Looking for Jesus according to John

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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2022
25) Jesus vs the religious leaders

John 13: Jesus tells his disciples that if, being the Lord and teacher, he washes feet of one another, they should also do it!

- Every religious leader wants to become the top leader!

- It is the same in politics and business!

- Power is not to share!

- It is so different from Jesus!

- Only wolves!

- God’s world is going to be totally different!

- We can’t imagine how it is going to be!

- It is necessary to prepare now to be able to adapt!

- We must prepare our mind!

- Only one leader, God and nobody will be able to oppose him!

- Only two options: accept God’s authority or die!

- Those who think to behave like the Israelites will be eradicated straight away!


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2022
26) looking for Jesus

John 2: So after making a whip of ropes, he drives all those with the sheep and cattle out of the temple, and he pours out the coins of the money changers and overturns their tables!

- And he tells those selling the doves to take it away from the house of his Father!

- And his disciples recall that it is written: “The zeal for your house will consume me.”

- Man’s tradition against God’s word!

- Think of that: the Jews have no shame!

- They let the merchants sell animals inside God’s temple!

- You just think of that and you understand that they only teach man’s tradition which opposes completely God’s word!

- Then you may understand Jesus’ anger!

- They don’t even respect God’s house!

- Shame on them!


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2022
27) looking for Jesus

John 3: Jesus asks him how he can be a teacher of Israel and he doesn’t know these things!

- Jesus speak about what he knows and he bears witness about what he has seen but they don’t receive the witness he gives them!

- How will it be possible for them to believe heavenly things if they don’t believe earthly things?

- Think of that : Jesus tells a teacher of Israel and he doesn’t understand him !

- When he is with his disciples, he uses progressive teaching, yet they don’t understand him !

- They need him to die and go away and then they start to understand !

- Moreover, they receive holy spirit to help them understand !

- Do you understand Jesus’ message about what we have to do to understand his message ?

- We can’t let others do the job ?

- We need to work hard individually !

- And nobody knows better !

- It’s just a question of working hard !

- If you don’t do it as when you eat and drink and sleep daily, how can you work hard ?

- How will you understand ?

- Jesus used to teach every day !


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2022
27) looking for Jesus

John 3: Jesus asks him how he can be a teacher of Israel and he doesn’t know these things!

- Jesus speak about what he knows and he bears witness about what he has seen but they don’t receive the witness he gives them!

- How will it be possible for them to believe heavenly things if they don’t believe earthly things?

- Think of that : Jesus tells a teacher of Israel and he doesn’t understand him !

- When he is with his disciples, he uses progressive teaching, yet they don’t understand him !

- They need him to die and go away and then they start to understand !

- Moreover, they receive holy spirit to help them understand !

- Do you understand Jesus’ message about what we have to do to understand his message ?

- We can’t let others do the job ?

- We need to work hard individually !

- And nobody knows better !

- It’s just a question of working hard !

- If you don’t do it as when you eat and drink and sleep daily, how can you work hard ?

- How will you understand ?

- Jesus used to teach every day !


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2022
28) looking for Jesus

John 4: Jesus asks a Samaritan woman for a drink!

- She is surprised because the Jews don’t do that!

- Then he starts to speak with her and teaches her about everlasting life!

- And he tells her about the five husbands she had and the last man she is with is not her husband!

- So she understands Jesus is a prophet!

- He tells her that the hour is coming when the true worshipers will worship God with spirit and truth!

- Then he tells her he is Messiah!

- Then the disciples arrive and they don’t understand why he is speaking with a Samaritan woman!

- The woman comes back with more men to be taught by Jesus!

- Then he tells his disciples that teaching and doing God’s will is more important than eatin!

- Many Samaritans put faith in Jesus and they ask him to stay with them and he stays for two days. And more Samaritans put faith in him!

- Jesus decides to speak with this Samaritan woman because he knows her heart!

- He knows she has been married many times and that she now lives with a man who is not her husband!

- But he has nothing to do with prejudices!

- And in fact, she accepts his message and she helps others to accept his message!

- The disciples can’t understand because they see with man’s eyes!

- Jesus will have a lot of work to do with them but he knows their hearts too!

- He has come for the Jews but in this case he makes an exception!

- He always can adapt to the situation!

- A lot to learn from his attitude!


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2022
29) looking for Jesus

John 5: A man is there who has been sick for 38 years!

- He can see the man lying and is aware that he has already been sick for a long time!

- So he asks him if he wants to get well!

- Jesus is conscious of man’s pain and sufferance!

- He is also conscious that he has spent a lot of years ill!

- Now participating in God’s creation is one thing!

- But coming down the earth and living as a human being is something else!

- Jesus could feel directly and personally human pain and sufferance!

- He could see it with his own eyes and through human eyes!

- He could also share their pain and sufferance!

-There is nothing better than participating!


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2022
30) looking for Jesus

John 5: Jesus tells him to pick up his mat and walk!

- And the man immediately gets well, and he picks up his mat and begins to walk.

- Jesus did many miracles!

- Every time he was precise!

- He knew exactly what he was doing!

- He is a perfectionist!

- He has learned everything from his Father!

- Through a deep collaboration!

- His teachings and his actions are perfect!

- Everything at the right time!

- And he shows us the way!

- But it will never be man’s way!

- Only God’s way!

- And he told us that God’s word was going to be corrupted!

- And we can trace this corruption since the beginning!

- The devil told Adam and Eve that they would not die but they died!

- And the Israelites went after other gods!

- And they mixed God’s word with man’s word!

- And through man’s history, man has been doing the same mixing God’s word with man’s word!

- It is so different from “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.”

- Maybe it is too simple so man prefers man’s corrupted word!


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2022
31) Looking for Jesus

John 5: But he answered them: “My Father has kept working until now, and I keep working.”

- When we look at the universe, “rest” doesn’t mean anything!

- Everything is always in movement!

- Constantly renewing itself!

- There is continuity!

- Thus “God has kept working until now”!

- God doesn’t need to eat or to drink or to sleep!

- And Jesus does the same, he keeps working!

- Once again we must be careful to a translation because it may not mean what we are used to!

- And here I am not speaking about the corruption of God’s word through man’s word or tradition!


Active Member
Oct 28, 2022
United States
All evil will be destroyed at the return of Jesus!!
Actually, yes and no. There are 2 more Advents, the 2nd and 3rd, with 1000 years (roughly) between them.

AWHN - 1000 Years Image.jpg

2Pe 3:7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.​
2Pe 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.​

2Pe 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.​

The Day of the LORD, 1000 years long, with a beginning and an ending:

[1] ... the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, ...

2Th_2:8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:​
Rev_6:14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.​

[2] ... the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

Rev 20:7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,​

Rev 20:9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.​
Rev 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.​


Active Member
Oct 28, 2022
United States
30) looking for Jesus

John 5: Jesus tells him to pick up his mat and walk!

John 5 vs 18 Jesus 'Broke' The Sabbath - Nutshell Image.png

Jesus did indeed do many miracles, and 7 recorded on the sabbath of the LORD (right hand column).

[1.] Jesus Heals Simon Peter’s Mother-in-Law (Matthew 8:14-15; Mark 1:29-31; Luke 4:38-39)

The woman is a symbol of a sickly ‘church’ (Jeremiah 6:2; 2 Corinthians 11:2; Ephesians 5:22-33), ill with a disease that assaults the mind/heart (“fever”), wracking the body, so that she that cannot arise from the “bed of languishing … sickness” (Psalms 41:3) to “work” (John 5:17; 2 Corinthians 6:1) and “serve” (Galatians 5:13), and “minister” (Matthew 20:25-28) to others. Jesus speaks the word and she is instantly healed (Luke 4:39; Exodus 15:26), and so He takes her by the hand (Matthew 8:15; Deuteronomy 6:8, 11:18; Ecclesiastes 9:10) and lifts her up (Mark 1:31; James 4:10; Psalms 30:1; Matthew 23:12; Luke 1:52, 14:11, 18:14, for we are to be lifted up with Him (Ephesians 2:6)), so in gratefulness to God’s loving healing mercies, she “ministered” (Matthew 8:15) unto them all, even when more would come to be healed as she was (Matthew 8:16-17). There are seven present, [1] Simon (Peter) and [2] Andrew (Peter’s brother), [3] James and [4] John (brothers, sons of Zebedee, sons of thunder (Mark 3:17)), [5] Peter’s wife, [6] Peter’s mother, in law and [7] Jesus Himself.​

[2.] Jesus heals a man with a withered hand (Matthew 12:9-14; Mark 3:1-6; Luke 6:6-11)

The man symbolizes the individual in Christ’s “church” (Acts 7:38; 1 Corinthians 10:4) whose “right hand” (Luke 6:6; connect also to the ‘seal’ and ‘mark’) is crippled, being “withered” (Genesis 41:23; Joel 1:12; John 15:6), enfeebled, limp, sickly and weak (without strength; Psalms 6:2; Joel 3:10; Romans 5:6; Revelation 12:10; Job 26:2; 1 Corinthians 1:14), unable to “stretch forth” (John 21:18; Psalms 88:9, 143:6) in action with Jesus. The “right hand” is the hand of healing ministry (Acts 3:7), but the devil seeks to counter it (Zechariah 3:1), and so there are many hard-hearted religionists in the church, whose only goal is to prevent healing in body, mind, action and from sin itself. They refuse to be healed of their sins (Romans 10:21; Jeremiah 8:22, 51:9; Matthew 9:12; Mark 2:17; Luke 4:23, 5:31) by Jesus. They who are continual sinners, teach that they are without sin, and those who are overcoming all their sins by the Holy Spirit, are accounted as the vilest of sinners. They refuse to be overcomers and keep all of God’s commandments (Revelation 14:6-12, 22:2,11; Jeremiah 36:23).​

[3.] Jesus heals a man born blind (John 9:1-41)

The man symbolizes the individual in Christ’s “church” (Acts 7:38; 1 Corinthians 10:4), who was “born”, of earthly Jerusalem (Galatians 4:25), that is to say, of the flesh (John 3:6; 1 Corinthians 10:18), and not of the spirit, into the church (John 9:22), “blind” (Revelation 3:17), unable to see Christ’s glory (2 Corinthians 4:4-6) and righteousness (2 Peter 1:1-12). Jesus spat upon the earth (healing at Jesus’ mouth), made clay (Psalms 40:2; Isaiah 64:8; Romans 9:21), covered the mans eyes (blind to this earth, beholding Christ Jesus by faith), and sent him to the pool (waters, - peoples; Revelation 17:12) of Siloam (Sent, Mission), and the man obeyed through faith. Jesus became the eyes to this blind man (Job 29:15; Psalms 146:8; Isaiah 29:18, 35:5, 42:7,16,18,19, 43:8; Jeremiah 31:8; Matthew 11:5, 15:31, 21:14; Luke 4:18, 7:22; John 9:25,39) who was now spiritually alive (Isaiah 9:2; Matthew 4:16), acknowledging His Creator and Redeemer (ReCreator) (John 9:36,38), testifying to all, even spiritual leaders, when it would cost him a position. Yet the Pharisees (and like such religionists) refused to be healed of their blindness (Deuteronomy 28:29; Isaiah 56:10, 59:10; Lamentations 4:4; Zephaniah 1:17; Malachi 1:8; Matthew 6:23, 15:14, 23:16,19,24,26; Luke 6:39; John 9:39-41) and will fall into the “ditch” (Luke 6:39; Proverbs 23:27), 28:10, even that great Whore (Revelation 17:1, 19:2; Deuteronomy 27:18; John 14:6). The world will not understand the change that took place or how it happened (John 9:15-22), and we may not be able to explain it either (John 3:8), but it took place none the less through the transaction of faith, the faith of Jesus (Romans 3:22; Galatians 2:16, 3:22; Revelation 14:12).​


Active Member
Oct 28, 2022
United States
30) looking for Jesus

John 5: Jesus tells him to pick up his mat and walk!

[4.] Jesus heals a crippled woman (Luke 13:10-17)

The woman is a symbol of a sickly ‘church’ (Jeremiah 6:2; 2 Corinthians 11:2; Ephesians 5:22-33), ill with a disease that assaults the body (Romans 12:5; 1 Corinthians 10:16, 12:12,27; Ephesians 3:6, 4:12, 5:23), being hunched over and not “upright” (Leviticus 26:13; 2 Samuel 22:24,26; Job 1:1,8, 2:3, 8:6, 12:4, 17:8; Psalms 7:10, 11:7, 18:23, 19:13, 25:8, 37:37, 111:1, 112:4; Ecclesiastes 7:29, 12:10; Song of Solomon 1:4; Isaiah 26:7; Daniel 8:18; &c), not without sin. She was thus “bound” “eighteen” ((Luke 13:11,16); 18 = 6+6+6) years, being “oppressed” (Judges 10:8) by the devil, who loves to torment and destroy (Luke 13:4). She could not “lift herself up” (Luke 13:11), but needed Jesus to be lifted up (James 4:10; Psalms 30:1). She glorifies God (Luke 13:3; Revelation 14:6-12; Ecclesiastes 12:13-14) before all through faith.​

[5.] Jesus heals a man with Dropsy (Luke 14:1-6)

The man symbolizes the individual in Christ’s “church” (Acts 7:38; 1 Corinthians 10:4), was in “perils of waters” (2 Corinthians 11:26; Jonah 2:5; Lamentations 3:54), being too full (imbalance) of earthly or worldly waters (2 Samuel 22:5; Psalms 18:3-4, 32:6, 65:7, 89:9-10, 93:3-4, 98:7-9, 124:1-5; Song of Solomon 8:7; Isaiah 8:7, 17:12-13, 28:2, 59:19; Jeremiah 46:8, 47:2, 51:13,41-42; Ezekiel 31:15; Daniel 9:26, 11:22; Amos 8:8, 9:5; Matthew 7:25,27; Jude 1:13; Revelation 17:1,15), overflowing, and flooding over, which was causing him to swell in the “flesh” (John 3:6; Romans 8:8), because there was an heart (Psalms 51:10; ‘love, love’ (heart sound), Revelation 2:4; Mark 12:30), liver or kidney (‘reins’, filter of toxins/poisons; Psalms 7:9, 26:2, 73:21; Jeremiah 11:20, 17:10; Revelation 2:23; Proverbs 4:23) issue. The man was in a “ditch” (Luke 14:5-6) and needed salvation (Isaiah 56:1), and was set free (John 8:32). A dead sea, is always receiving of God’s graces and love, but never sharing it, and letting it flow unto others, but holds it back, thus build up too much “salt” (Genesis 14:3; Ezekiel 47:11; James 3:12), but the one set free by Christ Jesus will never allow the waters of life to remain built up in them, but will freely distribute them unto all, as a well watered garden (Genesis 2:10-14; Isaiah 61:11; Jeremiah 31:12; Ezekiel 47:1-12; Amos 5:24; Habakkuk 2:14; Zechariah 14:8; John 4:10,14; Revelation 21:6, 22:1,17), a channel of blessing, a flowing fountain. Jesus longs to walk in His garden (us) again (Song of Solomon 4:12,16, 5:1).​

[6.] Jesus drives out an evil spirit (Mark 1:21-28)

The man symbolizes the individual in Christ’s “church” (Acts 7:38; 1 Corinthians 10:4), with an “evil spirit” (mind/heart), and in need of cleansing, and to be given right understanding of God’s love, for the man asks (1 John 4:1) if Jesus came to destroy (Mark 1:24) sinners (for there are many who think God evil in this way, vindictive), but Jesus came not to condemn (John 3:17), but to save (John 3:16) and give life (John 10:10) to all who would accept the gift of grace. The devil will put up a fight, seek to torment as long as he can (Mark 1:26), and wrongfully speak of God’s character (Mark 1:24; Exodus 33:12-23, 34:1-9, 20:5-7), but if we have faith in Jesus Christ, we will always be victorious (Luke 10:17-20; Revelation 12:7-12) and have right understanding and living with God. Even in the midst of the ‘holy people of God’, there are those suffering and need to be set free by the true and loving reconciling word of God. A church which only has those persons which rely upon those who have never experienced God’s grace for themselves, but only refer to others of experience, breeds such conditions (Mark 1:22,27). Yet, where the experience of Jesus’ authority is present (Mark 12:37) in a saved person, therein is a place of healing. Experience Jesus for yourself today (Genesis 4:26; Acts 2:21; Romans 10:13). Where Christ Jesus abides, evil thinking and speaking cannot abide.​

[7.] Jesus heals a lame man by the pool of Bethesda (John 5:1-24)

The man symbolizes the individual in Christ’s “church” (Acts 7:38; 1 Corinthians 10:4), lame in their ‘legs’, or “walk” (1 John 2:6). The man was crippled for “thirty and eight years” (John 5:5), just as Israel of old (Deuteronomy 2:14). Bethesda means “House of Mercy/Grace”. An evil angel (John 5:4) sought (Galatians 1:8-9) to turn peoples’ attention from the Creator/Redeemer/Healer to the things of this earth (earthly water, thus men for salvation/healing; 2 Samuel 22:5; Psalms 18:3-4, 32:6, 65:7, 89:9-10, 93:3-4, 98:7-9,124:1-5; Song of Solomon 8:7; Isaiah 8:7, 17:12-13, 28:2, 59:19; Jeremiah 46:8, 47:2, 51:13,41-42; Ezekiel 31:15; Daniel 9:26, 11:22; Amos 8:8, 9:5; Matthew 7:25,27; Jude 1:13; Revelation 17:1,15), but Jesus simply comes to each one of us by the Holy Spirit and asks if we want to be healed of our sins/diseases (Isaiah 53:4-5; 1 Peter 2:24). Jesus will cause to arise from the “bed of languishing … sickness” (Psalms 41:3) , even death itself (Job 17:13; Ephesians 2:1;, 5:14 Colossians 2:13; Isaiah 60:1) to live unto God. We shall no longer be carried about (Ephesians 4:14; Hebrews 13:9; Jude 1:12), be we shall carry the the burden of Christ Jesus, and the cross (Matthew 16:24; Mark 8:34, 10:21; Luke 9:23). Our sins (John 5:14) bring about disease of body and spirit, but repentance by God’s grace through faith will lead to healing (John 5:6,9,11).​


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2022
32) Looking for Jesus

John 5: This is why the Jews began seeking all the more to kill him, because not only was he breaking the Sabbath but he was also calling God his own Father, making himself equal to God.


isos (Key) = adjective
Probably from εἴδω (G1492) (through the idea of seeming)
equal, in quantity or quality
ἴσος ísos, ee'-sos; probably from G1492 (through the idea of seeming); similar (in amount and kind):—+ agree, as much, equal, like.

- Jesus speaks about God as his Father!

- It tells about a strong relationship between God and Jesus, between Father and son!

- They are equal and of the same nature!

- Jesus comes from Heaven!


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2022
33) Looking for Jesus

John 5: Jesus answers them that the Son can’t do a single thing of his own initiative but only what he sees the Father doing. He does like his Father!

- When we think about a father and his son, when the son is young, he tries to copy his father and gradually he wants to become independent and act as it pleases himself!

- It is completely different from the relationship between God and Jesus because Jesus doesn’t want to become independent, he wants to do like his Father in like manner!

- They have spent so much time together!

- They have made so many things together!

- He has sent his son to the earth to die for men!

- he will come back on earth to make his Father’s will!

- Thus it is difficult for men to understand such a deep relationship!

- With men, nothing lasts!

- Usually fathers and sons have difficulties to understand each other!


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2022
Actually, yes and no. There are 2 more Advents, the 2nd and 3rd, with 1000 years (roughly) between them.

View attachment 28527

2Pe 3:7 But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.​
2Pe 3:8 But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.​

2Pe 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.​

The Day of the LORD, 1000 years long, with a beginning and an ending:

[1] ... the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, ...

2Th_2:8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:​
Rev_6:14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.​

[2] ... the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

Rev 20:7 And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,​

Rev 20:9 And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them.​
Rev 20:10 And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.​
- Yes two washes and a period of time between!

- The second one being the last one!


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2022
View attachment 28528

Jesus did indeed do many miracles, and 7 recorded on the sabbath of the LORD (right hand column).

[1.] Jesus Heals Simon Peter’s Mother-in-Law (Matthew 8:14-15; Mark 1:29-31; Luke 4:38-39)

The woman is a symbol of a sickly ‘church’ (Jeremiah 6:2; 2 Corinthians 11:2; Ephesians 5:22-33), ill with a disease that assaults the mind/heart (“fever”), wracking the body, so that she that cannot arise from the “bed of languishing … sickness” (Psalms 41:3) to “work” (John 5:17; 2 Corinthians 6:1) and “serve” (Galatians 5:13), and “minister” (Matthew 20:25-28) to others. Jesus speaks the word and she is instantly healed (Luke 4:39; Exodus 15:26), and so He takes her by the hand (Matthew 8:15; Deuteronomy 6:8, 11:18; Ecclesiastes 9:10) and lifts her up (Mark 1:31; James 4:10; Psalms 30:1; Matthew 23:12; Luke 1:52, 14:11, 18:14, for we are to be lifted up with Him (Ephesians 2:6)), so in gratefulness to God’s loving healing mercies, she “ministered” (Matthew 8:15) unto them all, even when more would come to be healed as she was (Matthew 8:16-17). There are seven present, [1] Simon (Peter) and [2] Andrew (Peter’s brother), [3] James and [4] John (brothers, sons of Zebedee, sons of thunder (Mark 3:17)), [5] Peter’s wife, [6] Peter’s mother, in law and [7] Jesus Himself.​

[2.] Jesus heals a man with a withered hand (Matthew 12:9-14; Mark 3:1-6; Luke 6:6-11)

The man symbolizes the individual in Christ’s “church” (Acts 7:38; 1 Corinthians 10:4) whose “right hand” (Luke 6:6; connect also to the ‘seal’ and ‘mark’) is crippled, being “withered” (Genesis 41:23; Joel 1:12; John 15:6), enfeebled, limp, sickly and weak (without strength; Psalms 6:2; Joel 3:10; Romans 5:6; Revelation 12:10; Job 26:2; 1 Corinthians 1:14), unable to “stretch forth” (John 21:18; Psalms 88:9, 143:6) in action with Jesus. The “right hand” is the hand of healing ministry (Acts 3:7), but the devil seeks to counter it (Zechariah 3:1), and so there are many hard-hearted religionists in the church, whose only goal is to prevent healing in body, mind, action and from sin itself. They refuse to be healed of their sins (Romans 10:21; Jeremiah 8:22, 51:9; Matthew 9:12; Mark 2:17; Luke 4:23, 5:31) by Jesus. They who are continual sinners, teach that they are without sin, and those who are overcoming all their sins by the Holy Spirit, are accounted as the vilest of sinners. They refuse to be overcomers and keep all of God’s commandments (Revelation 14:6-12, 22:2,11; Jeremiah 36:23).​

[3.] Jesus heals a man born blind (John 9:1-41)

The man symbolizes the individual in Christ’s “church” (Acts 7:38; 1 Corinthians 10:4), who was “born”, of earthly Jerusalem (Galatians 4:25), that is to say, of the flesh (John 3:6; 1 Corinthians 10:18), and not of the spirit, into the church (John 9:22), “blind” (Revelation 3:17), unable to see Christ’s glory (2 Corinthians 4:4-6) and righteousness (2 Peter 1:1-12). Jesus spat upon the earth (healing at Jesus’ mouth), made clay (Psalms 40:2; Isaiah 64:8; Romans 9:21), covered the mans eyes (blind to this earth, beholding Christ Jesus by faith), and sent him to the pool (waters, - peoples; Revelation 17:12) of Siloam (Sent, Mission), and the man obeyed through faith. Jesus became the eyes to this blind man (Job 29:15; Psalms 146:8; Isaiah 29:18, 35:5, 42:7,16,18,19, 43:8; Jeremiah 31:8; Matthew 11:5, 15:31, 21:14; Luke 4:18, 7:22; John 9:25,39) who was now spiritually alive (Isaiah 9:2; Matthew 4:16), acknowledging His Creator and Redeemer (ReCreator) (John 9:36,38), testifying to all, even spiritual leaders, when it would cost him a position. Yet the Pharisees (and like such religionists) refused to be healed of their blindness (Deuteronomy 28:29; Isaiah 56:10, 59:10; Lamentations 4:4; Zephaniah 1:17; Malachi 1:8; Matthew 6:23, 15:14, 23:16,19,24,26; Luke 6:39; John 9:39-41) and will fall into the “ditch” (Luke 6:39; Proverbs 23:27), 28:10, even that great Whore (Revelation 17:1, 19:2; Deuteronomy 27:18; John 14:6). The world will not understand the change that took place or how it happened (John 9:15-22), and we may not be able to explain it either (John 3:8), but it took place none the less through the transaction of faith, the faith of Jesus (Romans 3:22; Galatians 2:16, 3:22; Revelation 14:12).​
- As Jesus said, corruption would take place after his death and corruption spread all around the world!


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2022
[4.] Jesus heals a crippled woman (Luke 13:10-17)

The woman is a symbol of a sickly ‘church’ (Jeremiah 6:2; 2 Corinthians 11:2; Ephesians 5:22-33), ill with a disease that assaults the body (Romans 12:5; 1 Corinthians 10:16, 12:12,27; Ephesians 3:6, 4:12, 5:23), being hunched over and not “upright” (Leviticus 26:13; 2 Samuel 22:24,26; Job 1:1,8, 2:3, 8:6, 12:4, 17:8; Psalms 7:10, 11:7, 18:23, 19:13, 25:8, 37:37, 111:1, 112:4; Ecclesiastes 7:29, 12:10; Song of Solomon 1:4; Isaiah 26:7; Daniel 8:18; &c), not without sin. She was thus “bound” “eighteen” ((Luke 13:11,16); 18 = 6+6+6) years, being “oppressed” (Judges 10:8) by the devil, who loves to torment and destroy (Luke 13:4). She could not “lift herself up” (Luke 13:11), but needed Jesus to be lifted up (James 4:10; Psalms 30:1). She glorifies God (Luke 13:3; Revelation 14:6-12; Ecclesiastes 12:13-14) before all through faith.​

[5.] Jesus heals a man with Dropsy (Luke 14:1-6)

The man symbolizes the individual in Christ’s “church” (Acts 7:38; 1 Corinthians 10:4), was in “perils of waters” (2 Corinthians 11:26; Jonah 2:5; Lamentations 3:54), being too full (imbalance) of earthly or worldly waters (2 Samuel 22:5; Psalms 18:3-4, 32:6, 65:7, 89:9-10, 93:3-4, 98:7-9, 124:1-5; Song of Solomon 8:7; Isaiah 8:7, 17:12-13, 28:2, 59:19; Jeremiah 46:8, 47:2, 51:13,41-42; Ezekiel 31:15; Daniel 9:26, 11:22; Amos 8:8, 9:5; Matthew 7:25,27; Jude 1:13; Revelation 17:1,15), overflowing, and flooding over, which was causing him to swell in the “flesh” (John 3:6; Romans 8:8), because there was an heart (Psalms 51:10; ‘love, love’ (heart sound), Revelation 2:4; Mark 12:30), liver or kidney (‘reins’, filter of toxins/poisons; Psalms 7:9, 26:2, 73:21; Jeremiah 11:20, 17:10; Revelation 2:23; Proverbs 4:23) issue. The man was in a “ditch” (Luke 14:5-6) and needed salvation (Isaiah 56:1), and was set free (John 8:32). A dead sea, is always receiving of God’s graces and love, but never sharing it, and letting it flow unto others, but holds it back, thus build up too much “salt” (Genesis 14:3; Ezekiel 47:11; James 3:12), but the one set free by Christ Jesus will never allow the waters of life to remain built up in them, but will freely distribute them unto all, as a well watered garden (Genesis 2:10-14; Isaiah 61:11; Jeremiah 31:12; Ezekiel 47:1-12; Amos 5:24; Habakkuk 2:14; Zechariah 14:8; John 4:10,14; Revelation 21:6, 22:1,17), a channel of blessing, a flowing fountain. Jesus longs to walk in His garden (us) again (Song of Solomon 4:12,16, 5:1).​

[6.] Jesus drives out an evil spirit (Mark 1:21-28)

The man symbolizes the individual in Christ’s “church” (Acts 7:38; 1 Corinthians 10:4), with an “evil spirit” (mind/heart), and in need of cleansing, and to be given right understanding of God’s love, for the man asks (1 John 4:1) if Jesus came to destroy (Mark 1:24) sinners (for there are many who think God evil in this way, vindictive), but Jesus came not to condemn (John 3:17), but to save (John 3:16) and give life (John 10:10) to all who would accept the gift of grace. The devil will put up a fight, seek to torment as long as he can (Mark 1:26), and wrongfully speak of God’s character (Mark 1:24; Exodus 33:12-23, 34:1-9, 20:5-7), but if we have faith in Jesus Christ, we will always be victorious (Luke 10:17-20; Revelation 12:7-12) and have right understanding and living with God. Even in the midst of the ‘holy people of God’, there are those suffering and need to be set free by the true and loving reconciling word of God. A church which only has those persons which rely upon those who have never experienced God’s grace for themselves, but only refer to others of experience, breeds such conditions (Mark 1:22,27). Yet, where the experience of Jesus’ authority is present (Mark 12:37) in a saved person, therein is a place of healing. Experience Jesus for yourself today (Genesis 4:26; Acts 2:21; Romans 10:13). Where Christ Jesus abides, evil thinking and speaking cannot abide.​

[7.] Jesus heals a lame man by the pool of Bethesda (John 5:1-24)

The man symbolizes the individual in Christ’s “church” (Acts 7:38; 1 Corinthians 10:4), lame in their ‘legs’, or “walk” (1 John 2:6). The man was crippled for “thirty and eight years” (John 5:5), just as Israel of old (Deuteronomy 2:14). Bethesda means “House of Mercy/Grace”. An evil angel (John 5:4) sought (Galatians 1:8-9) to turn peoples’ attention from the Creator/Redeemer/Healer to the things of this earth (earthly water, thus men for salvation/healing; 2 Samuel 22:5; Psalms 18:3-4, 32:6, 65:7, 89:9-10, 93:3-4, 98:7-9,124:1-5; Song of Solomon 8:7; Isaiah 8:7, 17:12-13, 28:2, 59:19; Jeremiah 46:8, 47:2, 51:13,41-42; Ezekiel 31:15; Daniel 9:26, 11:22; Amos 8:8, 9:5; Matthew 7:25,27; Jude 1:13; Revelation 17:1,15), but Jesus simply comes to each one of us by the Holy Spirit and asks if we want to be healed of our sins/diseases (Isaiah 53:4-5; 1 Peter 2:24). Jesus will cause to arise from the “bed of languishing … sickness” (Psalms 41:3) , even death itself (Job 17:13; Ephesians 2:1;, 5:14 Colossians 2:13; Isaiah 60:1) to live unto God. We shall no longer be carried about (Ephesians 4:14; Hebrews 13:9; Jude 1:12), be we shall carry the the burden of Christ Jesus, and the cross (Matthew 16:24; Mark 8:34, 10:21; Luke 9:23). Our sins (John 5:14) bring about disease of body and spirit, but repentance by God’s grace through faith will lead to healing (John 5:6,9,11).​
- It is interesting to realize, when reading the book of Job, that he is alone against the devil!

- The devil sends weapons after weapons against Job!

- Job can only rely on himself and on his faith in God!

- Nobody comes to help him!

- Only the devil tries to destroy him!


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2022
34) Looking for Jesus

John 5: For the Father has affection for the Son and shows him all the things he himself does, and he will show him works greater than these, so that you may marvel. For just as the Father raises the dead up and makes them alive, so the Son also makes alive whomever he wants to. For the Father judges no one at all, but he has entrusted all the judging to the Son, so that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father. Whoever does not honor the Son does not honor the Father who sent him.

- definition of affection: a feeling of liking and caring for someone or something : tender attachment : fondness She had a deep affection for her parents.

- God and Jesus care for each other!

- “God shows the Son all the things he himself does”!

- Here again there is a big difference because the Father shows the son ALL the things he himself does!

- It is so different from a normal father son relationship that people can’t understand it!

- Probably because men are used to make gods at their own image like the ancient Greek!

- But this is no Greek philosophy!

- It goes far beyond basic human philosophy!


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2022
35) Looking for Jesus

John 5:
Most truly I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes the One who sent me has everlasting life, and he does not come into judgment but has passed over from death to life.

- First we need to hear Jesus’ word!

- Then we must believe the one who sent Jesus!

- Then we can get everlasting life!

- We can speak about a summary!



to be endowed with the faculty of hearing, not deaf

  1. to hear
    1. to attend to, consider what is or has been said
    2. to understand, perceive the sense of what is said
  2. to hear something
    1. to perceive by the ear what is announced in one's presence
    2. to get by hearing learn
    3. a thing comes to one's ears, to find out, learn
    4. to give ear to a teaching or a teacher
    5. to comprehend, to understand

pisteuō (Key)

to think to be true, to be persuaded of, to credit, place confidence in

    1. of the thing believed
      1. to credit, have confidence
    2. in a moral or religious reference
      1. used in the NT of the conviction and trust to which a man is impelled by a certain inner and higher prerogative and law of soul
      2. to trust in Jesus or God as able to aid either in obtaining or in doing something: saving faith
      3. mere acknowledgment of some fact or event: intellectual faith
  1. to entrust a thing to one, i.e. his fidelity
    1. to be entrusted with a thing


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2022
36) Looking for Jesus

John 5: “Most truly I say to you, the hour is coming, and it is now, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God, and those who have paid attention will live. For just as the Father has life in himself, so he has granted also to the Son to have life in himself. And he has given him authority to do judging, because he is the Son of man. Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out, those who did good things to a resurrection of life, and those who practiced vile things to a resurrection of judgment.

- Hear!

- Pay attention!

- God has given Jesus authority to do judging!


Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2022
37) Looking for Jesus

John 5: I cannot do a single thing of my own initiative. Just as I hear, I judge, and my judgment is righteous because I seek, not my own will, but the will of him who sent me.

- So powerful!

- And each relationship between God and men such as Job, Daniel, Samuel and others is special!

- But it can’t be compared to the one between God and Jesus!

- Jesus cannot do a single thing of his own initiative: Do you understand what it means?

- He seeks, not his own will, but the will of his Father: can you believe it?