My story begins...

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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
I hope you've enjoyed that part above, and thanks for reading it!

Not sure yet how to continue my story, so
please check this thread in the future!

Oh, I did play that guitar as we sat around
campfires in Girl Scouts! Also, then, got my nickname of "Strings" by the girls!
Hello, nice to meet you. I'd really love to hear what brought you to Christ, and more about your salvation experience. :)


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
I would not budge as to taking a quiz or a test and writing down those lies as my answers. Since I was
refusing, and she didn't want me to fail the class, the teacher told me that if I would put down the answers
from the book, or taught in class, then I could follow that by saying something as to those words are lies. I requested to be
able to write Bible verses on the papers, and she agreed.
Interestingly, I had a similar experience. I came to Christ at age 13, and my science teacher was an atheist. I was a straight-A student, rarely got below 98% on a test. But rather than put down the answers she wanted, I worded it so they she knew I didn't agree with evolution, but I knew what the textbook said... "The textbook says ....such and such...." Other times, I simply refused to give the answers she wanted and took points off for it.
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