What Is Love?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
1Tim 6:11 . . But you-- O man of God --flee these things and pursue
righteousness, piety, faith, love, patience, and gentleness.

German philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (1844-1900) believed that
Christian virtues, especially compassion, are an impediment to achieving
greatness; which is just another way of saying that nice guys finish last.

The Greek word for "flee" is pheugo (fyoo'-go) which means: not to walk
away; but rather, to run away; as if for your life. (cf. 1Cor 6:18)

FAQ: What is a man of God?

A: Well; first off we should point out that the Greek word for "man" in that
passage is anthropos (anth'-ro-pos) which refers to h.sapiens; viz: human
beings, of either gender, not just males; so it would be far more useful to
translate that phrase "person of God".

Men of God are typically inspired individuals; for example: Moses was a man
of God (Deut 33:1) and David was a man of God. (Neh 12:24)

Numerous passages in the Old Testament identify men of God as prophets.
In that respect; Abraham was a man of God (Gen 20:7) and a whole bunch
of other people too, including women; e.g. Miriam (Ex 15:20) Deborah (Judg
4:4) Asahiah (2Kgs 22:14) and Huldah (2Chron 24:32).

Obviously then, if your church's officers aren't inspired; then they aren't
men of God; they're just church managers on a career path.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
2Tim 2:14 . . Command them in God's name to stop quarrelling over

In a Sean Connery movie titled "The Name Of The Rose" church dignitaries
assembled a meeting of the minds to reach a resolution on a theological
question which was: Did the Christ own the clothes that he wore or not?

Well, needless to say, the discussion turned into bickering wherein nothing
was resolved. Tempers flared, shouting ensued, feelings were hurt, and
people were alienated over the issue-- a rather trifling issue; which is
precisely what it means to fiddle while Rome burns down around you.

Christians are often embroiled in arguments over things that in the grand
scheme of things have almost zero importance while all around them are
weightier matters begging their attention.

It's interesting that Paul didn't want Timothy's flock instructed to avoid
quarrelling over trifles, rather, to stop quarrelling. I can't help but wonder
how many Christians think to seek absolution for the sin of quarrelling over
trifles when they go to confession.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
2Tim 2:24a . . The Lord's bond-servant must not be quarrelsome

Sometimes it's best to follow Han Solo's advice and "let the Wookie win
one". In other words; when one is wise; two are happy. Be the wise one and
pick your fights carefully. Don't expend your energies on hot button topics;
they'll just lead to anger, frustration, demeaning comments, and flaming

Especially avoid getting into discussions with obtuse individuals driven by a
rather annoying propensity to challenge everything you say simply because
they thrive on perpetual debating that never gets to the bottom of anything.

Another thing: Do you really have to be right all the time? People are
entitled to a second opinion so let them have one. It's good diplomacy;
which can be defined as skill in handling affairs without arousing hostility,
i.e. tact.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
2Tim 2:24b-26 . . The Lord's servant must . . be kind to all, apt to teach,
patient when wronged, with gentleness correcting those who are in
opposition, if perhaps God may grant them a change of heart leading to the
knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from
the snare of the Devil, having been held captive by him to do his will.

The all in "be kind to all" really should be taken to mean all in Christian
congregations rather than all in the world. The reason being, according to
Eph 4:11-16, Christ doesn't dispense his servants for the world's benefit,
rather, for his body's benefit.

For the above reason; Sunday school teachers need to treat the people in
church who oppose them with the same sympathy and consideration as they
would patients in a mental hospital who lack the faculties to know what
they're doing and/or to think for themselves; hence the instructions to be
kind, gentle, and patient because according to the last words in that
passage, those folks are entangled in a bit of spiritual difficulty not easily
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