Teaching Abstinence only in the classroom

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“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States


New Member
Feb 21, 2014
aspen said:
if we are serious about ending abortion, shouldn't we teach a sex Ed program that works?


Way to go Texas! Makes me even more confident that you guys are the 'deciders' of our country's textbooks used in our classrooms.......
Be careful, we have yet to see how far they are going to take this. Satan always paves the way for evil under the guise of seemingly good intentions. He's been pulling this con game on humanity since the garden of Eden event.


New Member
Dec 6, 2014
The man interviewed is the district superintendent of the school system.

He said:
We do have an abstinence curriculum, and that’s evidently ain’t working,” Rumage told KFOR.

That's evidently ain't working

I believe I've found the problem.

The chief educator cannot speak proper English. How in the world can he convey any intelligent information if he is unable to communicate at a secondary education level.

Needless to say they cannot listen to this drivel coming from a man who only exhibits a primary school ability in English.


New Member
May 10, 2015
Abstinence only Education often does not work without a change in culture. You need to cut off those things that help lead children into sin.

School has abstinence only education. Parent throws co-ed party for 7th graders, and leaves them unsupervised. Parent is not a Christian, and neither are the children.

Those young adults are going to go back to school with stories. They will be sitting in the back corner of the classroom talking about them while your sons and daughters are listening. If your sons and daughters are in their peer group or clicke, they may become peer pressured into something. For teenagers, acceptance and a feeling of belonging to something makes them very


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Man on Fire said:
Abstinence only Education often does not work without a change in culture. You need to cut off those things that help lead children into sin.

School has abstinence only education. Parent throws co-ed party for 7th graders, and leaves them unsupervised. Parent is not a Christian, and neither are the children.

Those young adults are going to go back to school with stories. They will be sitting in the back corner of the classroom talking about them while your sons and daughters are listening. If your sons and daughters are in their peer group or clicke, they may become peer pressured into something. For teenagers, acceptance and a feeling of belonging to something makes them very

If the culture at large is tolerate of teenagers engaging in premarital sex, shouldn't the public school system provide education to help teens not get pregnant? I say yes. Church is the institution that is supposed to be supporting parents and teens who are interested in following Christ; we cannot rely on programs in the public school system to teach morality at the cost of practicality - the danger of unwanted pregnancy and abortion are too great.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
if we are serious about ending abortion, shouldn't we teach a sex Ed program that works?


Way to go Texas! Makes me even more confident that you guys are the 'deciders' of our country's textbooks used in our classrooms.......

The simple truth is, that for people to think their programs against abortion will be effective, I can't agree that they will. The scriptures are very clear that a serious lack of love will prevail in the last days, which we're living in. The reason for this lack of love, is because of the lack of love people have for God and his word. The scriptures are actually all we need to live our lives in such a way that we wouldn't have to worry about things such as abortion and other problems this lack of love for God and his word causes. The problem is the majority of humanity refuse to love God enough to study God's word and put it into practice.

I honestly don't think, that the majority of humanity, who refuses to put God word into practice, because of their lack of love for God, will all of a sudden stop abstaining from sex until they're married. Because of that, this world we're living in, will always have all the problems that come from practicing sexual immorality.

Does that mean there is no one studying God word and putting it into practice? Of course there is. It's just that these people who do put it into practice are a very small minority in comparison to the population of the planet today.

The True God has his arrangement of how he's going to undo everything Satan has done. What is this arrangement? The Messianic kingdom. God's Only Begotten Son Jesus will be king of this Messianic kingdom. There will be those who are bought from humanity(mankind) that will be kings, priests, and judges with Jesus in that Messianic Kingdom.
This Messianic kingdom will be a heavenly kingdom and those who will be kings priests and judges with Jesus in that Messianic Kingdom will rule over the Earth.

Just as there will be those who will be rulers of that Messianic Kingdom, there will be those who will be subjects of that Messianic Kingdom. These subjects are those humans that not only pass through the great tribulation but also Armageddon without dying into the the new earth and those of righteous and unrighteous humanity(Mankind) who will be resurrected in that 1000 year reign that starts after Armageddon.
This Kingdom arrangement is how God is going to destroy the wicked or unrighteous mankind off the planet leaving those he judges righteous. So one day this whole planet we are living on will be filled with righteous humanity(mankind) who God has judged to be worthy to live on paradise earth.
This Messianic Kingdom with Jesus is king is humanity(mankind) only hope.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
I notice that we're seeing no mention of moral teaching beginning in the home.

if it happens, great! I am thinking about the majority of families who never talk about it
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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
The majority of people in these last days, that we're living in are lacking in love toward God so they have no faith that his way works. As long as a person or persons continue to have such lack of love toward God then they will never have faith in his way or in his word and things will continue to go from bad to worst. This is why this wicked world of mankind we're living in is going to be destroyed by God at Armageddon. Most People, including parents don't teach abstinence at home, they instead try to teach safe sex because most people including parents today believe that no matter how much you tell your children to abstain from sex when they're so young, most young people don't abstain, which is why many young children have been known to start having sex at age 13 some maybe younger.
Today many educators have little respect for the Bible. And most churches have failed to inculcate in adults a real sense of moral responsibility. Not only do many clergymen downgrade the Bible; they embrace the ‘new morality’ code.
So I see nothing coming from this wicked world that's truly going to be helpful in regard to abstinence.
It's always been that those who have love for the True God and his word that they act in faith and study Gods word and put it into practice are the ones who will practice abstinence.