Miracle Healing

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New Member
Sep 14, 2024
United States
Recently I had what is called an “eye stroke” in my left eye. I had a dream about this happening to me years earlier. In the dream I said to the Lord, “Turn this into a testimony.” The eye was photographed on the 15th of April and the doctor scheduled me to come back in a week to begin the first in a series of shots into my eyeball. I was experiencing a great deal of peace from the Lord, even though I was not looking forward to the experience and the possible side effects. I had recently met someone who had the same condition I did and he had to have 27 monthly injections.

Yesterday I returned to the doctor for my shot and before the procedure my eye was photographed again. The retina specialist and his assistant were studying the photos from the previous week and the new ones that had just been taken as I was sitting there waiting. Then he turned to me and said, “This is a miracle.” The new photo revealed that my eye had been healed and he showed me the pictures. “I’m not going to give you the shot,” he said with a grin. I bubbled as I told him how I had gotten so much prayer and about the dream I had where I had asked the Lord to turn an eye affliction into a testimony. I was beside myself as I tried to absorb the fact that God had answered my prayer. The doctor shook my hand and I danced out of the office and shouted with joy “Jesus heals!” in the parking lot.

From the onset of my affliction I had been praying that God would use it and heal it to be a witness to others. He answered that prayer. Whenever anyone was healed in the New Testament, it wasn’t just for the person who needed the healing, it was also intended to be a witness of God’s power to others and to validate the gospel message. In other words, any healing serves more than one purpose. Whenever we pray for healing it should never be just for ourselves, but for others who need to see the reality of our miracle working God. I hope that this testimony will do that for you.


New Member
Sep 18, 2024
East Yorkshire
United Kingdom
I was at a Bible group a few years ago and the leader asked if anyone had need of healing. I mentioned my knee was crunching like a rusty hinge due to old accident.
The group immediately laid hands on me and I felt the knee get warm it became smooth and today it is still as smooth as a new hinge.
Healing works.
But curiously a few weeks later the group discussed dying and two got really nasty when I said their dead wife and husband had gone into their graves and hadn't floated off to heaven!
So I stopped going.
So many people just choose bits of the Bible and get fixated on them and refuse to see the big picture.
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