4 Horsemen of Revelation Part 3

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The 1st, White Horse(man) of Revelation 6 is often supposed to be "conquest", and/or to be the "Antichrist", and the bow he has is often supposed to be "a covenant with Israel confirming its rights to the land of Israel/Palestine". However we are not so certain of this for various reasons. Having surveyed possible candidates for the 2nd, Red Horse(man) and 3rd, Black Horse(man) we now look at possible candidates for the 1st, White horse(man) (WH for short below), and we will afterwards look at the 4th, "pale" horse(man) in another following post.

Revelation 6:
"And I watched/saw when/that opened the Lamb one of the 7 seals, and I heard one of the 4 living creatures saying, like/with a voice of thunder, "Come" and I looked and behold, a horse white, and the (one) sitting on it having/had a bow. and was given to him a crown, and he went/came forth overcoming/conquering, and that he might conquer."

Zechariah 1 & 6:
"1:8 I saw (a vision) by/in (the) night, and behold, a man riding (up)on a red horse, and he stood among the myrtle trees that (were) in the bottom/ravine; and behind him (were there) red horses, brown/speckled, and white. ....
6:3 and in the 3rd chariot white horses; and in the 4th chariot grisled-and-bay/dappled horses, (all of them powerful.) .... The black horses which (are) therein go forth/out into/toward the north country; and the white go/went forth/out after them; and the grisled/dappled go/went forth toward the south country."

The White Horse(man) has these possible candidates that we can see:
- Napoleon.
- United Nations / League of Nations.
- "Christianity"/WASPs &/or the Pope.
- Islam (white/"submission/peace").
- Spring phase of Western culture (white/spring, 1st of 4 horses / 1st of 4 phases).
- The "Antichrist" (similar to White Horse Rev 16, bow/covenant, conquer / world ruler).
- World peace.
- Enlightenment (white/light).
- European Imperialism/Colonialism.
- Covid-19 (crown/corona).
- White House.
- Pax Romana (white/peace, conquest).

We need to now give some reasons details for some of the above.

Napoleon is possible because:
The WH is associated with he 1st living creature who has face of a lion, and -leon of Napoleon's name can mean lion (though the name actually has a different etymology related to Naples or similar).
Napoleon rides a "(greyish) white" or "(light) grey" horse Marengo or Coco in some depictions/description.
Napoleon rode and conquered like the WH does. Napoleon was "one of the greatest conquerors of world history".
The 4 Horsemen comes after the 7th church of Laodicea (London?) and before the Red Horse (WWI?)
The white horse(s) in Zechariah are implied to be in the west or east or also-the-north. Europe is west and north.
Napoleon was an emperor which can match the crown of the WH.
The bow and conquering are like Nimrod who Napoleon is similar to.
Or the bow could be the concordat or Napoleonic law code?

Christianity/WASPs &/or the Pope is possible because:
The White Horse of Revelation 6 is similar to the Lamb on the White Horse in Revelation 19, which is why the former is often supposed to be the "Antichrist". (The 10th avatara of Vishnu in Hinduism also rides a white horse. The WH of Rev 6 is associated with 1st living creature with face of lion, which could also match Yeshua the Messiah as the Lion of Judah aka "Aslan". Some also correspond the 4 living creatures with 4 gospels/evangelists, which means the WH matches Matthew/Levi "written to Jews", which also supports match of the WH with "Christianity".) White often symbolises light, purity, cleanliness, chastity, innocence, sacrifice, lamb, and peace, which are all also linked with Christ/Christianity. The WH of Rev 6 can't actually be the true person Christ/Jesus though because it only has 1 crown while Christ has "many" in Rev 16. The Pope represents "Christianity" and is supposed to be the vicar of the son of God, and he is secretly Roman emperor and has an orb with cross on it symbolising "Christian" dominion over the globe (according to the BBC), so the Pope is also a anti type of Yeshua/Christ the king of kings.
The Pope also wears white and is even called the "White Pope". Christianity was mostly spread by "White" Europeans too. (Some say Pope can also mean "prince of peace", which is another match with both white and Yeshua.)
The bow the WH has might also point to Christianity &/or Pope: Old Testament/Covenant & New Testament/Covenant, and the Popes supposedly having Peter's keys/authority, and Popes and their envoys/legates/nuncios being recognised by European rulers as having primacy. The bow of the WH might also possibly match the Labrarum P & X symbol of Constantine?
The WH has a crown which can match Popes as secret emperors and rulers over kings and world, or can match Jesus as king of the Jews. (The Pope also wears a tiara crown, and has a sovereign state in the Vatican City. The crown could also relate to the wreath on the Labrarum symbol of Constantine?)
The WH's conquering/conquest could relate to "In this sign conquer" of Constantine. "Christianity" has been conquering the world since Constantine and pope Gregory etc, and especially since European imperialism and colonialism and missionaries expanding to Asia, Africa, Americas, Pacific, Australia, etc. So it can match the conquering of the White Horse. The alternative reading "overcoming" could also parallel Christ's & Messianics'/Christians' overcoming? It is notable that the conquering of the White Horseman doesn't include war (red horse?) but is like peaceful, which again matches "christianity".
The 1st three horsemen could also match the 3 sons of Noah, with the White one matching Shem, which again supports christianity/messianism. (The red one could match Ham, and the black one Japheth, while the pale one might be world.)
(Note not sure whether the White Horseman would be genuine messianism/christianity or fake Roman "christianity".)

European imperialism/colonialism is possible because:
White colour of horse can match White/Pale Europeans and especially British/English (compare white dragon in Arthurian, and white men in Robin Hood, and "WASPs").
Conquer can match Europeans conquered Americas, Africa, Australia, Pacific, Antarctica, Asia between about Columbus and the 20th century (esp British & French, & Spanish & Portuguese, & Russians, Dutch, Belgians, Germans, Italians).
Crown could match imperialism/empires (emperor) or British queen/king.
The WH is associated with 1st living creature with face of lion, which could link with British Empire/Commonwealth?

United Nations &/or World Peace are possible because:
I think I saw the League of Nations called a White Elephant?
White colour can match world "peace".
Conquer could match UN peacekeeper force?

In conclusion it looks like "Christianity" is the best candidate, or else Napoleon is the next best candidate. Therefore the 1st 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 horsemen of Revelation 6 may have either been already, or may already be here still galloping around, which would put us somewhere between Rev 6 and Rev 17. We have to next look at the 4th "Pale" Horse(man) in a coming post.

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