The Words; Faith, Trust, and Believe

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New Member
Jan 23, 2008
Southeast USA
Some people have the idea in their minds that faith is a tangible thing and that if they can get it they will be able to do all things. However, a close look at the word faith and the associated words, Trust and Believe, show that faith is intangible. A close look at these words in the dictionary is a worthwhile effort.Dictionary;faith = (noun) 1. unquestioning ""belief."" 2. anything ""believed."" 3. complete ""trust,"" ""confidence,"" or ""reliance"": as children usually have ""faith"" in their parentstrust = (noun) 1. firm ""belief"" or ""confidence"" in the honesty, integrity, reliability, justice, etc. of another person or thing; ""faith""; reliance. 2. to be ""confident.""believe = (v.t.) 1. to take as true, real, etc. 2. to have ""confidence"" in a statement or promise of (another person). 3. to suppose; expect; assume.believe = (v.i.) 1. to have ""trust"" or ""confidence"": as, he ""believes"" in you. 2. to have ""faith,"" especially religious faith. 3. to hold views or opinions.believe in = to have confidence in the truth, existence, efficacy, etc. of: as, he didn't believe in fairies."believe in" is an ACTION.It seems that the words ""faith"" and ""trust"" are used to describe each other. They mean the same thing.Believing is a mental action that a person takes based on what they perceive to be a truth. 1. I believed John when he said he would be here today. 2. I believed it would rain because the weatherman said it would.Fact: Anyone can believe in anything if they perceive it to be true. Many believe (trust) in themselves. Few will deny themselves (stop trusting in themselves [their works]) and have faith (trust) in the Lord and His ability to save and keep those that trust in Him.Many say they believe and trust in Jesus but when it comes down to it they don't. If they did they would know He can not only save them but also keep them saved. Those that trust in the Lord have confidence in Him. As the scriptures say "those that trust in Him will never be put to shame."Richard


New Member
Dec 11, 2006
Some people have the idea in their minds that faith is a tangible thing and that if they can get it they will be able to do all things. However, a close look at the word faith and the associated words, Trust and Believe, show that faith is intangible. A close look at these words in the dictionary is a worthwhile effort.Dictionary;faith = (noun) 1. unquestioning ""belief."" 2. anything ""believed."" 3. complete ""trust,"" ""confidence,"" or ""reliance"": as children usually have ""faith"" in their parentstrust = (noun) 1. firm ""belief"" or ""confidence"" in the honesty, integrity, reliability, justice, etc. of another person or thing; ""faith""; reliance. 2. to be ""confident.""believe = (v.t.) 1. to take as true, real, etc. 2. to have ""confidence"" in a statement or promise of (another person). 3. to suppose; expect; assume.believe = (v.i.) 1. to have ""trust"" or ""confidence"": as, he ""believes"" in you. 2. to have ""faith,"" especially religious faith. 3. to hold views or opinions.believe in = to have confidence in the truth, existence, efficacy, etc. of: as, he didn't believe in fairies."believe in" is an ACTION.It seems that the words ""faith"" and ""trust"" are used to describe each other. They mean the same thing.Believing is a mental action that a person takes based on what they perceive to be a truth. 1. I believed John when he said he would be here today. 2. I believed it would rain because the weatherman said it would.Fact: Anyone can believe in anything if they perceive it to be true. Many believe (trust) in themselves. Few will deny themselves (stop trusting in themselves [their works]) and have faith (trust) in the Lord and His ability to save and keep those that trust in Him.Many say they believe and trust in Jesus but when it comes down to it they don't. If they did they would know He can not only save them but also keep them saved. Those that trust in the Lord have confidence in Him. As the scriptures say "those that trust in Him will never be put to shame."Richard
Will He "keep" you against your will? "those that trust in Him will never be put to shame." What if they, of there own will decide to put their trust in someone else? Yes, God is able to "save and keep" but does He force salvation on someone? I think not, if He did the Scriptures are a waste of time and effort.


New Member
Jan 23, 2008
Southeast USA
Will He "keep" you against your will? "those that trust in Him will never be put to shame." What if they, of there own will decide to put their trust in someone else? Yes, God is able to "save and keep" but does He force salvation on someone? I think not, if He did the Scriptures are a waste of time and effort.
All you have done is build a strawman. A man that does not exist.All those that have been made children of God rejoice in Him and are at peace. In no way would they give that up after experiencing it. The children of God are like a person that finds a stone of great value and sells all he/she has to obtain it.Matt 13:44-4644 "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and hid; and for joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. 45 "Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant seeking beautiful pearls,46 who, when he had found one pearl of great price, went and sold all that he had and bought it. NKJVBut since some have not experienced it they do not know anything about it.Richard