Mask Control: Prove COVID-19 exists...I dare you!

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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
That doctor you cited admitted to being bias. He also confirmed my observation that we are not in a pandemic...
Correct. WE ARE NOT IN A PANDEMIC. We are in a pandemic HOAX. The only problem is that absolutely no one in authority is exposing this fraud.

The Real Pandemic Is An Outbreak Of PCR Testing
Jon Rappoport |
I keep hammering on the test because it is the main piece of public fakery that holds this whole pandemic illusion in place. If it falls, the illusion disappears. In numerous past articles, I’ve shown the PCR test is useless and deceptive, from several angles.

Recently, I wrote about a Florida directive, issued by the governor and his department of public health: it forces labs to reveal the number of cycles at which each PCR test is run. [1]

A cycle is a quantum leap in amplification of the original sample taken from the patient. Anthony Fauci himself has asserted that 35 cycles or higher makes the test result useless. Yet the FDA and the CDC recommend running the test at up to 40 cycles. This has opened the door to millions of false positives. [2] [3] The cherry on the cake? Test labs never tell doctors or their patients how many cycles are deployed in the test. [4]

My first point today is this: if other states wake up and follow Florida’s lead, the whole false edifice of the test would collapse.

My second point: at labs all over the country (and the world), thousands and thousands of PCR tech employees understand the con, the hustle, and the crime—because they are participating in it EVERY DAY. They are all silent. If 20 of them stepped forward and told the truth, we would see the PCR test wobble and the fakery called “case numbers” and “pandemic” and “lockdowns” start to crumble. These PCR techs would confess that they’re running the test at 40 cycles and therefore the results are MEANINGLESS.

So we need pressure on these PCR techs. Lots and lots of pressure. From us. From court cases. From every source we can muster. The PCR techs are good Germans. They’re complicit and silent. THIS HAS TO END.

In 1992, strategist James Carville helped Bill Clinton win the presidency by suggesting that, coming out of a recession, the campaign should use the slogan, “It’s the economy, stupid!” It worked like a charm. Now, the slogans/memes should be: IT’S THE CYCLES, STUPID! and IT’S THE TEST, STUPID! The test spits out false positives like a fire hose, creating the impression of escalating COVID case numbers, which are used as the rationale for the lockdowns and the economic devastation. Without those fake numbers, the authorities have NOTHING.

So get busy. Get the message about the tests out to one and all. Be relentless. Don’t curl up into a ball when people reject what you’re communicating. Keep going. Expose the fraudulent test cycles. Point to the PCR techs at labs as complicit enablers in the ongoing crime.

Here is my article from several weeks ago about Fauci and the test:

Smoking gun: Fauci states COVID test has fatal flaw; confession from the “beloved” expert of experts [5]

The COVID delusion is finished, blown apart

by Jon Rappoport

December 17, 2020

OK, here we go. Smoking gun. Jackpot. Right from the horse’s mouth. Right from the man we’re told is the number-one COVID expert in the nation. What Fauci says is golden truth. Well, how about THIS? July 16, 2020, podcast, “This Week in Virology”: Tony Fauci makes a point of saying the PCR COVID test is useless and misleading when the test is run at “35 cycles or higher.” A positive result, indicating infection, cannot be accepted or believed.

Here, in techno-speak, is an excerpt from Fauci’s key quote (starting at about the 4-minute mark [3]): “…If you get [perform the test at] a cycle threshold of 35 or more…the chances of it being replication-confident [aka accurate] are miniscule…you almost never can culture virus [detect a true positive result] from a 37 threshold cycle…even 36…”

Each “cycle” of the test is a quantum leap in amplification and magnification of the test specimen taken from the patient. Too many cycles, and the test will turn up all sorts of irrelevant material that will be wrongly interpreted as relevant. That’s called a false positive. What Fauci failed to say on the video is: the FDA, which authorizes the test for public use, recommends the test should be run up to 40 cycles. Not 35. Therefore, all labs in the US that follow the FDA guideline are knowingly or unknowingly participating in fraud. Fraud on a monstrous level, because…

Millions of Americans are being told they are infected with the virus on the basis of a false positive result, and… The total number of COVID cases in America—which is based on the test—is a gross falsity. The lockdowns and other restraining measures are based on these fraudulent case numbers.

Let me back up and run that by you again. Fauci says the test is useless when it’s run at 35 cycles or higher. The FDA says run the test up to 40 cycles, in order to determine whether the virus is there. This is the crime in a nutshell.

If anyone in the White House has a few brain cells to rub together, pick up a giant bullhorn and start revealing the truth to the American people. “Hello, America, you’ve been tricked, lied to, conned, and taken for a devastating ride. On the basis of fake science, the country was locked down.”

If anyone in the Congress has a few brain cells operating, pull Fauci into a televised hearing and, in ten minutes, make mincemeat out of the fake science that has driven this whole foul, stench-ridden assault on the US economy and its citizens.

All right, here are two chunks of evidence for what I’ve written above. First, we have a CDC quote on the FDA website, in a document titled [6]: “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel For Emergency Use Only.” See pdf page 38 (doc page 37). This document is marked, “Effective: 12/01/2020.” That means, even though the virus is being referred to by its older name, the document is still relevant as of Dec 2020. “For Emergency Use Only” refers to the fact that the FDA has certified the PCR test under a traditional category called “Emergency Use Authorization.”

FDA: “…a specimen is considered positive for 2019-nCoV [virus] if all 2019-nCoV marker (N1, N2) cycle threshold growth curves cross the threshold line within 40.00 cycles ([less than] 40.00 Ct).”

Naturally, MANY testing labs reading this guideline would conclude, “Well, to see if the virus is there in a patient, we should run the test all the way to 40 cycles. That’s the official advice.”

Then we have a New York Times article (August 29/updated September 17) headlined: “Your coronavirus test is positive. Maybe it shouldn’t be.” [4] Here are money quotes: “Most tests set the limit at 40 [cycles]. A few at 37.” “Set the limit” would usually mean, “We’re going to look all the way to 40 cycles, to see if the virus is there.” The Times: “This number of amplification cycles needed to find the virus, called the cycle threshold, is never included in the results sent to doctors and coronavirus patients…” Boom. That’s the capper, the grand finale. Labs don’t or won’t reveal their collusion in this crime. Get the picture? I hope so.

If a lawyer won’t go to court with all this, or if a judge won’t pay attention and see the light, they should be stripped of their jobs and sent to the Arctic to sell snow.

The Real Pandemic Is An Outbreak Of PCR Testing
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
Mask Control: Prove Coronavirus Exists !
August 13, 2020


A disease with no symptoms is not a disease. According to the Illuminati, the contagion is humanity.

"What is REALLY going on is the PLANNED economic collapse to usher in the tyrannical one-world government, which you are helping by complying with orders that have NO BASIS IN REALITY and are, in fact, specifically designed to make people sicker, both physically and mentally/spiritually."

from Vigilant Citizen Forum
by A Freeman
Here are a few very basic questions
for those who advocate wearing masks:
1) Please provide proof that what is being referred to as the SARS-COV-2 virus (COVID-19) actually exists. Proof MUST include actual evidence that the virus has actually been isolated, positively identified, and then successfully used to infect a healthy volunteer (the standard protocol using Koch's postulates).
2) Please provide proof that any of the tests being used actually identify whether someone has what is being referred to as the SARS-COV-2 virus (COVID-19). Proof MUST include actual evidence of what these tests actually test for, and how whatever is being tested for proves one does or doesn't have this alleged virus. Proof must also include the expected number of false positives and false negatives the test(s) produce, and how those two designations are determined.

3) Please provide proof that what is being referred to as the SARS-COV-2 virus (COVID-19) can actually be spread through contact with bodily fluids of any kind. Proof MUST include actual evidence showing healthy volunteers being infected by those alleged to have what is being referred to as the SARS-COV-2 virus (COVID-19).

4) Please provide proof that wearing a mask can actually stop any viral size particle from going through the mask in either direction. Proof MUST include a comparison of the size of the weave of the fabric used for the mask, relative to the size of the alleged viral particle.
If you can't provide any proof of these things, then please stop pretending to know what you're talking about.
What is REALLY going on is the PLANNED economic collapse to usher in the tyrannical one-world government, which you are helping by complying with orders that have NO BASIS IN REALITY and are, in fact, specifically designed to make people sicker, both physically and mentally/spiritually.
The one-world government has a stated goal of reducing the world's population by over 90% through wars and vaccines. Why would anyone in their right-mind help them do that? Why would anyone in their right-mind continually help the very sick (crazy) people who intend to steal everything from the rest of us before torturing us and murdering us?
IF everyone stopped wearing their WORTHLESS masks, it would send the CORRECT message to the puppet politicians and their money-masters that no one is going to fall for their nonsense anymore BEFORE they murder BILLIONS as they've told us they're going to do.
The life you save could be your own or someone you love.
For Christ's sake, THINK about what you're doing.

PS upon reading a few comments on this subject I must say that doctors and nurses do not wear masks for 6-9 hours on end.....hyperbole....they yank them off every chance they get.......because they are a necessary health risk to themselves around the truly sick or those being treated by them. We are not doctors or nurses....ask your doctor....the one my wife goes to see pulls this useless mask off every time behind closed doors.....they do it mainly to stay in business today...

Not to skyte although I have not wore a so-called muzzle yet....only a couple of times with a hunting camo a government military building and earlier on at a few places when I eventually challenged these places by entering their businesses with a naked they know it is not lawful at all..... a breath of fresh air, indeed;)

Best regards to all and God Bless in these times and season


I know two people that died from the virus.

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
You still don't know what you don't know...not sure if you're ignorant or stupid....

Hahaha such belligerent hostility...:rolleyes:... How about addressing the facts for once

1/ Total deaths in America is less than the last 8 years
2/ A young nurse passed out 10 minutes after taking the vaccine
3/ Its an experimental vaccine without liability
4/ Covid has a survival rate of 99.8%, even higher for my age group
5/ There is no epidemic here in Australia therefore there is no pandemic
6/ Your saviour is the vaccine. My saviour is Christ

Six simple facts...
- Will he address any of them... Pays 14/1
- Will he ignore them... Pays 7/1
- Or will he continue to allow the evil one to dictate his responses with demonizing attacks... 3/1
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
Hahaha such belligerent hostility...:rolleyes:... How about addressing the facts for once

1/ Total deaths in America is less than the last 8 years
2/ A young nurse passed out 10 minutes after taking the vaccine
3/ Its an experimental vaccine without liability
4/ Covid has a survival rate of 99.8%, even higher for my age group
5/ There is no epidemic here in Australia therefore there is no pandemic
6/ Your saviour is the vaccine. My saviour is Christ

Six simple facts...
- Will he address any of them... Pays 14/1
- Will he ignore them... Pays 7/1
- Or will he continue to allow the evil one to dictate his responses with demonizing attacks... 3/1
Those who have violent reaction to saline injections.

Death totals are delayed by instant reports in USA unless a news reporter is there.

Surviving include feet amputations, or organ damage or being married to an oxygen bottle for however long.

And those who got it in the spring are sick again with it... Vaccines only are the means for immunity.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
The many strange long-term symptoms of Covid-19, explained

Almost a year into the pandemic, there have not yet been thorough, large-scale studies to determine the true prevalence of long Covid. But preliminary research suggests that somewhere between 10 percent and 88 percent of Covid-19 patients will experience at least one symptom for many weeks or months. Some of these can be life-altering; one study found that 50 percent of non-ICU patients reported a significant change to their cognitive functioning.

It’s still unclear how long these symptoms might last; some long-Covid patients have reported improvements in their breathing, although much slower than they would have liked. One study of mildly ill patients in China found that 70 percent had abnormal lung scans three months after their initial illness.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
Correct. WE ARE NOT IN A PANDEMIC. We are in a pandemic HOAX. The only problem is that absolutely no one in authority is exposing this fraud.
You mustn't get much sleep keeping up with all these theories and the election to boot.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Deaths Were Actually Gunshot Wounds
by Eduardo Rivero | National File
Coroner Brenda Bock of Grand County, Colorado has claimed of their five total deaths attributed to the coronavirus were really deaths as a result of gunshot wounds.
A report from CBS in Denver revealed that authorities were counting any dead people who tested positive for coronavirus in the last 30 days as “deaths among cases” – even if they really died from shootings, with Coroner Brenda Brock telling local media “two of their five deaths related to COVID-19 were people who died of gunshot wounds.”

“It’s absurd that they would even put that on there,” Bock said. “Would you want to go to a county that has really high death numbers? Would you want to go visit that county because they are contagious. You know I might get it, and I could die if all of a sudden one county has a high death count. We don’t have it, and we don’t need those numbers inflated.”

The state health department blamed the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the debacle, stating that the CDC had required them to report anyone who died with COVID-19 for “public health surveillance”.

“This information is required by the CDC and is crucial for public health surveillance, as it provides more information about disease transmission and can help identify risk factors among all deaths across populations,” the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment wrote in a statement published on their website.

Colorado then lists these deaths as “Deaths among COVID-19 cases”, artificially inflating the actual coronavirus death toll.

“This reflects people who died with COVID-19, but COVID-19 may not have been the cause of death listed on the death certificate,” the Colorado health department stated.

By their own admission, the health department differentiated these cases from those where “COVID-19 is listed as the cause of death or a significant condition contributing to death.”

Given that this situation was an attempt to adhere to existing federal CDC guidelines, there is much reason for Americans across the country to be skeptical of the official death numbers for the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
Deaths Were Actually Gunshot Wounds
by Eduardo Rivero | National File
Coroner Brenda Bock of Grand County, Colorado has claimed of their five total deaths attributed to the coronavirus were really deaths as a result of gunshot wounds.
A report from CBS in Denver revealed that authorities were counting any dead people who tested positive for coronavirus in the last 30 days as “deaths among cases” – even if they really died from shootings, with Coroner Brenda Brock telling local media “two of their five deaths related to COVID-19 were people who died of gunshot wounds.”

“It’s absurd that they would even put that on there,” Bock said. “Would you want to go to a county that has really high death numbers? Would you want to go visit that county because they are contagious. You know I might get it, and I could die if all of a sudden one county has a high death count. We don’t have it, and we don’t need those numbers inflated.”

The state health department blamed the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for the debacle, stating that the CDC had required them to report anyone who died with COVID-19 for “public health surveillance”.

“This information is required by the CDC and is crucial for public health surveillance, as it provides more information about disease transmission and can help identify risk factors among all deaths across populations,” the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment wrote in a statement published on their website.

Colorado then lists these deaths as “Deaths among COVID-19 cases”, artificially inflating the actual coronavirus death toll.

“This reflects people who died with COVID-19, but COVID-19 may not have been the cause of death listed on the death certificate,” the Colorado health department stated.

By their own admission, the health department differentiated these cases from those where “COVID-19 is listed as the cause of death or a significant condition contributing to death.”

Given that this situation was an attempt to adhere to existing federal CDC guidelines, there is much reason for Americans across the country to be skeptical of the official death numbers for the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
Unreliable source...

Got anything reputable?

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Those who have violent reaction to saline injections.

Death totals are delayed by instant reports in USA unless a news reporter is there.

Surviving include feet amputations, or organ damage or being married to an oxygen bottle for however long.

And those who got it in the spring are sick again with it... Vaccines only are the means for immunity.

Now isn't that a much nicer way to communicate? I believe so...
Getting all worked up and throwing out insults gets us no where so just chill mate. Chill


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
Now isn't that a much nicer way to communicate? I believe so...
Getting all worked up and throwing out insults gets us no where so just chill mate. Chill
But I'm not the one trolling calling good and honest hard-working people liars thieves and satanists.

Also that people are lying about their greif of losing parents and other family members.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
Unreliable source...

Got anything reputable?
Eat this one then....

Grand County, Colorado Coroner: 40% Of The COVID-19 Deaths Were Actually Victims Of Gunshot Wounds
HAFDecember 19, 2020

The coroner of Grand County, Colorado is speaking out after discovering that 40% of the COVID-19 deaths in her area were actually victims of gunshot wounds.

According to CBS News:


The Grand County coroner is calling attention to the way the state health department is classifying some deaths. The coroner, Brenda Bock, says two of their five deaths related to COVID-19 were people who died of gunshot wounds.

Bock says because they tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 30 days, they were classified as “deaths among cases.”

“It’s absurd that they would even put that on there,” she said. “Would you want to go to a county that has really high death numbers? Would you want to go visit that county because they are contagious. You know I might get it, and I could die if all of a sudden one county has a high death count. We don’t have it, and we don’t need those numbers inflated.”

“It’s absurd that they would even put that on there,” she said. “Would you want to go to a county that has really high death numbers? Would you want to go visit that county because they are contagious. You know I might get it, and I could die if all of a sudden one county has a high death count. We don’t have it, and we don’t need those numbers inflated.”


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
Eat this one then....

Grand County, Colorado Coroner: 40% Of The COVID-19 Deaths Were Actually Victims Of Gunshot Wounds
HAFDecember 19, 2020

The coroner of Grand County, Colorado is speaking out after discovering that 40% of the COVID-19 deaths in her area were actually victims of gunshot wounds.

According to CBS News:


The Grand County coroner is calling attention to the way the state health department is classifying some deaths. The coroner, Brenda Bock, says two of their five deaths related to COVID-19 were people who died of gunshot wounds.

Bock says because they tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 30 days, they were classified as “deaths among cases.”

“It’s absurd that they would even put that on there,” she said. “Would you want to go to a county that has really high death numbers? Would you want to go visit that county because they are contagious. You know I might get it, and I could die if all of a sudden one county has a high death count. We don’t have it, and we don’t need those numbers inflated.”

“It’s absurd that they would even put that on there,” she said. “Would you want to go to a county that has really high death numbers? Would you want to go visit that county because they are contagious. You know I might get it, and I could die if all of a sudden one county has a high death count. We don’t have it, and we don’t need those numbers inflated.”
Another click bait artist?

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
But I'm not the one trolling calling good and honest hard-working people liars thieves and satanists.

Also that people are lying about their greif of losing parents and other family members.

I never called you any of that... I could easily show u where uv called me stupid, anti vaxer, conspiracy theorists and all kinds of things.
Please show me where i called you a liar, thief or satanist


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
I never called you any of that... I could easily show u where uv called me stupid, anti vaxer, conspiracy theorists and all kinds of things.
Please show me where i called you a liar, thief or satanist

You are saying these things about friends I personally know and have a relationship with. And those that are friends with my friends.


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
Both current Vaccines and the ones to follow are all working off of work or procedures that have been established by people I know or have access to through friendships.

The isolation of the virus process was created by a fellow from India working at Vanderbilt. The antibodies were discovered at Vanderbilt by other guys. (Nevermind the press over the black lady)

Both Moderna's and Pfizer's vaccines were developed in part at Vanderbilt University as well by research fellows.

Same with the antibody treatments and the plasma treatments.

Cancer center virologist and epidemiologists (departments my wife has or is working in) have all contributed to the wealth of knowledge that is currently being denigrated by conspiracy theorist wackanoodles.

These Vaccines are as safe as they can make them. Their diligence has paid off with excellent Vaccines that are 95% effective...a score that is almost unheard of. They give worse Vaccines as routine care to children before they go to school.

And I will say that my friends have said that the Pfizer vaccine will fade away from popular use because of the cold storage issues. That the manner they built the Vaccine was easier but unstable...they knew it going in. But the desperation of the situation made it to where they felt it's needed despite the storage issues.
The Moderna Vaccine will likely be a permanent fixture in the months ahead unless the Novovax vaccine or one of the others proves to somehow be better.

The "generic" Vaccines coming are replications of the exact same processes. Most likely made in India...but Uncle Sam has the recipe. (So does Vanderbilt University hospital) and likely the Vaccines I will be taking soon will be manufactured there by the same processes as the brand name ones. (Licensing agreements are easier to get when you did the requisite research in creating them)

There are thousands of people involved in each of these Vaccines...from sponsor monitors to administrative the test subjects.

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ

U can't show me where cos i never said any of that... Uv resorted to lies now and that is very revealing.
I wonder what else uv lied about. So your hostile, not as educated as i thought and a liar too...
Good to know...
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