You need never be ashamed

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Frank Lee

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2017
Ouachita Mountains
United States
You may be going through something right now. Something very hard. More than likely it's more than one thing. I submit this brief word with the hope it will lift the heart and hands of a Christian that is afflicted with the tribulations so abundant in this life. Lift mine too. God spoke to me last night "you may be suffering hardships but you need never be ashamed because of them".

Hebrews 12:12 KJVS
Wherefore lift up the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees;

Maybe part of your afflictions are physical or health related. A condition or many of them in your body that are unbearably painful and debilitating. My wife is pretty much crippled from the effects of an automobile accident that damaged her knees. An uninsured driver caused that long ago wreck and her knees shoved in the metal dash by 6". That uninsured driver and his passengers were going home from church. After the wreck they never even came to see if we were dead or alive. A separate sermon could be preached here. They hurt me more by their coldness than by my injuries.

My head had broken out the windshield. Our fine little car which had just been paid off was totaled. She now can barely walk at a snails pace and that with tears. My heart breaks for me the wife of my bosum. She refuses to ever use a wheel chair. Ever I mean. She is determined to not to fail at pushing on. She is one of my real faith heroes.

Having been a hard worker all of my life I find my body now suffering from many afflictions. I need a right shoulder replacement that was diagnosed about 8 years ago. Probably need repair on the left one too. Also a left CMC thumb joint replacement is needed. These are bone on bone and have been hot many years. Many other fails of flesh are present also. Acid reflux, peripheral neuropathy in both feet, a 16" steel rod in my left leg from when a horse rolled on me. Because of meds I cannot have a BM without first taking an enema. I've been doing this for nearly a year. It is hard to get down on the floor and back up with my painful conditions yet I must to stay alive. I say this not for any self pity but as example of the afflictions which face us all in one form or another. Paying for pain meds is another burden. When tempted to feel sorry for myself I remember my younger brother, a 100% DAV. He's had 11 surgeries and takes 18-20 meds a a day to live. He breathes on a machine to sleep. He's my inspiration. He also walks 3-4 miles frequently. I'm in better shape yet he pushes on as a believer too.

The people who condemn those that take pain meds never ever ever have any solution as what to do instead. They condemn from a position of advantage. They are quick to tell you you're wrong but have no answers for you. They don't even offer to pray.

Even so friends people are cruel, we have no reason to be ashamed because we suffer tribulations. Men will try to heap shame and condemnation on you but that is man's nature. Trying to exalt themselves because they are not suffering the things that have come against you. As if they are more righteous because they are healthier, more prosperous etc. It's so easy to criticize those that are suffering. God will deal with my Christians that do so. Before God sent our son women, Christian women, would shame my wife with their catty remarks because she had not conceived. Shame is the most commonly traded commodity on earth. It is freely dispensed by those who see themselves as righteous and holy. You wouldn't do that would you?

Note; never unrighteously judge another for their actions when you have not walked where they walk and have no solution to their life threatening hardships and problems. I find that those who do judge unrighteous judgement will get their turn at bat. Brother Job got his. As he was so pitifully lamented about in "but now it touches YOU" . Job said "the things I despised have own become my sorrowful supper" . Amazing how many attitudes change when IT, whatever it may be, touches YOU. When you do get your chance at bat and strike out. I've done it and learned, quickly I hope!

Perhaps you're going through chronic pain and financial distress too. They go hand in hand. Behind on bills and not enough money for food, utilities, medicines, gasoline, car payments, children's needs and the thousand other things we need just to eake out a meager existence. The plumbing needs repair and the roof leaks the car needs tires and the gas tank is empty. The kids need school money and new coats. Forget about the seed faith TV preachers and confessions of great wealth. The rest of us, the ones that have genuine faith, are busy fighting the good fight of faith and violently taking back the kingdom of God.

Matthew 11:12 KJVS
And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.

What is it this kingdom? Three things only. Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

Romans 14:17 KJVS
For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost..

Other hardships are addictions, family and personal relationship issues. Marriage problems which are so terribly painful. These and scores of others war against believers and unbelievers alike. Thanks be to God we believers have an eternal refuge in our savior while those in the world struggle on in their own pitiful weakness. Thank God I now know I'm weak. At last I now know. As Pogo the great thinker said "we has met the enemy and dey is us"!

If you are faithful to God and are following hard after Jesus in your life then you need never be ashamed. After a lifetime of troubles, tragedies, heartaches and afflictions I am surprised that I, we, are so pressed at this late period of life. Somehow I believed, hoped that I would be living more at ease and have fewer, smaller trials after decades of fierce battles. I still hope and pray. But for Christians we must always be suited up in God's armor with the sword of the spirit in one hand - our tongue - and the shield of faith in the other.

You and I must never be, never ever be ashamed because we suffer hardships and afflictions. Some times I feel I'm not going to be able to take it, to stand up to all that is heaped against me. This forces me to do everything I can to lay hold on God and really roll my multitude of trials onto the immeasurably strong shoulders of Jesus the savior. After I release all to Him I manage to move back to the shadow of His wings, His peace that is, my soul returns to it's rest.

How to start the shift of the load onto Jesus? Pour it out. Really pour it out. Get down with Him and tell Him everything. Hates, fears, lusts, sins, failures. All of it. Stay quietly with Him until nothing arises in your spirit to pour out. Then the peace will come.

The pour it all out scripture

Psalm 62:8 KJVS
Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us. Selah.

Psalm 116:7 KJVS
Return unto thy rest, O my soul; for the Lord hath dealt bountifully with thee.

Because we are so weak we must truly believe as brother Paul tells us, that we can be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. That we really can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. But only after being humbled to know how weak we are. It's a blessing knowing His resources of strength are available to us. To me. To you. Right now.

"Me and papa shot a bear but papa shot it." Let Jesus shoot your bears. He never misses.

Realizing that you are indescribably weak opens the valve so that the immeasurable strength of Christ can flow into and onto you, to me. Let the weak say I am strong. Strong in Him though. Not your ability.

We need never ever be ashamed because we suffer troubles. The trouble you suffer is no measure of the love God has for you. You need not be ashamed. Don't you dare let either the devil or men try to heap shame on you because of hardships. They will try.

Again friends, the troubles you suffer, the ones of course that are not due to sin or sinful ways, are no measure of the love and care that the Heavenly Father has for you.

Joel 2:26-27 KJVS
And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed.
[27] And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the Lord your God, and none else: and my people shall never be ashamed.

Finally brethren again you need never look down and be ashamed because you suffer afflictions of all sorts. Remember every character in the Bible and what terrible afflictions they endured. Yet they were beloved of God and so are you.

Romans 1:16 KJVS
For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.

2 Timothy 1:12 KJVS
For the which cause I also suffer these things: nevertheless I am not ashamed: for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.

The just shall live by their faith...

And I think that I also have the spirit of God. Amen
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
Frank Lee, I can not fully express how deeply your testimony touched me this morning. Your words made such an impact. While reading all you have endured; one moment I am crying, the next consumed with indescribable peace and joy. How can I cry for your pain and then also rejoice in your sufferings. It doesn't seem right. You have feed us meat here, and I pray somehow I can do a fraction in return by sharing with you the things He spoke while reading your post. If any of it is self, please discard it as trash. But to not share with you the power of your testimony, would be disgrace.

Men will try to heap shame and condemnation on you but that is man's nature. Trying to exalt themselves because they are not suffering the things that have come against you. As if they are more righteous because they are healthier, more prosperous etc. It's so easy to criticize those that are suffering. God will deal with my Christians that do so.

"healthier, more prosperous" Frank Lee, you are so rich towards God. I know you are already aware, but I must speak it. God has added unto you: His righteousness, His Grace, His Mercy, clean raiment, manna from heaven, living water for your thirst, eyesalve for your eyes, gold tried in the fire, patience, endurance, long suffering, HOPE, FAITH, LOVE. The presses burst with new wine. Regardless of what the physical says: you are so rich with riches that do not perish.

As he was so pitifully lamented about in "but now it touches YOU" . Job said "the things I despised have own become my sorrowful supper" . Amazing how many attitudes change when IT, whatever it may be, touches YOU. When you do get your chance at bat and strike out. I've done it and learned, quickly I hope!

We need never ever be ashamed because we suffer troubles. The trouble you suffer is no measure of the love God has for you. You need not be ashamed. Don't you dare let either the devil or men try to heap shame on you because of hardships. They will try.

Please, please, consider that the devil has not done this to you or your wife or your family. God has done it. In Job we see a conflict: many will say Satan brought Job low, others will say it was God. We see the same conflict throughout the word. Does God bring calamity? Or Satan? This became so apparent in reading your testimony, and from what I have also experienced. Someone once said and it has stuck with me: to many Christ is the Lion,

to others Christ is first the Lion and then they see Him as the Lamb. Consider this, who put Jesus on the cross? Does Satan get the glory? Or the LORD? After reading your testimony, I will no longer give the devil power over my life or any praise of it. God brought me to my knees. Not Satan. God worked a wonder and a miracle through the suffering. Frank Lee, please shout it from the roof tops...The LORD has done a mighty work in your life. Job had heard of God, but after suffering Job was brought low to: NOW my eyes have seen. Again, I ask you: who do we give the power and glory of the Crucifixion? the devil, or GOD. Who do we say tries us with the fire that produces gold?

Perhaps you're going through chronic pain and financial distress too. They go hand in hand. Behind on bills and not enough money for food, utilities, medicines, gasoline, car payments, children's needs and the thousand other things we need just to eake out a meager existence. The plumbing needs repair and the roof leaks the car needs tires and the gas tank is empty. The kids need school money and new coats. Forget about the seed faith TV preachers and confessions of great wealth. The rest of us, the ones that have genuine faith, are busy fighting the good fight of faith and violently taking back the kingdom of God.

Galatians 3:5 He therefore that ministereth to you the Spirit, and worketh miracles among you, doeth he it by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?

As a sister to a brother, the power of God rests upon you. This may be old news to you but: the greatest act of love you can give the LORD is to forgive the ones that injured you, your wife, and your family. As Jesus Christ walked and performed miracles amongst man, with everything that I am I believe it is still possible today. You have the power to lay hands of forgiveness on those that have mocked, ridiculed, damaged, wounded, killed, tried to destroy, stolen from you, and rejected you and those of your household. I don't know how or when: maybe in the future when you are no longer present in the physical to see it, maybe in their children, or in their children's, Frank Lee, have God's power resting upon you to really impact lives for the kingdom of God. You have the power of God on you to open the eyes of the blind, to open the ears of the deaf, to heal and bind the brokenhearted, to feed a hungry Spirit, to provide living water to the thirsty, and to raise the dead to life (wholeness of Spirit(mind,body,soul)). These people that hate and injure and hurt you, your enemies: they know no different. You have the power resting on you to change all that for them and possibly their generations.

And I think that I also have the spirit of God. Amen

Yes, you do! Thank you for sharing your testimony with us! I hope you don't take any of this as offensive, or that I am asking you to agree; the intended purpose is to encourage with the same encouragement you give us.

2 Thessalonians 1:11-12
[11] Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power: [12] That the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and ye in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
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Frank Lee

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2017
Ouachita Mountains
United States
Each of us that is saved and has the gift of the in filling of the Holy Spirit Is another hand of God. We have an entire world around us that is perishing. Whatever little corner we dwell in we have been put there by God. No accident.

Your ministry is near not far.

Proverbs 17:24 KJVS
Wisdom is before him that hath understanding; but the eyes of a fool are in the ends of the earth.

The small things are important.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Frank...another thank you beautiful testimony of endurance in the faith.

@Frank Lee
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