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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Brethren in Christ Jesus...

Usury is the idea of lending money with 'interest'.

Lev 25:35-37
35 And if thy brother be waxen poor, and fallen in decay with thee; then thou shalt relieve him:
yea, though he be a stranger, or a sojourner; that he may live with thee.
36 Take thou no usury of him, or increase: but fear thy God; that thy brother may live with thee.
37 Thou shalt not give him thy money upon usury, nor lend him thy victuals for increase.

Deut 23:20
20 Unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury: that the LORD thy God may bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it.

The above suggests that the children of Israel can apply lending with 'interest' to a foreigner, UNLESS the foreigner seeks to dwell among them, thus converting to the Jew's religion.

The children of Israel were not... to charge their own people 'interest' when lending each other money. This is how the Jews have gotten control of the majority of the world's wealth, and at the same time have shackled non-Jews with debt that has bankrupted many homes.

I keep hearing slanders against the present U.S. administration, and previous ones, citizens trying to point the finger to the office of the U.S. President, when that office, and U.S. Senate and Congress are actually controlled by the bankers. We don't see who those bankers are, so much of the blame that should... go to them, is rarely ever revealed by their actions.

I recall because of the 2008 mortgage bubble crisis which bankers and Wall Street investment firms created, that there were groups of U.S. citizens that protested by camping out on Wall Street. And how did ex-President Bush react to their doing that? He called them names, and threatened them, no doubt the big money-powers pushing Bush to do that.

Some of those Wall Street firms that almost... and probably should have... gone bankrupt, were instead given a BAILOUT issued by U.S. Congress, and some of those firms gave their CEO's millions of dollars in bonuses from that 'bailout' money! Where did that Bailout money come from that Congress issued to be given to Wall Street firms, do you think? Out of the American taxpayer's pocket!

Those kind of events in the U.S. are because of a certain group of U.S. bankers that took over our American monetary policy many years ago, long before any of us were even born. With those specific bankers meeting in secret at the Jekyll Island rich people resort off the coast of the state of Georgia (U.S.), they drew up the language of the Federal Reserve Act in November 2010. That act was then passed in 1913.

Thing is though, the Federal Reserve Bank is a PRIVATE BANK. It is NOT a legal part of our U.S. Government. U.S. Congress ONLY is given the authority to regulate coin money per the U.S. Constitution.

By the year 1971, under the Nixon administration, all gold backing of the U.S. dollar was completely removed, and the U.S. dollar became a strictly FIAT currency. ('fiat' means by 'decree', no backing by anything.) This means Congress can simply make an order for more U.S. currency to be printed, backed by nothing, and that gets added to the money supply which is already out there. What does that do to the money supply that's in circulation? It makes the dollars in your pocket worth less! That mean LESS buying power! Stroke of a pen and that happens overnight!

But really what is even worse than that, is the Federal Reserve system allows banks to CREATE MONEY OUT OF THIN AIR, by simple bookkeeping entries. For every U.S. dollar a bank receives, they are allowed to CREATE 90% of that $1 with a bookkeeping entry. That means for every dollar, the banks can 'create' 90 cents. If that were 1 million dollars, then it means they are allowed to 'create' $900,000 out of thin air, not backed by anything.

Where do they get the funds to back all that fake printed FIAT currency? Out of YOUR pocket through their control of INFLATION of the U.S. dollar, and through TAXING your Income.

What is that bankers do with that EXTRA $900,000 created out of thin air? The LOAN it out WITH CHARGING INTEREST!

Bank's interest charged on a loan creates a lot... more profit than the actual value of the item being bought. For example, a $100,000 house, at 10% interest over a 30 year period, just the INTEREST will be close to $215,000!

So the next time you COMPLAIN about prices going up, and think it's our U.S President doing it? or the stores where you buy being the cause, then think again. The real robbers and thieves are in much higher places than you think.

If you want to read more revealed on this topic, I suggest this book, Creature From Jekyll Island :

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
Here Is How Modern Concepts of Banking Began:

(This is taken from the book Creature From Jekyll Island)

Modern banking principles that the Federal Reserve uses is based on the old goldsmith practice.

People centuries ago had no safekeeping for their gold, so they would go to the goldsmith who did, and they would ask to keep their gold in the goldsmith's storage safe. Then the goldsmith would issue a receipt for the gold.

The goldsmith then noticed that at any one time, the people only used roughly 10% of their gold stored in the goldsmith's safe. That meant 90% of their gold sat idle in the goldsmith's safe. So the goldsmith began loaning out that 90% of gold to others via loans, charging interest. The goldsmith knew to leave at least 10% of people's gold in the safe, and that began to be called Reserves. The 90% of gold is called Excess Reserves.

Even to this day, the Federal Reserve sets the percentage of Reserves a commercial bank must keep in their vault, just like what the old goldsmiths did with keeping 10% of people's gold in their safe.

A Run on a bank happens because the bank only has 10% of actual cash (Reserves) in their vault, so when the amount customers want to withdraw at one time exceeds the Reserves in the vault, the bank has to close because of a 'Run' on the bank. This happens because of how our Federal Reserve system is setup. So what happened to the 90% of reserves the bank originally had from people depositing their money there? The bank loaned that 90% out, as allowed by the Federal Reserve system.

It is this crooked Federal Reserve system that can create a CRASH of our U.S. economy, just like how uncontrolled Wall Street speculation did that caused the stockmarket Crash of 1929.

If people that have deposited huge sums at a bank suddenly feel that bank is not stable, and they create a Run on one bank, that can create a national Panic crisis and many banks may also experience the same threat of Runs, and thus begin to CRASH the U.S. economy. Emergency bailouts by U.S. Congress issuing more currency (not backed by anything) won't help, because all it will do is decrease the value of the dollars that are in circulation, driving up the cost of goods and labor, which is what Inflation actually is, and eventually the money supply becomes so inflated, that the dollar becomes worthless. Thus FDIC guarantees mean nothing in such situations.

This is not an extreme view, it had already happened once before in the U.S., with the Revolutionary War era Continental Dollar, which was worthless by the time the U.S. Revolution ended. What then did the American people do for money after the Revolutionary War? People broke out their gold and silver they had put up for safekeeping, and started trading with it.