Senate Bill 1959 Criminalize Thoughts?

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Super Member
Jun 4, 2007
Senate Bill 1959 Criminalize Thoughts?The end of Free Speech in America has arrived at our doorstep. It's a new law called the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act, and it is worded in a clever way that could allow the U.S. government to arrest and incarcerate any individual who speaks out against the Bush Administration, the war on Iraq, the Department of Homeland Security or any government agency (including the FDA). The law has already passed the House on a traitorous vote of 405 to 6, and it is now being considered in the Senate where a vote is imminent. All over the internet, intelligent people who care about freedom are speaking out against this extremely dangerous law: Philip Giraldi at the Huffington Post, Declan McCullagh at CNET's, Kathryn Smith at, and of course Alex Jones at PrisonPlanet.comThis bill is the beginning of the end of Free Speech in America. If it passes, all the information sources you know and trust could be shut down and their authors imprisoned. NewsTarget could be taken offline and I could be arrested as a "terrorist." Jeff Rense at could be labeled a "terrorist" and arrested. Byron Richards, Len Horowitz, Paul Craig Roberts, Greg Palast, Ron Paul and even Al Gore could all be arrested, silenced and incarcerated. This is not an exaggeration. It is a literal reading of the law, which you can check yourself here: bill states:‘...ideologically based violence’ means the use, planned use, or threatened use of force or violence by a group or individual to promote the group or individual’s political, religious, or social beliefs...Note that this means the "planned use of force to promote a political or social belief" would be considered an act of terrorism. This all hinges on the definition of "force," of course. Based on the loose use of logic in Washington these days, and the slippery interpretation of the meaning of words, "force" could mean:• A grassroots campaign to barrage Congress with faxes• A non-violent street protest• A letter-writing campaign that deluges the Senate with too much mail• A sit-in protest that blocks access to a business or organization• A grassroots e-mail campaign that overloads the e-mail servers of any government department or agencyYou get the idea. "Force" could be defined as practically anything. And since the "planned use of force" would be considered a criminal act of terrorism, anyone who simply thinks about a grassroots action campaign would be engaged in terrorist acts.If you stopped someone on the street and handed them a Bible, for example, this could be considered an act of terrorism ("...use of force to promote the individual's religious beliefs...")If you sent a barrage of angry letters to Washington about global warming and the destruction of the environment by the U.S. military, this could also be considered an act of terrorism (" promote the individual's political beliefs...")If you believe in same-sex marriage and you wrote a letter threatning a sit-in protest in front of your state's capitol building, this could also be considered an act of terrorism, even if you never carried it out! ("...planned use of force to promote a social belief...")The United States is on the fast track to fascism, and the Congress is working right alongside this nation's traitorous leaders to criminalize any thoughts, words or speeches that disagree with current government policies regarding war, terrorism, domestic surveillance and civil liberties. Simply speaking out against the war on Iraq could soon be labeled a crime. Merely thinking thoughts against the war on Iraq could be considered a criminal act.Must-see video: Naomi Wolf's lecture on 10 steps to fascismThere's a video lecture you simply MUST watch. It's by Naomi Wolf, author of The End of America. She covers this topic with great elegance and a deep understanding of history. See her video on YouTube at: here to see her book on her lecture and book, Naomi reveals the ten steps to fascist, then reveals how the United States of America is pursuing all ten! This S.1959 legislation, the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act, represents one of the ten steps to achieve a fascist state!It is designed to squash all opposition to the State's ongoing march towards blatant fascism, where secret police and secret prisons dominate the law enforcement landscape, stripping U.S. citizens of all civil liberties and Constitutional protections.Thoughtcrimes are about to become a reality in the United States of America, and Congress is pushing this through as quickly as possible so that each individual member of Congress can claim that he or she is "against terrorism." But this bill doesn't merely target terrorism: It targets anyone who speaks or even thinks thoughts against the U.S. federal government.With this bill, the U.S. government is officially labeling the People of the United States as criminals. It is drawing a line in the sand and stating that from now on, it's the Government vs. the People.If we don't stop this bill from becoming law, we are lost as a nation.There is no turning back from tyranny once the government turns its own citizens into criminals, enforcing only the thoughts, ideas, words and speeches that it approves or tolerates. Everything is at stake here!Take action now, or lose your freedoms foreverIf you live in the U.S., it is urgent that you call your senators right now and voice your strong opposition against this extremely dangerous law.Here are the phone numbers for the U.S. Senate switchboard:1-877-851-64371-800-833-63541-888-355-35881-866-220-00441-866-808-00651-877-762-87621-866-340-92811-800-862-5530How to do this:1) Make sure you know the names of your Senators.2) Call the U.S. Senate switchboard using one of the numbers above.3) Ask to speak to the offices of your Senators.4) Tell them you are strongly opposed to S. 1959, the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act5) Ask for their fax number.6) Follow up your phone call with a written, signed letter that you fax to your Senators.Stopping this bill from becoming law is the single most important thing all Americans can do right now. If this becomes law, all free speech about health freedom, the crimes of the FDA, the crimes of the Bush Administration, America's role in global warming and any other topics could all be criminalized. YOU could be labeled a terrorist, kidnapped by government thugs, taken from your home, thrown in a secret prison, denied access to legal representation, denied due process and essentially "disappeared" into a system of such corruption and evil that it now begins to blatantly mirror Nazi Germany.Think it couldn't happen here? It's happening right now! This is exactly how it happened in Nazi Germany. First, burn the Reichstag and blame it on the "enemy." Pass new police state laws. Disarm the people. Spread fear. Erect secret prisons and secret police. Call anyone who disagrees with you a "traitor." Control the mainstream media. Sound familiar? This is all happening right now in the United States of Amerika, and if we don't work to stop it, this nation will rapidly devolve into a fascist police state where no one is truly free.We are but a few small steps away from it right now. All it would take is one dirty bomb in a major U.S. city. Bush would declare Martial Law and take over the National Guard. Troops on the streets. Anyone who writes a blog against the government would be arrested. Authors of "alternative" books would be kidnapped and have their books burned on the street. It could all happen at the stroke of a pen. The infrastructure for tyranny is in place right now, just waiting to be invoked.Our best weapons: Non-violent protest and speaking the truthHow can we fight back against this onslaught of tyranny? We must use what remaining free speech freedoms we have right now to alert our fellow citizens to what's happening. We must rise up and tell the truth while urging our representatives in Washington to resist the temptation to vote for more "anti-terrorism" legislation that only works to enslave the American people.We must use our phones, faxes, emails and blogs to rally our friends, family members and anyone who will listen to oppose these police state laws, and we must organize mass (peaceful) protests against this government that is attempting to marginalize the rights and freedoms of our People.We must not be lulled into a sense of false security by the purveyors of hatred and fear -- the Sean Hannitys, Rush Limbaughs and Bill O'Reillys of the world. Instead, we must listen to the voices of freedom. In terms of the upcoming election for U.S. President, there is only one candidate that actually believes in freedom: Ron Paul. He needs your support to win: www.RonPaul2008.comAll the other candidates are nothing more than tyrants of different political affiliations. Ron Paul is the only candidate that truly understands the fundamentals of freedom. That's why he's the only real choice for our next President. Can you imagine what Hillary Clinton would do with the police state powers that Bush has now created? That's the danger of all laws that centralize power in Washington: It's not necessarily what today's President will do with them, but what some future President will do with them.That's why it's never good enough to say, "Well, we intend to only apply these laws to terrorists and not to U.S. citizens at home." That may be the intention right NOW, but virtually all such laws creep into areas of enforcement for which they were never intended. Just look at the application of RICO laws which were originally designed to fight organized crime operations but are now applied to virtually anyone (and yet they are never applied to Big Pharma, which operates almost exactly like organized crime!). All these anti-terrorism laws run the danger of expanding in enforcement to the point where they are applied against the People of this country. At first, it's only illegal for "terrorists" to think thought crimes, but before long, it's illegal for anyone to think those same thoughts. That when the domestic arrests of authors, journalists, bloggers and thought leaders will kick off, and the country will plunge itself into outright tyrannical fascism.Again, we're on the track right now. This is happening, folks. You're LIVING through an amazing chapter of history right now. You're actually witnessing the downfall of a free nation and the rise of a superpower fascist state. You're actually part of it.When it's all over, will you look back and realize you did nothing? Or will you now take a stand against tyranny and oppose these dangerous laws and lawmakers who threaten the Constitutional freedoms of you and your children?Copy and pasted from:


New Member
Nov 9, 2007
When I read you are from Oregon, I get very suspicious because of the liberal agenda that thrives there and you sound like a liberal in some of your statements. I agree that this country is a mess but it is because of the Liberals and Democrats that are financed by someone, who I discern could very well be a Kenite.Do you understand that the 110th Congress has a Democratic majority? You keep speaking hate against my President which tells me you have fallen for the Socialist/leftist propaganda that they spew through their mainstream media. President Bush, I believe has made some errors, specifically on lack of a secure border but the rest was meant to be. How come we could go to Serbia,Kosovo and the left want us to go to Darfur,but Iraqi's were being chemically gassed and killed on a constant basis living under tyranny of "Sadaam-a type of King of Babylon",and we shouldn't have gone there? So, we can have compassion for only the people the leftists or the crooked United Nations deems ok, but if we eliminate a tyrant, and allow Iraqi's the chance at freedom that we have, then our President did a bad thing? I think not. Your weak candidate thinks so and by the way, we are winning the war! Did you know we have a volunteer army and that there are more deaths in California in one year than there has been in this 6year war. Thanks for the info on that anti- Christian bill. It is not their first one.I will call my Senators and ask them not to vote in this bill and watch, if it makes it to President Bush, who is a Christian, he will probably veto it anyways.Our Internal Enemies of USA and of Christianity are the Dems and the leftists and we have to beat them, if we are to save America. I am not thrilled about any Republican candidate right now, especially Ron Paul. As soon as a Republican candidate is selected, I will support that person, even if I don't see eye to eye on all issues with them. He is limited by the Constitution on what he can do.You have to remember the President does not enact laws. He only pushes the issues he wants done but he has to have the majority in the House and Senate to get anything passed. Today's Democrats are socialists and communists. Do you understand that these are Godless societies? The reason we are so blessed is that GOD is still over our nation. Christ described our enemies so perfectly as "Wolves in sheep's clothing." Sounds just like the Democrats of today.This 110th Congress, with a Democrat majority in both houses, wants to give terrorist's legal rights like it sounds you do, arrest Pastors for teaching GOD's word, be nice to the enemy-no waterboarding the enemy which our troops train for, but say nothing as our kids are beheaded and dismembered, do not want voter id's to avoid voter fraud and I can and will go on. Nancy Pelosi just took a law off the table that would protect employers from being sued for requiring English as a requirement of their job,in some Democratic states,they want to or have already given illegals: Drivers Licenses, welfare and in state-tuition.The Democrats tried to reenact the Fairness Doctrine again to limit our freedom of speech in broadcasting and will keep trying if elected. They want to keep everyone dumb and dependent on the government while they do whatever they want. The Dems have voted on so many non binding resolutions saying the super power of superpowers in this end-time(Isaiah 18), USA were fighting an unwinnable war and kept doing everything in their power to attempt to ensure a loss through U.S.A. political means. President Bush didn't cave to persecution at all levels.Your candidate caved and the same thing would have happened as was done in Vietnam. Thank God for President Bush! A Vietnamese General Jaup ( Pronunced jap)just wrote his autobiography saying they, N.Vietnam, had lost the war, but it was our liberal agenda media that helped them win! I live in NC with a a Democrat majority and a Dem.governor where we are getting picked off weekly in our cars by Drunk illegals,who get no or little punishment because they run back over the border for a while, until they get a new ID-( have you checked your credit lately)? Last year alone, NC paid $976million in aid to illegals within our state. GOD said not to oppress strangers in our land but this is ridiculous. We are being invaded. Did you know that the Democrats took out the 3Billion in funds budgeted for the secure fence. It was Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity that informed us, how about you? Let me guess- you listen to Neal Boortz, the libertarian that believes in evolution.Rush, Sean and Mark Levin are a GODsend! Your disdain for them is also very suspicious! If we had had a Democratic President or a RINO,a Republican in name only, President, the Fairness Doctrine and the gay hate crimes law(where Pastors teaching GOD's word about homosexuals),would be law today. Beware!One of the left tactics, is to make you believe they already have won. They put out polling information in their favor even though the poll included 400 Democrats- who knows, we are never told the data behind the polls. They also push candidates on the Republican side, they feel they can beat or have a lot of dirt on. They also push poll which is to call the opponent's potential voters and make up something. For example, I knew a NC Senate candidate who owned a successful business. The Dems called up his potential and undecided voters and said" Would you vote for a man whose business went bankrupt?"- This was a complete lie but the deception worked because it put the thought in the voter's mind, and the voter usually has no way to verify the truth.Politically correct is morally wrong! Politics in America is dirtier than ever so that is why I am so suspicious of your post. I still can't believe any one supports, Ron Paul. How many presidential elections has he ran for now? It's kind of like the Dem/leftist media stategy that if we hear it enough, we will believe it. Sorry, I am not falling for it! I just pray you folks won't hand over the election to the Democrats by splitting the Republican/Conservative votes ,as was done with Slick Willy.I will pray for you!blessed1195


New Member
Jul 11, 2007
What can I say? There's Canaanites in the land and many people are thinking contrary to what our founding fathers wanted. This, I guarantee you , will be the demise of our nation, and then the end will come.Being patriotic myself, and a believer in the constitution, this is why I hold British-Israel teachings so dear. That doctrine says we descended from the lost tribes of Israel, and as such, we have the promises that God will take care of us. But in spite of the fact that God revealed this to us in recent history, people want to go their own way and spread fear instead of faith and then such zany legislation comes about to "protect" us all because of ignorant, and thick-headed rebellion.This is also why I guess my fuse has been short with many people that hate the BI teaching lately. If we are "just any other Gentile nation" according to them, then there is no assurance that God will protect us as a nation, and in effect brings on this very type of fear and evil legislation to pass and in effect, joining the cause IMO.I am addressing nobody personally in this post---- just a blanket statement. Don't bother to expose yourself if you disagree with my point about BI, and the constitution and how its being eroded. I don't feel like handling any grief today.


Super Member
Jun 4, 2007
When I read you are from Oregon, I get very suspicious because of the liberal agenda that thrives there and you sound like a liberal in some of your statements. I agree that this country is a mess but it is because of the Liberals and Democrats that are financed by someone, who I discern could very well be a Kenite.Do you understand that the 110th Congress has a Democratic majority? You keep speaking hate against my President which tells me you have fallen for the Socialist/leftist propaganda that they spew through their mainstream media. President Bush, I believe has made some errors, specifically on lack of a secure border but the rest was meant to be. How come we could go to Serbia,Kosovo and the left want us to go to Darfur,but Iraqi's were being chemically gassed and killed on a constant basis living under tyranny of "Sadaam-a type of King of Babylon",and we shouldn't have gone there? So, we can have compassion for only the people the leftists or the crooked United Nations deems ok, but if we eliminate a tyrant, and allow Iraqi's the chance at freedom that we have, then our President did a bad thing? I think not. Your weak candidate thinks so and by the way, we are winning the war! Did you know we have a volunteer army and that there are more deaths in California in one year than there has been in this 6year war. Thanks for the info on that anti- Christian bill. It is not their first one.I will call my Senators and ask them not to vote in this bill and watch, if it makes it to President Bush, who is a Christian, he will probably veto it anyways.Our Internal Enemies of USA and of Christianity are the Dems and the leftists and we have to beat them, if we are to save America. I am not thrilled about any Republican candidate right now, especially Ron Paul. As soon as a Republican candidate is selected, I will support that person, even if I don't see eye to eye on all issues with them. He is limited by the Constitution on what he can do.You have to remember the President does not enact laws. He only pushes the issues he wants done but he has to have the majority in the House and Senate to get anything passed. Today's Democrats are socialists and communists. Do you understand that these are Godless societies? The reason we are so blessed is that GOD is still over our nation. Christ described our enemies so perfectly as "Wolves in sheep's clothing." Sounds just like the Democrats of today.This 110th Congress, with a Democrat majority in both houses, wants to give terrorist's legal rights like it sounds you do, arrest Pastors for teaching GOD's word, be nice to the enemy-no waterboarding the enemy which our troops train for, but say nothing as our kids are beheaded and dismembered, do not want voter id's to avoid voter fraud and I can and will go on. Nancy Pelosi just took a law off the table that would protect employers from being sued for requiring English as a requirement of their job,in some Democratic states,they want to or have already given illegals: Drivers Licenses, welfare and in state-tuition.The Democrats tried to reenact the Fairness Doctrine again to limit our freedom of speech in broadcasting and will keep trying if elected. They want to keep everyone dumb and dependent on the government while they do whatever they want. The Dems have voted on so many non binding resolutions saying the super power of superpowers in this end-time(Isaiah 18), USA were fighting an unwinnable war and kept doing everything in their power to attempt to ensure a loss through U.S.A. political means. President Bush didn't cave to persecution at all levels.Your candidate caved and the same thing would have happened as was done in Vietnam. Thank God for President Bush! A Vietnamese General Jaup ( Pronunced jap)just wrote his autobiography saying they, N.Vietnam, had lost the war, but it was our liberal agenda media that helped them win! I live in NC with a a Democrat majority and a Dem.governor where we are getting picked off weekly in our cars by Drunk illegals,who get no or little punishment because they run back over the border for a while, until they get a new ID-( have you checked your credit lately)? Last year alone, NC paid $976million in aid to illegals within our state. GOD said not to oppress strangers in our land but this is ridiculous. We are being invaded. Did you know that the Democrats took out the 3Billion in funds budgeted for the secure fence. It was Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity that informed us, how about you? Let me guess- you listen to Neal Boortz, the libertarian that believes in evolution.Rush, Sean and Mark Levin are a GODsend! Your disdain for them is also very suspicious! If we had had a Democratic President or a RINO,a Republican in name only, President, the Fairness Doctrine and the gay hate crimes law(where Pastors teaching GOD's word about homosexuals),would be law today. Beware!One of the left tactics, is to make you believe they already have won. They put out polling information in their favor even though the poll included 400 Democrats- who knows, we are never told the data behind the polls. They also push candidates on the Republican side, they feel they can beat or have a lot of dirt on. They also push poll which is to call the opponent's potential voters and make up something. For example, I knew a NC Senate candidate who owned a successful business. The Dems called up his potential and undecided voters and said" Would you vote for a man whose business went bankrupt?"- This was a complete lie but the deception worked because it put the thought in the voter's mind, and the voter usually has no way to verify the truth.Politically correct is morally wrong! Politics in America is dirtier than ever so that is why I am so suspicious of your post. I still can't believe any one supports, Ron Paul. How many presidential elections has he ran for now? It's kind of like the Dem/leftist media stategy that if we hear it enough, we will believe it. Sorry, I am not falling for it! I just pray you folks won't hand over the election to the Democrats by splitting the Republican/Conservative votes ,as was done with Slick Willy.I will pray for you!blessed1195
Nope. I'm a right wing conservative. Not to many of my type here in Oregon.


New Member
Nov 9, 2007
Senate Bill 1959 Criminalize Thoughts?The end of Free Speech in America has arrived at our doorstep. It's a new law called the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act, and it is worded in a clever way that could allow the U.S. government to arrest and incarcerate any individual who speaks out against the Bush Administration, the war on Iraq, the Department of Homeland Security or any government agency (including the FDA). The law has already passed the House on a traitorous vote of 405 to 6, and it is now being considered in the Senate where a vote is imminent. All over the internet, intelligent people who care about freedom are speaking out against this extremely dangerous law: Philip Giraldi at the Huffington Post, Declan McCullagh at CNET's, Kathryn Smith at, and of course Alex Jones at PrisonPlanet.comThis bill is the beginning of the end of Free Speech in America. If it passes, all the information sources you know and trust could be shut down and their authors imprisoned. NewsTarget could be taken offline and I could be arrested as a "terrorist." Jeff Rense at could be labeled a "terrorist" and arrested. Byron Richards, Len Horowitz, Paul Craig Roberts, Greg Palast, Ron Paul and even Al Gore could all be arrested, silenced and incarcerated. This is not an exaggeration. It is a literal reading of the law, which you can check yourself here: bill states:‘...ideologically based violence’ means the use, planned use, or threatened use of force or violence by a group or individual to promote the group or individual’s political, religious, or social beliefs...Note that this means the "planned use of force to promote a political or social belief" would be considered an act of terrorism. This all hinges on the definition of "force," of course. Based on the loose use of logic in Washington these days, and the slippery interpretation of the meaning of words, "force" could mean:• A grassroots campaign to barrage Congress with faxes• A non-violent street protest• A letter-writing campaign that deluges the Senate with too much mail• A sit-in protest that blocks access to a business or organization• A grassroots e-mail campaign that overloads the e-mail servers of any government department or agencyYou get the idea. "Force" could be defined as practically anything. And since the "planned use of force" would be considered a criminal act of terrorism, anyone who simply thinks about a grassroots action campaign would be engaged in terrorist acts.If you stopped someone on the street and handed them a Bible, for example, this could be considered an act of terrorism ("...use of force to promote the individual's religious beliefs...")If you sent a barrage of angry letters to Washington about global warming and the destruction of the environment by the U.S. military, this could also be considered an act of terrorism (" promote the individual's political beliefs...")If you believe in same-sex marriage and you wrote a letter threatning a sit-in protest in front of your state's capitol building, this could also be considered an act of terrorism, even if you never carried it out! ("...planned use of force to promote a social belief...")The United States is on the fast track to fascism, and the Congress is working right alongside this nation's traitorous leaders to criminalize any thoughts, words or speeches that disagree with current government policies regarding war, terrorism, domestic surveillance and civil liberties. Simply speaking out against the war on Iraq could soon be labeled a crime. Merely thinking thoughts against the war on Iraq could be considered a criminal act.Must-see video: Naomi Wolf's lecture on 10 steps to fascismThere's a video lecture you simply MUST watch. It's by Naomi Wolf, author of The End of America. She covers this topic with great elegance and a deep understanding of history. See her video on YouTube at: here to see her book on her lecture and book, Naomi reveals the ten steps to fascist, then reveals how the United States of America is pursuing all ten! This S.1959 legislation, the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act, represents one of the ten steps to achieve a fascist state!It is designed to squash all opposition to the State's ongoing march towards blatant fascism, where secret police and secret prisons dominate the law enforcement landscape, stripping U.S. citizens of all civil liberties and Constitutional protections.Thoughtcrimes are about to become a reality in the United States of America, and Congress is pushing this through as quickly as possible so that each individual member of Congress can claim that he or she is "against terrorism." But this bill doesn't merely target terrorism: It targets anyone who speaks or even thinks thoughts against the U.S. federal government.With this bill, the U.S. government is officially labeling the People of the United States as criminals. It is drawing a line in the sand and stating that from now on, it's the Government vs. the People.If we don't stop this bill from becoming law, we are lost as a nation.There is no turning back from tyranny once the government turns its own citizens into criminals, enforcing only the thoughts, ideas, words and speeches that it approves or tolerates. Everything is at stake here!Take action now, or lose your freedoms foreverIf you live in the U.S., it is urgent that you call your senators right now and voice your strong opposition against this extremely dangerous law.Here are the phone numbers for the U.S. Senate switchboard:1-877-851-64371-800-833-63541-888-355-35881-866-220-00441-866-808-00651-877-762-87621-866-340-92811-800-862-5530How to do this:1) Make sure you know the names of your Senators.2) Call the U.S. Senate switchboard using one of the numbers above.3) Ask to speak to the offices of your Senators.4) Tell them you are strongly opposed to S. 1959, the Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act5) Ask for their fax number.6) Follow up your phone call with a written, signed letter that you fax to your Senators.Stopping this bill from becoming law is the single most important thing all Americans can do right now. If this becomes law, all free speech about health freedom, the crimes of the FDA, the crimes of the Bush Administration, America's role in global warming and any other topics could all be criminalized. YOU could be labeled a terrorist, kidnapped by government thugs, taken from your home, thrown in a secret prison, denied access to legal representation, denied due process and essentially "disappeared" into a system of such corruption and evil that it now begins to blatantly mirror Nazi Germany.Think it couldn't happen here? It's happening right now! This is exactly how it happened in Nazi Germany. First, burn the Reichstag and blame it on the "enemy." Pass new police state laws. Disarm the people. Spread fear. Erect secret prisons and secret police. Call anyone who disagrees with you a "traitor." Control the mainstream media. Sound familiar? This is all happening right now in the United States of Amerika, and if we don't work to stop it, this nation will rapidly devolve into a fascist police state where no one is truly free.We are but a few small steps away from it right now. All it would take is one dirty bomb in a major U.S. city. Bush would declare Martial Law and take over the National Guard. Troops on the streets. Anyone who writes a blog against the government would be arrested. Authors of "alternative" books would be kidnapped and have their books burned on the street. It could all happen at the stroke of a pen. The infrastructure for tyranny is in place right now, just waiting to be invoked.Our best weapons: Non-violent protest and speaking the truthHow can we fight back against this onslaught of tyranny? We must use what remaining free speech freedoms we have right now to alert our fellow citizens to what's happening. We must rise up and tell the truth while urging our representatives in Washington to resist the temptation to vote for more "anti-terrorism" legislation that only works to enslave the American people.We must use our phones, faxes, emails and blogs to rally our friends, family members and anyone who will listen to oppose these police state laws, and we must organize mass (peaceful) protests against this government that is attempting to marginalize the rights and freedoms of our People.We must not be lulled into a sense of false security by the purveyors of hatred and fear -- the Sean Hannitys, Rush Limbaughs and Bill O'Reillys of the world. Instead, we must listen to the voices of freedom. In terms of the upcoming election for U.S. President, there is only one candidate that actually believes in freedom: Ron Paul. He needs your support to win: www.RonPaul2008.comAll the other candidates are nothing more than tyrants of different political affiliations. Ron Paul is the only candidate that truly understands the fundamentals of freedom. That's why he's the only real choice for our next President. Can you imagine what Hillary Clinton would do with the police state powers that Bush has now created? That's the danger of all laws that centralize power in Washington: It's not necessarily what today's President will do with them, but what some future President will do with them.That's why it's never good enough to say, "Well, we intend to only apply these laws to terrorists and not to U.S. citizens at home." That may be the intention right NOW, but virtually all such laws creep into areas of enforcement for which they were never intended. Just look at the application of RICO laws which were originally designed to fight organized crime operations but are now applied to virtually anyone (and yet they are never applied to Big Pharma, which operates almost exactly like organized crime!). All these anti-terrorism laws run the danger of expanding in enforcement to the point where they are applied against the People of this country. At first, it's only illegal for "terrorists" to think thought crimes, but before long, it's illegal for anyone to think those same thoughts. That when the domestic arrests of authors, journalists, bloggers and thought leaders will kick off, and the country will plunge itself into outright tyrannical fascism.Again, we're on the track right now. This is happening, folks. You're LIVING through an amazing chapter of history right now. You're actually witnessing the downfall of a free nation and the rise of a superpower fascist state. You're actually part of it.When it's all over, will you look back and realize you did nothing? Or will you now take a stand against tyranny and oppose these dangerous laws and lawmakers who threaten the Constitutional freedoms of you and your children?Copy and pasted from:
I believe we are on the same side but we disagree on Presidential candidates and strategies. My candidate would have been Newt Gingrich so I am not fixed on one candidate, just supporting the Republican nominee. I did go to the link on your page, but I spiritually discern anything I hear on the web and especially in the news today. I hope we all do. Thanks for the info. on that law. I agree that is dangerous but the blame falls on 110th Congress.I just wanted to remind all that this Congress, who enacts laws, holds a Democratic Majority, since you seem to hate our Republican President. :naughty: Most hatred of our President comes from people being conned by the left propaganda. Matt 5: 10, describes President Bush" Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness sake". From the sounds of it you would not agree.I get very concerned when RINO's ( Republicans in name only)( not that I am saying you are- I don't know you) that are more concerned with rights of the terrorists than our safety, security and our troops. Our President has done a great job protecting this nation since they enacted laws against the terrorists. I understand how these can be used against us if the wrong party, the socialist Democrat Party of today, were to get power. That is why we have to fight them at every step. Thank GOD,they do not have the majority. I have faith in the American people. We are still 80% Christian(even though they are biblically illiterate) they know right from wrong. I believe the Democratic platform ( if they actually have one) ofhigher taxes, promoting illegal's rights over American citizens rights,unsecure Border, Spanish as our language, promoting gay rights( listening to them,you would think there was a majority of gays in this country),keeping young americans dumb by allowing propaganda not truth taught in public schools and colleges so eventually they will need Mother Government, socialist/government run heathcare program,anti-Christian efforts, political correctness( which is morally wrong) and weak on Defense, will get them defeated.I know GOD is in control.:pray3: I told my better half this morning, that if the Democrats win the majority and the Presidency, we are alot closer, in this generation of the fig tree, to the 6th trump, 6th seal and 6th vial than I had thought. I had better stay in his word to ready my gospel armor( Eph.6).:bible:Have a great day in Christ,Blessed1195


New Member
Nov 9, 2007
sounds a lot like a repeat of the Mcarthy era and the Huac trials personally.
I don't know what you were taught in school, but Joseph McCarthy was a righteous man when he tried to eliminate communists from among us. Do you understand what Communism is? It is a godless society. If that is the kind of country you want to live in, I suggest you move to a communist country like North Korea. America was founded on Christian principles. People have died to give you the right to speak, even if it is nonsense;but as a Christian, I want to protect GOD over our blessed nation,the super power of super powers in these end times.( ISAIAH 18)When I read you comments, I was led to Jesus warnings in Matt 24 Mark 13 and Luke 21. I suggest you read the entire chapters to know the events to come in this generation of the fig tree.Denver, the site administrator, has a study ready for you in the Bible Study section of this website. I urge you to read them all.Jesus' warnings:Mark 13:5:" Take heed lest any man deceive you;6) For many shall come in my name, saying" I am Christ; and shall deceive many."He was talking about people that claim to be Christians and people that call themselves Christian preachers but they are so biblically illiterate that they lead people straight to Satan as Anti-Christ(Mark 13:9-14)I just don't understand why a Christian would be upset about McCarthyism, where a man tried to stop the spreading of Communism within our Christian nation. We welcome all to come and worship as they please, but leave GOD over our country and our Christian heritage in place. If you don't like it,please feel free to move to a communist country and try worshipping GOD. I am sorry for coming down on a novice, but you need to study GOD's word with understanding so the Holy Spirit will give you peace of mind.:bible:Most probably you have been lied to by one verse charlie's and liberal teachers. I'll pray for you!:pray:In Christ's name I pray,blessd1195


New Member
Nov 27, 2007
Listen have you ever studies the Huac trials. That was all about a violation of free speach. I mean we arrested and tried people for movies with communistic content. You don't call that a violation of free speech!@!


Super Member
Jun 4, 2007
I don't know what you were taught in school, but Joseph McCarthy was a righteous man when he tried to eliminate communists from among us. Do you understand what Communism is? It is a godless society. If that is the kind of country you want to live in, I suggest you move to a communist country like North Korea. America was founded on Christian principles. People have died to give you the right to speak, even if it is nonsense;but as a Christian, I want to protect GOD over our blessed nation,the super power of super powers in these end times.( ISAIAH 18)When I read you comments, I was led to Jesus warnings in Matt 24 Mark 13 and Luke 21. I suggest you read the entire chapters to know the events to come in this generation of the fig tree.Denver, the site administrator, has a study ready for you in the Bible Study section of this website. I urge you to read them all.Jesus' warnings:Mark 13:5:" Take heed lest any man deceive you;6) For many shall come in my name, saying" I am Christ; and shall deceive many."He was talking about people that claim to be Christians and people that call themselves Christian preachers but they are so biblically illiterate that they lead people straight to Satan as Anti-Christ(Mark 13:9-14)I just don't understand why a Christian would be upset about McCarthyism, where a man tried to stop the spreading of Communism within our Christian nation. We welcome all to come and worship as they please, but leave GOD over our country and our Christian heritage in place. If you don't like it,please feel free to move to a communist country and try worshipping GOD. I am sorry for coming down on a novice, but you need to study GOD's word with understanding so the Holy Spirit will give you peace of mind.:bible:Most probably you have been lied to by one verse charlie's and liberal teachers. I'll pray for you!:pray:In Christ's name I pray,blessd1195

We've been taught that McCarthy had been fabricating the truth and was convicting people of being communist left and right. Who ever he convicted usually was fired from their job. He later convicted the military which was a big mistake on his part. He was later tried in court and found guilty of making most of the stuff up.


New Member
Nov 9, 2007
Do you love America? I am concerned with our immediate future.Have you been taught about the 10 tribes migrations, that we are part of the scattered 10 Northern tribes of Israel? When our founding fathers gave us the freedoms: of religion,of speech,right to bear arms etc.... I am sure they never imagined the political correctness that would run rampant in our GOD Blessed country: Where displaying the 10 commandmants and Christ's cross would be taken to court to stop by the ACLU and how "separation of church and state", which was a phrase coined by Thomas Jefferson in a letter a Baptist church,has been given a new meaning to keep GOD out.I believe that Christians have to stand for Christ and that Christianity will set us free, but evil thrives when good men do nothing! America today, under ACLU invasion and Democratic majority being driven by the perverse of this country. is a fine example of that:Where our military is forced to get out of a plane and told not to walk through the tax funded terminal. Even though they just risked their life for their nation's security and to bring democracy and freedom from tyranny to another country and no one did anything about it. It is too bad that my beautiful blonde daughter, who has joined ROTC in a time of war, has more courage than many folks in this country that hide behind their deceptive lawyers trying to give the minority the rights over the majority and whose perverted views are sanctioned by liberal judges that legislate from their benches.Thank GOD I find comfort in his word. Listen to what he says about this type of situation.Ezekial 20:38: "And I will purge out from among you the rebels, and them that transgress against me: I will bring them forth out of the country where they sojourn, and they shall not enter into the land of Israel: and ye shall know that I am the LORD."His promise to us that there will be a separation.39: "As for you, O house of Israel, thus saith the Lord GOD; Go ye, serve ye every one his idols, and hereafter also, if ye will not hearken unto me: but pollute ye my holy name no more with your gifts, and with your idols." That's right, keep playing church, where you listen to one verse charlie's, and so called Christian preachers, that teach 1 verse of GOD's word, then speak their mind, not GOD's for the rest of the time. They rename the highest sabbath of Christianity, Easter, after a Pagan goddes of fertility( Eastroe, Ishtar depending on the country)and have bunnies and fertility eggs in their church and call it a house of god. They make an idol out of a day- Sunday, instead of staying in GOD's word everyday.40: "For in mine holy mountain, in the mountain of the height of Israel, saith the Lord GOD, there shall all the house of Israel, all of them in the land, serve me: there will I accept them, and there will I require your offerings, and the firstfruits of your oblations, with all your holy things."God wants our love-Hoses 6:6.I will just be patient and stay in his word and I recommend you do the same. Then maybe someday you will come to discover America, the Christian nation, home of some of the scattered house of Israel.In Christ's name I pray,blessed1195


New Member
Nov 9, 2007
We've been taught that McCarthy had been fabricating the truth and was convicting people of being communist left and right. Who ever he convicted usually was fired from their job. He later convicted the military which was a big mistake on his part. He was later tried in court and found guilty of making most of the stuff up.
Do you really believe that? Can't you see the deception from the left? :naughty:Just like Scooter . He was found to be a guilty for not remembering something from years before. He did not commit a crime. The prosecutor knew Valerie Wilson was not a covert CIA agent; therefore, when Richard Armetege leaked her job to the NY Times, no crime existed. The judge was also a liberal.Please understand the lies and the deception of the left. They call President Bush a liar for making decisions and taking action on intelligence he has at a specific point in time, yet they lie, cheat, steal and the media just ignores it.Look at the NIE that just came out. Even John Bolton, former ambassador to UN, feels the new conclusions are politically motivated. Now that is so sad! These people put their personal political agenda's above our safety.Beware of the deception, my brother in Christ!It has been fun!blessed1195


New Member
Jul 11, 2007
Do you love America? I am concerned with our immediate future.Have you been taught about the 10 tribes migrations, that we are part of the scattered 10 Northern tribes of Israel? When our founding fathers gave us the freedoms: of religion,of speech,right to bear arms etc.... I am sure they never imagined the political correctness that would run rampant in our GOD Blessed country: Where displaying the 10 commandmants and Christ's cross would be taken to court to stop by the ACLU and how "separation of church and state", which was a phrase coined by Thomas Jefferson in a letter a Baptist church,has been given a new meaning to keep GOD out.I believe that Christians have to stand for Christ and that Christianity will set us free, but evil thrives when good men do nothing! America today, under ACLU invasion and Democratic majority being driven by the perverse of this country. is a fine example of that:Where our military is forced to get out of a plane and told not to walk through the tax funded terminal. Even though they just risked their life for their nation's security and to bring democracy and freedom from tyranny to another country and no one did anything about it. It is too bad that my beautiful blonde daughter, who has joined ROTC in a time of war, has more courage than many folks in this country that hide behind their deceptive lawyers trying to give the minority the rights over the majority and whose perverted views are sanctioned by liberal judges that legislate from their benches.Thank GOD I find comfort in his word. Listen to what he says about this type of situation.Ezekial 20:38: "And I will purge out from among you the rebels, and them that transgress against me: I will bring them forth out of the country where they sojourn, and they shall not enter into the land of Israel: and ye shall know that I am the LORD."His promise to us that there will be a separation.39: "As for you, O house of Israel, thus saith the Lord GOD; Go ye, serve ye every one his idols, and hereafter also, if ye will not hearken unto me: but pollute ye my holy name no more with your gifts, and with your idols." That's right, keep playing church, where you listen to one verse charlie's, and so called Christian preachers, that teach 1 verse of GOD's word, then speak their mind, not GOD's for the rest of the time. They rename the highest sabbath of Christianity, Easter, after a Pagan goddes of fertility( Eastroe, Ishtar depending on the country)and have bunnies and fertility eggs in their church and call it a house of god. They make an idol out of a day- Sunday, instead of staying in GOD's word everyday.40: "For in mine holy mountain, in the mountain of the height of Israel, saith the Lord GOD, there shall all the house of Israel, all of them in the land, serve me: there will I accept them, and there will I require your offerings, and the firstfruits of your oblations, with all your holy things."God wants our love-Hoses 6:6.I will just be patient and stay in his word and I recommend you do the same. Then maybe someday you will come to discover America, the Christian nation, home of some of the scattered house of Israel.In Christ's name I pray,blessed1195
Good post! But I just want to point out something here. Our founding fathers did not give us our freedoms, but recognized it in the passage of the declaration of Independence:they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.In other words, God gave us these rights (by His grace may I add) and they are scripturally supported---- not because we deserve them. And it was the duty of government to protect them from those who would take them away.Your posts are very good, however. I always enjoy hearing from you and am glad you also understand how America is descended from the lost house of Israel. Blessings to you and I will say a special prayer for your lovely, brave daughter, too. God bless her richly!


New Member
Jan 23, 2008
Hi, this is my first post. I've been lurking here for a few weeks. I just wanted to thank the OP for that article. What that bill will do is effectively cut off all dissension from the public. And there are folks who think this is ok. I really don't understand why people are so willing to give up their rights. Personally, I'm struggling right now to know what to do and how to react to what is going on around us. On the one hand, I read my Bible and I study as best I can. I see the prophecies unfolding and I know it's inevitable. I know when all is said and done I will suffer for my faith. This country is headed toward the one world political/financial/religious system at an alarming rate. Yet so many are deceived. Yes, right now we Christians are safe. As long as we go along with their schemes. As long as we "never forget" we are easily subdued. If we give up our rights to think and speak now, to deter terrorism that we will "never forget," we will be that much more complacent when the beast comes to deceive us. And it will be that much easier to subdue the masses when the internet is controlled by the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) just like the mainstream media is today. All those who choose to disagree will be locked up or dead. Explain to me why a superhighway (I-35, there's another thread about that here) is being built to allow Mexican trucks easier access to the US and Canada for trade yet the government has contracted KBR/Halliburton to build "immigrant detention centers" across the country? All this talk about building a fence and securing our borders means nothing. Do a little research on the CFR and see which candidates are in it, whose foreign policy advisors are in it. No, they don't really want to secure the border. They want to secure us. First they will give us the RealID so they know where we are. While we're distracted with that they will take away our freedom to think and talk about what we think. Then some other disaster will happen and they will use martial law to take away the guns so people cannot defend themselves, their families and their homes. Unfortunately, people would rather just believe that the government only has our best interests at heart and that all these Constitution-limiting bills and laws are really in our best interest to protect us from terrorism. It's times like these I wish I believed in the rapture.All I have to say is that the political right and left in this country are all going in the same direction, they just have different ways of getting there. I don't trust any of them. We are not even people or citizens to them, we are consumers. Follow the money.