What happens when a few fanatics force their beliefs on others..

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Aaron Lindahl

Veritatis Amans
Dec 8, 2014
Seattle, WA
I am a born again Christian, but am aware that we have a shameful history on one subject:

Homosexuality flourished for over 1,300 years within the Greek culture, and for almost 900 years of Roman culture without causing any 'downfall' of civilization as some people today claim will happen if gay couples are allowed to marry each other, and without GOD burning all the thousands of cities and towns who practiced it into ash. Yet, within a little over 100 years after a few bishops gained political dominance in Rome through the ear of an emperor, the entire civilization collapsed... not from the barbarians, but instead after they had forbade freedom of religion under pain of death, freedom of thought under pain of death, shut down the Olympics, the theaters, the gymnasiums, and schools of learning.

Knowledge of how to create realistic artwork and sculpture was lost, scientific knowledge and civic engineering withered and died. They basically killed civic culture and classical civilization. The public libraries were either closed or abandoned since within only 2 generations the majority of the people had lost the ability to read.. after all, you were told the world was going to end at any moment, and that you only needed to know what your priest or pastor told you to believe, you were told that interest in secular subjects was no longer advisable. When the barbarians finally cut off most of the immense aqueducts that fed water to the population of Rome, there were no engineers left capable of even repairing them, and so they were left to crumble into time.


"In the person whose mind is sound there is no need to learn letters." -St Anthony

"It should be enough for you to know that there is a good shepherd who gave his soul for his sheep ... How big God is, what His limits are, and of what essence ... such questions are dangerous ... they shall be taken care of with silence." – St Basil

"Let us Christians prefer the simplicity of our faith to the demonstrations of human reason ... For to spend much time on research about the essence of things would not serve the edification of the Church." – St Basil.

"All writings whatever which Porphyry or anyone else has written against the Christian religion, in the possession of whomsoever they shall be found, shall be committed to the fire." -- Emperor Theodosius

"It is necessary that the privileges which are bestowed for the cultivation of religion should be given only to followers of the Catholic faith. We desire that heretics and schismatics be not only kept from these privileges, but be subjected to various fines." -- Codex Theodosianus, XVI.5. 1.

"We command that all those proved to be devoting themselves to sacrificing or worshiping images be subject to the penalty of death." -- Codex Theodosianus, XVI.10.6

"What purpose does knowledge serve – for as to knowledge of natural causes, what blessing is there for me if I should know where the Nile rises, or whatever else under the heavens the 'scientists' rave about?"

-Thus wrote Lucius Lactantius (Freeman, p322), the first Latin 'theologian' and propagandist for Constantine. Appointed tutor to the emperor's son Crispus –a job he lost when Constantine had his son executed for adultery with his stepmother – and yet, Lactantius recorded that Constantine was "a model of Christian virtue and holiness" (De Mortibus Persecutorum).

"Whatever privileges have been allowed under ancient law to priests, ministers, prefects and hierophants of the pagan cults, whether know by these or other names, are to be entirely abolished, nor should they pride themselves on being protected by any privilege, since their profession is known to be condemned by law." -- Codex Theodosianus, XVI.10.14

"The ability and right of making wills shall be taken from those who turn from Christians to pagans, and the testament of such an one, if he made any, shall be abrogated after his death."-- Codex Theodosianus, XVI.7.1.

"It is decreed that in all places and all cities the [pagan] temples should be closed at once, and after a general warning, the opportunity of sinning be taken from the wicked. We decree also that we shall cease from making sacrifices. And if anyone has committed such a crime, let him be stricken with the avenging sword. And we decree that the property of the one executed shall be claimed by the city, and that rulers of the provinces be punished in the same way, if they neglect to punish such crimes."-- Codex Theodosianus, XVI.10.4.

"[Christian monks}... hasten to attack the temples with sticks and stones and bars of iron, and in some cases, disdaining these, with hands and feet. Then utter desolation follows, with the stripping of roofs, demolition of walls, the tearing down of statues and the overthrow of altars, and the priests must either keep quiet or die. After demolishing one, they scurry to another, and to a third, and trophy is piled on trophy, in contravention of the law. Such outrages occur even in the cities, but they are most common in the countryside ..." -- Letter of Libanius pleading for restoration of civil order to Emperor Theodosius I, 386 C.E.

"Let all temples in the countryside be demolished without disturbance or upheaval. With their overthrow and removal, all material basis for superstition will be destroyed." -- Codex Theodosianus, XVI.10.16

"No one shall consult a soothsayer, astrologer or diviner. The perverse pronouncements of augurs and seers must fall silent. ... The universal curiosity about divination must be silent forever. Whosoever refuses obedience to this command shall suffer the penalty of death and be laid low by the avenging sword." -- Codex Theodosianus, IX.16.4

"On the Lord's day, which is the first day of the week, on Christmas, and on the days of Epiphany, Easter, and Pentecost, inasmuch as then the [white] garments [of Christians] symbolizing the light of heavenly cleansing bear witness to the new light of holy baptism, at the time also of the suffering of the apostles, the example for all Christians, the pleasures of the theaters and games are to be kept from the people in all cities, and all the thoughts of Christians and believers are to be occupied with the worship of God. And if any are kept from that worship through the madness of Jewish impiety or the error and insanity of foolish paganism, let them know that there is one time for prayer and another for pleasure. And lest anyone should think he is compelled by the honor due to our person, as if by the greater necessity of his imperial office, or that unless he attempted to hold the games in contempt of the religious prohibition, he might offend our serenity in showing less than the usual devotion toward us; let no one doubt that our clemency is revered in the highest degree by humankind when the worship of the whole world is paid to the might and goodness of God. Theodosius Augustus and Caesar Valentinian." -- Codex Theodosianus, XV. 5.1

The ancient world had been a relatively tolerant place in the world of religion. There were occasional bursts of persecution of this or that sect but as a rule many religions existed side by side. During the years 342 CE to 390 CE all this changed when Christianity established itself as the only religion in the Roman Empire and launched an all out campaign of religious terror against all other beliefs. Even though Christians had suffered from persecution from time to time, this does not justify what they did upon coming to political dominance, and had gained the ear of an emperor, whose word was law.

It was not until the Roman world was forcibly converted, and succumbed to an unforgiving and dictatorship-like form of Christianity (completely unlike the earlier peaceful and loving form of Christianity), that we began to embark upon the Dark Ages.


On December 16, 342 AD, the Christian emperors Constantius II and Constans, under advice from their bishops, issued the following edict.. a law specifically outlawing marriages between men, which had previously been legal and allowed, which reads as follows:

"When a man marries in the manner of a woman, a woman about to renounce men, what does he wish, when sex has lost its significance; when the crime is one which it is not profitable to know; when Venus is changed into another form; when love is sought and not found? We order the statutes to arise, the laws to be armed with an avenging sword, that those infamous persons who are now, or who hereafter may be guilty, shall be subjected to exquisite punishment." (Theodosian Code 9.7.3)

Then, 48 years later, Christian emperors Theodosius and Arcadius on Aug 6, 390, under the advice of their bishops, issued the following edict.. an edict that would begin an evil persecution towards gay people that would last well over a thousand years:

"All persons who have the shameful custom of condemning a man's body, acting the part of a woman's to the sufferance of alien sex (for they appear not to be different from women), shall expiate a crime of this kind by being burned to death in the public sight of the people." -Codex Theodosius IX. Vii. 6

The first speech in Classical history praising male-male relationships is that of Phaedrus. ThePhaedrus (/ˈfiːdrəs/; Greek: Φαῖδρος), written by Plato, is a dialogue between Plato's mainprotagonist, Socrates, and Phaedrus, an interlocutor in several dialogues. (The Phaedrus was presumably composed around 370 BC, around the same time as Plato's Republic and Symposium.) Phaedrus cites as the ultimate in love and commitment the maxim that "love will make men dare to die for their beloved; and women as well as men."' He goes on to provide as one example of this sacred commitment Alcestis' willingness to die for her husband Admetus, and as another Achilles' willingness to die for his lover Patroclus.

Pausanias next spoke, delivering an impassioned defense of companionate same-sex relationships:

“Those who are inspired by this love turn to the male, and delight in him who is the more valiant and intelligent nature; any one may recognize the pure enthusiasts in the very character of their attachments. For they love not boys, but intelligent beings whose reason is beginning to be developed, much about the time at which their beards begin to grow. And in choosing them as companions, they mean to be faithful to them, and to pass their whole life with them, and be with them ..”

The consensus among modem historians is that republican Rome, like classical Greece, was tolerant of same-sex relationships. Moreover, the Romans accorded some same-sex unions the legal or cultural status of marriages. To take one early example, Cicero, the great Roman lawyer and orator, persuaded Curio the Elder to honor the debts that Curio's son had incurred on behalf of Antonius, to whom the son was, in Cicero's words, "united in a stable and permanent marriage, just as if he had given him a matron's stola." (The stola was garb distinctively reserved for a married Roman woman. "Te a meretricio quaestu abduxit et, tamquam stolam dedisset, in matrimonio stabili et certo collocavit.")

Cicero's legalistic advice shows that same-sex relationships were not only socially accepted among Roman society, but that they also potentially carried with them legal obligations and consequences, and hence were marriages as we understand the term. Records describing Roman social customs during the imperial period survive in far greater number, at least in part because many, if not most, of the emperors enjoyed well-documented relationships, some of them legally sanctioned marriages-with other men. The evidence suggests that during the same general time frame when companionate long-term marriages were being institutionalized for different-sex couples, they were likewise becoming more common for same-sex couples, who were entering into relationships akin to those discussed in Plato's Symposium.

By the time of the early Empire the stereotyped roles of [sexually active] "lover" and [sexually passive] "beloved" no longer seem to be the only model for homosexual lovers, and even emperors had publicly acknowledged male husbands or lovers. Many homosexual relationships were permanent and exclusive. Among the lower classes informal unions like that of Giton and Encolpius may have predominated, but marriages between males or between females were legal and familiar among the upper classes.... By the time of the early Empire references to gay marriages are commonplace. The biographer of Elagabalus maintains that after the emperor's marriage to an athlete from Smyrna, any male who wished to advance at the imperial court either had to have a husband or pretend that he did.

Martial and Juvenal both mention same-sex public marriage ceremonies involving the families, dowries, and legal niceties. It is clear that not only aristocrats were involved: a cymbal player is mentioned by Juvenal. Martial points out that both men involved in one ceremony were thoroughly masculine ("The bearded Callistratus married the rugged Afer") and that the marriage took place under the same law that regulated marriage between men and women. Nero married two men in succession, both in public ceremonies with the ritual appropriate to legal marriage. At least one of these unions was recognized by Greeks and Romans, and the spouse was accorded the honors of an empress .... One of the men, Sporus, accompanied Nero to public functions, where the emperor would embrace him affectionately. He remained with Nero throughout his reign and stood by him as he died.

Same-sex unions were noted in popular Roman culture and literature as well. The novel Babylonica, an early version of the pulp romance, had a subplot involving the passion of Egypt's Queen Berenice for the beautiful Mesopotamia, who was snatched from her. After one of the Queen's servants rescued Mesopotamia from her abductors, "'Berenice married Mesopotamia, and there was war between [the abductor] and Berenice on her account.' " Of even greater renown, the Emperor Hadrian's love for Antinous attained the status of legend, acclaimed for generations in sculpture, architecture, painting, coins, and literature.

The popularity of Hadrian and Antinous as a couple, may have been due in some part to the prevalence of same-sex couples in popular romantic literature of the time. Everywhere in the fiction of the Empire-from lyric poetry to popular novels-gay couples and their love appear on a completely equal footing with their heterosexual counterparts.

I post this so that Christians who desire to persecute or condemn gay people over the way they are born can see the errors of their way on this, and to realize that we as Christians have a lot to atone for all the violence and murder done in Christ's name to homosexual people over the past 1600 years.

For the first 300 years of Christianity, gay people were not persecuted, but instead were welcomed as brothers and sisters in Christ... but as soon as Christianity in the early 300's gained political dominance, look how quickly and brutally things changed when a few bishops with sexual hangups and desire for power, gained the ear of the emperors, whose word was law.. this is why our Founding Fathers wisely chose to separate Church and State:

305-306 – Council of Elvira (now Granada, Spain). This council was representative of the Western European Church and among other things, it barred homosexuals the right to Communion.
314 – Council of Ancyra (now Ankara, Turkey). This council was representative of the Eastern European Church and it excluded the Sacraments for 15 years to unmarried men under the age of 20 who were caught in homosexual acts, and excluded the man for life if he was married and over the age of 50.
342 – Under advice from their bishops, the first law against same-sex marriage was promulgated by the Christian emperors Constantius II and Constans.
390 – Under advice from their bishops, Christian emperors Valentinian II, Theodosius I and Arcadius declared homosexual sex to be illegal and those who were guilty of it were condemned to be burned alive in front of the public.
498 – In spite of the laws against homosexuality, the Christian emperors continued to collect taxes on male prostitutes until the reign of Anastasius I, who finally abolishes the tax.
529 – The Christian emperor Justinian I (527–565) made homosexuals a public scapegoat for problems such as "famines,earthquakes, and pestilences."
589 – The Visigothic kingdom in Spain, is converted from Arianism to Catholicism. This conversion leads to a revision of the law to conform to those of Catholic countries. These revisions include provisions for the persecution of gays and Jews.
693 – In Iberia, Visigothic ruler Egica of Hispania and Septimania, demanded that a Church council confront the occurrence of homosexuality in the Kingdom. The Sixteenth Council of Toledo issued a statement in response, which was adopted by Egica, stating that homosexual acts be punished by castration, exclusion from Communion, hair shearing, one hundred stripes of the lash, and banishment into exile.
1120 – Baldwin II of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, convenes the Council of Nablus to address the vices within the Kingdom. The Council calls for the burning of individuals who perpetually commit homosexual acts.
1179 – The Third Lateran Council of Rome issues a decree for the excommunication of homosexuals.
1232 – Pope Gregory IX starts the Inquisition in the Italian City-States. Some cities called for banishment and/or amputation as punishments for 1st- and 2nd-offending homosexuals and burning for the 3rd or habitual offenders.
1260 – In France, first-offending homosexuals lost their testicles, second offenders lost their member, and third offenders were burned. Women caught in same-sex acts could be mutilated and executed as well.
1265 – Thomas Aquinas argues that homosexuality is second only to murder in the ranking of sins.
1283 – The French Civil Code dictated that convicted homosexuals should not only be burned but also that their property would be forfeited.
1370s – Jan van Aersdone and Willem Case were two men executed in Antwerp at this time. The charge against them was same gender intercourse. Aersdone and Case stand out because records of their names have survived.
1432 – In Florence the first organization specifically intended to prosecute homosexuality is established, the "Night Officials", which over the next 70 years arrest about 10,000 men and youths.
1451 – Pope Nicholas V enables the papal Inquisition to persecute men who practice homosexuality.
1475 – In Peru, a chronicle written under the Capac Yupanqui government describes the persecution of homosexuals with public burnings and destruction of homes (a practice usually reserved for conquered tribes).
1483 – The Spanish Inquisition begins. Homosexuals were stoned, castrated, and burned. Between 1540 and 1700, more than 1,600 people were prosecuted for homosexuality.
1532 – Holy Roman Empire makes homosexuality punishable by death.
1533 – King Henry VIII passes the Buggery Act 1533 making anal intercourse punishable by death throughout England.
1620 – Brandenburg-Prussia criminalizes homosexuality, making it punishable by death.
1721 – Catherina Margaretha Linck is executed for lesbianism in Germany.
1836 – The last known execution for homosexuality in Great Britain. James Pratt and John Smith are hanged at Newgate prison, London after being caught together in private lodgings.
1895 – The trial of Oscar Wilde results in his being prosecuted under the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885 for "gross indecency" for having sex with other males, and is sentenced to two years hard labor in prison, ruining his health.
1903 – In New York on 21 February 1903, New York police conducted the first United States recorded raid on a gay bathhouse, the Ariston Hotel Baths. 26 men were arrested and 12 brought to trial on sodomy charges; 7 men received sentences ranging from 4 to 20 years in prison.
1945 – Upon the liberation of Nazi concentration camps by Allied forces, those who were interned for homosexuality, and who miraculously survived.. are not freed, but required to serve out the full term of their sentences under Paragraph 175.
1954 – June 7th –Mathematical computer genius and WW2 hero Alan Turing commits suicide by cyanide poisoning, 18 months after being given a choice between two years in prison or libido-reducing hormone treatment for a year as a punishment for homosexuality.

'True' Christianity is at long last returning to its true and loving self of the first 300 years of its existence, before bishops, priests, and fanatics tried to control the spiritual life of others with Jesus or their God, and we are freeing ourselves from the religious fanatics that in our recent past, were no better than ISIS or the Taliban in their zeal to use their holy book to torment and condemn others, and who if ever in power would destroy our civilization just as surely as they did in the past.

One need only look at Syria and other places where a holy book is used as a weapon, and where only 'one' narrow form of a religion is allowed. This is why the majority of American citizens, more and more Christians, and the enlightened world now recognize gay people as being just how God created them, and are just as worthy of human love, marriage, and respect for their unions, just as heterosexuals are.


Disciple of Jesus Christ
Mar 14, 2011
United States
I see nothing shameful in the removing of pagan temples nor of the discontinuing of homosexual marriage authorized. This seems to prove the Church once gaining political influence has stood against gay marriage from its inception.

I do not agree with the suppression of knowledge. This is a stance taken by some in the Church in its time that is not edifying.

Aaron Lindahl

Veritatis Amans
Dec 8, 2014
Seattle, WA
justaname said:
I see nothing shameful in the removing of pagan temples nor of the discontinuing of homosexual marriage authorized. This seems to prove the Church once gaining political influence has stood against gay marriage from its inception.
Would you have us attack all other people's holy places, tear them down, and then murder those people if they resisted? For that is exactly what happened back then, and is exactly what is happening in Syria right now.


Disciple of Jesus Christ
Mar 14, 2011
United States
Aaron Lindahl said:
Would you have us attack all other people's holy places, tear them down, and then murder those people if they resisted? For that is exactly what happened back then, and is exactly what is happening in Syria right now.
We also have the same thing happening throughout Africa, Asia, and the Middle East from the Muslims.

The question goes to method. In this day and age it is deemed unacceptable to use the same forceful tactics. Yet I would rather see the world worshipping the one true Living God, as opposed to false gods.

Aaron Lindahl

Veritatis Amans
Dec 8, 2014
Seattle, WA
justaname said:
We also have the same thing happening throughout Africa, Asia, and the Middle East from the Muslims.

The question goes to method. In this day and age it is deemed unacceptable to use the same forceful tactics. Yet I would rather see the world worshipping the one true Living God, as opposed to false gods.
One evil thing being perpetrated by fanatics within one religion does not justify doing the same horrendous thing in one's own. That's not happening from 'Muslims' any more than what happened back then came from true Christians... Both types simply use the name of their God, or their holy book to justify their own violent and hateful destruction of the fabric of civil society, or to persecute and murder all others who disagree with them. They are simply pure evil, in my view at least. Neither are true Christians or Muslims, and such behavior is unacceptable in 'any' age.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Dec 31, 2010
United States
Well Mr Lindahl... Maybe when you get to St Peters gates you will hear the words... Congratulations! You have fulfilled every lust of the flesh!

Aaron Lindahl

Veritatis Amans
Dec 8, 2014
Seattle, WA
rockytopva said:
Well Mr Lindahl... Maybe when you get to St Peters gates you will hear the words... Congratulations! You have fulfilled every lust of the flesh!
Hi rockytopva. How exactly would that be? By not engaging in murder of all who disagree with me, or forcing them under threat of murder to agree with all my religious beliefs I am somehow fulfilling every 'lust of the flesh'? I'm sorry, but I don't understand your point.


Well-Known Member
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Dec 31, 2010
United States
Aaron Lindahl said:
Hi rockytopva. How exactly would that be? By not engaging in murder of all who disagree with me, or forcing them under threat of murder to agree with all my religious beliefs I am somehow fulfilling every 'lust of the flesh'? I'm sorry, but I don't understand your point.

Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. - 2 Timothy 2:22
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. - James 1:27
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. - Romans 12:1 [Full Chapter]

have no interests in killing other people. But to keep my spiritual man unspotted... Which is my reasonable service.

Aaron Lindahl

Veritatis Amans
Dec 8, 2014
Seattle, WA
rockytopva said:
Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart. - 2 Timothy 2:22
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. - James 1:27
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. - Romans 12:1 [Full Chapter]

have no interests in killing other people. But to keep my spiritual man unspotted... Which is my reasonable service.
Those are very good verses but what do they have to do with addressing the long history of violent persecution and murder I listed above that was unfortunately perpetrated under the name of Christ?


Well-Known Member
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Dec 31, 2010
United States
Aaron Lindahl said:
Those are very good verses but what do they have to do with addressing the long history of violent persecution and murder I listed above that was unfortunately perpetrated under the name of Christ?
Well if my history of the churches is correct...

Ephesus - Apostolic - Paul tells of all of Asia as having forsaken him
Smyrna - Early Orthodox -Foxes lists the persecutions as ten
Pergamos - Orthodox - Pergos is a tower... Needed in the dark ages
Thyatira - Catholic - The spirit of Jezebel is to control and to dominate.
Sardis - Protestant - A sardius is a gem - elegant yet hard and rigid
Philadelphia - Methodist-Pentecostal- To be sanctioned is to acquire it with love.
Laodicea -Pentecostal-Charismatic-Independent Rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing?

The spirit of Jezebel, to control and to dominate, has passed on out of Christianity and is now in the religion of Islam.

For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. - Galatians 5:13

But now for the most part we are at liberty. But that liberty is not to be used for an occasion to the flesh.
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Disciple of Jesus Christ
Mar 14, 2011
United States
Aaron Lindahl said:
One evil thing being perpetrated by fanatics within one religion does not justify doing the same horrendous thing in one's own. That's not happening from 'Muslims' any more than what happened back then came from true Christians... Both types simply use the name of their God, or their holy book to justify their own violent and hateful destruction of the fabric of civil society, or to persecute and murder all others who disagree with them. They are simply pure evil, in my view at least. Neither are true Christians or Muslims, and such behavior is unacceptable in 'any' age.
I would say I both agree and disagree with you here. Evil does not justify evil. Murder is unacceptable.

Yet if we look into the history of the nation people of Israel, we do see them plagued with idolatry. God looked with favor those kings who removed the "high places" and Asherah poles. These were known to be places where pagan worship was practiced.

That being said I know of no reason except for perhaps Christian nations to attack other temples. Again method would come into question here also. Violence would be unacceptable.

Christianity, in one form or another, is the state religion of the following 15 nations: Argentina (Roman Catholic Church),[9]Bolivia (Roman Catholic Church and Christianity),[10] Costa Rica (Roman Catholic Church),[11] Denmark (Danish National Church),[12] El Salvador (Roman Catholic Church),[13] England (Church of England),[14] Greece (Eastern Orthodoxy), Armenia (Armenian Apostolic Church), Georgia (Georgian Orthodox Church),[15][16]Ethiopia (Tewahedo Church)[17][18]Iceland (Church of Iceland),[19] Liechtenstein (Roman Catholic Church),[20] Malta (Roman Catholic Church),[21] Monaco(Roman Catholic Church),[22] Norway (Church of Norway),[23] Vatican City (Roman Catholic Church).[24]
Taken from:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity_by_country
rockytopva said:
Well Mr Lindahl... Maybe when you get to St Peters gates you will hear the words... Congratulations! You have fulfilled every lust of the flesh!
Lets keep the discussion on the topic not the poster.
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Well-Known Member
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Dec 31, 2010
United States
justaname said:
Lets keep the discussion on the topic not the poster.
The poster references homosexuality in just about every post!


Well-Known Member
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Aug 10, 2012
Four topics relating to homosexuality is excessive. I would advise no one to create a new topic on that subject in the near future, unless you enjoy your work being deleted :)
  • The act of posting multiple topics on the same issue, otherwise known as cross-posting, is not allowed.
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“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
"Nothing so needs reforming like other people's habits" -Mark Twain
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Aaron Lindahl

Veritatis Amans
Dec 8, 2014
Seattle, WA
lforrest said:
Four topics relating to homosexuality is excessive. I would advise no one to create a new topic on that subject in the near future, unless you enjoy your work being deleted :)
  • The act of posting multiple topics on the same issue, otherwise known as cross-posting, is not allowed.
Understood. I had mistakenly thought this was only my 3rd, and only the 2nd existent that is within a different room, and not about Scripture, but merely Christian history. I apologize and God bless.

aspen said:
"Nothing so needs reforming like other people's habits" -Mark Twain
I love that quote, Aspen! :p
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