The Plan of the Ages - Excerpt from J. Preston Eby

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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States

Upon your table today there is or should be a book we call the Bible. This book alone reveals God's secret plan of the ages. It unfolds with unerring accuracy the mysteries of ages in the dim and misty past and points with unerring finger to the purpose of countless eons yet to come. The Christian Church as we know it has been living in a fool's paradise, propounding pet doctrines, ranting and raving about an endless eternity with golden streets and harps and white nightgowns for some and crackling, searing, tormenting flames for others, but almost completely overlooking God's wonderful PLAN OF THE AGES.​
Paul writes of this plan of the ages in Eph. 3:8-11. "Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints, is this grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ; and make all to see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world has been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ: to the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the Church the manifold wisdom of God, according to the eternal purpose which He purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord." The word translated "eternal" in the phrase "eternal purpose" is the Greek word AIONON which means "ages." Young's Literal Translation reads, "And to cause all to see what is the fellowship of the secret that has been hid FROM THE AGES in God, who the all things did create by Jesus Christ, that there might be made known now to the principalities and authorities in the heavenly places, through the assembly, the manifold wisdom of God, according to A PURPOSE OF THE AGES, which He made in Christ Jesus our Lord." The Diaglott renders verse 11 thus, "According to A PLAN OF THE AGES, which He formed for the Anointed Jesus our Lord," and Rotherham says, "According to A PLAN OF THE AGES which He made in the anointed Jesus our Lord. "​


God made, planned, and determined the destiny of all the ages by Jesus Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ is the Creator of this universe, and time and space, and there is purpose to it all. Abroad today is the idiotic notion that the universe is running at breakneck speed through time and space like a car that has lost the driver. The interesting thing is that when a car loses the driver there is a wreck, but this universe, even according to the scientists, has been running millions of years, and it has been doing pretty well, by the way. The sun comes up at a certain time every morning; it is very precise. The moon stays in a predictable orbit. As one of the men who works on the moon modules says, all they have to do is aim, and the moon will be there when the module gets there. This is not a mad universe in which you and I live. It has purpose, and the Lord Jesus Christ is the One who gives it purpose. HE is the architect and sovereign Lord of the ages. He FORMED THE AGES and appointed what should be done in each of them. I must, therefore, with utmost force impress upon all who read these lines that, if we are to comprehend God's great plan for the ages, we must raise our eyes far above the engulfing muck and sucking quicksand of Babylonish Church tradition handed down to us by the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth to keep God's people in bondage to eternal hopelessness. God has a plan of the ages! It was conceived by the omnipotent and omniscient Christ of God, the Creator and Redeemer of the world. Its successful conclusion is as sure and unfailing as God Himself is sure and unfailing. God never "flits" from one thing to another. He does not begin one work and then tiring of it, drop it and start another. He does not create what He cannot control. He is not the proverbial mad scientist who creates an UNCONTROLLABLE monster. The prophet Isaiah gives us the words of God wherein God declares, "I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure" (Isa. 46:9-10). God's purpose is so unalterable, so fixed, so certain that He could declare from the very beginning just what the end would be, and that end will come to pass in just exactly that way.​

For many years now multitudes of preachers and people in the Churches would have us believe that God has been in this great work of the ages for the short period of about 6,000 years. They tell us that in this day God is about to become so disgusted with the whole mess that He is going to close it down, take a few saints away to some far off heaven somewhere, and give up on the rest of the creation, the work of His love. What a WEAK God some folk have and worship! They worship a God who CHANGES, one who in the beginning did start out to bring about a glorious end, but somewhere along the line lost control of the situation and has now thrown up His hands in despair and decided to destroy the whole thing and be satisfied with a little handful for Himself for all eternity. What great pity I feel for such people and for the god they serve! For this is going to put their god in the unenviable position of being filled with regret throughout all eternity because He was not able to carry out His purpose, and He will have to always remember that over in the hell He created is the vast majority of His creation suffering the tortures of the damned for ever and ever. What a prospect for God and His creation! If God knew in the beginning that it would turn out like this and included eternal damnation in His creative plans, then why did He create the world in the first place? Better to have forgotten the whole creation in the beginning! And if God DID NOT know this from the beginning, THEN HE IS NOT GOD.​


From the same author:

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How we thank God that He sent one Man into this world who did know the way hack to the Father! This Man knew how to order His own steps, and also how to order our steps, when we could not direct them ourselves. We can see it so plainly in a little child. Even after the child learns...

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"I will draw all men unto me." - Excerpt from J. Preston Eby

It is a strange theory that obsesses men that the human will is greater in power than God, and that, no matter what the will of God is for His creatures, man is able finally to wreck it. It is a curious hypothesis that states that although the Holy Spirit seeks to woo all men to Christ, since...

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Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
PRESTON EBY said: "For many years now multitudes of preachers and people in the Churches would have us believe that God has been in this great work of the ages for the short period of about 6,000 years. They tell us that in this day God is about to become so disgusted with the whole mess that He is going to close it down, take a few saints away to some far off heaven somewhere, and give up on the rest of the creation, the work of His love. What a WEAK God some folk have and worship! They worship a God who CHANGES, one who in the beginning did start out to bring about a glorious end, but somewhere along the line lost control of the situation and has now thrown up His hands in despair and decided to destroy the whole thing and be satisfied with a little handful for Himself for all eternity."

Wow, so wrong on many points. Let me address some of them.

1. Well, I am a YEC. But ther are many who believe the earth is 4.5 billions years old - but they have a problem with harmonizing that with Genesis.
2. Disgusted? Well, He is slow to anger. An example of his disrupt would be vomiting the Laodocians out-of his mouth * figuratively speaking). He hates certain behavior. But specifically, His anger and judgment will come upon the world - the words describing this event is Great Tribulatiin, destruction, fire, earthquakes, pestilence, death and WRATH.
3. Close it down? Well, His plan for mankind is to understand good and evil, reconcile with Him, but did not intend for the world to continue on with SIN in it, nor that man should struggle with sin for eons without end. So, He will put down sin and evil.
4. Take a few Saints ...? There are currently 2.7 billion Christians and likely a billion+ faithful believers who have died in the past.
5. Weak God? He is omnipotent! Judgment upon a sinful world requires strength. He is not just loving, He is just and sin needs to be judged. He does not desire that any would perish which implies that He does not force mankind to love and obey Him, He gives us a choice that has consequences. We are responsible for the crimes we have committed.
6. They worship a God who changes? Absolutely not. His plan is perfect and right on schedule.,
7. Lost control? No, He is sovereign.
8 Has God thrown up His hands in despair? Wow, this guy has a distorted concept of Christianity. It is twisted, convoluted and idiotic.

>> Preston Eby is wrong! Don't listen to him. TRASH


Active Member
Jan 21, 2020
United States
PRESTON EBY said: "For many years now multitudes of preachers and people in the Churches would have us believe that God has been in this great work of the ages for the short period of about 6,000 years. They tell us that in this day God is about to become so disgusted with the whole mess that He is going to close it down, take a few saints away to some far off heaven somewhere, and give up on the rest of the creation, the work of His love. What a WEAK God some folk have and worship! They worship a God who CHANGES, one who in the beginning did start out to bring about a glorious end, but somewhere along the line lost control of the situation and has now thrown up His hands in despair and decided to destroy the whole thing and be satisfied with a little handful for Himself for all eternity."
This guy is wrong concerning the 6,000 years of this current earth and heaven age.
But he isn't wrong concerning that which occurred before Adam and Eve from the dust of the ground.
God wasn't disgusted! He was however heartbroken concerning the attempted overthrow of His Throne by that old dragon!
So? The guy isn't wrong! Just has misinterpreted some things!

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Ronald David Bruno said:
4. Take a few Saints ...? There are currently 2.7 billion Christians and likely a billion+ faithful believers who have died in the past.
Do you have a citation and source for these statistics? Thanks.
Okay. That was easy enough to find.
The point of "Take a few Saints" is about the percentage of "saved" compared to the world population.

Current world population is about 8 billion. (+those who have died in the past)

The 2.7 billion as the number Christians seems rather inflated, (includes anything nominally Christian)
Look at these percentages. (2010)

Top 3 Largest National Christian Populations​

About half of all Christians live in just 10 countries. In 2010, the top three populations were the United States, Brazil, and Mexico:
  • United States: 246,780,000 (78% of the Population in 2010).
  • Brazil: 175,770,000 (90% of the Population in 2010).
  • Mexico: 107,780,000 (95% of the Population in 2010).

Note that 78% of the American population is considered Christian.
Do any Americans here feel that they are living in a predominantly Christian nation?
Brazil is listed as 90% and Mexico listed as 95% Christian?
Seems like a joke, right?

/ cc: @Hillsage

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
This guy is wrong concerning the 6,000 years of this current earth and heaven age.
The 6,000 years is attributed to "multitudes of preachers and people in the Churches". Quote below.

PRESTON EBY said: "For many years now multitudes of preachers and people in the Churches would have us believe that God has been in this great work of the ages for the short period of about 6,000 years. ..."


Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Ronald David Bruno said:
4. Take a few Saints ...? There are currently 2.7 billion Christians and likely a billion+ faithful believers who have died in the past.

Okay. That was easy enough to find.
The point of "Take a few Saints" is about the percentage of "saved" compared to the world population.

Current world population is about 8 billion. (+those who have died in the past)

The 2.7 billion as the number Christians seems rather inflated, (includes anything nominally Christian)
Look at these percentages. (2010)

Top 3 Largest National Christian Populations​

About half of all Christians live in just 10 countries. In 2010, the top three populations were the United States, Brazil, and Mexico:
  • United States: 246,780,000 (78% of the Population in 2010).
  • Brazil: 175,770,000 (90% of the Population in 2010).
  • Mexico: 107,780,000 (95% of the Population in 2010).

Note that 78% of the American population is considered Christian.
Do any Americans here feel that they are living in a predominantly Christian nation?
Brazil is listed as 90% and Mexico listed as 95% Christian?
Seems like a joke, right?

/ cc: @Hillsage
I think the percentage of Christians in America is much less than in her beginnings, but the numbers are obviously higher. I'd say there maybe 50% now, but I really don't know what is in a person's heart unless I personally know them well. Are they reading their Bibles, hungry for the Word, going to or active in Church or have they gone for decades and just now have lost the interest for congregating, learned enough... so pray and commune online? I don't know. I do think the 1/3 remnant of the world is His plan and it seems to he right there.
In the beginning, you had 100% believing, Adam and Eve, their children ( probably hundreds?), but then they slipped away. After hundreds of years, most of them lose faith and go their own ways. After 1656 years, only eight believers were left. All former believers in God , who were faithful had passed away. Enoch was taken up, he was faithful, so there were still faithful people through the centuries up to the Flood, just that last generation saw only a few, everyone else was wicked and evil all the time.
And so Noah's children and their wives started repopulating again. After hundreds of years, the families spread out, some remained faithful and but most drifted. So a couple hundred years after the Flood God called Abram to start a nation, directed him away to a distant land and so the story goes. The Israelites were a faithful nation, then drifted became sinful, was punished, came back, drifted, chastised again, came back again ... it is the story of mankind. But since Christ, I believe the true believer never really drifts entirely, just maybe backsides, but eventually comes full circle, God goes and gets that one sheep who strayed from the flock and brings him back.


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2024
United States
I've never heard of Eby, but here is his Kingdom Bible Studies website for those who are so inclined:

As we see right here on these forums, the woods are full of those who purport to have some unique understanding of what it's all about. It's one of things the Protestant Reformation and the fantasy of Sola Scriptura has unleashed - my Christianity, your Christianity, his Christianity, their Christianity, some internet forum character's Christianity. Utter confusion. We at The Church of What O'Darby Believes tend to think the Real Christianity in terms of theology is that of the Eastern Orthodox Church - which, as it asserts, has maintained an unbroken chain of faith and tradition since Apostolic times. That, to me, should be the starting point, which Pastor O'Darby then whittles down to roughly 100 words because his cult-like little flock is Rather Stoopid.

This is why the fussin', feudin' and preachin' at forums such as this should be viewed as one huge Monty Python skit. Interesting and perhaps fun, but at the deepest level fundamentally absurd.
  • Haha
Reactions: St. SteVen

Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
II've never heard of Eby, but here is his Kingdom Bible Studies website for those who are so inclined:

As we see right here on these forums, the woods are full of those who purport to have some unique understanding of what it's all about. It's one of things the Protestant Reformation and the fantasy of Sola Scriptura has unleashed - my Christianity, your Christianity, his Christianity, their Christianity, some internet forum character's Christianity. Utter confusion. We at The Church of What O'Darby Believes tend to think the Real Christianity in terms of theology is that of the Eastern Orthodox Church - which, as it asserts, has maintained an unbroken chain of faith and tradition since Apostolic times. That, to me, should be the starting point, which Pastor O'Darby then whittles down to roughly 100 words because his cult-like little flock is Rather Stoopid.

This is why the fussin', feudin' and preachin' at forums such as this should be viewed as one huge Monty Python skit. Interesting and perhaps fun, but at the deepest level fundamentally absurd.
If I thought this forum was on the deepest level filled with fundamentally flawed people, I would not be a member. >>So if you think we are all screwed up with our theology, why do you painfully submit yourself to such absurdity on a daily basis? Why not just take a stroll down to your local Orthodox Church for some good preachin?
I don't know anyone in this forum who is an ordained minister with Masters and/or PhD credentials in theology. We are just all layman. Real ordained Pastors don't have time for the internet, they are too busy with caring for their congregations, a full time job. Although I think there is one guy who calls himself Chaplain? Another one who has a podcast set who thinks he's a Pastor.
I went to a mega church with 3000 members for 12 years . The Pastor and associate Pastors all had degrees and were too busy to go on line. My Pastor even refused to join the modern world and get a computer. He valued personal, fae to face relationships. I think you really have to meet face to face, break bread, spend time with Christians to really get to know them and love them. Anyways, this is not a "church", not even informally, so I don't hear any preaching. We just share, discuss and/or debate. Iron sharpens iron.
You said: "the woods are full of those who purport to have some unique understanding of what it's all about. It's one of things the Protestant Reformation and the fantasy of Sola Scriptura has unleashed - my Christianity, your Christianity, ..."
The Body of Christ is filled with all denominations, Protestant and Catholic, non- denominational Christians with obviously varied levels of understanding, some strong in some doctrines and weak in others and many of us confused (in some areas) of the whole truth about God and the Bible. We have blurry vision, the Bibles states that we do. We see in part. And so as an organism has billions of cells, with each not having exactly the same function and purpose; but together they work together. The hand doesn't point to the foot and say, "You are not doing it right, you need to function and act like me". The hand doesn't pick up a hammer and smash it's own foot nor does the hand say, "You know _ the rest of the parts of this body are fundamentally flawed and absurd and just don't know what they are doing, so I think I'll just hack myself off and join to another body."

BTW, I read your testimony. That was some divine appointment for sure in your dorm room that day. The book of John is the book they recommend for unbelievers. Yes, God let you know that you are one of His sheep. He does measure out different levels of faith in accordance to His purpose though. You thought you did not fit in or have sufficient faith to follow through with seminary. It is hard to ask the question, "What if I continued and became a minister?" It did 't happen so we must assume it wasn't God's will. Maybe it was His will to have a few honest lawyers out there, since many of them get corrupted. I was in car sales for a very brief time and I remember some statistic that claimed used car salesmen scored #2 as having the worst integrity next to #1, lawyers. Anyways, your testimony along with the op-ed articles in your blog as well were interesting ... and revealing in several ways as to why God did not lead you to be a minister.
Last edited:

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
I think the percentage of Christians in America is much less than in her beginnings, but the numbers are obviously higher. I'd say there maybe 50% now, but I really don't know what is in a person's heart unless I personally know them well. Are they reading their Bibles, hungry for the Word, going to or active in Church or have they gone for decades and just now have lost the interest for congregating, learned enough... so pray and commune online? I don't know. I do think the 1/3 remnant of the world is His plan and it seems to he right there.
In the beginning, you had 100% believing, Adam and Eve, their children ( probably hundreds?), but then they slipped away. After hundreds of years, most of them lose faith and go their own ways. After 1656 years, only eight believers were left. All former believers in God , who were faithful had passed away. Enoch was taken up, he was faithful, so there were still faithful people through the centuries up to the Flood, just that last generation saw only a few, everyone else was wicked and evil all the time.
And so Noah's children and their wives started repopulating again. After hundreds of years, the families spread out, some remained faithful and but most drifted. So a couple hundred years after the Flood God called Abram to start a nation, directed him away to a distant land and so the story goes. The Israelites were a faithful nation, then drifted became sinful, was punished, came back, drifted, chastised again, came back again ... it is the story of mankind. But since Christ, I believe the true believer never really drifts entirely, just maybe backsides, but eventually comes full circle, God goes and gets that one sheep who strayed from the flock and brings him back.
Thanks for your reply. What do you make of this? (scripture below)
Eby said "few", correct? (quoting "multitudes of preachers and people in the Churches")

Matthew 7:13-14 NIV
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and
broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.
14 But small is the gate and narrow the road
that leads to life, and only a few find it.


Ronald David Bruno

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2020
United States
Thanks for your reply. What do you make of this? (scripture below)
Eby said "few", correct? (quoting "multitudes of preachers and people in the Churches")

Matthew 7:13-14 NIV
“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and
broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.
14 But small is the gate and narrow the road
that leads to life, and only a few find it.

I think 1/3 of an opening is considered narrow. Some like the JW's think the gate is 1/900 - lol, that is pretty narrow thinking. God is much more merciful than that.