My Letter To My Congressman

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Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
United States
@Ziggy, @Devin Wintch, @CadyandZoe,.. tagging all three of you since you had a part in my letter. It's out of my hands now and in God's. Also tagging @Amazed@grace as well since she knew about this and would probably want to see this.

There are currently a lot of issues with our government and country today that I don't really even know where to begin, but I am very angered and upset with the fact that the America that we live in today isn't the America I grew up with. Brave men and women have died for this country and paid for our freedom by blood.

Yet everything that's going on today with the democrats trying to turn The United States into a communist country disgraces them and everything that they died for. I know that this past election was stolen. Not only do I know that from having common sense, but I know that deep in my heart. With everything that that snake Kamala Harris (and yes I have every right to call her a snake as it is my freedom of speech that I'm invoking) stands for there's no way that she could have been elected fairly into the white house.

Everything that America stands for is what she's against. She disrespects the military by refusing to salute them and by purposely not acknowledging them this past Memorial Day weekend. And she can try to lie all she wants to but I know that she's trying to remove our right to bear arms. She's only saying that she isn't because she knows that war and chaos will come out of it if she says that she is because those of us Americans who are armed won't just hand over our guns willingly without a fight.

Not to mention the fact that she is part of,.. NO the biggest issue of people who are trying to tamper with the US Constitution and that is not alright with me. If I have anything to say about it, America will never be a socialist country. The other thing I have an issue with is Kamala Harris and everybody like her who is supporting abortion when right when the moment a child develops a heartbeat I look it as murder if you are ending its life and if murder is illegal then so should abortion.

I am a very strong Christian woman and I know that America is supposed to be one nation under God and we're all supposed to be untied Americans. However, lately with all the racism and hate that exists in our world today, and for some strange reason beyond the realm of my understanding BLM has not been shutdown,.. we have turned into a nation divided under God and that's not how it's supposed to be.

President Trump is and was the best president of the United States that we ever had. He fought for us and now I am fighting for him when I propose that audit should be ENFORCED whenever election fraud has been suspected. Even for sitting presidents.

After all, when somebody commits murder, it doesn't matter when they're caught they are still arrested for it and still have to pay for their crimes. And last time I checked, we the people elect our presidents and President Trump won this election by a landslide. When, in the history of elections in our country has there ever been a time where we ever stopped counting the votes and then votes magically turn up for Joe Biden.

Joe Biden who supposedly had more votes than Barack Obama when he never even campaigned and he never even had people show up to support him for his rallies. I mean how stupid do they really think we are!?! I don't even have a high IQ and I know that that's just a bunch of bullshit!! I also want to know why voter ID is not enforced in all fifty states when you basically need an ID to do every other little thing in your life.

In closing, I had some statements made by some friends of mine with some ideas of their own that I promised to share with you from a Christian website that I'm a part of. First thing is from my friend Ziggy who questions the fact is it really President Trump and his supporters that were behind the attacks of January 6th?

Cause the ones who were behind the attacks had to be terrorists and are the same people that are behind that critical race theory crap (which should NOT be taught in our schools btw.) and destroying our economy, education system and setting everybody up for World War III.

Another one of my friends on there agrees with her on making sure that you guys get your facts straight and to please think about it and do the right thing for this country. Oh and when it comes to mail-in votes everybody is pretty much in agreement with me that it shouldn't be allowed as one should either vote in person or request an absentee vote and fill that out at home and drop it off in person as the democrats definitely used it as a cheating method.

Devin Wintch says that socialism and communism should be outlawed and I agree with him due to the fact that it should have no place in the United States of America and just as shown with this election is that it seems to stop holding politicians from office. (Although President Trump isn't really a politician thank God because otherwise I wouldn't trust him as much.)

Also, to make it easier since this person says a lot I'm just going to copy and paste what CadyandZoe has to say;

"In resent history, we have seen congress divided along party lines to such a great degree, that Democrats all vote together as a group, and all vote according to the wishes of the party leaders. In this way, they have abdicated their role as representative of the people in order to give power to a few at the top. I can't believe, for instance, that the Southern Democrats want the same things as the Northern Democrats, who want the same thing as the Western Democrats who want the same thing as the Eastern Democrats. And I suppose the same can be said of the Republicans.

Next, I think congress should fill the position of Speaker of the House with a different person each congressional session. Once someone has served as Speaker of the House, that person should step aside to allow a new person to serve. I'm not asking for term limits as such. But since the Speaker is third in line behind the Vice President and the President in terms of the continuity of government, and since the Vice President and the President are limited to two terms, the Speaker should also.

I would also like it if each State would establish "election auditor" as a profession, establishing the criteria for certification of professional election auditors, educating them, and certifying them, granting them professional status just as medical doctors, architects, and engineers are recognized as professionals. I think for the next 10 years, every election should be subject to a forensic audit. After that, election audits will be performed at random throughout the country to keep honest people honest.

I would like to see the breakup of the teacher's union. I would like to see teachers become professionals also, in the same way that engineers, lawyers, doctors, etc. are professional. Teachers should negotiate their own salaries and be given free reign as to how students are educated. Teachers should be hired and paid based on merit, achievement, and competency. And as a professional, serving the needs of the student and the parent, each teacher should work directly and only with the parents of the students in his or her class."

I apologize for such a long letter but I hope and pray that you will decide to speak up and do something about it. Before you make any final decisions, watch this video. This is the whole entire reason I decided to speak up instead of remaining silent. President Trump, our true president needs us and needs our help. After all,.. the last line of the Pledge of Allegiance is "for liberty and justice for all" and justice for our nation is what I hope to receive.



Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2020
United States
Well I hope you feel better soon and I parodied this with "let me tell you something April, a child cannot save this country alone,.. but maybe, a child of God can." :D *Howls for Trump and America*

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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
Well I hope you feel better soon and I parodied this with "let me tell you something April, a child cannot save this country alone,.. but maybe, a child of God can." :D *Howls for Trump and America*

LOL, you are so funny, but yeah that was inspiring. I needed a laugh today, I keep collapsing into my bed.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
I think I need more coffeeoffeeoffeeoffee, whohoo vaccination is fun ;)
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
Get well Dev!

My wife came home two days ago after being in the hospital for three weeks.
Great she is with you again? That sounds wonderful. I hope all will be well with you both.