Spiritualism and Demon Possession

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Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
gullibility does not exclude being prideful

Gullible means believing whatever comes yo way... and some may take pride in that saying, "I believe whatever they tell me to believe and I got lots of pride in being gullible! It's the way to go man! I don't even have to think!"

Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
So it wasn't the Spirit of God the Father Who led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted but it was Jesus's lusts that drew him to Satan the devil?

News flash... YOU are not Jesus and James 1:14 is not a lie although satan tricks some into thinking it is. clueless-doh.gif

Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and part of that mission was to succeed where Adam failed... so Jesus is the only man in the history of mankind that was called by God to go sit under satan's temptations for the purpose of choosing to NOT sin which was the opposite of what Adam did..

James 1:13
Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:

It's the same with Jesus being called to die... His situation is not like ours and yet some lay down and die early thinking they are being like Jesus which is a trick of the devil to kill them

By the same token... some have been tricked by the devil in to thinking that all the trials and temptations they are experiencing is the Lord doing it to them to teach them something... so they just lay down and take it rather than engaging in spiritual warfare and cleaning house by casting the devil out!

2 Peter 1:4
Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.


Active Member
Dec 9, 2023
YOU are not Jesus
I agree, I'm not Jesus. But He did say, a student is not above His Teacher. If they do things to Me they will do it to you My followers.

If I am tempted by the Devil, you will be also. In fact pray to Father in heaven, lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil of the evil one.

For Father led Me to be tempted by him and I don't want you to have to experience that.

1 Jhn 2
6 He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.
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Rella ~ I am a woman

Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2023
United States
I agree, I'm not Jesus. But He did say, a student is not above His Teacher. If they do things to Me they will do it to you My followers.

If I am tempted by the Devil, you will be also. In fact pray to Father in heaven, lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil of the evil one.

For Father led Me to be tempted by him and I don't want you to have to experience that.

1 Jhn 2
6 He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.

Question. From where do you get the wording as
But He did say, a student is not above His Teacher. If they do things to Me they will do it to you My followers.

If I am tempted by the Devil, you will be also. In fact pray to Father in heaven, lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil of the evil one.

For Father led Me to be tempted by him and I don't want you to have to experience that.

I am just curious as I have been in debate over if Jesus was truly tempted or could be tempted or not and if it is written just like that it would bold well for me.



Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Have you ever wondered about the nature of the various interactions on this board?

It appears to me as if the scriptures are copiously used as if they were a chess game where ultimately one desires to trump the other. Scriptures are weaponised to do battle with scripture, not to edify or understand the big mystery we all live in but to get the upper hand at each exchange.
When I say mystery, I mean the Cosmic battle going on behind the scenes and how Jesus has triumphed and will triumph.

The hero of scripture is Jesus, whether in the Old or New Testament. Paul came to this realisation when he says, 'all the promises of God are yes and amen in him' 2.Cor.1:20

We are to learn of him so our wonder deepens, our witness is alive and our hope grows stronger.

Thrashing around the scripture to put the other down and elevate self is none other than a manifestation of an oppressive spirit.

Do you share Jesus with those in your circle of influence? I am certain if ones focus is using the scripture to tell the future, on hammering the other with 'right' doctrine, with majoring on the rituals whatever they may be or the dozen and one other religious things fallen man loves to engage, so when asked for an introduction to the risen and ascended Jesus, the words are scant and thin, then you either don't know him or you have yet to learn the beauty of your Saviour.


Active Member
Dec 9, 2023
Have you ever wondered about the nature of the various interactions on this board?

It appears to me as if the scriptures are copiously used as if they were a chess game where ultimately one desires to trump the other. Scriptures are weaponised to do battle with scripture, not to edify or understand the big mystery we all live in but to get the upper hand at each exchange.
When I say mystery, I mean the Cosmic battle going on behind the scenes and how Jesus has triumphed and will triumph.

The hero of scripture is Jesus, whether in the Old or New Testament. Paul came to this realisation when he says, 'all the promises of God are yes and amen in him' 2.Cor.1:20

We are to learn of him so our wonder deepens, our witness is alive and our hope grows stronger.

Thrashing around the scripture to put the other down and elevate self is none other than a manifestation of an oppressive spirit.

Do you share Jesus with those in your circle of influence? I am certain if ones focus is using the scripture to tell the future, on hammering the other with 'right' doctrine, with majoring on the rituals whatever they may be or the dozen and one other religious things fallen man loves to engage, so when asked for an introduction to the risen and ascended Jesus, the words are scant and thin, then you either don't know him or you have yet to learn the beauty of your Saviour.
Thanks for your words of encouragement and gentle correction. You are right quietthinker.

I think for me it has become a habit, maybe a bad one to debate with fellow followers of Christ. The ego gets in the way preventing me from being humble, loving, kind and a servant of others, the last not the arrogant winner.

I've read it and would preach it, Love one another, because Jesus says it. Greater love has no one than this, that a person lay down their life for others. And, this is how others will know you are My disciple, by the love you have one for the other.

Thanks again
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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
South Florida
United States
Demonic influence is increasing steadily. Not only demonic possession, but oppression and obsession, as well. Demonic oppression is when the demons make your life miserable. One bad thing after another happens for no obvious reason. Someone loses their job, their home, their wife, their car within a short period of time. Demoic obsession is when demons flood your thoughts with distractions like lust, etc. It has been estimated that about 25% of our population suffers from demonic obsession or oppression. Demonic possession is rare, but increasing.

According to Fr. Jocis Syquia—the director of the Office of Exorcism and author of Exorcism: Encounters with the Paranormal and the Occult—lists 10 demonic possession gateways. They are the following:

  1. Occult involvement This includes going to albularyos, faith healers, or mangkukulam, using anting-anting, and calling on spirits through a Ouija board or playing “spirit of the glass.” For example, in the case mentioned earlier, Fr. Syquia found out that all 50 of the schoolchildren he exorcised had psychic powers, because their parents had taken them to albularyos whenever they were sick.
  2. Traumatic experience (sex abuse, physical abuse, etc. Deep-seated emotional wounds, intense negativity, and unforgiveness can make one more susceptible to evil spirits.)
  3. Opening the third eye (certain types of Eastern meditation, etc. This happens when one is born with the ability to see spirits, has their third eye opened, or uses drugs to enter altered states.)
  4. Contamination (victim of occult activities This occurs when one becomes a victim of occult practices—say, if someone hires a mangkukulam to put a curse on you.)
  5. Sinful lifestyle (habitually living in sin vs committing a sin. If one continues to be obstinate about certain sins—especially mortal sins, spirits can attach themselves to one’s body little by little. )
  6. New Age practices (Practitioners of reiki and tarot card reading often say that what they do is harmless, since all they do is read energies. However, the Catholic Church maintains that any practice that has to do with healing or manipulating energies creates openings for demonic attack.)
  7. Unforgiveness (Holding grudges, ongoing resentment, etc.)
  8. False Christian beliefs and practices (Heresies, blasphemies, etc.)
  9. Pornography (73% of women and 98% of men report viewing pornography in the last 6 months!)
  10. Satanism Self explanatory.
'False Christian beliefs and practices (Heresies, blasphemies, etc.)'
Hmm, thats interesting, so I guess you would basically that includes all the Churches of the Reformation it appears...


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States

Question. From where do you get the wording as
But He did say, a student is not above His Teacher. If they do things to Me they will do it to you My followers.

If I am tempted by the Devil, you will be also. In fact pray to Father in heaven, lead us not into temptation but deliver us from the evil of the evil one.

For Father led Me to be tempted by him and I don't want you to have to experience that.

I am just curious as I have been in debate over if Jesus was truly tempted or could be tempted or not and if it is written just like that it would bold well for me.

In Matthew 10:24-25, Jesus is quoted as saying, "A disciple is not above the teacher, nor a servant above his master; it is enough for the disciple to be like his teacher, and the servant like his master." Similarly, in Luke 6:40, He says, "A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher."