The Love of a Father

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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
The majority of us grew up being taught the "hell, fire and brimstone" message to sinners as a way to scare them into salvation. I, myself, feared God's judgment to the point I couldn't imagine what His Love for me really was.

John 3:16 was preached as a way to entice sinners to have hope in a loving God.
16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

This message gave hope to sinners that God loved them so much that He gave His only Son to die for us? That is a loving God! And who wouldn't want to know and feel that kind of love from a Father? RIGHT>>>>>then as soon as you believe on Jesus and accept Him as your Lord and Savior then comes the constant if you will go to hell....if you weren't really saved....if you are a backslider.

Well there goes all that hope in a loving was

Where I was in my Christian walk as a young adult I was obviously never going to make the mark according to what I was taught. The day I cried out to God and said I give up this Christianity thing is too matter how hard I try I always mess up.

And as many of you have already read my testimony, that was the day He spoke to me and opened my eyes to see what a LOVING Father He truly is.

So I am going to try to help some of you be free of condemnation....
As a loving is His job to teach us His ways, to learn how to walk in them and to live upright.
As a loving Father....He will chasten us when we disobey or commit sin.
As a loving Father....He will never stop Loving us no matter how many times we mess up.
As a loving Father....He said He will perform that good work that He begun in us until the coming of Christ Jesus.
As a loving Father....He forgives us our sins when we repent and ask for forgiveness.
As a loving Father....He knows our flesh is weak...and that the spirit wrestles against the flesh daily.
As a loving Father....He gave us Jesus to die for our sins and to cover us with His Blood and to be our righteousness before our Father.

If any of you are parents....can any of you say that you stopped loving your children when they disobeyed you? Did you discipline them when they did wrong and yet you still continued with them as loving parents? Are they still your children even after numerous times of disobeying you?

Why do you expect less from our Heavenly Father? Are we better parents than He is?

When He adopted you into His Kingdom you became His Child and no where does it say He un-adopts us. WE are Born again of His Spirit....we are BORN again as a child of God. Not of the flesh but of the spirit.

Our Father grieves because people do not know about His Love....they do not know Him as Father....they don't even know how to have a relationship with Him.

I pray that the Holy Spirit will open eyes on this forum to see that they can have a life of joy and peace knowing that they have a loving Father who has set us free from condemnation and guilt and shame....those are from Satan...If you continue to seek Him you will find Him and you will overcome all that so easily besets you because He promises to carry us through to the end.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
If you continue to seek Him you will find Him and you will overcome all that so easily besets you because He promises to carry us through to the end.

I had brought a note today to remind me to post:

We don't attract God's love. and Christian love is not drawn by it's object.

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
then comes the constant if you will go to hell....if you weren't really saved....if you are a backslider.
Having already given us everything, Himself giving His life to save us, calling us back to Him in love,

and now we're going to say that He's sifting through us, trying to find even One Good Son to keep!

The point is, He already did that, electing Jesus, and we in Him.

So much love!


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
Having already given us everything, Himself giving His life to save us, calling us back to Him in love,

and now we're going to say that He's sifting through us, trying to find even One Good Son to keep!

The point is, He already did that, electing Jesus, and we in Him.

So much love!
It took me most of my life to truly understand my righteousness is of Him....I am righteous in my Father's eyes because He sees me through the cleansing blood of Jesus.
There is none not one...of their own abilities, anyway.....there is only one way we become righteous and that is through Jesus.
It's time children of God begin to act like His children and treat Him as a Father! Amen!
He is my Abba/Father....and I love Him so much.
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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
Psalm 139 was key in opening my eyes to how attentive He is to me.
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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
Having already given us everything, Himself giving His life to save us, calling us back to Him in love,

and now we're going to say that He's sifting through us, trying to find even One Good Son to keep!

The point is, He already did that, electing Jesus, and we in Him.

So much love!
I cringe at some of these threads that suggest a Christian can never sin if they are truly born again....if they do then they didn't get saved.....that lie is straight from satan.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
Psalm 139 was key in opening my eyes to how attentive He is to me.
Here's a hymn by G V Wigram:

'What raised the wondrous thought,
Or who did it suggest,
That blood-bought saints to glory brought
Should with the Son be blessed?

Father, the thought was Thine,
And Thine alone could be,
Fruit of the wisdom, love divine
Peculiar unto Thee.'
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
I cringe at some of these threads that suggest a Christian can never sin if they are truly born again....if they do then they didn't get saved.....that lie is straight from satan.
It destroys faith. It steals joy. And it is resoundingly denied by Scripture.

God came to free us from sin. And He does just that. Those who declare they never sin . . . I see what I see, and I don't believe those claims. It seems everyone I've discussed this with to believes that way, it always goes pretty much the same way. Certain parts of the Bible have to remain unexplained, or their meaning overturned into something else, often exactly opposite from what the text actually says.

Or there is definition of sin used that makes exception.

I wonder who is there among us who can say with absolute certainty, I know every sin I commit, I never hide anything from myself, and I know as a FACT that I never commit any sin!

And without that certainty . . . your confidence in God will be as great as your confidence in your own sinlessness. My confidence is in God's love proven on the cross.

I've been accused of being proud of my sin for simply admitting to it. My boast is that I know my Creator, and, it's NOT been whether I've stopped all sins or not that has convinced me I know Him. There is much more than that.

God can stop us from sinning any time He wants, by His sanctifying work. He did it with me in a moment, but for a limited time, there was a reason. That experience showed me something amazing and wonderful, but what I've learned since then is even more amazing and wonderful!

We can walk in that life by faith. It was, I believe, a gift of faith. But I've learned that God has given His children this faith.

This notion, that if you are a true believer, you will never sin, and if you ever do, you aren't, or, God may select you for a "higher walk", but you can't get there on your own with what you have now,


I can say with complete certainty that the faith with which we trusted in Jesus, which God accounted to us for righteousness, that very same faith, if we will only trust Him in this way, allows us to overcome our flesh in any situation.

Of course . . . we need to be trained. And that's what our loving Father is doing with us, training us to trust Him, and showing us how to love.

Faith expressing itself in love.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
It took me most of my life to truly understand my righteousness is of Him....I am righteous in my Father's eyes because He sees me through the cleansing blood of Jesus.
There is none not one...of their own abilities, anyway.....there is only one way we become righteous and that is through Jesus.
It's time children of God begin to act like His children and treat Him as a Father! Amen!
He is my Abba/Father....and I love Him so much.
I believe the truth of the matter is better still.

I believe we have been born from Him, and the person we are now is not the same person who was born of Adam, the sinner. So when God looks at us, He sees His beloved child who is righteous and holy, and He sees the flesh child of Adam with whom we war, and He loves us. And when we see our weaknesses, He has already seen them, and He loves us, and He teaches us to live in His strength.

And this notion that if we commit a sin we aren't born again, or the notion that if we commit a sin, that this separates us from God, or "breaks our fellowship with God" (consider the implications!), these only push us away from God by fear and guilt and shame.

And then there's the pride, the arrogance I see in these claims! I think anyone who thinks they never sin as low self-awareness.

OK . . . off that part . . . back to love . . .

Not that we loved Him, but that He first loved us

Even while we were enemies

Having been reconciled by His death, how much more will we be saved by His life!

That's something I wish everyone could take hold of. Even while we were His enemies, God reconciled us to Him.

Even before we repented . . . even before we were born . . . God stopped holding our sins against us.

That's much love!
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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
I believe the truth of the matter is better still.

I believe we have been born from Him, and the person we are now is not the same person who was born of Adam, the sinner. So when God looks at us, He sees His beloved child who is righteous and holy, and He sees the flesh child of Adam with whom we war, and He loves us. And when we see our weaknesses, He has already seen them, and He loves us, and He teaches us to live in His strength.

And this notion that if we commit a sin we aren't born again, or the notion that if we commit a sin, that this separates us from God, or "breaks our fellowship with God" (consider the implications!), these only push us away from God by fear and guilt and shame.

And then there's the pride, the arrogance I see in these claims! I think anyone who thinks they never sin as low self-awareness.

OK . . . off that part . . . back to love . . .

Not that we loved Him, but that He first loved us

Even while we were enemies

Having been reconciled by His death, how much more will we be saved by His life!

That's something I wish everyone could take hold of. Even while we were His enemies, God reconciled us to Him.

Even before we repented . . . even before we were born . . . God stopped holding our sins against us.

That's much love!
Amen! Are you a preacher? You have a gift for it...or teaching! I wish I could have had a pastor that taught this when I was growing up...I believe I would have grown spiritually much faster than I did.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Amen! Are you a preacher? You have a gift for it...or teaching! I wish I could have had a pastor that taught this when I was growing up...I believe I would have grown spiritually much faster than I did.
I wish I had learned these things before I had squandered the strength of my youth!

I just enjoy sharing what I've learned that has been a blessing to me.

Much love!


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
I wish I had learned these things before I had squandered the strength of my youth!

I just enjoy sharing what I've learned that has been a blessing to me.

Much love!
And I enjoy reading what you share! It really edifies and uplifts me, which is what we should be doing for each other!
God Bless!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
So when God looks at us, He sees His beloved child who is righteous and holy, and He sees the flesh child of Adam with whom we war, and He loves us.

I don't think I can overstress the importance of understanding this part.

So many talk of God "seeing us through Jesus colored glasses", but that denies the reality of our new creation. It leads us to think that we have to somehow become that new creation, because we aren't now, because God has to play Let's Pretend, or He'd burn us.

Somehow we know when we're lying to ourselves, or telling ourself something we really don't actually believe. It's the scandal of grace, even in our own eyes! How can God be forgiving me already of the sin I'm committing right now? Get your mind around that one, and that is the power to stop those sins.

To know that nothing will ever separate me from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus, nothing!! Not now, not ever, I may commit a sin that I wish myself dead, yet this doesn't separate me from my loving Father for a moment!

In disbelief we turn away, and then blame God, "I have to become reconciled again!" Lay that at His feet? He reconciled us to Himself already. The pride of man who knows better than God.

Without holiness no one will see God. See! There it is! they will say. Pride, "we have to become holy", or love from God, the new man created according to God in righteousness and true holiness.

Either God has made us holy, or, well, we must think we're going to get there on our own?

Obviously this topic gets me going!


Much love!
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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
I don't think I can overstress the importance of understanding this part.

So many talk of God "seeing us through Jesus colored glasses", but that denies the reality of our new creation. It leads us to think that we have to somehow become that new creation, because we aren't now, because God has to play Let's Pretend, or He'd burn us.

Somehow we know when we're lying to ourselves, or telling ourself something we really don't actually believe. It's the scandal of grace, even in our own eyes! How can God be forgiving me already of the sin I'm committing right now? Get your mind around that one, and that is the power to stop those sins.

To know that nothing will ever separate me from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus, nothing!! Not now, not ever, I may commit a sin that I wish myself dead, yet this doesn't separate me from my loving Father for a moment!

In disbelief we turn away, and then blame God, "I have to become reconciled again!" Lay that at His feet? He reconciled us to Himself already. The pride of man who knows better than God.

Without holiness no one will see God. See! There it is! they will say. Pride, "we have to become holy", or love from God, the new man created according to God in righteousness and true holiness.

Either God has made us holy, or, well, we must think we're going to get there on our own?

Obviously this topic gets me going!


Much love!
I totally agree! And it was my Father who had compassion on me to free me from the lies from religious doctrines..He saw my anguish as I realized I would never be a perfect Christian...and His Love for me moved Him to speak to me and introduce Himself as my
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Well-Known Member
Dec 6, 2018
United States
I don't think I can overstress the importance of understanding this part.

So many talk of God "seeing us through Jesus colored glasses", but that denies the reality of our new creation. It leads us to think that we have to somehow become that new creation, because we aren't now, because God has to play Let's Pretend, or He'd burn us.

Somehow we know when we're lying to ourselves, or telling ourself something we really don't actually believe. It's the scandal of grace, even in our own eyes! How can God be forgiving me already of the sin I'm committing right now? Get your mind around that one, and that is the power to stop those sins.

To know that nothing will ever separate me from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus, nothing!! Not now, not ever, I may commit a sin that I wish myself dead, yet this doesn't separate me from my loving Father for a moment!

In disbelief we turn away, and then blame God, "I have to become reconciled again!" Lay that at His feet? He reconciled us to Himself already. The pride of man who knows better than God.

Without holiness no one will see God. See! There it is! they will say. Pride, "we have to become holy", or love from God, the new man created according to God in righteousness and true holiness.

Either God has made us holy, or, well, we must think we're going to get there on our own?

Obviously this topic gets me going!


Much love!

Blessings in Chris Jesus! Marks, pay the false teachers no mind, they have their reward. I have known since I first read your words that I would see you at the wedding feast of The Lamb, as well as Heart2Soul. There is nothing that can seperate us from the love of God. And in this we can all rejoice. Again I say rejoice!