Unforgiveness Or Just Differences? HELP!?

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New Member
Jan 19, 2013
Hey everyone, So i really need some good Godly advice and clarity on this subject that has confused me for quite some time now.
I know that the Bible clearly states that you must forgive to be forgiven. Therefore I get very worried in making sure I have forgiven everyone and am not holding onto anything.
So here goes.
My Mother-In-Law is NOT a Godly woman. Infact, she claims to be one, left and right, but there is no indication in her of salvation or Godliness.
The amount of hypocrisy that exists within her is extreme.
She has always caused non stop drama, lies, anger, tension, hurt, etc. for no good reason other than she is bored and enjoys it.
Yes, she has hurt me many times that were very much unprovoked in any way. But i decided in my mind to move on from those past hurts and give them to God.
Note, this is not bashing her, I am just informing you guys of how it is so you can understand my question fully.

Now heres the thing, every time i think of her, talk about her, or get around her, i get a very unpleasant/uneasy/aggravated feeling.
As a Christian, I know we are to hate sin, so naturally when we know someone who so openly parades sin with pride, it should really bother our spirit, correct?
My question is, is it right if let go of the things she has done to hurt me, yet still feel the way i do when thinking of her/talking about her/around her because of her ongoing actions/attitude?
Arent we suppose to be uneasy with this kind of behavior, and not agree with it and not want anything to do with it?

I want to clarify if what i feel is possible to feel even if I have truely forgiven her personal wrongings towards me,
or if me feeling this way means i havent forgiven her?

If your answer is stating that you think it is unforgiveness, then what is your advice that i should do spiritually/personally?


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
i think you have been hurt by her behavior and your feelings reflect it. Forgiveness takes time. Remember that your mother in law is in need of prayer - she is living in a self created prison. praying for her may sound difficult, but over time it leads to empathy and forgiveness.


New Member
Jan 19, 2013
I am the poster, i would also like to add,
If i havent forgiven her, when i fully do forgive her, wont i still feel the way I do about her because of the kind of person she chooses to be?


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
well, perhaps God brought her into your life to teach you how to love through tough situations. she might be your cross to bear - part of your sanctification.

I have forgiven people in my past, but end up still feeling angry and hurt. In those situation I am called into prayer and rest in God's love. When I trust God to heal my wounds and pray for strength, along with healing for my enemy.....I receive peace.


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
Hey Savan!

If i havent forgiven her, when i fully do forgive her, wont i still feel the way I do about her because of the kind of person she chooses to be?
No...you wouldn't. You would have forgiven her. You said that you get very unpleasant/uneasy/aggravated feelings when thinking, talking or being around her. That's a good indication that you haven't quite forgiven her yet... :)


New Member
Mar 18, 2011
South Africa
Hi Savannah

Is there such a thing as a wife who gets on with their mother-in-law? :)

It is perfectly normal to feel extremely uneasy around her. You are 100% correct! we cannot stand to be in the presence of hypocrites or the evil. Then on 'forgive to be forgiven', don't take that literally. As Christians it is in our nature to forgive. We forgave everyone when we got saved. We forgive everyone when we choose to submit to and stay 'in - Christ'. It is a good habit though to daily say we forgive others.

My advice for you is to think about what Jesus says in Matthew 5:38-48.

You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth. But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you. You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighborh and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you: Love your enemiesi and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do
that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect

Even though you can't stand her presence, God gives you strength to endure it. Only when we show the self-sacrificing love of Jesus can we expect change to come about.


New Member
Nov 9, 2012
Forgiving someone and loving them does not mean you are best friends with them. Sometimes the best way is to stay away from them...

Rom 12:17 Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.
Rom 12:18 If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.

You sometimes just have to do your best to live peaceably with someone even if it means limited to no contact.
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New Member
Dec 23, 2012
Savannah,I too have had difficulty similar to yours throughout my life with family members,those claiming to be christians and those denying Christ.I have some thoughts i hope will help.

Sometimes we will consciously come into what I recognize within myself as ' an intellectual ' agreement with the concept of practicing forgiveness versus being able to receiving the 'heartfelt' forgiveness that is part of the "all things pertaining to godliness" belonging to you that God promises us through His Word. I know you're longing for that elusive heartfelt peace providing forgiveness in the situation you describe. You sound broken hearted and confused by the relationship and your sincerity is obvious. Irregardless of the commonplace jokes surrounding mothers-in-law I believe every wife desires to be loved by her beloved husband's mother, in fact , it probably feels like something of a betrayal to find you are not, and it is normal to feel a sense of grief for the reality of the loss of what 'should be'. You may also be angry that you are being robbed of what could or in your mind should be a fulfilling and loving relationship.Grief is painful, loss is painful.Pain hurts and since we can only stand so much hurt we begin to build walls around our hearts to protect ourselves from the pain and disappointments life hands us. We also begin to choose to be angry instead of feel that helpless sense of pain,anger is mistaken for control,helplessness is a sense of lack of control,so we will often feel the pain and then immediately grab for anger because it makes us feel more in control less powerless over the pain. This is a typical natural man reaction to emotional trauma or abuse.You may even understand intellectually why she seems to thrive on such negative attention, yet still be wounded emotionally , and continuously, so that it seems you barely get a sense of equanimity before the attack starts again.This can be like going through surgery requiring stitches only to have someone come along and rip open your wound again.
An intellectual acknowledgement of your 'christian duty' to forgive will only go so far in these scenarios. There are ways you can better cover the specifics in this situation to illicit a more thorough release from the pain which is causing you fear,( the uneasiness you mentioned) and the uptight (angry)frustration which btw is an offspring of impatience.Define your root causes and be better equipped for battling this one through to victory.We need to remember to ask for what we need, in this case divine love to overcome. God's love and forgiveness for her flowing through you, yours won't cut it. Also familiarize yourself with key concepts that will uphold you during times of exposure to the individual in question,we must understand what we already have so we can claim this when in doubt. For example,we ask for the forgiveness for this person from God,and we receive the ability to forgive our entire spirit ,soul (our will,emotions and our mind) and body will be united in the receiving of God's love which provides generously to all who ask in faith. Initially when we do not feel the forgiveness yet,we must live by faith not feelings,but peace is a feeling ,is it not? Compassion is something Jesus felt?Ask for spiritual eyes to see her,love her,respond to her the way the Father sees her,loves her ,would respond to her with divine unbiased compassion. In order to turn this around your motive must be purified ask God to do this for you.Why do we forgive,to be forgiven? Selfish motive,this is one reason some never receive real forgiveness for others. Allowing God to build His protective walls of rooted and grounded love and faith as a shield around your heart so that the years of struggle can lose their sting the wounds can be cleansed and healed and a newness of God's powerful work being in progress.be in an expectation of God to move,to teach you how to love this quarrelsome individual.I can speak from experience,practicing forgiveness like this is so rewarding so awesome when everything shifts. Also I found checking your own heart for self pity is mandatory.
Understanding what your expectations are will help you in learning how to love this frustratingly hard-to-love family member. In Psalms David says 'My expectation shall be in my God.' One of my favorites as it instantly reminds me no one will always meet my expectations no matter how valid my complaint. If I am expecting anyone to treat me lovingly or with respect , to keep their word,etc,I will be severely disappointed,It always seems God Himself is blocking me getting my needs met this way,no matter who I'm expecting to meet my (valid or imagined) needs. Instead I am pleasantly surprised when others behavior affects me positively.I do not expect others to fail me either,it is simply a shift in focus which frees me to love them better. When you begin to get this one down , it opens a place in your spirit where it is harder to disappoint me because you did not live up to my expectations.If you are feeling frustrated confess your impatience,this clears the way to thank god for his provision of the long-suffering (patience)He has already given you, as it being a fruit of the spirit,and thus is 'pertaining to godliness',so you have it whether you know it or not, give thanks that you can access any of this at any time.Believe for her salvation,stand in faith for her to be blessed by God to repent that she too could experience God as you do. I know you have felt all these things for her before at one time or another,Jesus gave you His gospel ,the good news that you can be forgiven and forgive,He will bind up your broken heart and give sight to where you are blind in this matter and set both captives free , you who are chained to all that has come before with this woman,(all things can become new) and her to her sin as well.

I apologize if this attempt at encouragement jumps around a bit, unfortunately I don't have the luxury of time for a better presentation of these thoughts I hope will help you. Oh and ignoring our emotional reactions to painful things is not wise,but we are not led by our emotions however paying attention to the way we tend to respond and what follows is how we learn needs to change as in the way we think and ultimately the way we 'feel'. You cannot deny something that is never acknowledged,bring it out into the light ,expose ot then deny it choose something godly to fill the space whee that other ungodly thought or 'feeling'held court. With practice we can be trained to pause and then choose how we will respond. Responsibility= the ability to respond vs reacting or re- enacting the same behavior over and over Re-act=act it out over and over,a behavior pattern that creates locked in ruts that we get stuck in.Remember,respond a choice,responsibility the ability to respond. When we take responsibility for our ungodly and /or emotionally ignorant reactions,calling them what they are we are able to confess them as the sin they are,we can be cleansed ,our motives purified and our success a given.We can and will love the unlovely in our close personal lives. Consider her a gift , a golden chariot to lift you to higher places in Christ, Uppermost in our hearts and minds O God,how can I love this person as You would,Please do this through me, Father ,inspire me to love more creatively show me the way!Yes we choose to forgive,make it real Lord!