The Puzzle

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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
The bible could be seen as an incoherent mess...with statements flying about in no particular order...with even blatant contradictory statements. Many claim to understand the depth of the word...but these overclaim their ability by simply leaving out or ignoring the verses that contradict their theories.
No, the bible is set out like a gigantic puzzle...the pieces of which are strewn about pell mell throughout the 66 books that make up the whole written counsel of God.

It is up to us to put it into a whole picture...a whole LIVING picture...that shows Christ to the world. If we get it wrong we are presenting something other than Christ to the world.

As with any puzzle the pieces should fit in without any force on our part. We should never try to force the pieces into something we think is right. There is no human tradition that can be counted on. What we need to see is Christ. What the world needs to see is a living way. So then our doctrines must fit together effortlessly to reveal the truth and in order to show the world the salvation of God.

How do we know when the picture is full and complete? There is revival!


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
There is a very good movie called "Contact" which is really about faith. It stars Jodie Foster. This is a Holywood movie so don't expect all the themes to be proper.

But there is a part where an alien civilization sends a puzzle of sorts. It is the design of a machine that once built provides access to a way of visitation.

The problem is that no one understands the key to solving it. There are many attempts to do so. But then a certain man is able to fit the pieces together using a 3d model.

I think the bible is like that. People are trying to put together a picture on the plane of human understanding. And it doesn't work.

The bible testifies of something living. There are actually 4 dimensions to it...including the spiritual plane.

The bible picture is something spiritual and living. The worse thing that can happen is not failure to put the pieces together....but to render a false image of what the bible is describing. That is why Jesus was so upset with the religious "professionals" of His time.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
The church could also be seen as a puzzle. We are as many living stones that need to fit perfectly with one another to form an edifice to the glory of God.

But do we really fit together? Who will discover how that works?

I know a certain older brother with lots of experience..who is very difficult in his judgment of others. If the slightest thing is off...he walks away. He somehow expects the brethren to be perfect...or at least just like him. Is that right?

I presented him (my friend) with an author who has astounding comprehension in certain fields of understanding the world in which we live from a standpoint of the revelation of Christ. When he discovered that the author believed in a kind of universalism (which neither of us believe in) he was unable to get ANYTHING from that author. He had written him off in totality.

When we judge one another in this way there is no connection possible. People are really just looking for themselves in others. An arm is looking for another arm...a foot is looking for another foot (but only left with left and right with right)...but who can discern the body.

As an illustration to how we can fit together...I have this keyboard player friend (I am a musical kind of person) who goes overboard with technical sounding things. He contributes to my songs by sending me a dozen tracks or so of keyboard mania. I sift through it and put various parts up and others down so as to fit the song. The end product is far less mania and much more a full support of the song idea.

Do I judge the keyboardist as an overkill player? Or do I appreciate the gifting in this person and add his contributions (after editing) to the mix? Or do I reject him as a stand alone player who overplays?

The same goes for the church. The church is a living structure whereby ALL are meant to contribute. No one needs to be FULLY accepted in everything they say or do. But each has a part to play.

The question is who is doing the producing? Should the end result not look like Jesus Christ?
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