Laws from Leviticus

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Active Member
Nov 11, 2022
Can of soup asks me about Leviticus Law. So I answer their question about Mosaic Law below — Today at 2:19 PM
Glad I can help clear up those fears my friend. Took me a while to regain access to my Discord, but luckily can reply to you. In terms of important Leviticus context, these were specific laws (Mosaic Laws) that applied only to the people of Israel. As Christians, not all of us are the Israelites under Moses, so we are not under Mosaic laws, Leviticus 26:46 These are the decrees, the laws and the regulations that the Lord established at Mount Sinai between himself and the Israelites through Moses.
We are under the Law of Love, of Christ, the fulfillment of the law. To love the Lord and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Murdering people is not loving them, so we don't do that. Bearing false witness is not loving them, so we don't do that. This is why the section of the Ten Commandments are repeated in the New Testament, that's moral law, which we obey. To be forgiven of sin, there's no good works we do to make us a good person. The only way to be washed of sin is to believe in Christ with faith alone, since He paid the wages of sin, death, for us. When you believe, even by the smallest amount, you are permanently saved as the Holy Spirit dwells inside of you.

Here’s the beginning of the conversation for context
can.of.soup — 03/07/2023 2:30 PM
Hi there! I’m in the same Genshin Impact server as you and I was wondering if I could ask some questions about your beliefs? I read some of the things you’ve said in the server and it’s not like what I’ve heard other Christian’s say, so I was hoping to better educate myself!! I’d like to be respectful and I’m sorry if anything I say comes off as hurtful or offensive, I promise that’s not what I’m trying to achieve! :) — 03/07/2023 2:34 PM
Hi, thanks for adding me as a friend can.of.soup. Lol, I'm in a lot of Genshin Impact servers, been kicked from plenty of character main Discords for spreading Christian Universalism. Feel free to ask my anything you're curious about my friend! I'm grateful and honored you would choose to talk with me :D
can.of.soup — 03/07/2023 2:36 PM
Well first I’d like to ask about the “heaven” and “hell” you believe in. I apologize if I use the wrong terms, I come from an atheist house hold and haven’t done much research on the topic! In the server you had said there was no hell in the original scripture. Does that mean everyone gets into heaven? And if not, where do they go if they don’t meet the requirements of getting in? — 03/07/2023 3:00 PM
No problem, I was also an atheist before, nihilistic. In the past, I rejected Christianity, no loving God would torture people forever. I am a Christian. I developed scrupulosity, an intense religious fear, because I worried about being tormented in a physical lake of fire. When I learned the truth, Christian Universalism, that God is love and will save everyone many of my mental problems went away.
Hell is Leaving the Bible Forever
The best Bible translations do not contain the concept of Hell or everlasting punishment. Your Bible translation may be harmful to your spiritual health. Read this article and see what we mean.
Here’s a list of Bible translations and their “Hell” word count. Notice how many of them is “0”. Literally, Hell is not in these versions. The idea of Hell was taken from Greek Mythology and translators added it into their own versions. The original scriptures don’t describe physical endless torment at all, not even permanent destruction.
When people die, they go to Sheol (Hebrew, OT) the realm of the dead. It’s the grave. People go there because the wages of sin is death. And we all have sin from the first human, Adam, who disobeyed God. Christ died for us, so His blood = life, it washes away sin = death (Romans 5:18). That’s why, when Jesus died, He preached to the dead.
Psalm 16:10 You will not leave my soul in Sheol.
1 Peter 4:6 For this is the reason the gospel was preached even to those who are now dead
1 Corinthians 15:22 "In Christ shall all be made alive"
And people escaped Sheol, were resurrected, because they believed in Christ and were given permanent life, like Lazarus (John 11). Even those who die before they believe will always have the chance to be saved. Nobody will stay dead forever. :D
The requirements to get into Heaven is to have no sin. Since we all have sin, we must get rid of sin. The only way to be clean is to be washed by the blood of Christ who has no sin aka have faith alone in Him. People who don’t believe in Him still have sin, so still stay dead when they die, they stay in Sheol. Eventually, Sheol will be emptied out and all people will be believers in Him and thus everyone gets into Heaven.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2021
United States
As Christians, not all of us are the Israelites under Moses, so we are not under Mosaic laws, Leviticus 26:46 These are the decrees, the laws and the regulations that the Lord established at Mount Sinai between himself and the Israelites through Moses. We are under the Law of Love, of Christ, the fulfillment of the law. To love the Lord and to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.
My name is PinSeeker, and I approve this message. :)

I was also an atheist before, nihilistic. In the past, I rejected Christianity, no loving God would torture people forever.
Responding to this quickly... Sorry to hear about your past and glad you have been brought from it. Praise and glory to God for that. God does not torture. But he does, Harold, give people what they desire and deserve, according to His own glory and His perfect justice; He administers His perfect justice perfectly. But that does NOT mean He "tortures people" for any length of time, much less forever. One can be tortured in the sense that he/she is enduring a mental anguish for one reason or another... as in two people can have a torturous conversation, where, though they continue to argue or exchange ideas, they never reach resolution or agreement and lose all hope for such resolution or agreement. This is consistent with what we are taught about hell in the Bible. Jesus speaks in Mark 9 about "their worm that will not die," which is to say, basically, their anguish will not subside. And in His parable in Luke 16, the rich man is told by Abraham that he is in anguish, both because he could have avoided it by believing and repenting during his life on earth, and because he cannot pass from where he is to where Abraham is... no longer has any hope of doing so. It is a torturous existence, but he is not literally being tortured by anyone, much less God Himself. You see?

When I learned (and believed) Christian Universalism...
You fell in with a heresy that has been around for a long time...

...God is love...
Yes, He is, and everything He does is out of that love, even placing judgment according to His perfect justice, hard as it may be to understand. On a much lesser level, if and when I place a judgment on my son and even punish him, it is not out of anything other than my uncompromising love for him.

...all people will be believers in Him and thus everyone gets into Heaven.
All of His Elect, yes. Paul is very clear about that in Romans 9 through 11. As he says in Romans 10:13, quoting from Joel 2:32, "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." And if you go back and read that passage in Joel, Joel clearly says that their calling on the name of the Lord depends on God's mercy and compassion and His call ~ which is what Paul is saying in Romans 9. God will have mercy on whom He has mercy, compassion on whom He has compassion (Paul, Romans 9:14-18, referencing Moses's quote of God Himself in Exodus 33:19).

Universalism is clearly a heresy. Far be it from me or anyone to call you a heretic, Harold; no one is doing that. But, nevertheless, universalism is a heresy ~ it is antithetical to God's Word.

Grace and peace to you!