ISIS members are Israelis with duel American/Israel passports. The one beheaded was an Israeli/American as well. I guess he would not follow the line. This is not reported in the USA news and I cannot figure out why?

They are not Al Qaeda, they have American/Israel passports. You can google it.


sojourning non-citizen
May 23, 2014


This time the beheading was of a fictitious TV character in a Turkish television drama titled "WOLVES VALLEY", which was filmed in February of 2014.


You can view this HERE; the relevant scene is at exactly 33 seconds.

Claims are being made now by some people in the Arab world that Mossad front SITE contracted out to this film maker to produce the ISIS beheadings, as well. However, that would be difficult to confirm and I am not certain it is even necessary. The dating of this trailer to Feb of this year pretty much sews this up in a body bag.

The fake beheadings are being done to get people to hate Muslims so they won't care if millions get blown away.

-- Jim

P. S. What is the origin of the ISIS acronym?

For the answer, watch this 3-minute CSPAN clip from the year 1990.


Christian Spokesman
Aug 17, 2014
I really wouldn't buy into all this stuff propagating on the net about the US government behind all of this? It does sound quite bizarre and absurd that this is even being mentioned, I wont even begin to ask for evidence to back up your claim as Iraqi and Syrian citizens have made reports of the Islamic Jihadi group thousands of times and all the videos we are seeing have to be amazingly spot on to be a fake...
I really don't know, so I cannot prove nothing, I am just as confused as you. But I have my logic, and my logic doesn't reside with what your saying, i am sorry. I respect your points you make and the interesting topics you bring about but I highly doubt their validity.
It just seems to be too irrational to be the truth. We all know the truths about the monstrosity of Islam without these despicable organisations anyway, we have this in the Islamic holy book itself, the Qu'ran. Take a read, as im sure you have, and you will see.
Islam is a false religion and matches the works of Satan.
Anyway, have a great day. God bless.


sojourning non-citizen
May 23, 2014
My reply is in red text.

I really wouldn't buy into all this stuff propagating on the net about the US government behind all of this? Firstly, it’s not really the “US government behind all of this.” Yes, it is complicit, but only insofar as that gov’t is merely a tool, albeit a powerful tool, of the perpetrator. At the top of the heap is Satan, with his princes and their principalities. Who were Satan’s minions then i.e. “in biblical times”? How about the unbelieving Jews? The national/ethnic/physical Jews? What’s changed since then? Nothing! The Jewists are still in control. It does sound quite bizarre and absurd that this is even being mentioned, I wont even begin to ask for evidence to back up your claim as Iraqi and Syrian citizens have made reports of the Islamic Jihadi group thousands of times and all the videos we are seeing have to be amazingly spot on to be a fake... Your “evidence” would be the MSM’s (mainstream media’s) "videos?" BTW, I do not know who spawned all the recent Jesuit misdirection that is circulating the web, but I am tired of it and would like to state in no uncertain terms: It is NOT THE JESUITS doing fake beheadings, tainted vaccines, or anything else, such as running a scam "federal reserve" and stealing 90 percent of taxes. And I can prove this with ease.

The Jesuits ARE NOT DOING IT ALL, because they do not own Fox, CNN, MSNBC, CBS, ABC or any other media outlets -- the Jews do. If these outlets were running legitimate news, ISIS would have been busted within three clock cycles of a broadcast compressor (0.26 nanoseconds), and the fact that the media has sat there actively supporting the scam means that the same people running the media are running ISIS, and THAT would be the Jewish community.

There is a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst thereof, like a roaring lion ravening the prey; they have devoured souls; they have taken the treasure and precious things; they have made her many widows in the midst thereof. Her priests have violated my law, and have profaned mine holy things: they have put no difference between the holy and profane, neither have they shewed difference between the unclean and the clean, and have hid their eyes from my sabbaths, and I am profaned among them. Her princes in the midst thereof are like wolves ravening the prey, to shed blood, and to destroy souls, to get dishonest gain. And her prophets have daubed them with untempered morter, seeing vanity, and divining lies unto them, saying, Thus saith the Lord GOD, when the LORD hath not spoken, The people of the land have used oppression, and exercised robbery, and have vexed the poor and needy: yea, they have oppressed the stranger wrongfully. (Eze chap. 22).

To those whose job it is to sit there trolling the blogs spreading the Jesuit misdirect, I would like them to consider something: Consider it is super easy to document it is NOT THE JESUITS OR ANYONE ELSE running these beheading scams; since the Jesuits are an obscure group, they make an easy scapegoat to fool fools with. However,

ANYONE with a lick of sense would know that the silence in the media towards rigged elections, the illegitimate Federal Reserve, intentionally tainted autism causing vaccines, the shoddy state of the educational system, the destruction of the libraries, the real root behind the war on men, the 9-11 coverup, and everything else we have been lied to about is COLD HARD PROOF THAT IT IS THE JEWS, AND NOTHING BUT THE JEWS, DOING IT ALL. If they own the media and are negligently silent about all of these issues, including these obviously fake beheadings, it means they did it and that is all there is to it.

And many sit there saying they are stupid or too innocent to see it all and THAT is why they can't figure it out. The group that brought us abortion certainly is not too innocent, and if they can engineer a new strain of Ebola, they certainly are not stupid.

Once the sacred cow of unsaved Jewry's "chosen victim status" scheme is let out of the barn, the force strikes back hard to lock it up again. I don’t expect these last few posts to remain visible here for long.

I really don't know, so I cannot prove nothing, I am just as confused as you. Thanks, but I choose to not commiserate with you. I am not confused. Or rather, I am less confused than many on this issue -- thank you, Lord! But I have my logic, and my logic doesn't reside with what your saying, i am sorry. I respect your points you make and the interesting topics you bring about but I highly doubt their validity. People can and will “doubt” all they wish. Yet virtually no one is performing due diligence. The power of the lie is strong.

It just seems to be too irrational to be the truth. Of course it does! For a con to work effectively, those being conned must participate in the game. Alert, critical questioning audiences cannot be conned. The importance of all this is not merely the existence of liars in high places. Liars cannot succeed unless they find people willing to cooperate. We all know the truths about the monstrosity of Islam without these despicable organisations anyway, we have this in the Islamic holy book itself, the Qu'ran. Take a read, as im sure you have, and you will see. Yes, the book condemns itself.

Islam is a false religion and matches the works of Satan. Yes. And we do not fight against flesh and blood. This has little to do with Islam.

Anyway, have a great day. God bless.

Thanks for the honest response.



Active Member
Jan 24, 2014
far side of the moon
United States
thomasleonard said:
ISIS are a huge threat among civilians anywhere near ISIS, as they preach the hatred of the Quran and of thier so called prophet muhammed who was a peado, rapist, murdering, sinning lustful coward. .,.,.,.,
Side note: Some ISIS members have duel passports, Israel & USA

go figure :)-


New Member
Oct 11, 2014
ISIS are a huge threat among civilians anywhere near ISIS, as they preach the hatred of the Quran and of thier so called prophet muhammed who was a peado, rapist, murdering, sinning lustful coward.
Islam continues to wage war against non-muslims in palces of the world, and they have caused the biggest atrocities in the world ever known to man.

Maybe study the violent history of the Roman church, under the banner of "christianity" and the atrocities of the crusades and inquisitions...gruesome, worse than IS...
Islam is a growing threat to anyone non-muslim. Jesus will return as islam is the doing of satans deceiving.
God bless.
ISIS are a huge threat among civilians anywhere near ISIS, as they preach the hatred of the Quran and of thier so called prophet muhammed who was a peado, rapist, murdering, sinning lustful coward.
Islam continues to wage war against non-muslims in palces of the world, and they have caused the biggest atrocities in the world ever known to man.

How about the atrocities of the crusades and inquisitions? This done by the Roman church which professes to be "christian"
Islam is a growing threat to anyone non-muslim. Jesus will return as islam is the doing of satans deceiving.
God bless.


Active Member
Jan 24, 2014
far side of the moon
United States
ISIS is run by the MOSSAD using weapons USA gave to Israel, go figure

Israel ex-officer leads Ukraine protests: Reports
Sunday Feb 16, 2014
Ukrainian media have reported that a former Israeli army officer is playing a leading role in the anti-government protests in the former Soviet republic.

Four other Israelis, who had previously served in the army, were recently reported to have taken part in opposition rallies in Ukraine’s capital, Kiev.

Mossad Agent was an agent of the Israeli Mossad who was seen in MTAC, witnessing an operation that Mossad Officer Ziva David had acquired intel for.

Nov 4, 2014 - The Islamic State group is the creation of Israel's Mossad, Iran's deputy foreign minister said Tuesday, accusing the spy agency of aiming to ...

Russian writer and political activist: Mossad training ISIS terrorists in Iraq, Syria

Isis claims responsibility for Texas attack
No evidence Islamic State had actual hand in attack as details emerge about would-be gunmen Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi

Israeli intelligence service, Mossad, has confirmed that the Israeli art students were, in fact, part of a major Israeli intelligence operation and that they were conducting surveillance of the activities of the 9-11 hijackers. They also worked with the Israeli Urban Moving System employees in New Jersey who were seen in at least two Jersey City locations -- Liberty State Park and The Doric apartment building -- celebrating the impact of the first plane into the World Trade Center.

The Israelis at Liberty State Park were dressed in Arab-style clothing when they were witnessed celebrating the first attack. The FBI later confiscated a videotape they filmed of the first attack.

someone debunk the above :)-


Active Member
Jan 24, 2014
far side of the moon
United States
Isis has stated that they want to create turmoil in the neighboring countries so that they will start fighting among themselves while the Israeli's sit back with a bag of popcorn watching from the sidelines

NOTE: if the text is too small to read; hold down the [ctrl] key while rolling your mouse roller up or down

just a suggestion


New Member
Jan 3, 2015
Why does sojourner4Christ believe ISIS are jews. That is silly.

ISIL stands for Islamic State - ISIS stands for Islamic State in Iraq and Syria because the group's territory straddles the border between the two counties. ISIL stands for Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant. The Levant is the historic name given to the entire region east of the Mediterranean from Egypt, east to Iran and to Turkey.


Active Member
Jan 24, 2014
far side of the moon
United States
The term "Jew" should not be used in this context. When you refer to the "Black Panthers" you are not talking about the black people in general you are talking about a specific group of people among the black population.

There is a difference. The Mossad has been and continues to "train" militants and giving them weapons to fight among themselves.

you can google it to find out for yourself


Active Member
Jan 24, 2014
far side of the moon
United States
The Israelis at Liberty State Park were dressed in Arab-style clothing when they were witnessed celebrating the first attack. The FBI later confiscated a videotape they filmed of the first attack.

Does anyone here know what they were witnessing-?


Active Member
Jan 24, 2014
far side of the moon
United States
ATP said:
Why does sojourner4Christ believe ISIS are jews. That is silly.

ISIL stands for Islamic State - ISIS stands for Islamic State in Iraq and Syria because the group's territory straddles the border between the two counties. ISIL stands for Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant. The Levant is the historic name given to the entire region east of the Mediterranean from Egypt, east to Iran and to Turkey.
If you wanted to appear to be the Arabic bad guys, what name would you call yourself-?


New Member
Oct 11, 2014
thomasleonard said:
I really wouldn't buy into all this stuff propagating on the net about the US government behind all of this? It does sound quite bizarre and absurd that this is even being mentioned, I wont even begin to ask for evidence to back up your claim as Iraqi and Syrian citizens have made reports of the Islamic Jihadi group thousands of times and all the videos we are seeing have to be amazingly spot on to be a fake...
I really don't know, so I cannot prove nothing, I am just as confused as you. But I have my logic, and my logic doesn't reside with what your saying, i am sorry. I respect your points you make and the interesting topics you bring about but I highly doubt their validity.
It just seems to be too irrational to be the truth. We all know the truths about the monstrosity of Islam without these despicable organisations anyway, we have this in the Islamic holy book itself, the Qu'ran. Take a read, as im sure you have, and you will see.
Islam is a false religion and matches the works of Satan.
Anyway, have a great day. God bless.

You sure are should read the Zionist Talmud, and makes the Koran look like a doucument of love and peace...expand your knowledge a bit....also read the violent history of the Roman church, all with the blessings of the pope....this is an organization which claims to be christian, but over the century has killed millions under the guise of christianity...take the sliver out of your own eye there TL


New Member
Oct 11, 2014
ISIS has not attacked in Israel, or US forces or bases in the middle east..they have not attacked any oil refineries or infastructures..why haven't they? Because they do not bite the hand that created them, owns them and feeds them..