Spiritual Forces of Wickedness in Political Places

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This Vale Of Tears

Indian Papist
Jun 13, 2013
Ephesians 6:12
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,​
against rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual forces of wickedness in high places."​
There is not a Christian unacquainted with the fact that to be a Christian is to be involved in a war. Jesus tells us that the heavens suffer violence and the violent take it by force and this means that we are to contend mightily in the struggle of good and evil and this is accomplished in many ways. But many Christians still imagine this war to be an event far off from us rather than a desperate battle we are amidst of. They also don't see what's happening in our culture and politics as part of this war. But what's happening in politics and culture is at the very heart of it.

I'll get right to my point in stating my unequivocal belief that the American Left is animated by the demonic realm and can aptly demonstrate a correlation between Democrat party policies and the erosion of our moral culture. Let me give a few examples:

The Welfare State has discouraged dependence on family and community and replaced the father with a check. This has had a disasterously disproportionate affect on the black family in particular. Drug and alcohol use have increased because of foodstamps in that people have disposable income that would be spent on necessities were those necessities not paid for by taxpayers. Irresponsibility and immorality are separated from their natural consequences by the artificial crutch of other people's hard earned money. The welfare state is a Democrat Party hallmark.

Birth control has become a hot issue because what was before expected to be paid for by the people using it is now being subsidized by taxpayers and it's the Democrats pushing this. Birth control separates sex from it's child producing purpose and allows sex to devolve into a hedonistic pursuit of pleasure. This has greatly increased homosexuality, infidelity, prostitution, unwedded shack-ups, casual hookups, and many other forms of deviant behavior.

Abortion on demand is also championed by the Democrat party, the party who having succeeded in forcing taxpayers to pay for birth control, is now working to undo the law preventing taxpayer monies from funding abortion. The 40 million plus lives snuffed out is a holocaust unrivaled in all of human history, a loss so staggering that it's a wonder that God's hand of vengeance is yet still stayed. Satan has not only enshrined abortion as a Supreme Court diktat, but has even convinced Christians who should know better to oppose any change in the law even if they concede abortion to be abhorrent.

The Anti-gun agenda though not seen by many as a religious issue, it pertains directly to the liberty God wills his people to have. In Nehemiah, the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem was accomplished as the workers kept weapons in ready reach to fend off invaders. Jews similarly armed themselves to stave off a slaughter in the days of Queen Esther. The oppression Satan wishes to subdue people with is only made possible when people are disarmed and dispirited. It's small wonder that Democrats hate private gun ownership. Their lord hates it too.

Same Sex Marriage is also being heavily pushed by the Left. Because marriage is a God ordained institution between a man and a woman, it makes superb sense that Satan would wish to pervert and undermine it by all means possible, first through rampant divorce so that there are few paragons of what God intended marriage to be, and then by changing the very definition of marriage.

Hostility to Religious practice has been pushed by the Democrat party, particularly through their ally, the godless, communist ACLU who files suit against every cross, Ten Commandment's display, and Nativity scene they can. Christmas trees irritate them and so does the mention of God on our currency and the Pledge of Allegience. And prayer in school is anathema to them because it angers their father, the devil.

And of course I could wax loquacious with further examples. I'm not saying that Republicans are the servants of God, because they certainly have their own problems, chief of which is cowardice. But they do tend to stem the tide by promoting lower taxes, personal responsibility, moral standards, and political liberty. We need to wake up to the fact that the spiritual war described astutely in the Bible is revealed in our newspapers, our cable news, and in our culture. We need to be stout to the task of fighting it.


AlephBet - The Strong House of God
Nov 14, 2013
On the Threshold
I love your post because it is very thoughtful and well written. Very few people understand what is meant by the words of Ephesians 6:12. Like so many aspects of scripture, the truth of the matter is right there in front of us. Extend your thoughts of war to the greater universe we occupy. How can pain enhance ultimate bliss?

Ephesians 3

2 Surely you have heard about the administration of God’s grace that was given to me for you, 3 that is, the mystery made known to me by revelation, as I have already written briefly.

What is this mystery?

:to preach to the Gentiles the boundless riches of Christ, 9 and to make plain to everyone the administration of this mystery, which for ages past was kept hidden in God, who created all things.

Again, what mystery in Christ is this? Why was it kept hidden and why have we not noticed yet?

10 His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, 11 according to his eternal purpose that he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Okay, now we have purpose. What is the purpose? Intention is a hope. Intent is by design. What is God's intent in this mystery? To inform rulers and authorities in heavenly realms of His eternal purpose. WOW!

Again, what is the mystery?

14 For this reason I kneel before the Father, 15 from whom every family[a] in heaven and on earth derives its name.

What have we seen here? There are rulers and authorities in Heavenly realms that are ignorant of Christ. There are families in Heaven. This entire chapter outlines disclosure. It also outlines our inheritance. What is that inheritance?

Deuteronomy 4

19 And when you look up to the sky and see the sun, the moon and the stars—all the heavenly array—do not be enticed into bowing down to them and worshiping things the Lord your God has apportioned to all the nations under heaven. 20 But as for you, the Lord took you and brought you out of the iron-smelting furnace, out of Egypt, to be the people of his inheritance, as you now are.

The Heavens. Not Heaven. Heaven in the Bible is always the Heavens, beyond the horizon (Eternity). What do we get in the heavens as an inheritance?

Deuteronomy 6

10 When the Lord your God brings you into the land he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to give you—a land with large, flourishing cities you did not build, 11 houses filled with all kinds of good things you did not provide, wells you did not dig, and vineyards and olive groves you did not plant—then when you eat and are satisfied, 12 be careful that you do not forget the Lord, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.

We are in bondage here in Egypt under a cruel master. Why? Refinement. We are to come out of Egypt and cross the wilderness to a new Heaven and Earth. The promised land is more than the story of Moses. When you consider what we are made for, the wars we experience here are merely a reflecting point to rule with Christ in the future. I love this quote from Edgar Allen Poe:

V. All things are either good or bad by comparison. A sufficient analysis will show that pleasure, in all cases, is but the contrast of pain. Positive pleasure is a mere idea. To be happy at any one point we must have suffered at the same. Never to suffer would have been never to have been blessed. But it has been shown that, in the inorganic life, pain cannot be thus the necessity for the organic. The pain of the primitive life of Earth, is the sole basis of the bliss of the ultimate life in Heaven.

From Mesmeric Revelation

Makes you think about this:

1 Corinthians 2:9

9 But as it is written: “Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him.”

And this from the Midrash:

Future bliss can neither be imagined, explained, nor described. We know nothing of its nature, form, greatness, or beauty, its quantity or quality. This much one should know, the phrase, "the world to come," does not imply that it is a world yet to be called into existence; it exists already, but the phrase is employed to describe the life into which those who are in the present stage of existence will be transposed when they throw off this mortal coil.

Also, consider this from the Gospel of Philip

When the pearl is cast down into the mud, it becomes greatly despised, nor if it is anointed with balsam oil will it become more precious. But it always has value in the eyes of its owner. Compare the Sons of God: wherever they may be, they still have value in the eyes of their Father.

Pearls cast in the mud do not lose their value to the Father. Where are the pearls now? In the clay and mud being molded into something of beauty. How? Experience. The same sun that melts wax also hardens clay. How do we keep clay malleable? Water.

What is my point? The trials of life are experience and a reflecting point for the mind. All of our experiences in this life are for one purpose. To keep us malleable. How do we define this word: able to be hammered or pressed permanently out of shape without breaking or cracking.

How do you deal with Tyranny. Overcome it. How do you deal with false teachers? Overcome them with truth. How do you learn truth? Learn form experience and fight for it.
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New Member
Nov 10, 2013
I was thinking the other day about the mark of the beast. I think this to be the goal of every collectivist on the planet. The goal is to tag each and everyone of us, so as to monitor our comings and goings, our purchases, our communications, and even possibly monitor our physical body itself.

Think how the "mark" could strengthen the state. If it could be used to buy and sell as Revelation tells us, no more cheating on taxes. No more stealing someone's credit card. If it could be used for medical purposes, no more having to give your medical history. Just scan the device and you have all the useful information you need. In fact, I met a lady the other day who carried a flash drive with her medical information on it. She said it helped save her life once because she was unable to give an accurate health history, so they just plugged in the flash drive to find out what they needed to know. But what if a device was also made to monitor such things as blood pressure or blood sugar etc.? It could be seen as a medical necessity, just like health insurance is seen as a necessity today to have. Of course, using it as a GPS is a no brainer. No more running from the law. No more missing persons.

Sometimes I think the prophesy about the mark was put there to buy us time. Statists have to know that they will encounter a large amount of resistance if they try to push this through at this time, mainly due to the prophesy. In a way, it helps explain the move to banish Christianity but embrace Islam around the world. Destroy the Christians and you will decrease the resistance to the mark.

This Vale Of Tears

Indian Papist
Jun 13, 2013
Yes. We are becoming systemized in forming a global economy with centralized controls such as the Eurozone, the World Bank, and the United Nations. All the utilities are there for Biblical prophesy to come alive. We need to stop pretending the Bible and world politics are two separate things. The truth is quite the opposite. The Bible aids us in seeing world events for what they are and to understand the invisible forces behind the raging of the nations. (Psalm 2:1)


New Member
Mar 28, 2013
Western WA
This Vale Of Tears said:
There is not a Christian unacquainted with the fact that to be a Christian is to be involved in a war. Jesus tells us that the heavens suffer violence and the violent take it by force​

[SIZE=medium]Passage you are referring to was badly mistranslated. I heard some language scholar on the radio say that it actually means something like “Kingdom of Heaven moves forward forcefully and by strong men”.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]As for abortion…. (this is going to make you very mad but I have to say it) Catholic church supports it while doing lip service against it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]Catholic church can stop it by excommunicating openly and often rabidly pro-murder of unborn Catholic politicians. Instead they give them communion and make them feel righteous in their own eyes.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]You heard what Pelosi said recently? Something like “As a practicing Catholic I consider it (late term abortion) to be a sacred ground”. If even after statement like that Catholic church does not say or do anything then Catholic church is a co-conspirator in mass murdering of unborn. Does not get more clear then that.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=medium] [/SIZE]


AlephBet - The Strong House of God
Nov 14, 2013
On the Threshold
iticus said:
I was thinking the other day about the mark of the beast. I think this to be the goal of every collectivist on the planet. The goal is to tag each and everyone of us, so as to monitor our comings and goings, our purchases, our communications, and even possibly monitor our physical body itself.

Think how the "mark" could strengthen the state. If it could be used to buy and sell as Revelation tells us, no more cheating on taxes. No more stealing someone's credit card. If it could be used for medical purposes, no more having to give your medical history. Just scan the device and you have all the useful information you need. In fact, I met a lady the other day who carried a flash drive with her medical information on it. She said it helped save her life once because she was unable to give an accurate health history, so they just plugged in the flash drive to find out what they needed to know. But what if a device was also made to monitor such things as blood pressure or blood sugar etc.? It could be seen as a medical necessity, just like health insurance is seen as a necessity today to have. Of course, using it as a GPS is a no brainer. No more running from the law. No more missing persons.

Sometimes I think the prophesy about the mark was put there to buy us time. Statists have to know that they will encounter a large amount of resistance if they try to push this through at this time, mainly due to the prophesy. In a way, it helps explain the move to banish Christianity but embrace Islam around the world. Destroy the Christians and you will decrease the resistance to the mark.
What does the mark symbolize toward the beast of the temple that is sacrificed? What was the function of water for cleansing the altar? What is the animal nature of man and how are we to overcome this nature? Read this from 2 Timothy 3:

2 Timothy 3

3 But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. 2 People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, 4 treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people.

Mark This! The end times will be 'marked' by selfishness. How many markers do you count above? 18. That's 6+6+6.

In Genesis 3, this is the fruit of knowledge. What is our fruit of knowledge? Technology. What is it based on? Carbon, the mark of mankind. 6 protons, 6 electrons and 6 neutrons. The beast system starts with the Petrol Dollar. No nation can buy or sell oil without the mark. The second beast then comes and engages the Cap and Trade system (Carbon Trading), which is code for trading of humans.


New Member
Mar 28, 2013
Western WA
This Vale Of Tears said:
Suhar, you know something? I think God has put you in my life so he can teach me something. I can't wait to find out what it is.
We all need each other. I do not know if you ever reloaded ammo or ever fired a gun but dirty brass is cleaned in the tumbler by rubbing agains other shells.

This is why you should not be unequally yoked also. If one shell has grease on it all others get dirty.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2011
United States
Suhar said:
We all need each other. I do not know if you ever reloaded ammo or ever fired a gun but dirty brass is cleaned in the tumbler by rubbing agains other shells.

This is why you should not be unequally yoked also. If one shell has grease on it all others get dirty.

In response to:

Posted Today, 02:16 AM

"Suhar, you know something? I think God has put you in my life so he can teach me something. I can't wait to find out what it is."


This Vale Of Tears

Indian Papist
Jun 13, 2013
Suhar, the spent brass is cleaned in a tumbler barrel when mixed with walnut shell fragments. They don't clean each other.

FHII. The more you hate me, the more you'll come to love me and pray for me. Same goes for me with Suhar. I believe it with every ounce of my being.


New Member
Mar 28, 2013
Western WA
This Vale Of Tears said:
They don't clean each other.
Sure they do. You just do not want to admit that your shell may need cleaning. You are perfect after all. I know it is "Catholic thing", I have seen it many times.


New Member
Aug 2, 2012
Idaho, USA
This Vale Of Tears said:
Ephesians 6:12
"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,​
against rulers of darkness of this world, against spiritual forces of wickedness in high places."​
There is not a Christian unacquainted with the fact that to be a Christian is to be involved in a war. Jesus tells us that the heavens suffer violence and the violent take it by force and this means that we are to contend mightily in the struggle of good and evil and this is accomplished in many ways. But many Christians still imagine this war to be an event far off from us rather than a desperate battle we are amidst of. They also don't see what's happening in our culture and politics as part of this war. But what's happening in politics and culture is at the very heart of it.

I'll get right to my point in stating my unequivocal belief that the American Left is animated by the demonic realm and can aptly demonstrate a correlation between Democrat party policies and the erosion of our moral culture. Let me give a few examples:

The Welfare State

Birth control

Abortion on demand

The Anti-gun agenda

Same Sex Marriage

Hostility to Religious practice

And of course I could wax loquacious with further examples. I'm not saying that Republicans are the servants of God, because they certainly have their own problems, chief of which is cowardice. But they do tend to stem the tide by promoting lower taxes, personal responsibility, moral standards, and political liberty. We need to wake up to the fact that the spiritual war described astutely in the Bible is revealed in our newspapers, our cable news, and in our culture. We need to be stout to the task of fighting it.
The battle is not displayed in Democrat vs Republican party lines.. Both sides are equally guilty of disregard for God's commands. While the Democrats may be more tolerant of sexual sins, the Republicans are not only tolerant but promote unconcern for the poor and disadvantaged whom we are commanded to care for. The true battleground in in the soul of each one of us. We are called to purity and to kindness, to become like Jesus in character.

Also, interpreting the Bible in the light of local politics results in a very narrow view. There is a whole world beyond our borders where the same struggle for the souls of men is waged under different names and methods.


AlephBet - The Strong House of God
Nov 14, 2013
On the Threshold
day said:
The battle is not displayed in Democrat vs Republican party lines.. Both sides are equally guilty of disregard for God's commands. While the Democrats may be more tolerant of sexual sins, the Republicans are not only tolerant but promote unconcern for the poor and disadvantaged whom we are commanded to care for. The true battleground in in the soul of each one of us. We are called to purity and to kindness, to become like Jesus in character.

Also, interpreting the Bible in the light of local politics results in a very narrow view. There is a whole world beyond our borders where the same struggle for the souls of men is waged under different names and methods.
There scriptures to resolve this and a way to see that is a paradigm shift in understanding. Our job is not to judge what takes place or to fight the problem. Our job is to make peace in our own single domain of life. The wicked will keep on doing wickedly. This is because we are here with them together. It must be this way. The trick here is to speak the truth only, then show the cure. The truth is that we are all sinners. The cure is to rise to new life in this baptism of the Jordan. We are immersed in the waters of life so that we can rise. ALL of us are here in the water. To make peace, we must rise, but not by condemning others. Share the good news and make peace.

Titus 3 gives you the main points.

Why are we here with the wicked? The same reason light cannot be seen. You only see what light hits and we must use this as a reflecting point to know why God is revealing his judgement as just. The judgment has already take place. We are here to see the evidence.

In acts 24, Paul revealed that we would ALL be resurrected in the waters of life (Both righteous and wicked together). He was being accused in front of Felix for his belief of the coming resurrection. As a Pharisee, this was his division with the Sadducees.

Acts 24

[SIZE=.75em]15 and I have the same hope in God as these men themselves have, that there will be a resurrection of both the righteous and the wicked.[/SIZE] [SIZE=.75em]16 So I strive always to keep my conscience clear before God and man.[/SIZE]

What did Enoch say about his prophecy mentioned in Jude 1? Remember, first, what Jude said:

Jude 1

[SIZE=.75em]6 And the angels who did not keep their positions of authority but abandoned their proper dwelling—these he has kept in darkness, bound with everlasting chains for judgment on the great Day.[/SIZE] [SIZE=.75em]7 In a similar way, Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding towns gave themselves up to sexual immorality and perversion. They serve as an example of those who suffer the punishment of eternal fire.[/SIZE]

Enoch said this of those Angels and the righteous who are here now as their Guardian-Redeemers:

1 I The words of the blessing of Enoch, wherewith he blessed the elect and righteous, who will be 2
living in the day of tribulation, when all the wicked and godless are to be removed.

Note what he says: The righteous and wicked MUST be together. Why? To see the godless removed. The Day of the Lord will mark a time when only the righteous will rise again in the waters of life. Isaiah said it here.

Isaiah 26

[SIZE=.75em]19 [/SIZE]But your dead will live, Lord;
their bodies will rise—
let those who dwell in the dust
wake up and shout for joy—
your dew is like the dew of the morning;
the earth will give birth to her dead.

[SIZE=.75em]20 [/SIZE]Go, my people, enter your rooms
and shut the doors behind you;
hide yourselves for a little while
until his wrath has passed by.
[SIZE=.75em]21 [/SIZE]See, the Lord is coming out of his dwelling
to punish the people of the earth for their sins.
The earth will disclose the blood shed on it;
the earth will conceal its slain no longer.

What is the rapture? It is the moment we are changed to receive this blessing. We will rise again and become a part of the New Jerusalem that rises as a bride adorned for the groom.

Why do we make peace? We are trying to win souls from the congregation of the wicked. We are not here to judge them. We are here to witness the judgment and to be a witness by our actions and words. Simply show the truth and do not judge. When we judge, we are the baker. We bake the bread with fire. When we show compassion and live life to make peace, we bear the cup.

The Cup Bearer and the Baker.

1 Corinthians 10

[SIZE=.75em]14 Therefore, my dear friends, flee from idolatry.[/SIZE] [SIZE=.75em]15 I speak to sensible people; judge for yourselves what I say.[/SIZE] [SIZE=.75em]16 Is not the cup of thanksgiving for which we give thanks a participation in the blood of Christ? And is not the bread that we break a participation in the body of Christ?[/SIZE] [SIZE=.75em]17 Because there is one loaf, we, who are many, are one body, for we all share the one loaf.[/SIZE]

Self-righteousness is the same sin as wickedness. Instead, simply be righteous.

See this prophecy of the ones Jesus condemned and the sign of his return.


New Member
Mar 28, 2013
Western WA
[SIZE=medium]The “catholic thing’”. When catholic is confronted with questions about flaws in catholic teachings they do not answer the question. They cannot answer the question. Instead the climb what they perceive a vastly superior mountain of catholic dogma, stand on top and talk down to all them no good unwashed Protestants declaring: “Catholic church does what it does and it is a right thing to do because Catholic church does it. Catholic church cannot be wrong because it is a Catholic church!”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]What they do not realize though is that they created themselves an idol called Catholicism and they are standing on the pile of manure.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]VOT, you come to this forum to show all the heretics and apostates how awesome and superior catholic dogma is. Instead you are doing just downright excellent job in showing all the flaws of Catholic teachings and I am simply trying to help you do what you do best.[/SIZE]


This Vale Of Tears

Indian Papist
Jun 13, 2013
Suhar said:
[SIZE=medium]The “catholic thing’”. When catholic is confronted with questions about flaws in catholic teachings they do not answer the question. They cannot answer the question. Instead the climb what they perceive a vastly superior mountain of catholic dogma, stand on top and talk down to all them no good unwashed Protestants declaring: “Catholic church does what it does and it is a right thing to do because Catholic church does it. Catholic church cannot be wrong because it is a Catholic church!”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]What they do not realize though is that they created themselves an idol called Catholicism and they are standing on the pile of manure.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=medium]VOT, you come to this forum to show all the heretics and apostates how awesome and superior catholic dogma is. Instead you are doing just downright excellent job in showing all the flaws of Catholic teachings and I am simply trying to help you do what you do best.[/SIZE]

You do understand that this thread has nothing to do with Catholic teaching, right?
day said:
The battle is not displayed in Democrat vs Republican party lines.. Both sides are equally guilty of disregard for God's commands. While the Democrats may be more tolerant of sexual sins, the Republicans are not only tolerant but promote unconcern for the poor and disadvantaged whom we are commanded to care for. The true battleground in in the soul of each one of us. We are called to purity and to kindness, to become like Jesus in character.

Also, interpreting the Bible in the light of local politics results in a very narrow view. There is a whole world beyond our borders where the same struggle for the souls of men is waged under different names and methods.
Wow. Everything in this post is so breathtakingly wrong I don't know where to begin.

While the battle doesn't always fall on party lines, there is one party that promotes everything satanic and another flawed party that nonetheless is the only party standing up for personal responsibility and family values.

But your characterization of Republicans tells me you don't have a Christian world view, but a Leftist one. To say that Republicans "promote unconcern for the poor and disadvantaged" indicates a profoundly diseased mindset you have that any opposition to government welfare programs means we should leave the poor and needy out in the cold. Though it's already been proven by a recent study that conservatives give more to charity than leftists do, it's also a deep seated sentiment among conservative Republicans that the primary responsibility for social justice is saddled on individuals, churches, and charities, not government.

You furthermore say, "whom we are commanded to care for" which indicates you have warped and perverted the gospel of Christ to suit the agenda of the demonic Left. Not once in the gospels are we told it's a virtue to take by force from some and give to others and call it "caring for the poor". Nor are we told relegate our personal responsibility to our fellow man to a heartless government bureaucracy. People's whose only "good works" involve stealing from some people to give to others will find themselves lost to hell for eternity because although they are righteous in their own eyes, like the Pharisees, their righteousness is evil in the sight of God.

So no, both parties are not "equally guilty of disregard for God's commands," pursuant to the oft touted axiom that both parties are the same. They aren't. Republicans all voted against Obamacare and all voted against any further bailouts of banks and corporations and in spite of their shortcomings, cowardice chief among them, they are the only party that promotes godly principles. For it is God's will that we be free, prosperous, and independent, not beholden to government, not glibly taking from the earnings of others as an "entitlement". So please, jettison the demonic Leftist views that warp your perceptions of the world and adopt a Christian worldview that sets the world around you in its proper perspective.

I just found another very recent example of how the Left's policies work for the kingdom of Satan by encouraging shacking up rather than marriage. This is a fairly recent discovery on Obamacare. From the article:

"A married couple can get Obamacare subsidies if their income is less than 400 percent above the poverty line. But because the federal poverty level for married couples is less than double the level for individuals, a couple that lives together without getting married can make more money than a married couple, yet still get Obamacare subsidies."


New Member
Mar 28, 2013
Western WA
This Vale Of Tears said:
You do understand that this thread has nothing to do with Catholic teaching, right?
When did it ever matter?

You complain about abortion and belong to organization that, by default, facilitates it.


New Member
Aug 2, 2012
Idaho, USA
This Vale Of Tears said:
While the battle doesn't always fall on party lines, there is one party that promotes everything satanic and another flawed party that nonetheless is the only party standing up for personal responsibility and family values.

But your characterization of Republicans tells me you don't have a Christian world view, but a Leftist one. To say that Republicans "promote unconcern for the poor and disadvantaged" indicates a profoundly diseased mindset you have that any opposition to government welfare programs means we should leave the poor and needy out in the cold.

You furthermore say, "whom we are commanded to care for" which indicates you have warped and perverted the gospel of Christ to suit the agenda of the demonic Left. Not once in the gospels are we told it's a virtue to take by force from some and give to others and call it "caring for the poor". Nor are we told relegate our personal responsibility to our fellow man to a heartless government bureaucracy. People's whose only "good works" involve stealing from some people to give to others will find themselves lost to hell for eternity because although they are righteous in their own eyes, like the Pharisees, their righteousness is evil in the sight of God.

For it is God's will that we be free, prosperous, and independent, not beholden to government, not glibly taking from the earnings of others as an "entitlement".
The poor tend to lack opportunity rather than "personal responsibility".

Your characterization of me is incorrect. I am a pragmatic centrist. The political party I belong to is a new party founded in 2007 by Iraq and Afghan war veterans. It promotes the principles of fiscal responsibility, energy independence, states right to determine their course of action based on local values and needs rather than federal "one size fits all", care to see that every citizen is considered equal particularly when the government must legislate on moral issues, education and scientific advancement, and care for veterans and their family's needs. It is not yet an established party in your and my home state of Idaho - but I am working to change that. You will be hearing about the Modern Whig Party.

The Republican Party has shown itself willing to leave the poor out in the cold. It never addressed the health care problem during the years Bush was in office. It has had plenty of time to offer a better plan than Obamacare but has not put anything forward as an alternative. They simply don't care and their lack of action speaks volumes.

Individuals should do what they can to help others in their communities, but pooling resources is the best way to meet greater needs. Paying taxes to a government that uses some of the money to help its citizens in distress is not "stealing". Corporations and citizens owe something in return to the society that has enabled them to prosper.


New Member
Nov 8, 2007
This Vale Of Tears said:
And of course I could wax loquacious with further examples. I'm not saying that Republicans are the servants of God, because they certainly have their own problems, chief of which is cowardice. But they do tend to stem the tide by promoting lower taxes, personal responsibility, moral standards, and political liberty. We need to wake up to the fact that the spiritual war described astutely in the Bible is revealed in our newspapers, our cable news, and in our culture. We need to be stout to the task of fighting it.

There is much to be said about....the right vs. the left. :D

Colossians 3:1 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.

John 21:6 And He said unto them, Cast the net on the right side of the ship, and ye shall find. They cast therefore, and now they were not able to draw it for the multitude of fishes.

Also consider that the house of Israel eventually migrated to America. Some, including me, see the tribe of Manasseh (meaning...forgetful) as being the specific tribe. Interestingly, the tribe of Manasseh was divided in two.