Why is Trump ignoring a MAJOR CONSPIRACY ?

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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
There is now sufficient evidence to show that the coronavirus pandemic was created to bring down Trump and destroy America and the free world. Yet – shockingly – Donald Trump has failed to address this evil when his own political future is at stake. This article below -- written by a respected medical doctor -- from WND News connects all the dots.

Tony Fauci and the Trojan horse of tyranny
Exclusive: W. Scott Magill, M.D., sees a 'brilliantly engineered coordinated campaign' against U.S.
By W. Scott Magill, M.D.

It is time to seriously question everything we are told regarding the physical and the cultural virus.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, in his role as longtime federal immunology bureaucrat, paid $3.7 million to the Wuhan laboratory for coronavirus development after the U.S. declared a moratorium on such funding. Fauci is joined at the hip with Bill Gates, paid for the scam VA study at the University of Virginia and has been on the payroll of the Clinton Foundation for years.

He is responsible for the death of thousands of Americans by leading the opposition to a drug regimen that is at least a 91% effective in curing SARS-CoV2 infections – thereby violating his Oath – "First do no harm" – and his responsibility to America and Americans.

Now he gleefully flaunts the success of Remdesivir, which was initially developed in 2016 to fight against Ebola and made by Gilead Biosciences as the "cure" for COVID-19. Bear in mind that Dr. Fauci reportedly has close ties to, through the Clinton Foundation, the director-general of the World Health Organisation (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who appears to promote whatever Xi Jinping wants him to promote. And who holds the patent on Remdesivir? – China.

A convoluted issue indeed, with Gilead stating it patented Remdesivir in China and the Wuhan Institute of Virology filing a patent application on Jan. 4, 2020.

It appears that to the becoming-infamous Dr. Fauci, truth and reality are only a reflection of his desires at any given moment, and that is subject to change in the next moment. As reported by One American News this week, in 2005, he knew that hydroxychloroquine was "effective against viruses genetically related to COVID-19." However, when it became troublesome to his financial and social Trojan horse, he contradicted President Trump and global experience and experts during a Task Force briefing on March 20, 2020, saying, "You got to be careful saying 'fairly effective.' …" – effectively saying, a la Obi Wan, "America, these are not the drugs you're looking for – move along."

With a brilliant piece of journalism, two terms not used together often, by Tucker Carlson in March, the Fox host destroyed any doubt that the Wuhan coronavirus came from the Wuhan Virology Lab. Subsequently, Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo have confirmed there is abundant credible evidence that, in point of fact, the leak from the Wuhan Lab was the start of a global pandemic. These truths do not seem to meld with Dr. Fauci's desired reality, and he firmly stated, there is "no evidence" that SARS-CoV2 escaped from a Chinese lab. Although it is possible that infected horseshoe bats were brought into the Wuhan Institute of Virology and the virus escaped during guiltless experiments, this was not mentioned. Instead, Fauci answered the unasked question, emphatically stating that the scientific evidence is "very, very strongly leaning toward this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated." Does the gentleman protest too much?

And just who, or what is Gilead Biosciences? Gilead is partnered with Wuxi Pharmaceuticals, an international pharmaceutical, biopharmaceutical and medical device company. According to Wikipedia, "The company covers the development cycle through five core operations, including small molecule R&D and manufacturing, biologics R&D and manufacturing, cell therapy and gene therapy R&D and manufacturing, medical device testing, and molecular testing and genomics." And where, you may ask, is the company located? Wuxi Pharm was begun in Shanghai by Dr. Gi Li now with facilities also in Wuxi City and Suzhou, China, as well as facilities in St. Paul, Minnesota, Philadelphia and Atlanta. Wuxi Pharmaceuticals is owned by none other than America's own – George Soros.

The web becomes even more entangled as a reported owner of Gilead Bioscience is also … George Soros.

Holding this web together is the fact that Gilead has endorsed and is engaged with a drug purchasing group, UNITAID. UNITAID is an outgrowth of the United Nations, Millennium Declaration of 2000, which is now the U.N. Global Compact.

The large investors in UNITAID include WHO, George Soros, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and a partnership relationship with the Clinton Health Access Initiative. Both Drs. Fauci and Birx are associated with the Clinton Health Access Initiative.

When, you may ask, will Remdesivir go into production? On Feb. 12, 2020 – that is correct, Feb. 12 – 10 days after Trump initiated the China travel ban, Bloomberg reported:

"A Chinese drugmaker said it has started mass-producing an experimental drug from Gilead Sciences that has the potential to fight the novel coronavirus, as China accelerates its effort to find a treatment for the widening outbreak.

"Suzhou [China]-based BrightGene Bio-Medical Technology said in a statement filed to the Shanghai Stock Exchange on Tuesday night that it has developed the technology to synthesize the active pharmaceutical ingredients of Remdesivir, Gilead's drug that is a leading candidate to treat the highly infectious virus that's killed more than 1,000 people. The drug isn't licensed or approved anywhere in the world yet. …"

Of interest, HHS has already won a lawsuit against Gilead. "For nearly a decade, Gilead's price gouging on PrEP has prevented hundreds of thousands of Americans from accessing this technology, despite it being a taxpayer-funded invention," noted a statement by the PrEP4All Collaboration. "If HHS is truly invested in ending the HIV epidemic, it will use these patents as leverage to ensure that everyone who needs PrEP can get it."

Can there be any uncertainty as to why Dr. Fauci, who worked closely with Gilead, is strongly promoting its more expensive and less effective medication, which has already failed against Ebola, over a readily available, markedly affordable medication with a 91% success rate?


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018

Has America reached the point where what once was unthinkable became the unspeakable, and is now becoming the undeniable?

Consider the anti-liberty players: Anthony Fauci; George Soros; WHO and Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus; Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party; The Clinton Foundation; the FDA, which has tried to limit hydroxychloroquine to hospital use where the window of maximum effect has passed, and now approves the unproven and expensive Remdesivir; CDC, which requires fraudulent death certificates to bolster the COVID-19 death rate, dispensed test kits tainted with SARS-CoV2 and supports contact tracing as "KEY STRATEGY"; Bill and Melinda Gates; the media; the Democratic Party and its politicians; and countless numbers of influentials flying under the radar. Is there any reason to believe anything these domestic enemies say or offer?

Is there any reason America, the last great hope for humanity, should fall to a virus with a 99.6% survival rate, even if it's being manipulated by a well-orchestrated and executed malevolent plan by those with nefarious intentions? America will only fall if Americans continue to nurture their fear and refuse to stand against this stealthy malignancy eating away at the very core of freedom and liberty.

Is there any reason to believe that the SARS-CoV2 virus is not America's Trojan horse, or should we say Trojan virus? A Trojan horse that provides the tools for the left to weaponize the invisible enemy and empower it far beyond its inherent physical capabilities. America's Trojan horse provided the blueprint to America's anti-freedom left to brilliantly engineer a coordinated campaign against the American culture and society. A crusade of lies, blame, deceit, deception and false accusations all designed to spread division, fear and panic – like a virus – from coast to coast throughout our republic. All to accelerate America's rush to national suicide by the tyranny of socialism.

Remember, Americans don't give up; they stand up! Veterans in Defense of Liberty® is calling on all Americans to contact their elected officials, at the federal, state and local level, and advise them that we counsel every American to consider ALL INFORMATION from our federal government about the current pandemic worthless and false until the following six questions are entirely and plainly answered:

1. Hydroxychloroquine is cheap, safe, plentiful and at least 91% successful in curing COVID-19 when taken early in the disease process. Why is the federal government discouraging its use, thereby directly contributing to the avoidable deaths of tens of thousands of Americans?

2. Why did the FDA direct doctors to prescribe hydroxychloroquine only for hospitalized patients, by which time the drug's effectiveness is reduced, increasing the probability of death by delay?

3. Why has Dr. Fauci not been removed from the Coronavirus Task Force for conflict of interest since he and his pharmaceutical partners stand to make huge profits from any expensive COVID-19 vaccine developed later, while they earn nothing from cheap hydroxychloroquine cure available right now?

4. How was Dr. Fauci allowed to direct $3.7 million of American taxpayer money to conduct illegal virus research at the Chinese government's bioweapons laboratory in Wuhan, from which this virus may have escaped?

5. Communist China sickened the world, and now, with Dr. Fauci's full involvement, we will try to sell us the cure for the disease it caused. How is this not rewarding criminal behavior?

6. Since sound science and accurate data are essential for combating any pandemic, why have Dr. Birx and the federal government (CDC) directed doctors to classify the cause of death on the death certificate to grossly inflate the COVID-19 death rate even if they only "assume" COVID-19; while other primary causes of death exist?

If Americans stand NOW and proclaim to the world that America is open for business, that America is back, then, as President Lincoln proclaimed in his Annual Address to the U.S. Congress, Dec. 1, 1862, "The way is plain, peaceful, generous, just – a way which, if followed, the world will forever applaud, and God must forever bless."

"Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it." – Thomas Paine

Tony Fauci and the Trojan horse of tyranny - WND
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Trump is only the President of USA, so such is a no body really as to the power behind who controls the USA or the world, people who are not seen behind all this. any President that tried to expose this Mob were all killed, JFK for one was going to expose them and got shot, just as was the other President who got shot before him was going on about the same Mob and he got shot as well.

The average person has no idea of the criminal intent of this Mob. they are set to undermine all, they are Satanist who have been bringing about the demise of everything any healthy Nation needs, the Media is a great whore and the governments are always trying to encourage the dregs of society, empowering them, Homosexuals and such lifted up as Saints to behold and if one does not respect such then you are ridiculed beyond belief, such very much like Nazi Germany in how they dictated over the people with such tactics, the game play has changed it's spots ? but the intention is the same, to have a people living in fear of big brother in the main. we are all being marked and all must come under the umbrella of Socialist Political power, this dominates over all like a Vampire of Correctness. a bastardised correctness it's Called Political Correctness and this is the key to the powers that the Communist and the Nazis had, so as to lord it over their Nations and with out this tool they would never of got off the ground in fact ! they are as Jesus said of, from their Father of lies and were murders from the beginning.
When one understand how all the wars come about, then we can come to see there works at play.

This is a Man devised virus no doubt and just a dry run for now, in the games ahead that such Satanist are playing.

There is a Mob of the worlds most wealthy that meet every year and we are not even allowed to know what the hell it is that they are talking about.
The Media is not allowed to say a word to us about what is said, but the real thing that gets on my goat about this is that the majority don't demand that such crap like that get away with such.
That Mob are full on thumbing their noses at the Majority ! as to despise us all ? who the hell do they think they are ! everything is hidden from us ? we have no rights to know ? yet we sit like dupes ready for the slaughter, not questioning them at all ! for the Media could not give a toss as it has totally neglected the very foundations that I thought was such as a medias true value and that is to report to the Nations people anything and everything that maybe underhanded or maybe a threat to a healthy democracy. they clearly do not do such anymore as they are owned by the extreme wealthy grubs, not to mention they are filthy so called Jews who clearly have no real morals at all. the proof in in the pudding. what does one expect from Carnal bastards, not to mention we are being tolled that we have to respect all such Anti-Christ bastards ! that is clearly the work of Satan and only Hellfire comes from such workings and I am not surprised at all as we will all reap what has been sown.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
He (Trump) is apparently ignoring this major conspiracy because a) he wants to play that Machiavellian part of keeping his enemies closer than even his friends, and then down the road, with an iron-clad case and legal force he will destroy them all. b) he is part of this conspiracy... c) he is really ignorant of it d) He does not really care because he has many resources and money for himself and his family e) he knows of it and wants to fight it by making deals and appeasing others, using his business style and efforts he has already applied with others in the country and internationally - all for his country's welfare and safety. Take your pick of one letter..a through e

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
As one UK paper recently said..

“What a strange virus,”.... “It comes out of nowhere. Everyone has it. But nobody knows anyone who has it. It becomes the sole cause of death as all other causes of death disappear.”

How true in this statement. You cannot die of natural causes these days. It will be labelled on one's death certificate as a COVID-19 death. Died of wounds and missing body bodies from a shark attack, but he tested positive for the COVID....another COVID death then..

Why are most folks not smelling coffee when it is brought right up to their nostrils? Mentally or spiritually 'dead I guess?!'


One UK newspaper ....wonder which one that was !!( none of them are much good )
I have known quite a few people who have had it, three of my children !!
My work mates friend died from it , within three days of becoming unwell- his funeral was last Friday.
My sister in laws neighbour , her daughter died from it , she lives just round the corner from me.......her other neighbour had it, was in hospital for a few weeks , but pulled through..............I could go on .........


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
One UK newspaper ....wonder which one that was !!( none of them are much good )
I have known quite a few people who have had it, three of my children !!
My work mates friend died from it , within three days of becoming unwell- his funeral was last Friday.
My sister in laws neighbour , her daughter died from it , she lives just round the corner from me.......her other neighbour had it, was in hospital for a few weeks , but pulled through..............I could go on .........

Well Rita I do understand your view and it is regrettable, although I also see the Daily Mail's view. It does make a relevant point concerning the mislabeling of many, many deaths not associated with this virus, as the cause of death itself. Happens all over the globe..

That was the point Rita,

Blessed Day!



Yes, I agree, but , as I keep saying, it doesn’t prove that the virus is not real or deadly for some .....
Daily mail - hmmmm no comment !! Lol
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Yes, I agree, but , as I keep saying, it doesn’t prove that the virus is not real or deadly for some
When a virus is weaponized to destroy societies, it does not matter whether it real or not. Of course it is real, but it has been used to further a nefarious agenda. And you can see the result all over the world.

There is no doubt that Wuhan virus was weaponized and that there was a conspiracy to use it primarily against the West, and particularly against America. Almost no government has called this bio-warfare, and responded appropriately, even though it has been known for many years that China was working on bio-weapons (along with major cyber-warfare).

Also, don't forget that it was your feckless Boris Johnson who wanted to open the doors to China wide open with the 5G technology (even after being warned by his own cabinet and other governments), so that the UK would be under the thumb of China. And as we know from other news reports, the government of the UK did a sloppy job of responding to the pandemic and many died because of that. This is not to say that the United States or Canada handled this much better.


When a virus is weaponized to destroy societies, it does not matter whether it real or not. Of course it is real, but it has been used to further a nefarious agenda. And you can see the result all over the world.

There is no doubt that Wuhan virus was weaponized and that there was a conspiracy to use it primarily against the West, and particularly against America. Almost no government has called this bio-warfare, and responded appropriately, even though it has been known for many years that China was working on bio-weapons (along with major cyber-warfare).

Also, don't forget that it was your feckless Boris Johnson who wanted to open the doors to China wide open with the 5G technology (even after being warned by his own cabinet and other governments), so that the UK would be under the thumb of China. And as we know from other news reports, the government of the UK did a sloppy job of responding to the pandemic and many died because of that. This is not to say that the United States or Canada handled this much better.
Yes, I agree about 5G, but many just see it as progress with technology , so I don’t think many are overly concerned. One group of David ikes followers started to burn the towers down........but he is so weird that his theories went so overboard that any real hidden agendas got lost in all the rubbish he added to his theories Have you heard the latest that Boris doesn’t believe the virus started deliberately ..........I keep an open mind on that one as I think both are possible, China wasn’t honest and open about what was going on in the first - place.......either way the damage has been done.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
Yes, I agree about 5G, but many just see it as progress with technology , so I don’t think many are overly concerned. One group of David ikes followers started to burn the towers down........but he is so weird that his theories went so overboard that any real hidden agendas got lost in all the rubbish he added to his theories Have you heard the latest that Boris doesn’t believe the virus started deliberately ..........I keep an open mind on that one as I think both are possible, China wasn’t honest and open about what was going on in the first - place.......either way the damage has been done.
I don't think most world leaders were completely honest and open about it in the beginning. It's hard for me to criticize them since I think they didn't want to cause a panic unnecessarily. They thought they could contain it but then found out it was more dangerous than they had thought. Look at how Johnson behaved before he caught it. He was involved in risky behavior. So was Trump, visiting India and making campaign stops. Trump was luckier than Johnson. China also probably thought they could solve it easily. Suppose China had locked down the whole country at the beginning and only a handful of people died. People would have said, "You locked down the country when this virus didn't amount to a hill of beans?" President Xi would have been the most unpopular person in China -- and hated around the world too for causing problems for other countries.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
I have known quite a few people who have had it, three of my children !!
My work mates friend died from it , within three days of becoming unwell- his funeral was last Friday.
My sister in laws neighbour , her daughter died from it , she lives just round the corner from me.......her other neighbour had it, was in hospital for a few weeks , but pulled through..............I could go on .........

I'm sorry to hear of your experience. Even the truth has become politically incorrect for the far right, these days. As President George W. Bush says, this should not be a partisan issue, but it has become so.

And thereby, a great many more people will die than is necessary.