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  • That's a nice bird, what kind is it?
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    Reactions: Helen
    I am British by birth, but have lived in Canada for the last 44 years , came here when I was 34 . So it is a very cute cheeky little British Robin. They are very friendly and will sit by a person with their head cocked sideways while they garden, and jump into the hole which is dug and pull out a worm. The Robin here are large , much like the size of British Thrush. Not friendly , but I like 'em.
    Over here the robins seem to be bigger; or at any rate what my wife seems to call robins.
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    Reactions: Helen
    Hi Helen, how are you all? and thanks for the encouragement.

    Love always, Walter and Debbie
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    Reactions: Helen
    Doing well in isolation haha! It must be harder on the younger ones, being older it is not much different than usual :D Hope all is good for you. Strange and 'different' times for sure. But, we- "look up as our Salvation draweth nigh" ✟
    Amen, Please, keep InTouch, we will be in much prayer.

    Walter and Debbie
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    Reactions: Helen
    Hi, did you change your screen name, Ms Helen? :)
    Yes I did LOL
    Everyone knows that my name is Helen...so I thought- Why not just use it!! haha!!
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    Reactions: farouk
    Sounds a good idea... :)
    How is my friend feeling lately? Headaches letting up at all?
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    Reactions: Helen
    I wish...I am on here as you can see...and I feel a strong urge to get off because of my head!! But I'm going to read a few more posts firsts LOL xxxxxx
    Has anyone layed hands on you? I'm thinking Dave has? You are ever in my prayers and I'm starting to get more fervent concerning you my sister. Just like the 2 summers ago when you were in that horrid state with your A-Fib...everyday, after morning prayer, first thing I did was always check on here to see if God delivered you...doing the same now. xo
    I went to Menton years ago. Spurgeon stayed at the Beau Rivage Hotel there, near the border with Italy. The hotel was still functioning when I visited, but it has been closed now for many years. (What blessed memories...as long as they relate to the Word...)
    Hi Helen, and how are you all? I was reading some of your post, that you have a great bit of study as you continue in his words of life.
    Still no word from Mark? I haven’t heard a thing.
    Before he went he told me about moving his mum...then said I may not hear from him for a week...that week ended on Friday. :(
    I wrote to on Friday evening, but I have had no response. Still hoping !! How come you don't allow inbox messages? :)
    Larry2 is new and a big time friend
    it will be worth your while to get to know him
    he's very knowledgeable spiritually and close to God
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    Reactions: Helen
    Oh good..glad you brought me into the loop. :) Thank you, I will read some of his posts .......
    There are currently 41,000 different Christian denominations

    This is the thread I am referring to.....I am having a hard time articulating my point and getting it across the right way...maybe I should retitle it....thanks.
    I want you to know , some one is posting for me at times. I do not know why ?
    Love in Christ
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