Who is the 'Wounded Beast' of Rev 13?

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New Member
Aug 27, 2008
After quite some time reading and analyzing the history of the world since WWII to the present, I have come to wonder whether the Wounded Beast of Revelation 13 is Fascism. And that fascism is rearing it's ugly head in the guise of the United States of America. For anyone who is interested, it is well documented that although Germany was defeated in WWII, the Third Reich was not. It was exported - to America and Russia. The post-war nuclear, space and military programs of the super powers were expanded rapidly, thanks to German scientists and engineers who went to work for these countries. However, the military leaders that escaped mostly went to South America, and their influence is felt there to this day. To all the world it appeared that Fascism with the 'Third Reich' was destroyed. But if we look at events in the world today, particularly in the US, it appears that this servant of the Beast is on the rise again. I know that this may be very hotly disputed here, but it is my conviction that the US government (not it's people) is most likely going to surface as the new face of Fascism in the world. Read Rev 13 carefully and ask yourself 'of all the countries in the world, who could this apply to?'It is interesting that it is well documented that Nazi Germany was largely a product of big US and British finance including J P Morgan and the Bank of England. They jointly financed Hitler's rise, and made billions from Germany's military buildup. Germany paid for this largely from the wealth confiscated from the Jews. It was only after 1941 when the US came into the war that big business in the US was prohibited from profiting from Germany and Japan. So, instead they switched sides, and poured their finance into Russia and Britain. Don't you love big banks! And who do the big banks control now? Governments. And the US has been in hock up to it's eyeballs to the Federal Reserve ever since the big banks opened their cheque books to finance the US military machine. It is also well documented that the US was actually pro-Germany (officially 'neutral') until well after the start of WWII. So, it was only natural that the US would welcome the contribution of German scientists and engineers after the war, since the US had financed their expertise in the first place.Rev 13:3 One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and the whole earth marveled as they followed the beast. fits the bill very well that the US is the 'second coming' of fascist Germany.It is also sobering to read: Rev 13:10 If anyone is to be taken captive, to captivity he goes; if anyone is to be slain with the sword, with the sword must he be slain. Here is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints. It has been a master stroke of deception that Christians in America and other countries have been led to believe that their government is 'Christian'. It has gotten away literally with murder because of this, just as Hitler got away with it in Germany.This would seem to fulfill the following verse: Rev 13:11 Then I saw another beast rising out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon. US presidents (along with many others - including Tony Blair and our former Prime Minister John Howard), have often pretended to be 'Christian', yet their behaviour has mostly been anything but that resembling Christ. Simply calling yourself 'Christian' is no indication of being one. As I have said before, governments can never be called Christian - only people can. And with only a few exceptions, leaders of governments rarely exhibit the nature of Christ. It is ironic that the national leader who most demonstrated characteristics resembling Christ in the last century or more was a non-christian - Ghandi.I remember my mother (a Christian lady) back in the '70's telling me that she was convinced that the US would one day manifest itself as the new Nazi Germany. I didn't have a clue what she was talking about at the time, but maybe she was more prophetic than I could have imagined.Sorry to offend those who believe in the 'Christian' label of the US. I believe that the US has some of the finest Christians and Christian institutions on the planet, but unfortunately has at the same time been the target of the finest efforts of deception the enemy has ever worked in history against a nation.I truly do pray - God Bless America.


New Member
Apr 10, 2006
One of the Nations (heads) of the one World system Antichrist (Satan)will heal this deadly wound when he comes in peacefully and prosperously


New Member
Aug 27, 2008
Yes, and that is what appears to be the case with the US. She has prospered and enjoyed 'relative' peace while the wheels have been put in motion toward the current situation. Remember George Bush Snr. when he came out with the declaration of the 'New World Order' after the first Gulf war in 1991? Who do you think is going to be the enforcer of this? Talk about being brazen. They don't even care now who knows what is going on, nothing (it seems) will stop the agenda now.I hope I am wrong about all this. Someone please show me a different perspective on these events! I am very open to seeing things from a different point of view, but the more I research, the more concerned I get.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2006
The first beast [Rev 13:1-10] is the emerging one-world political/religious system that we see gaining strength and power at a breakneck speed in our present generation. This confederacy of all the world's Nations, Educational systems (Media), Monetary systems, and most importantly the Religions will be in effect under the rule of one Governing body. This will make it possible for the antichrist to step in, take the reins, and assume control of most every soul on the planet. This antichrist is the second beast of Revelation chapter thirteen, and he is satan himself, who comes first before Jesus Christ's Second Advent, and he claims to be the True prophesied Messiah. Revelation 13:3 "And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.The second beast is satan as the anti christ who will heal the wound,pretending to be Christ,which is why all the world will wonder after himRevelation 13:4 "And they worshipped the dragon which [because he] gave power [his authority] unto the the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?The political beast has another head, and it is the head of an religious beast. When the authority behind this political beast arrives on earth, at that time the people of the world will call him "saviour". That authority [in verse two] is Satan, the dragon, and he is cast onto the earth by Michael. The "head wound" is not to an individual then, but to a "political system". When one of the major players drops out of that system, it will be in serious trouble of ending. We see also that if the system is world wide, no one could make war with it, for their all part of it.