I lived in GA but my grandparents lived in Indiana. When I had school breaks, while most kids went on various beach locations with their families, I went up to visit with my grandparents. They went to a small town Baptist Church. I went to Church with them and sermon after sermon talked about the need for salvation and that you will feel the Spirit enter you and you will know you were saved. I had that fear of going to hell and that was counted as conviction. One Sunday, I went up during an "altar call" and prayed and prayed and prayed waiting for a feeling that I wouldn't know what to expect. I was more focused on the feeling aspect of it, being 13, than I was on knowing it was putting my faith into Jesus that was what was necessary and not a sign. Later I realized that requiring a sign isn't pure belief/faith, but my plea was genuine. I knew Jesus could and would save me. I was convicted and drawn to Him. Later I realized that it's our self-examination that determines if we have the Spirit (the fruits). I almost went over them like a checklist and always seen where I wasn't always perfect. I know it's the blood that makes us perfect. Long story short is that faith is faith, signs will be there in our essence if we are in the process of having our nature changed. It's not by any works that I have or not have done that provided my salvation, but the seed (word of God) was planted and it grew in me and was never snuffed out or suffocated. The seed has bloomed and I have faith in God's saving power to lead me from darkness and into the light, requiring my repentance that I also can not do without the Holy Spirit. He is a GREAT GOD with His gift! Unfortunately, mankind often makes things way more complicated, although most-likely not on purpose. I am on a continuous state of repentance as I get convicted whenever I see my fruit not looking so good in self-examination. I do not believe our works save us, I believe our works are a spiritual reflection of us. Praise God, I am His and belong to Him by His saving Grace!