Please Help Me. I Am Fighting For The Soul Of My Grand-Niece.

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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2023
Tucson, AZ
United States
I've said it before and I'll say it again.
Ask her what she believes about.......
Ask her for the evidence for her belief.

Examp.e she wants to save cute fluffy animals. What is her reason for wanting to save them? Why should they be saved?
Where in herbe.ief in evolution does it say save cute animals.
As a Christian you are called to be a steward of creation. You have a reason for caring for All animals and for all people.

Do thesame with all her beliefs.
Hint, wintery Knight, answersingenesis, coldcasechristianity should be favourite reading sites for you.
Thank you for the three reading sites!


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
How do I get through to her? What is your advice? Evangelization methods? Please help me! I don't want my niece to go to Hell! I'll do anything, please!

YOU don’t get through to her.
I am critical of your “approach”.

Criticizing her likes…making change demands on her likes.
Gods own teaching IS:
Caring for animals we limit within fences and cages.
Learning about the growing plants and herbs God has provided for our well being.
Learning that what is on our INSIDE surpasses what is our OUTSIDE appearance.

While she is skeptical of God perse’…
Yet “believes” in “ghosts”…
Ghosts, Spirits, whatever one wants to call them….DO exist. God IS Spirit, angels Are spirits, manKIND has a spirit.

Speaking to her from the view-point…YES spirits do exist…which INCLUDES God.

Yes, God Himself blesses those who Care for … Animals …fenced, caged, restricted, injured, etc.

Yes, God Himself blesses those whose interest is in the trees, plants, herbs, God has provided for our well-being, or food, nutrition, medicines, shelter.

Yes, God Himself has an Offering and wanting Desire to have an INNER “spiritual” one on one Relationship with His own manKind creations.

BABY steps, with encouraging comments regarding what she already DOES believe, and DO, as noticed and pleasing to God.

God does not care about the OUTSIDE of manKIND. Sure people can bare and flaunt their Flesh…to impress and entice others of manKIND…yet without a relationship WITHIN God…they know NOT their FLESH IS SIN, is about being covered by manKIND himself…UNTIL the day, God covers their Flesh with His Light, that even He remembers no more the SIN of an individuals FLESH…(and that goes beyond an individual first deciding to have a relationship WITH and IN God.)

It’s baby steps…and every step must exhibit a positive reception, rather than negative brow beating, which will surely be rejected.

Taking the time to notice and compliment her caring for animals….asking what she has learned about herbs…about ‘ghosts” is actually AN OPENING to share about God in a positive manner.

The “monkey” thing… ya, well, not a first to delve into…but on a lighter note…WHO in all of History has observed a monkey, which still exists today, birthing a human…and why do monkeys continue to exist…?? That at some point she will have to ask herself those things…but for now she has not the maturity in her spirit, to have a conversation about that.

Stick with the basics…what she already believes…in a regular, often, but not a forceful manner.

God Bless you.

Glory to God,
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