Two nice experiences

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Oct 28, 2024
Hi. First post here. Have not introduced myself under the dedicated thread yet, but will do that soonest.

Have had two amazing experiences past week.

I am new to Christianity and there has been many questions and even some uncertainties. Is it really for me?

But as I was out walking the dog, my mind was quite occupied with thoughts about religion. Should I devote myself or not? We walked the same trail we have been taking the past five years. This time I noticed a pine tree for the very first time, and it was dividing in two equally big parts at the top. One was quite crooked and actually bent downwards. The other branch went straight up towards the heaven. Fairly sure it was God pointing out the only alternative to go. Amazing and powerful experience.

The other occurred yesterday. It was VERY clouded over with a dense dark cover, almost about to start rain. As I was going to a difficult meeting all about being laid off from work due to mental illness (sad, but true) - the sun came through in a tiny patch of the sky, and all of a sudden I was bathing in sunlight. I am sure that also was from God. During the meeting, it turns out, I will not be laid off.

I am almost crying typing this. And Jesus has a new deciple. There are no alternatives now!


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2024
United States
Hi. First post here. Have not introduced myself under the dedicated thread yet, but will do that soonest.

Have had two amazing experiences past week.

I am new to Christianity and there has been many questions and even some uncertainties. Is it really for me?

But as I was out walking the dog, my mind was quite occupied with thoughts about religion. Should I devote myself or not? We walked the same trail we have been taking the past five years. This time I noticed a pine tree for the very first time, and it was dividing in two equally big parts at the top. One was quite crooked and actually bent downwards. The other branch went straight up towards the heaven. Fairly sure it was God pointing out the only alternative to go. Amazing and powerful experience.

The other occurred yesterday. It was VERY clouded over with a dense dark cover, almost about to start rain. As I was going to a difficult meeting all about being laid off from work due to mental illness (sad, but true) - the sun came through in a tiny patch of the sky, and all of a sudden I was bathing in sunlight. I am sure that also was from God. During the meeting, it turns out, I will not be laid off.

I am almost crying typing this. And Jesus has a new deciple. There are no alternatives now!
May God bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you, brother. With open arms, we welcome you!
Numbers 6:24-26
24 “The LORD bless you and keep you; 25 The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; 26 The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.”
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Oct 28, 2024
May God bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you, brother. With open arms, we welcome you!
Numbers 6:24-26
24 “The LORD bless you and keep you; 25 The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; 26 The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.”
Thank you LatterRain. Feels good with a warm welcoming.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2020
United States
Hi. First post here. Have not introduced myself under the dedicated thread yet, but will do that soonest.

Have had two amazing experiences past week.

I am new to Christianity and there has been many questions and even some uncertainties. Is it really for me?

But as I was out walking the dog, my mind was quite occupied with thoughts about religion. Should I devote myself or not? We walked the same trail we have been taking the past five years. This time I noticed a pine tree for the very first time, and it was dividing in two equally big parts at the top. One was quite crooked and actually bent downwards. The other branch went straight up towards the heaven. Fairly sure it was God pointing out the only alternative to go. Amazing and powerful experience.

The other occurred yesterday. It was VERY clouded over with a dense dark cover, almost about to start rain. As I was going to a difficult meeting all about being laid off from work due to mental illness (sad, but true) - the sun came through in a tiny patch of the sky, and all of a sudden I was bathing in sunlight. I am sure that also was from God. During the meeting, it turns out, I will not be laid off.

I am almost crying typing this. And Jesus has a new deciple. There are no alternatives now!
Hi, welcome. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences with us.

Praise God you will not be laid off. And if you should ever be, remember you are still in the Lord's hands and loved by Him.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
Hi. First post here. Have not introduced myself under the dedicated thread yet, but will do that soonest.

Have had two amazing experiences past week.

I am new to Christianity and there has been many questions and even some uncertainties. Is it really for me?

But as I was out walking the dog, my mind was quite occupied with thoughts about religion. Should I devote myself or not? We walked the same trail we have been taking the past five years. This time I noticed a pine tree for the very first time, and it was dividing in two equally big parts at the top. One was quite crooked and actually bent downwards. The other branch went straight up towards the heaven. Fairly sure it was God pointing out the only alternative to go. Amazing and powerful experience.

The other occurred yesterday. It was VERY clouded over with a dense dark cover, almost about to start rain. As I was going to a difficult meeting all about being laid off from work due to mental illness (sad, but true) - the sun came through in a tiny patch of the sky, and all of a sudden I was bathing in sunlight. I am sure that also was from God. During the meeting, it turns out, I will not be laid off.

I am almost crying typing this. And Jesus has a new deciple. There are no alternatives now!
Hi there @Turbulento and welcome to the forum. Nice to read how god spoke to you. I've learned that he can speak to us through almost anything. Be blessed.


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
Hi. First post here. Have not introduced myself under the dedicated thread yet, but will do that soonest.

Have had two amazing experiences past week.

I am new to Christianity and there has been many questions and even some uncertainties. Is it really for me?

But as I was out walking the dog, my mind was quite occupied with thoughts about religion. Should I devote myself or not? We walked the same trail we have been taking the past five years. This time I noticed a pine tree for the very first time, and it was dividing in two equally big parts at the top. One was quite crooked and actually bent downwards. The other branch went straight up towards the heaven. Fairly sure it was God pointing out the only alternative to go. Amazing and powerful experience.

The other occurred yesterday. It was VERY clouded over with a dense dark cover, almost about to start rain. As I was going to a difficult meeting all about being laid off from work due to mental illness (sad, but true) - the sun came through in a tiny patch of the sky, and all of a sudden I was bathing in sunlight. I am sure that also was from God. During the meeting, it turns out, I will not be laid off.

I am almost crying typing this. And Jesus has a new deciple. There are no alternatives now!
Oh wow! Glory to God! 14kli1f.gif God is Sooo Good! joy::musicn2::musicaln:
